Seal’s Honor by Megan Crane – Review & Giveaway

Seal’s Honor by Megan Crane – Review & Giveaway


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The last thing Blue Hendricks needs six months into his uneasy reentry into civilian life is trouble in the form of his old friend’s kid sister, all grown up and smack in the middle of a dangerous murder investigation. But he didn’t become a SEAL to turn his back on the hard stuff, and he can’t bring himself to ignore Everly’s call for help–no matter how much he knows he’s not fit to be around the soft, vibrant woman she’s become. Not after the things he’s done.

Everly Campbell is desperate. When her roommate is murdered and the body vanishes, Everly fears she might be next. With no one to believe her, Everly runs to a remote Alaskan town to find a man she only vaguely remembers and his crew of ex-military brothers who could be her only hope. Blue wants to keep things all business but Everly isn’t a little girl anymore and the commanding former SEAL is more temptation than she can resist.

As the men on Everly’s trail draw closer, Blue will do anything to protect the woman he’s starting to think of as his…




Seal’s Honor by Megan Crane is the first book in her new Alaska Force series.  This is my first book by Megan Crane, and I thought it was an excellent story, but with some mixed feelings.

We meet our hero, Blue Hendricks, at the start.  Blue is an ex-Seal and a loner, who has moved to Alaska.  He doesn’t know what to make of his life, now that he is a civilian, and with his life being in turmoil.  He meets Isaac, who though they live in a small town in Alaska, convinces Blue to join them on the Alaska Force, which  is made up for former soldiers much like Blue; giving them all a feeling of purpose in their lives. 

Everly Campbell, our heroine, is desperately running away.  She ends up in Grizzly Harbor, where she finds Blue.  Seems Everly used to live across the street from Blue, before he left his family 20 years before.  She is desperate, feeling that only Blue can save her.  Everly witnessed her roommate being murdered in their apartment, and managed to escape and go to the police.  But when they came to look, there was no body, or evidence of anything; so the police wrote her off as crazy.  But Everly knows the murderers will come looking for her, and decides to find the one person who experience as a Seal will be the only one to save her.

Blue is not happy when Everly shows up.  He only recognizes her as the little girl he knew back then, and is determined to send her on her way. But Everly is persistent, and Isaac, with the rest of the Alaska Force team convinces Blue to help her.

What follows is an exciting, intense story that will bring Blue, Everly back to the scene of the crime, and find out the truth about her roommate, and who is behind this.  There are a number of surprises, especially as we race to the climax to fight off the many attempts on Everly’s life; and the discovery of who the culprit is.

The romance between Everly and Blue was slow built, with Everly being attracted to Blue from the start.  For more than half the book, I wasn’t crazy about Blue.  He was stubborn, mean, unbending, even to the point when he began to have feelings for Everly.  I understand his emotional state from the demons of his past life as a Seal and his family that he left all those years ago; but I found it hard to like him and his       treatment of Everly. I also did not feel too much chemistry between them.  The first half of the book had a lot of internal memories of the past, which took us away too much from the current story.

I did enjoy when Everly was able to convince Blue to visit the family he walked away from, and come to terms with his life.  Everly was a great heroine and I really liked her.  The secondary characters were very good, giving us a glimpse of what is still to come in future books.

Seal’s Honor was a good romance suspense, with an intense and exciting mystery. I plan to read the next book in this series, and suggest you give this book a try.

Reviewed by Barb

Copy provided by Publisher


Megan’s publisher, Berkley, is offering a paper copy of SEAL’S  HONOR to ONE (1) lucky commenter at The Reading Cafe

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7. Giveaway is open to USA only

8. Giveaway runs from November 9 TO 13, 2018




19 thoughts on “Seal’s Honor by Megan Crane – Review & Giveaway

  1. I’m curious as to why Everly’s roommate is murdered & then why the body vanishes. That’s creepy. Please enter me in the giveaway.
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