Joy by Danielle Steel – a Review

Joy by Danielle Steel – a Review


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When she is only six years old, Allegra Dixon’s party-loving mother leaves without so much as a goodbye. Her father, an emotionally distant military officer, is also unable—or unwilling—to care for her. Sent to live like a ghost in her grandparents’ joyless home, Allegra finds her only solace through an escape into books.

Attending boarding school, life finally takes a turn when she meets a dashing young West Point cadet named Shep Williams. Soon their friendship blossoms into something more, and they fall deeply in love. 

After college, Allegra has established herself as a book editor and Shep is rising through the ranks of the military. But then Shep suddenly receives a posting to Afghanistan, and they decide to marry before he goes. Between his deployments, they cling to their brief and fraught stolen moments together. Each time he leaves, Shep promises the separations will soon come to an end. 

But soon Allegra realizes that the horrors of war have begun to change her husband into a man she no longer recognizes. The trauma he has experienced proves to be too harrowing, and Allegra will find herself feeling utterly alone again just when she thought she’d finally found happiness.

In her new novel,Danielle Steel tells the unforgettable story of a woman who refuses to give up until she finds the joy she deserves.




Joy by Danielle Steel is another one of her wonderful novels.  The story follows Allegra Dixon, who had a sad childhood, when at six years old, her mother, who never wanted a child, walked out of her life. Her father was in the military, and sent Allegra to stay with her grandparents; with her spending time reading books, and little joy in her life.  She spent her childhood at boarding schools, camps and rare visits from her father or mother.  

At school, she meets Shep Williams, who comes from a prestigious family, and became her best friend; they both fell in love; while he went to West Point, Allegra went to college.  Upon graduation, they got married before he left for the Army, keeping it a secret until he got back from time overseas. After college, Allegra got a job as book editor, while Shep began to rise through the ranks of the military. Allegra and Shep had a happy marriage, but over the years, he began to suffer PTSD, especially after his deployment at Afghanistan.  Allegra knew her father was still at Afghanistan, and worried that Shep was changing. After a few assignments, every-time Shep came home, the nightmares became worse, and he was putting her through dangerous dreams.  Shep decided to go back to Afghanistan, and decided to get a divorce, since he had no control of his PSTD and wanted Allegra to be safe; she couldn’t convince him to stay home and get help.

Once the divorce was complete, Allegra decided to move to California and looked for a job.  She managed to get a job as an assistant to Henry Platt, a famous workaholic music and film composer, who is 30 years her senior. She loves her job, as she is willing to work long hours, and their friendship escalated to a bond. Over time, the two fell in love, as Allegra’s life will give her more joy and purpose with Henry; as he treats her like a queen and takes her on travels to Europe. After being together for 9 years (7 married years), Henry will succumb to Cancer. Still in her early stages of her life (30 +), Allegra decides to write, and begins to do a biography of Henry’s life and career, which was successful; leading into her becoming a famous author.

Allegra will go through two decades of her life, with disastrous family, sadness, two marriages, love, emotional and closer to the end joy. Joy was an emotional, sad, happiness, compelling and inspiring story throughout.  Joy was so very well written by Danielle Steel. I suggest you read Joy, as it was a very good story.

Reviewed by Barb

Copy provided by Publisher





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