Fluke (Carmichael Family 3) by Adriana Locke-review tour

Fluke (Carmichael Family 3) by Adriana Locke-review tour

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date April 10, 2023


I need a fake ex-husband.

Let me explain …

I may have let it slip to my new co-workers that I have an ex-husband. Now they’re fascinated with the details, specifically with him.

Why wouldn’t they be? He’s gorgeous, has exceptional skills in the bedroom, and is determined to win me back.

But there’s a problem. He doesn’t exist.

The bigger problem? I have to produce him to save my job.

This is where you come in.

I’m seeking someone to play a smitten ex-husband for two weeks. You’ll need to remember our love story—details matter when it comes to romance! Please be prepared to travel in-state at a moment’s notice. We may be in close proximity and sharing a bed may be required.

One more thing—kisses are essential for optics as necessary.

If this sounds interesting or, at the very least, entertaining, let me know.


Your Future Ex-Wife


REVIEW:The Carmichael family is back at it again and the next debacle is even funnier than the last. As always, I recommend reading a series in order, even more so for this author because she is amazing, Fluke however can be read as a standalone.

Ms. Addy teases us with Jess and Pippa in the previous books and now that his story is finally here, I’m so sad that it is over! Jess and Pippa are childhood friends, who like so many of us, grew apart as they got older. Jess has been half in love with Pippa for years, but because of her parents, Pippa is weary when it comes to relationships. When Pippa puts her foot in her mouth and finds that she now needs an ex-husband, she thinks the world is crashing down around her. Just when all hope is lost, Jess is there for a perfect moment to save her. When Jess offers to be this fake ex-husband, she is over the moon for the help. However, Jess has a few conditions of his own that she needs to meet.

Jess gives off such golden retriever vibes! He’s loyal, funny, kind and always willing to help others. Watching these two and their romance bloom was moving and warm. Pippa was interesting, the issues that her parents caused were heartbreaking and then later as she learns to love herself and really open her heart, well it was just amazing. Jess was like a balm and a shield, both she needed to really thrive. The Carmichaels are a loving, crazy bunch of brothers that readers are going to love.

Ps. Banks is a nut and I need that story!!!

Reading Order and Previous Reviews

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sarah

USA Today bestselling author Adriana Locke lives and breathes books. After years of slightly obsessive relationships with the flawed bad boys dreamed up by other authors, she decided to create her own. She is the author of Tumble, the first novel in her Dogwood Lane series; the Exception series; the Gibson Brothers series; and the Landry Family series.

She resides in the Midwest with her husband, her sons, two dogs, two cats, and a bird. She spends a large amount of time playing with her kids, drinking coffee, and cooking. You can find her outside if the weather’s nice, and there’s always a piece of candy in her pocket. Besides cinnamon gummy bears, boxing, and random quotes, her next favorite thing is chatting with readers. She’d love to hear from you! Look for her at www.adrianalocke.com.

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