Finding Mr. Write by Kelley Armstrong -a review

Finding Mr. Write by Kelley Armstrong -a review / / B&N / KOBO / Google Play / Chapters Indigo /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date June 25, 2024

Daphne McFadden is tired of rejection. After submitting her manuscript to dozens of agents, she’s gotten rejection after rejection, and now it’s time for something drastic. And so, Daphne submits her manuscript again… under a man’s name.

Imagine her surprise when it sells for big money at an auction and soon becomes a publicity darling. Only she needs a man to play her super macho alter ego Zane Remington. Enter Chris Stanton, who absolutely looks the part of a survivalist and has a talent for pressing her piss‑me‑off‑I‑dare‑you buttons while somehow being endearing at the same time. But Chris has a few secrets of his own, including the fact that he’s really an accountant who has no idea how to chop wood or paddle a canoe. When Daphne’s book becomes a bestselling sensation and they’re forced to go on tour together, Daphne finds herself wondering if this city‑boy geek is exactly what she needs to push her to claim her dreams.


REVIEW:FINDING MR WRITE by Kelley Armstrong is a stand alone, contemporary, adult, romance story line focusing on author Daphne McFadden and accountant Chris Stanton aka Zane Remington.

Told from omniscient dual third person perspectives (Daphne and Chris) FINDING MR. WRITE follows in the wake of Daphne McFadden’s struggle to get her manuscript aka latest book published. Believing the book would be better accepted from a male author, Daphne McFadden invented author Zane Remington, a pseudonym that would quickly need a face to be placed into public domain. Enter Chris Stanton, an accountant who claims to be a model and actor but a man who is completely unaware of what is about to transpire. As Daphne’s book becomes a number one best seller, a book and media tour requires a public face, and Chris is about to be thrown in head first. All does not go according to plan as guilt begins to blur the edges of success, and betrayal comes at the cost of Daphne’s life back home.

The world building follows Daphne and Chris as they continue their ruse. Daphne as ‘Zane’s assistant, and Chris as Zane Remington, number one best seller but someone is about to uncover the truth, and our couple must come clean or face the fall-out to come.

The relationship between Chris and Daphne begins when Daphne hires Chris to be the face of her new book. Chris claims to be an actor and a model but his own persona is predicated upon a lie. As the couple are forced to work together, their attraction to one another, cannot be denied. The $ex scenes are passionate but mostly implied.

We are introduced to several members of Daphne’s publicity and publishing team, most of whom are completely unaware of what is about to transpire.

FINDING MR. WRITE is a story of secrets and lies, betrayal and blackmail, friendships, family, acceptance and love. The premise is charming and captivating; the characters are desperate and dynamic; the romance is subtle.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

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Kelley Armstrong has been telling stories since before she could write. Her earliest written efforts were disastrous. If asked for a story about girls and dolls, hers would invariably feature undead girls and evil dolls, much to her teachers’ dismay. All efforts to make her produce “normal” stories failed.

Today, she continues to spin tales of ghosts and demons and werewolves, while safely locked away in her basement writing dungeon. She’s the author of the NYT-bestselling “Women of the Otherworld” paranormal suspense series and “Darkest Powers” young adult urban fantasy trilogy, as well as the Nadia Stafford crime series. Armstrong lives in southwestern Ontario with her husband, kids and far too many pets.


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