Show Off (Juniper Ridge 6) by Tawna Fenske -review

Show Off (Juniper Ridge 6) by Tawna Fenske -review / / B&N / KOBO / Google Play /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date June 7, 2024

I wish I didn’t know how one heartbreak can smash your world to bits.
And really I wish I didn’t suspect it’s why there’s an edge to Lana’s sunshine smile.
Hell, I wish I didn’t think of Lana at all.
I’m busy busting ass to be the best—and yeah, grumpiest—chef around.
There’s a reason I keep people at a distance.
My evenings blur with butter and basil and helping my brother.
Trying to forget how he wound up in a wheelchair.
We’ve got our routine, and there’s no room for sweet smiles or blue eyes or…why is it so damn hot in here?
The thing is, Lana spins stories as a PR goddess.
I’m all for icing cookies, but sugarcoating the truth? Never.
Directness is best, even if it means awkward dessert dates that are definitely not dates, and embarrassing chats with my dog.
But one truth I’m terrified to face?
I’m nuts for Lana.
And the fallout could blow up our lives like a mug cake microwaved in a tin cup.


REVIEW:SHOW OFF is the sixth and final instalment in Tawna Fenske’s contemporary, adult JUNIPER RIDGE erotic, romance series. This is chef Dal Yang, and twenty-seven year old, PR director Lana Judson’s story line. SHOW OFF can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story lines is revealed where necessary. Juniper Ridge is a cross over from the author’s Ponderosa Resort Series.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Lana and Dal) SHOW OFF follows the building but struggling relationship between our story line couple. Dal Yang is a professional chef who prefers to keep his private life private but when a reality show is filmed at Juniper Ridge, Dal finds himself front and center of a PR nightmare, and pulls away from everyone concerned. Lana Judson’s family owns land in Juniper Ridge, and the reality show is part of the family’s lifestyle but a memoir is about to reveal secrets from the past, forcing Lana’s parents to address that which nobody knew. Meanwhile, Lana’s attraction to Dal is met with some resistance from our story line hero, and his need to protect Lana from the Hollywood gossip, threatens the growing love between our story line couple. What ensues is the building relationship between Lana and Dal, and the potential fall-out as Lana struggles with secrets from the past, and Dal’s need to step in and defend the woman he loves.

The world building follows several paths including secrets from the past for both Lana and Dal. Dal lost his parents in a car accident that paralyzed his older brother Ji-Hoon. Having always blamed himself for what happened, Dal struggles to move forward, accepting that guilt comes at a cost. Lana’s own secrets are about to reveal a family struggling in the face of Hollywood gossip and paparazzi nightmares.

The relationship between Lana and Dal is one of unrequited love. Dal doesn’t like the business of ‘spin doctors’ or media influencers that change the narrative to meet their client’s demands, and in this Dal struggles with Lana’s job, a job that is necessary in the family to which she belongs. As Lana and Dal’s relationship begins to grow, Dal is about to destroy any hope of his own happily ever after. The $ex scenes are passionate and seductive.

There is a large ensemble cast of colorful and familiar secondary and supporting characters including most of the previous story line couples. We are introduced to Dal’s brother Ji-Hoon, as well as their uncle Korain.

SHOW OFF is a story of family and relationships, secrets and lies, acceptance and love. The premise is entertaining and emotional; the romance is suggestive; the characters are dynamic, charismatic and desperate.

Click HERE for Sandy’s review of SHOW TIME

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy


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