Outfoxed (The Fox Witch #1) by RJ Blain-Review & Giveaway tour

Outfoxed (The Fox Witch #1) by RJ Blain-Review & giveaway tour

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date November 3, 2020

Death is a way of life outside of the safety of Inner Tulsa, and Jade means to keep flipping Mother Nature off until old age claims her. With one eye always on the sky, the last thing she needs is a pack of bounty hunters out for her living head. With no idea of why anyone would want her, her wits might keep her free, assuming she can resist the charming lures of Sandro, one of the men out to claim her as his own.

Left with the choice of being the evening snack of a tornado or taking shelter with the bounty hunter, she does what she does best: she lives on the edge.

Striking a bargain with the handsome bounty hunter buys her another day of life, but it also dumps her into the heart of a sinister plot, one meant to enslave the residents of the storm-tossed city—and the others brave and foolish enough to call the Alley home.


REVIEW:A new author and series for me. I loved the chapter names, they did make me chuckle. The chapters are pretty long, but are chopped into day or time slots, it’s a little like reading a diary.

Jade is a fox shifter, now most shifters can only partially shift, Jade is a full shifter, her genes are a top prize. But she’s not interested in becoming a wife, Jade is a free spirit and will stay that way, unless the bounty hunters get hold of her! I liked Jade, she was independent, she was resourceful and she had an attitude I just loved, she had me chuckling at odd moments.

Vagrants are poor people who live in the alley. Asylum is where the rich and powerful live. It’s very much a dystopian story. It’s very descriptive, really well written. When she’s not being chased by her “ethical” bounty hunter, she’s thinking about him. It’s driving her crazy!

Sandro is the current bounty hunter on her tail, he’s caught up with her, and now they are hiding out from a fierce storm. Really wasn’t too enamoured with him at first, all he saw was cash when he saw Jade, then insulted her by saying she could make money as a stripper!!
But promising her a five minute head start after the storm abated.

When he finally catches up with her, he persuades her to live with him for a while! That part I was confused with, if he’s a bounty hunter, then why not take her straight to where you’ll get paid? Unless he has an ulterior motive?

Jade also uncovers why she’s so valuable, and if she’s sold as a courtesan then she could be made to have children to more than just her husband! That’s why she has so many bounty hunters after her! She’s worth a small fortune. She needs to hide, and stay hidden under they get bored and move on. But she’s not that lucky, she’s being targeted, and Sandro has to pull strings and throw money at the problem.

But in the end, Jade is entered into the auction (I really did think differently) and what will be her fate? A brood mare, a plaything, or a beloved wife?

I have to admit it’s slow, it’s a little long winded, but there was something that kept me reading. I wanted to find out if she escapes Sandro, I wanted to know if they ever got out from under the rule of the Asylum……And in the end, I have to admit, it was a pretty good book.

Sandro’s family is absolutely hilarious, I loved his mother, I had a permanent smile on my face as I read the whole families interaction with one another and Jade.

Copy supplied for review

? Reviewed by Julie B

RJ Blain suffers from a Moleskine journal obsession, a pen fixation, and a terrible tendency to pun without warning.

In her spare time, she daydreams about being a spy. Her contingency plan involves tying her best of enemies to spinning wheels and quoting James Bond villains until satisfied.

Author links:

NOTE: THE READING CAFE is NOT responsible for the rafflecopter giveaway. If you have any questions, please contact the tour promoter.


15 thoughts on “Outfoxed (The Fox Witch #1) by RJ Blain-Review & Giveaway tour

  1. This definitely sounds like my kind of book and I love the cover! Thanks for sharing it with me and good luck with the tour! Thanks for the great review, Julie!

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