Remember When by Mary Balogh – a Review

Remember When by Mary Balogh – a Review


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The Dowager Countess of Stratton, Clarissa Ware, née Greenfield, has just presented her younger daughter to the ton, and the rest of her life belongs only to herself. She returns to Ravenswood, intending to spend the summer alone there. But the summer has other plans for her.

Born a gentleman, Matthew Taylor has chosen to spend his life as the village carpenter. Growing up, he and Clarissa were close—dangerously so, considering his family’s modest fortune. As a young man, he never would have been a suitable match for the daughter of the wealthy Greenfields. Clarissa married Caleb Ware, the Earl of Stratton, so Matthew married another, though he was widowed soon after.

Now everything is different—Clarissa has already lived the life expected of her by society. And Matthew is as attractive and intriguing as he was when they were young. As their summer friendship deepens into romance, they stand together on the precipice of change—essentially the same man and woman they remember being back then, but with renewed passion and the potential to take their lives in an entirely new direction.




Remember When by Mary Balogh is the 4th book in her Ravenswood series, with this being Clarissa’s Story. Clarissa will soon turn 50, as she is now The Dowager Countess of Stratton; Devlin’s mother.  Clarissa returns to Ravenswood, after spending time in London, where she presented her youngest daughter, Stephanie.  Clarissa is happy to return to Ravenswood, giving herself quiet time alone, as well as peace.

Clarissa goes to see Matthew Taylor, and old childhood friend, as she commissions him make a crib for Ben and Jennifer.  Matthew is a fantastic carpenter, with people becoming fascinated by his work. It’s been many years (30) since they have met again, as they were best friends, but Clarissa decided to marry the Earl of Stratten, and Matthew later married another woman. 30 years later, their friendship deepens into a possible romance, as they begin to enjoy spending the summer going on long walks

Clarrisa enjoys her private time alone, but her children keep visiting her, as they worry about her.  Rumors start of her growing friendship with Matthew, with her family learning about these rumors. Clarissa dreams of having her own cottage on Ravenswood land, but closer to the river.  Both spend a lot of time together, and Matthew enjoys helping Clarissa on what the cottage would look like.  Matthew and Clarissa become closer with renewed passion and the chance to change their lives in a new direction.

 When Devlin visits his mother, he agrees with what she wants, as he will pay for it, but she will pay for what is inside the cottage; Clarissa is thrilled.  Matthew also learns some thoughts from his younger years, as his older brother (previously estranged), now becoming very close again, visiting his family.  I really loved seeing so many of the previous families, especially when they all get together for the epilogue, where Clarissa and Matthew marry.

Remember When was a sweet second chance romance, with them finding their renewed love.    Remember When was so very well written by Mary Balogh.  If you are a fan of this series, you should read this book.

Reviewed by Barb

Copy provided by Publisher



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