HE IS …CREED Pt 1 (Windwalkers 1) by Lisa Renee Jones-review tour

HE IS …CREED Pt 1 (Windwalkers 1) by Lisa Renee Jones-review tour

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date October 19, 2023

They created a weapon. And he is that weapon…

He was stationed at Area 51, a loyal soldier serving his country, and later injected with what he believed to be a standard vaccination, only it was an experiment. Now he’s a weapon, a man with skills like no other, who can travel with the wind, a man with darkness within that he battles every day of his life.

Then he meets Addie—the light to his darkness, the daughter of the man who created him. Addie is the only one who understands Creed, the only one who makes him feel more man than monster.

But there is war in the air between Creed, his fellow windwalkers, and Addie’s father. Creed will not allow himself, or the others like him, to live as pawns and weapons.

Now Addie must choose a side.
Her father or the man she loves.


REVIEW: HE IS …CREED Part 1 is the first instalment in Lisa Renee Jones’ contemporary, adult WINDWALKERS sci-fi, romance series focusing on supersoldier Creed, and scientist Dr. Addie Lawrence.

NOTE: HE IS ..CREED is the re-release and reimagined story first introduced as Michael/ The Legend of Michael (Zodius Series) but has been completely rewritten with new content, characters, names and premise.

Told from several first person perspectives including Creed and Addie HE IS …CREED follows Dr. Addie Lawrence as she struggles with a government experiment, using alien DNA to create an army of super soldiers, DNA injected without the soldiers’ permission. In the wake of her mother’s death from an automobile accident, Addie begins working at Area 51, continuing the work of her late mother, only to discover that her father General Lawrence, has been keeping secrets, and Addie’s life may be in danger. Enter super soldier Creed, the man with whom Addie will fall in love. What ensues is the building and fated relationship between Creed and Addie, and the potential fall-out as a super soldier with even more superior DNA threatens to take over the world.

The world building introduces some of the background surrounding the discover of the alien DNA, and the soldiers who have been injected. As the experiment continues to grow, some of the soldiers will find love, their fated mates, something the US government and army refuses to accept. The premise is a familiar story but entertaining and interesting, none the less.

The relationship between Creed and Addie is one of immediate attraction. Our couple are drawn towards one another, and the frequency of their interactions is increasing the likelihood of a fated coupling but all is not well; Creed has other plans, and pushes away the woman that calls to his heart. The $ex scenes are intimate and passionate without the use of over the top sexually graphic language and text.

There is a large ensemble cast of colorful and powerful secondary and supporting characters including fellow scientists Ava and Katie; super soldiers Caleb and Julian, as well as Addie’s father General Lawrence. Everyone has an ulterior motive, and no one is safe when the soldiers take control.

HE IS …CREED Part 1 introduces some of the background and build up of a powerful army made up of super soldiers, soldiers created to be used and controlled but there is enough human DNA mixed with the alien DNA that proves power comes from all sources, and the combination may threaten the world. The fast paced premise is intriguing and compelling; the romance is provocative and fated; the characters are powerful and determined. HE IS …CREED Part 1 ends on a cliff hanger-you have been warned.

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Reviewed by Sandy

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New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Lisa Renee Jones writes dark, edgy fiction including the highly acclaimed INSIDE OUT series and the upcoming, crime thriller The Poet. Suzanne Todd (producer of Alice in Wonderland and Bad Mom’s) on the INSIDE OUT series: Lisa has created a beautiful, complicated, and sensual world that is filled with intrigue and suspense.

Prior to publishing Lisa owned a multi-state staffing agency that was recognized many times by The Austin Business Journal and also praised by the Dallas Women’s Magazine. In 1998 Lisa was listed as the #7 growing women owned business in Entrepreneur Magazine. She lives in Colorado with her husband, a cat that talks too much, and a Golden Retriever who is afraid of trash bags.

Lisa loves to hear from her readers. You can reach her at www.lisareneejones.com and she is active on Twitter and Facebook daily.


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