Night Shadow Series 1-6 by Rose Wulf-reviews

Night Shadow Series 1-6 by Rose Wulf-reviews



Vampires, werewolves, witches, and Slayers—for centuries, these groups have existed beneath the nose of humanity. Living and fighting in the shadows.

As the vampires’ First Family becomes embroiled in a bloody battle for survival, its members and new associates find their hearts consumed with the kind of fiery passion only a soulmate can inspire. With the love of a lifetime or heart-wrenching death hanging over their heads, one by one, decisions must be made.

Will they risk losing everything to form an unbreakable bond? Or will they reject their hearts to protect the ones they love?

Night Shadows 6
Release Date: May 27, 2022 / / / /

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ABOUT THE BOOK: As the adoptive daughter of the Vampire Princess, Kendall Wheeler was raised in the sheltered world of dangerous, elite vampires. After the terrifying battle in Sacramento, Kendall realized she could no longer sit idly by while the rest of her family was in danger. So she ran off to reconvene with the shockingly capable Slayer who had been called in to eliminate a pair of serial-killer vampire brothers, eager to help him complete his task.

Adrian Colt preferred to work alone, but something about Kendall’s impassioned plea compelled him to let her join him on the hunt for the surviving Wilson brother. He realized quickly this decision was more dangerous than it should have been—Kendall Wheeler was everything he’d dreamed of in a partner. Except that a life partner is the last thing he’s ever wanted.

The hunt takes them from California to Colorado, where their target finally stops running. But Colorado has its own dangers, and without their usual allies, survival is not guaranteed.


REVIEW: Kendall appeared in the last book, so it might be an idea to read the previous book, but it’s not compulsory. 

Kendall is a great character, doted and spoiled by the vampire first family (a little like royalty) but she can’t sit by and watch her family battle their enemies and not join in. (Without giving too much away, another original vampire wanted the status that the first family had, and went to war with them for it!) 

Kendall might have acted childish previously, but she definitely grew up in this book. 

Adrian is a great character, a hunter/slayer of rogue vampires. He helped in the last book, and so Kendall was hoping for more help this time. 

They are both attracted to one another, but Adrian isn’t looking for anyone to spend eternity with. But the more time that they spend together the harder it is for Adrian to walk away. 

As they team up to chase old enemies across the country, passion is soon on both their minds. But they are going to need to keep their wits about them as things take a turn that couple spell their own demise! 

Heavier on the steam than some of the other books, it’s also a faster paced book, it could have done with maybe a few more chapters as it did seem a little rushed in parts. 

I liked the bond Brianna (her adoptive mother) and Kendall had, I also liked how Kendall got around Trista (Brianna’s mother and Kendall’s adoptive grandmother) Trista isn’t your usual warm and cute grandma, she’s an original vampire and looks upon anyone who isn’t an original vampire beneath her! 

There are light hearted moments, there are also a couple of fight scenes that are well thought out. 

Throughly enjoyed this book and the series. I’m hoping for a few more books. It was great to see old allies (characters from previous books) and meet new enemies. 

I’d happily recommend this book and in fact the whole series. 

? Reviewed by Julie B

Copies supplied for review


Night Shadows 1
Release Date: April 15, 2014 / / / /

REVIEW: First book in a new series and new author for me (six books in the series so far) to get stuck into…. 

it did remind me of older books about vampires (their secret world and staying away from the humans) then when I saw the date of publication it made better sense. 

Veronica works in a coffee shop. She’s just swapped her nights for day shifts, meeting a tall handsome stranger has made her decision to swap worth it, but he grabs his coffee and goes! But looking at him is worth the cold shoulder. 

Veronica gives me the impression she knows where her life is heading, well that’s until you meet her mother, she gets railroaded into meeting men her mother thinks Veronica should settle down with! She could have done with a bit more of a backbone where her mother was concerned!

Seth is a vampire, he’s been asked to root out a traitor. 

By accident he finds out one of their own is a traitor, what does he do? And how can he inform the vampire that he works for who the culprit is? 

I liked Seth, very much a gentleman. Although a ruthless killer when required, he treats Veronica with the respect she doesn’t get anywhere else! 

I enjoyed the book. I found it introduces us nicely into Seth’s world. Good plot, great outline, and I connected with the characters. 

Relatively fast paced book, a few moments that catch you out, but a safe plot in which you can predict where the story goes. 

I’m definitely going to be reading the next one in the series.


Night Shadows #2
Release Date: November 30, 2015 / / / /

REVIEW: Book two of a six book series and this one is slightly different from the first book…..

This one takes on revenge as it’s topic. 

Luka is a werewolf, his pack is small but loyal. But even they have their limits. 

Finally being able to exact revenge on the killer of his family is almost within reach, he’s not going to stop at the border where the ruling first family of powerful vampires live, he’s going to kill the witch that took his family and had him exiled (long story). He doesn’t bargain meeting a human who is about to turn his world upside down…..

