FALLING FOR NOLA by Katie Reus -review

💚 FALLING FOR NOLA by Katie Reus -review 💚

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date July 16, 2024

They started off on the wrong foot…

When Nola’s firefighter neighbor wakes her up for the third night in a row with his loud motorcycle, she has some choice words for him.

Once they clear the air, sparks fly between them…

Kayce falls for his neighbor from the first moment she yells at him, and he’s not alone in his attraction. But since they’re neighbors, she’s worried about the fallout if they part ways. Only he wonders why she thinks they’d ever break up…

REVIEW: FALLING FOR NOLA by Katie Reus is an adult, stand alone, romance novella focusing of thirty-five year old, fire inspector Kayce Laurent, and twenty-five year old artist Nola Cartier.

Told from dual omniscient third person perspectives (Kayce and Nola) covering approximately six months, FALLING FOR NOLA focuses on neighbors Kayce Laurent and Nola Cartier. After a late night stumble, Kayce Laurent and Nola Cartier agree to be civil neighbors but the attraction between them cannot be denied. Fearing a fall-out, Nola tries to keep her distance but life and circumstance throw our couple together.

The world and character building reveal some family history, energetic siblings, and well meaning neighbors.

The relationship between Kayce and Nola is one of immediate attraction but life and Nola’s fear of possible ramifications in the face of an inevitable break up keep our couple separated yet not. New Year’s Eve beckons, and Kayce is determined to claim Nola as his own. There are no $ex scenes.

FALLING FOR NOLA is a cute, sweet, engaging and fast paced story. The characters are charismatic; the romance is subtle.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy


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