Of Blood and Bone by Nora Roberts – a Review

Of Blood and Bone by Nora Roberts – a Review


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They look like an everyday family living an ordinary life. But beyond the edges of this peaceful farm, unimaginable forces of light and dark have been unleashed.

Fallon Swift, approaching her thirteenth birthday, barely knows the world that existed before—the city where her parents lived, now in ruins and reclaimed by nature since the Doom sickened and killed billions. Traveling anywhere is a danger, as vicious gangs of Raiders and fanatics called Purity Warriors search for their next victim. Those like Fallon, in possession of gifts, are hunted—and the time is coming when her true nature, her identity as The One, can no longer be hidden.

In a mysterious shelter in the forest, her training is about to begin under the guidance of Mallick, whose skills have been honed over centuries. She will learn the old ways of healing; study and spar; encounter faeries and elves and shifters; and find powers within herself she never imagined. And when the time is right, she will take up the sword, and fight. For until she grows into the woman she was born to be, the world outside will never be whole again.



Of Blood and Bone by Nora Roberts is the 2nd book in her Chronicles of The One trilogy. I loved the first book in this trilogy, Year One, and waited impatiently for Of Blood and Bone, and I have to say it is equally as good or even better as the first book and once again, I will wait with high anticipation for the final book in this trilogy.  I have the utmost respect for Nora Roberts, who changes things with this dark dystopian fantasy, and still manages to gives us another masterpiece.

Note:  Of Blood and Bone is not a standalone, as it is book 2 of a trilogy.  If you have not read Year One, you need to read that book first to fully understand the story line.

Background of The Chronicles of One: a  post apocalyptic dystopian, with a bit of fantasy, that starts with a lethal virus (The Doom) that will destroy most of the world. A new beginning will start with the survivors, which will pit the dark (evil) and the light (good) against each other that will divide and separate all. Magic (witches, elves, etc) rises, causing  division among those with newfound powers that are used for good, and those who are evil and want to hurt others, and the humans with no power at all, bent on destroying all magic.

Of Blood and Bone picks up 12 years later, after the massacre that made Lana run away to save the others, and protect the baby she was carrying. We catch up with Lana, her husband, Simon and their 4 kids living on the same farm where they last left off.  Time is close for when Mallick promised he would return when their daughter Fallon reached the age of 13, and he would take her away for two years, to train, as everyone has been waiting for the girl who is the One; the one who will save them all from the evil that still threatens the world.  Lana, who has witch powers, has trained Fallon all her life, teaching her what is her destiny as the One.  But now Mallick will take her to further train her how to fight, use a sword and most importantly use her powers in leading the light to win this oncoming war. When Mallick comes, both Lana, Simon and the 3 boys are unhappy, but they knew this day would come.  As Fallon leaves with Mallick, Simon and Lana will begin to work on training their boys how to fight.

The story centers on Fallon, who even at 13 is a great heroine, and as the story progresses, she will be even more so.  I loved how Fallon grew stronger with each passing day, and most of all loved her bonding with the three animals that will stand beside her throughout this adventure; Taibhse, the Owl; Faol Ban, the Wolf and  Laoch, the horse (Alicorn).   This was just another wonderful element to this story.

Another great part that I worried about at the end of the first book; we returned to New Hope, and got to spend a lot of time with most of the originals.   Many of our favorites (Arlys, Fred, Will, Katie, Rachel, Eddie, Jonah, Bill,etc just to name a few) continued to build up New Hope, with their children (many Fallon’s age) having their own gifts, and destined to join with Fallon in fighting all evil.  I absolutely loved (almost to tears) when Fallon, Lana, Simon and the boys finally arrive in New Hope (close to 16 years after Lana left) and the emotional responses from Lana and those still there from when she left.  Very nice indeed.

What follows is an exciting, action-packed, at times dark and intense adventure, with everyone working together and preparing for the war of good vs evil.  The last quarter of the book was captivating, with us on the edge of our seat, and there were some twists and surprises that shocked us all.  Fallon and her team, old and young, were amazing, and I for one cannot wait to see what Nora has in store for us in the third and final book of this trilogy.

Of Blood and Bone was a fantastic addition to this trilogy, which is no surprise, as Nora Roberts is a master at her craft.  There is so much to love about this dark, tense and magical world, in a dystopian fantasy that was a thriller. I will not give spoilers, but you need to read this and enjoy the amazing wild ride, fabulous characters, fantastic animals, and a heroine that you will be rooting to win and bring light back to the world.  We all need a Fallon Swift.

Reviewed by Barb

Copy provided by Publisher


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