Things that go bump in the night isn’t usually anything Joella has ever worried about. But seeing a figure’s hand shoot fire and incinerate someone isn’t something you see every day. Nor has she ever been a target for the same type of death, luckily a stranger saves her from been burnt to a crisp, only now she wondering if she’s swapped one nightmare for another, being kidnapped wasn’t something Joella had expected!

I liked both Luka and Joella, both are strong willed characters that know what they want. Luka wants revenge for the death of his old family and the death of his beta. Joella wants a job that pays well and isn’t harassed by her boss!

The chemistry is a slowish burn, Luka isn’t looking for love or a mate, and neither is Joella, but it catches them by surprise anyway. 

Another reasonably paced book that has action/romance and suspense. Can Luka catch and finally exact revenge on the witch that killed his family? Can he protect the human that is fast becoming pretty important to him? And when this is all over can Luka convince Joella to stay and live with the pack?


Night Shadows 3
Release Date: June 1, 2016 / / / /

REVIEW: Book three in this series sees Whitney and Adam being reunited after losing touch many years ago, they were both young when she left the pack, and now Adam knows who she is he wants her to join his pack. 

I liked this one the best so far, friends to lovers feel about the book. Whitney being given a chance at joining a pack after being a lone wolf for so long. She not afraid of death, she wants to end the vampire that took her adopted pack from her. Meeting Adam just gives her a taste of the pack life she’s been longing for. 

Adam comes across at first like a cocky young pup who is trying to claim a piece of land for himself and his pack, but settling down in a territory already owned by a powerful vampire coven isn’t probably the smartest thing to do, and with his attitude you have to wonder if he’s going to fail and get his pack killed.

They come to an understanding about Whitney joining the pack, she thinks she won’t be here too long, but Adam sees her living with his pack for a very long time. 

We have the suspense in the form of a dangerous vampire who is the one Whitney wants to kill. The build up is ok, a little anticlimactic in places, but still entertaining enough for me to continue. 


Night Shadows 4
Release Date: September 25, 2016 / / / /

REVIEW: Book four has a murder/mystery feel to this one. Working out who is killing the passengers on Allison’s cruise!  

Losing a friend and gaining knowledge of a world she knew nothing about made her realise life is too short. So she decides it’s time for a break, a holiday is just the thing she needs…. 

Mick is a witch (now that did throw me as most witches are female and men are wizards or warlocks) and in this series most witches aren’t nice! Trying to stay away from 

This one wasn’t my favourite, but I still enjoyed the story. 

Mick had decided that he needed to get away from his normal life, he is questioning what he knows and how it’s affecting him! Meeting Allison makes him want to be a better witch. But there is someone aboard their boat that will threaten both the main characters. 

I liked how Mick questioned his life and how he wanted to change. And Allison although a bit of a wimp in the beginning did find her backbone in the end. 


Night Shadows 5
Release Date: August 30, 2020 / / / /

REVIEW: Book five was definitely my favourite in the series. It moves at a decent pace and I really liked Brianna. 

Brianna has been dead for centuries (literally!) Her and her mother are the only original vampires in existence, so they are the vampire royalty (they are called the first family)

Joseph (Joe) has the means to have a good life, plenty of money and a few good friends. He’s been aware of the supernatural world from a young age, and a close call with a rogue vampire almost ended his life! 

Awakening feelings that have been dead since human men have played with her emotions through the centuries. Joe brings her heart and emotions back to life. 

Have to admit I wasn’t a fan of Brianna’s mother, she saw humans as cattle (or blood slaves as she called them!)  I did like Brianna though, a little cold in the beginning but after hearing snippets of her past you understand why she’s aloof and withdrawn. 

The book moves at a good pace, we don’t get bogged down with too much info. 

Joe is being targeted by a vampire that wants to kill him…. 

So can Brianna save the man she’s falling for? Or will happiness be snatched away from her again? 

It’s great that we get to catch up with characters from the previous books. You don’t need to read the others before reading this one, but as they are pretty good it only adds extra info as you read. 


Copies supplied for review

Reviews by Julie B.


Rose Wulf is a three-time Readers’ Choice Award-winning author, and a multi-genre fangirl. Rose writes romance, primarily with a paranormal or fantasy flare. Hot, protective, occasionally barbaric heroes and spitfire heroines are her favorites. Rose has been writing for as long as she can remember and has no intentions of stopping anytime soon! The bonds between characters have always captivated her, and as an author, those are Rose’s favorite things to play with—not always to the relief of her fictional babies!

Behind the scenes, Rose is a quiet personality. Non-writing time is often spent with her German Shepherd, Shadow, and her mom. She enjoys leisure time watching TV or a good movie, keeping in touch with friends, and if she has the company, maybe a fun game of Cards Against Humanity. As for her own romance, she’s still searching for her hero—and hoping that, when she does find him, he’ll be willing to do the cooking!


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