MARRIED TO THE MAFIA (DeSalvo Mafia 4) by Rose Wulf -review

MARRIED TO THE MAFIA (DeSalvo Mafia 4) by Rose Wulf-review / / / /

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date September 14, 2024

As far as Brandi Richardson was concerned, ‘family’ was a four-letter word. All hers had ever done was hurt her. So when her father sent her to work for Mikey De Salvo as a mole, she accepted the better-paying job—but not the rest. Her refusal to play his game meant she would be paying the consequence of his disappointment sooner than later.

At first, she was sure that was the explanation behind her new and highly dedicated stalker … but she was wrong.

When her stalker stepped up his game, leaving her bleeding and beaten on her bedroom floor, Brandi realized she had little choice but to run before he came back for round two.

Mikey De Salvo was a busy man. Operating a multi-faceted security company and maintaining the digital backbone of a mafia empire was not for the weak, or the easily overwhelmed. The last thing he needed was one more distraction—even if she was as brilliant as she was beautiful. So he kept his suspicious, yet undeniably gifted employee at arm’s length and under watchful eye.

When she showed up covered in bruises, visibly terrified and planning to run, he knew he couldn’t let her.

So he made her a counter-offer. Marriage, and all the protection and power that came with the De Salvo name.


REVIEW: MARRIED TO THE MAFIA Is the fourth instalment in Rose Wulf’s contemporary adult, DESALVO MAFIA erotic, Mafia romance series. This is youngest DeSalvo brother Michele ‘MIkey’ De Salvo, and IT specialist Brandi Richardson’ s story line. MARRIED TO THE MAFIA can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story lines is revealed where necessary.

NOTE: Due to the nature of the story line premise, there may be triggers for more sensitive readers.

Told from dual omniscient third person perspectives (Brandi and Mikey) MARRIED TO THE MAFIA follows the building relationship between our story line couple. Brandi Richardson is the daughter of Wesley Richardson, a man the DeSalvo brothers dislike and abhor but when Brandi is hired to work as an IT consultant for the DeSalvo Security firm, Mikey DeSalvo moves our heroine up to his floor in an effort to ferret out any possible espionage or spying but when Brandi shows up to work covered in bruises, one too many times, Mikey makes Brandi an effort she cannot refuse-a marriage of convenience to protect our heroine, and get his family off of his back. What ensues is the building romance and relationship between Mikey and Brandi, and the fall-out as more than one enemy takes aim at our story line heroine.

The world building focuses on the hunt for the people taking aim at our story line heroine.From Vegas loan sharks to the Ink Spots street gang, no one is safe when Brandi constantly places her self in the directly line of fire, often TSTL, and in this, her need to be independent threatens the security Mikey put into place.

The relationship between Brandi and Mikey begins as boss and employee. Mikey struggles to keep his distance from our story line hero, and to do this, Mikey is reckless in his treatment of our story line heroine, and Brandi believes she may have traded one jailer for another. The $ex scenes are intimate, erotic and intense.

The secondary and supporting characters are dynamic and daring. We are reintroduced to Romeo and GraceDante De Salvo and his wife Iris: Christiano and Felicity, their mother Eleanora, as well as several other security specialists, and enemies. The requisite evil has many faces.

MARRIED TO THE MAFIA is as story of power and control, secrets s a lies, betrayal and vengeance, acceptance and love. The premise is dramatic and heart breaking; the romance is energetic and seductive; the characters are determined and dynamic.

Click HERE for Sandy’s review of ASSISTANT TO THE MAFIA

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy


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