Sisters of the Coven by Amelia Shaw-Review & Excerpt

Sisters of the Coven (Daughters of the Warlock #1) by Amelia Shaw-Review & Excerpt / / / /

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date March 1, 2020

Her Mother’s death unleashes her biggest secret….. the secret that could destroy them all.

When Ava’s mother dies, the responsibility of her daughters safety falls to the eldest of the three. Heir to the Coven, she must locate the most powerful warlock in all the realms: her father.

Only problem is, he has no idea he has a daughter, and the Counsel of Warlock’s is not about to allow an illegitimate heir to inherit their power.

Now Ava must hide who she is…or risk the wrath of the most powerful warlocks in the Universe. But hiding the power inside her isn’t as easy as it sounds, and soon, she finds her life and the life of her sisters in danger.


REVIEW: I’ve read a few of the authors previous books, and I’m opening it with much anticipation…..

Ava being the eldest of three sisters isn’t impressed with her mother, although she’s dying, her mother is still a formidable figure.

Getting told that she had to look after and protect her younger sisters has Ava annoyed. Why her? They are old enough, but there is something her mother is hiding…..

When your whole world literally falls down around your ears, you would expect to feel fear, wouldn’t you? Ava did, but she also felt free, no longer under the harsh tongue of her mother.

We follow Ava through a minefield…. finding out about her father was the easy part, finding out both herself and her sisters will be hunted and murdered by the council was hard, and why? Her father can only have one heir by his wife chosen by the council, see where this is going?

This book is told in the main characters point of view. I got the impression when first reading the character of Ava, she was a bit of a brat!! But the further you get into the book, Ava shows us why she’s cold, her mother always pushed her, she got the talks, Courtney and Bella got the love. But we see Ava grow, she needs answers to her heritage so she has to be careful where she looks for answers.

So does Ava get to meet her father? And who is Tavlor? And what is the connection that Ava feels with him? Can she trust him?

It ends on a cliffhanger!! So I’m definitely wanting to read the next instalment.

Copy supplied for review

? Reviewed by Juile B

Excerpt kindly provided by the author

“Why is everyone afraid of you?”
I wasn’t sure if this was rude or not to ask. I probably should have been a little more tactful, but the words popped out of my mouth before I could stop them. Now that they were out there, I couldn’t take them back. I would own them, then.
There was a twitch in Tavlor’s cheek as his straight lips tilted down into a frown. “Because I’m a bastard,” he said as though it was obvious. “An abomination. A half breed.”
I curled my fingers into fists. He didn’t even seem perturbed by the horrible things he was saying. Not in the slightest. I giggled a little at that moment. I couldn’t help it. The whole thing was ludicrous.
He turned to glare at me, and I clamped my hand over my mouth.
“I’m sorry,” I said, though I didn’t sound sorry in the slightest. “You sound like one of them. It’s ridiculous.”
I rolled my eyes, just for good measure.
His gaze changed, his liquid silver eyes piercing my soul.
I swallowed down a moan and cleared my throat with a cough. “Can you like… not do that please?”
“Not do what?” He asked, his tone confused.
I immediately looked away. He must not even realize. No wonder he was deadly. He didn’t even realize what sort of affect he had on people.
“The…” I gestured with my hand, hoping it would help me explain. “I don’t even know what it is. I feel like you’re looking into my soul.”
He looked away and straightened his spine as though recovering from an insult. “I apologise.”
“Oh no, it’s okay,” I said quickly. I didn’t want him to think he was doing anything wrong. Was he doing anything wrong? I didn’t know the technicalities, of course. I didn’t know the laws here. But whatever he was doing, it didn’t seem like it was being done on purpose. “You probably can’t help it, it’s just un-nerving.”
“I know.” His voice was still a growl, but there was a sheepishness about it that was almost endearing. “People hate it.”
Hate it? I burst out laughing again and this time he rounded on me. “What are you laughing at?” he demanded.
I winced. I hadn’t meant to offend him. Strangely, I found myself wanting to console him, to make him understand that I wasn’t trying to tease. Everything was catching up to me – Mother’s death, Father’s rejection and then offer of help, Mallory’s strange bigotry. I was also missing my sister’s more than I cared to admit only because it would bring me even more pain.
“Oh no!” I shook my head. “That’s not what I meant… I…”
I glanced around at all the strangers still watching us. “Can we go somewhere private?” I asked in a whisper.
Tavlor nodded. “Follow me.”


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