Passions in Death by J.D. Robb – a Review

Passions in Death by J.D. Robb – a Review

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On a hot August night, Lt. Eve Dallas and her husband, Roarke, speed through the streets of Manhattan to the Down and Dirty club, where a joyful, boisterous pre-wedding girls’ night out has turned into a murder scene. One of the brides lies in a pool of blood, garroted in a private room where she was preparing a surprise for her fiancée—two scrimped and saved-for tickets to Hawaii.

Despite the dozens of people present, useful witnesses are hard to come by. It all brings back some bad memories for Eve. In her uniform days, she’d suffered an assault in the very same room—but she’d been able to fight back and survive. She’d gotten justice. And now she needs to provide some for poor young Erin.

Eve knows that the level of violence and the apparent premeditation involved suggest a volatile mix of hidden, heated passion and ice-cold calculation. This is a crime that can be countered only by hard detective work and relentless dedication—and Eve will not stop until she finds the killer who destroyed this couple’s dreams before the honeymoon even began…




Passions in Death by J.D. Robb is the 59th book in her fantastic Eve Dallas series.  I have noted previously that I am a huge fan of this wonderful series, having read every book and novellas. I also love Eve and Roarke, who I still consider the best literary couple. Passions in Death was another fantastic addition to this series.  I will never have enough of this series, and marvel how Robb continues to give us fascinating stories at 59 books later.

The story begins at the Down & Dirty Club, where a pre-wedding bachelorette party are dancing and drinking the night away, celebrating two women’s upcoming nuptials. Shauna Hunnicut and Erin Albright are getting married in a few days. Erin slips away to a private room to fix up a special surprise for their honeymoon; where she ended up being murdered, lying in a pool of blood, having been garroted.

Eve is called, with Roarke accompanying her to the Down and Dirty club, as someone has been murdered.  This was also a memory from Eve’s past, as it was the same room when she was attacked the night before her wedding to Roarke. With Eve and Peabody on the case, the evidence looks like a premediated murder from someone possibly close to Erin and Shauna. Eve begins to investigate all of their close circle of friends. Who within the group is the killer?  In a short time, Eve will lean toward two suspects who are clear suspects, with both having unhappy and angry pasts.

It was great to see many of the wonderful secondary characters, besides Roarke; Peabody, McNabb, Mavis, Bella, Summerset, Feeney, and of course Galahad. As always, I love Roarke, as he was many times with Dallas during interviews.  They are an amazing couple.

What follows is an intense, exciting, non-stop action filled race to find out who the real killer was; with edge of your seat suspense. To say too much more would be spoilers, and this is too great of a story to ruin it for you. 

Passions in Death was a compelling, captivating, horrifying thriller from start to finish. J.D. Robb once again gives us another masterpiece to this wonderful series, which I hope keeps on rolling for many years to come. Passions in Death is another masterpiece to this amazing series, which is always so very well written by J.D. Robb.

Reviewed by Barb

Copy provided by Publisher





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