Marcie Marcie Marcie

Marcie Marcie Marcie


Death by Pilates

Whoever said exercise is good for the mind and body had to be smoking some pretty good drugs and not sharing.  I’ve been doing a pilates circuit course now for a few years and every week it feels like the next day the headline in the newspaper will read; “Death by Pilates”  LOL!!! 

It’s a grueling workout, to which I think my instructor at times is possessed by some strange exercise demon who likes nothing better then to torture it’s victims.  One of these weeks I just know I’m going to glance up from one of my torturous exercises and find her eyes glowing red with horns protruding from her skull (image of Simi flashes in my mind, LOL). 

This class is not for the faint of heart, nor for someone who’s expecting a light stretching and toning class.  With pilates circuit we combine pilates with cardio and you can bet there’s no way I’m walking out of that class not dripping in sweat, and wheezing my lungs out.  I feel like a wet noodle by the time I’m done class and my water bottle is always empty.  Oh and I think the clock is against me too, for I swear every time I glance up at it, it never seems to move.  Even Father Time is enjoying my torture, LOL.   I keep asking my instructor if she goes down to the 7th level of hell to come up with these workouts and she just laughs at me, but I can see the wheels turning in her head and I’m already dreading next weeks class.

I swear that as I’m typing this post my muscles are already twitching in fear of what’s to come this Tuesday.  It usually takes me a few days afterwards to recover and by then it’s time to get back to my class.  When I walk in to work the next day my co-workers just look at the way I’m moving and say; “pilates circuit last night?”.  My only reply is a slight nod of the head for it’s too painful to move anything else. I also dread getting down on the floor at sleeptime for I fear I may not get back up.  I keep telling my co-workers just put out a cot for me and I’ll attempt to roll onto it and stay there for sleeptime with the kids.  LOL!!! 

As if this class isn’t enough, now I’ve let a friend of mine talk me into taking a Zumba class once a week.  Me, Miss Uncoordinated  supreme with two left feet.  Oh this is gonna be a laughfest, I can just tell.  I just hope my body is recovered from pilates in time for zumba each week or else it’s gonna look like seniors dance night with me, LOL.  Honestly though, don’t let this post scare you, it really isn’t that bad, did I just say that?  No seriously, thought if I didn’t enjoy the class and it’s health benefits I wouldn’t be going, I’m not that crazy……..yet, LOL!!!  I’ve never felt healthier, or more in shape then I am now. 

Until next time.  😉 




9 thoughts on “Marcie Marcie Marcie

    • I’m with Barb. You say you’ve never felt healthier or in better shape — that’s excellent and all worth your sweat!!! I yoga twice a week with a Denise Austin DVD. I don’t know if I could handle an actual class. I’d be too shy! :{

      Always fun reading your adventures, Marcie!!! 😉

    • I was thinking that very thing Mary Ann after this past Tuesdays class. She made us do a 100 reps of each exercise this week. Needless to say my legs still hurt and hate me when I have to climb stairs. I’ve taken to going down stairs backwards today as I’ve found it’s less painful. 😉

  1. I’m with Sandy. I feel tired reading the article. Love Simi and Acheron. Do we all agree, Kenyon should write a series about the adventures of Simi??

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