Left Behind by Sharon Sala – a Review

Left Behind by Sharon Sala – a Review


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Everything that was lost will be found again.

Jubilee PD Officer Wiley Pope thinks he’s ruined things with Linette Elgin. He hasn’t seen or heard from the local nurse since their date gone wrong. But when Wiley’s trip to the bank turns into a robbery with Linette as one of the hostages, his training and protective instincts kick into full gear. A heroic bullet to his armor-protected chest is enough for Linette to forgive Wiley’s past mistakes and begin anew.

While his love for Linette grows daily, Wiley finds himself in over his head when a murder investigation is linked to Pope Mountain. If that wasn’t enough, a woman from Wiley’s father’s past abandons her seven-year-old daughter at the police station in an attempted money scheme. But the minute the woman signs over her parental rights, Wiley and Linette welcome the wary little girl into their family and show her what real love looks like.




Left Behind by Sharon Sala is the 4th book in her wonderful Jubilee, Kentucky series.  The story focuses on Wiley Pope, who loves his job as a Jubilee police officer.  Wiley has a crush on Linette Elgin, who is a local hospital nurse, but after a date that ended up wrong, due to two ladies who ruined the date; Linette wanted nothing to do with Wiley.   When a robbery at the local bank occurs, Linette finds herself as one of the hostages; with Wiley one of the cops coming to the rescue. Linette sees how he protected the hostages, and sees all that he does, she relents and decides to give him a second chance.

A murder investigation begins in Pop Mountain, with a woman shot in the back. Turns out that the woman’s brother was murdered, and she was found in the mountains with a serious injury. Wiley is assigned to guard her at the hospital; and learning more about the attempt on her life.  There are bad people, who have tried to kill the women, who they fear would identify them; but friends and police are on top of things, with the woman safe.

A woman, Corina, from Wiley’s father’s past, brings her 7-year-old daughter, to the police station, in an attempt abandoned the child in a money scheme; Wiley finds himself adoring the little girl, Ava.  He makes a deal with Corina, that he will adopt her, and free Corina to her move on with her own life.  Ava, was a cute and adorable child that everyone, including all the Pope family, as well as Linette loved. Ava did have a rough life in her 7 years, and as she meets all of the Pope family, Linette, she is beside herself as now having a family that she will love.

Left Behind was an emotional, wonderful, sweet story, with all the members of the Pope family playing a big part in this story.  Wiley and Linette made a great couple.  Everyone love young Ava, and Wiley was so happy to have Linette and Ava as his family.  There were a couple of suspense mysteries that played a large part of this book.  Left Behind was very well written by Sharon Sala

Reviewed by Barb

Copy provided by Publisher




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