Ruthless Saints by Michelle Heard-Review tour

Ruthless Saints by Michelle Heard-Review & Excerpt tour / / / /

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date June 28, 2021.

I move in the shadow of death. I’m the villain. The monster everyone fears.
I’ve been born into a life of depravity and ruthlessness. It’s kill or be killed.

Until her…
The moment she smiles at me, my world changes.
I keep coming back. Watching her brings me stolen moments of peace.

Until I can’t stay away…
She doesn’t know who I am, that she’s flirting with death.
Slowly we fall deeper until she loves the lies I’ve told her.

The danger that follows me, creeps closer and the façade I’ve built comes crashing down around us.

And lovers turn to enemies.
But there’s no going back for me.
I want her. I will have her.
She doesn’t have a choice.


REVIEW:Ruthless Saints is the third book in the St. Monarch’s Academy series by Michelle Heard. This book is a standalone novel in the Mafia, Organized Crime, Suspense Romance genre.

While this book is a standalone – I highly recommend every other book in this series.

Carson Koslov is a paid assassin, and he chooses to live his life In Saint Luc, Switzerland. That is where he meets Hailey Welsh. Hailey is backpacking through Switzerland and has made a

temporary stop in Saint Luc. Carson is trying to blend in with the locals and that takes him to a local bar once a week. To make it look like he belongs there.

That is when he meets Hailey. From the moment he meets her there is something different about her. She seems to be the light to his darkness.

Try as he might, and he knows he shouldn’t – he can’t keep away from her. Every moment he spends with her puts her life at risk..

As a paid assassin he has a lot of enemies. The last thing he needs is the distraction of Hailey Welsh.

Hailey Welsh is a fun loving, personable, beautiful young woman. Working her way through Switzerland. The last thing she needs a relationship.

But she seems to have the same draw towards Carson. From the moment she met him she can’t seem to keep her mind off him.

When Carson decides that he can’t put Hailey at risk in his world, he says his goodbyes. But neither of them are prepared for that – and it isn’t long before they are

gravitating to each other again. Carson knows he must tell Hailey the truth before it is too late – but how do you tell someone you are paid to kill people?

And will Hailey still think of him the same once she finds out the truth?

The moment of truth comes when Carson’s enemies find out about Hailey and use her to get to Carson.

This story is fast paced and worth the ride. The struggle of Hailey coming to terms with what Carson does was gut-wrenching.

And you could feel Carson’s pain emanate from each page as he tried to come to terms with losing Hailey because of who and what he is.

Michelle Heard has a way of painting a world in which you become completely immersed.

In no universe can the moon and sun be together. They’re forever destined to be lightyears apart, with empty darkness filling the space between them.

Don’t read this as a standalone – ohhhhh every book in this series has been so deliciously good. Highly recommend.

Reading Order and Previous Reviews
Merciless Saints
Cruel Saints

copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Erin

Michelle Heard is a Bestselling Romance Author who loves creating stories her readers can get lost in. She might have a slight obsession with alpha heroes who are not afraid to fight for their women.

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Website: https://michelleheardauthor.wordpress…


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