Hell of an Angel by Christi Barth – a Review

Hell of an Angel by Christi Barth – a Review


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Raised in Hell. Living in Buffalo. And on the verge of accidentally destroying both realms…

Dark angel and actuary Evangeline Thayer hates taking unnecessary risks, but she knows becoming human will be worth it. All the creatures in Hell have bullied her about her negligible ‘power’ her whole life. And don’t get her started on why she has wings if she can’t even fly?!? She just needs a teensy bit of help with removing her power…which is where a very hot, very flirty, and absolutely infuriating Nephilim comes in.

Half-angel Gideon Durand has been fighting demons a long time, but he’s never heard of a dark angel. Least of all one this gorgeous, stubborn, and with the power to completely nullify evil. Maybe in Hell, that’s a weakness—but with an unknown evil on the loose and murdering Nephilim?—that’s a damned useful skill. So Gideon strikes a deal with Evangeline: he’ll scratch her wings…if she’ll scratch his.

Now good and evil are—temporarily—working together. And might even be having steamy fun…if it wasn’t for a rather inconvenient threat trying to unleash the apocalypse, once and for all.




Hell of an Angel by Christi Barth is the 2nd book in her Unlocking His Heart series. I did not read the first book, but it read very well as a standalone.  We meet Evangeline Thayer, when she meets three men who need help, as she is an actuary, who calculates risks for companies.  Evangeline lives in Buffalo, but was raised as a child in Hell, since she is a dark angel; she hated Hell as she was bullied, and eventually was able to escape and pretend to be human. She is also powerless, with only the ability to nullify those with evil powers, which she never uses, since she feels it is a curse; but Evangeline wants to live as a human, be safe and wants to remove the power she has.

Enter the three men, Gideon, Zaviar and Rhys, who want to hire Evangeline to help their business, which starts off on the wrong foot, when she overheard Gideon’s sarcastic comments. Little does she know that the three men are Nephilim warriors.  Later that night, Gideon is flying to check things out, and notices a girl on the ground and jumps down to save her.  Both are shocked, recognizing each other, and Eva was waiting for a ferry to take her to Hell to visit her aunt, and Gideon ruined it.  Gideon learns about Eva’s ability, and her being a dark angel; he tries to convince her to work with them. He explains that they are half angel, half human, and their job is to save humans from the dangerous demons.

Gideon, who is player, is slowly falling hard for the beautiful Eva, and he with his partners can’t understand why she wants to change to only being human; they feel she should learn about her true abilities.  Eva ends up staying in the safe place that all of them including, Maisey and Liss live in.  Together, Gideon, and his paranormal besties, teach Eva and the girls learn to defend themselves and be able to fight the demons escaping from hell.  The Nephilim discover that keepers of the gates, are being murdered and are determined to find out who is behind the killings.

With Eva and Gideon spending more time together, with him helping her find the things she will need to create a spell, and make her human. But Eva will agree to help the Nephilim’s stop the war between Heaven and Hell; even though they all feel she would be a great addition to their team.  I really did like Eva, and a bit later, started to like Gideon, who continued to fall in love with her; she was falling for him too, but worried that if she became human, there was no future. I loved when Eva got to meet Lucifer Morningstar, who is her grandfather, the Devil. She will learn more about her so-called missing powers. I do not want to give spoilers, and the last third of the book was very exciting, as I could not put the book down.

Hell of an Angel was a fun, action-packed story in a wonderful fantasy world filled with demons, angels, fallen angels, dark angels, Nephilim’s; with good and evil. I loved Gideon and Eva together, as in time they made a great couple. Hell of an Angel was so very well written by Christi Barth.

Reviewed by Barb

Copy provided by Publisher







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