Quantum Kings (RBMC/ Quantum Kings 1) by Lucian Bane-review

Quantum Kings (RBMC/ Quantum Kings 1) by Lucian Bane-review

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date May 27, 2023

I’m the first artificial being of my kind.

I was designed to protect the woman who turned on my evolution abilities.
But our link was broken by my human brother right as my transformations awakened.

Now my cravings for a female are out of control.
If I don’t find another to link to, I’ll become more of a threat than the evils I need to hunt.

But the wicked are too numerous.
They call for an army of soldiers like myself to lead in that war,
and only I can create them.

With three criminally insane personalities, I spawned my first sons.
They were a gift from the fractured mind of my enemy sibling, Kult.

Fetch, Fathom and Fin are the names they go by.
They are leashed to me for life. They will also fuse with a human woman
and bear her mark and mine on their soul’s hard drive.
Their dark lusts will be a burning leash.
Every moral command they obey will be their crucible.

We will be divine deliverance to some.
And wicked abominations to others.

But to those we live to protect and serve…
we will be The Quantum Kings.


REVIEW:QUANTUM KINGS is the first instalment in Lucian Bane’s contemporary, adult QUANTUM KINGS dark, erotic, sci-fi romance series-a spin off from / cross over with the author’s RBMC Newark series which focuses on Butterfly and the five men with whom she fell in love. This is Quantum aka Legend Solomon Boxley and Isla, Harlow and Lucy, Rowan and Fetch’s introductory story line. QUANTUM KINGS should not be read as a stand alone for back story and cohesion, I recommend reading the ENTIRE RBMC Newark series wherein the story of the creation of the ultimate super soldier begins.

NOTE: Due to the nature of the story line premise, there may be triggers for more sensitive readers.

SOME BACKGROUND: An experiment to create the ultimate super soldier resulted in the merging of six criminal minds and souls into one body, a body that shared six desires, six thoughts, six personalities and six evils, often at the same time. When the time came to reunite with their bodies, some but not all would unite with a form of artificial intelligence, become a sentient cyborg that is forever evolving yet remaining a family with the other. Quantum and Harlow were part of the original six brothers, whose task it is now to continue to create more super soldiers by matching said soldier with a woman who is able to control the beast within.

Told from several omniscient third person perspectives QUANTUM KINGS follows after the events of book five BUTTERFLY AND KULT, wherein Butterfly has chosen her mate, and the remaining ‘brothers’ must consider their fates as they embark on lives of their own. Quantum aka Legend Solomon Boxley has contracted with a local convent in the hopes of procuring women to appease his ‘soldiers’. Quantum is the first to find his mate in Isla, while Dr. Harlow struggles to prove he is worthy of a woman for himself. As the sisters begins to acclimate at their new home, the triplet cyborgs (Fetch, Fathom and Fin) believe they each have found a woman to control their beast but the beast has a secret that they share as one.

QUANTUM KINGS is a science fiction story line with an undercurrent of religious, spiritual, and philosophical nuances and mystification. A dark, gritty, dramatic and provocative tale of what ifs and whys, of power and control, of madness, medicine, science and experiments. The premise is complex and detailed; the romance is aggressive and intense; the characters are spirited, edgy, tragic and crude.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy


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