A FIERCE MAN (Appalachian STAR 7) by Deanndra Hall-review tour

A FIERCE MAN (Appalachian STAR 7) (Special Forces: Operation Alpha) by Deanndra Hall- review tour

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date July 16, 2024

The world needs more people who care, but does she care too much?

I did my time—hard time—for a long time. I’m not an innocent man, but I paid the price. I’m working on a new, squeaky-clean résumé. After 28 years, I learned how to behave, and how to inspire others. And that’s what I do. It’s who I am. Enduring years of never-ending, horrific abuse in prison, I can safely say that I’d do anything to protect weaker individuals from danger.

I’m the happiest when I’m in front of my students, changing lives and making a difference. That’s what I do and who I am. After being burned by my ex-husband, I focus my life—and heart—on my pupils, kids who truly need me.

But when an outreach project brings me face-to-face with an ex-convict, something shifts. Maybe, just maybe, my heart isn’t as shattered as I imagined. Priest seamlessly weaves his way into my world. However, a dangerous student with a vendetta threatens to sabotage our newfound connection. Suddenly, my life hangs in the balance. With the help of the Appalachian STAR team and a determined Priest, I just might be absolved of all of my fears. Can I let down my guard for this persistent, Fierce Man?

Come to the hills and hollers of eastern Kentucky and get acquainted with eight of the most determined men you’ll ever meet in the Appalachian STAR series.


REVIEW: A FIERCE MAN is the seventh instalment in Deanndra Hall’s contemporary, adult APPLACHIAN STAR romantic suspense series, a part of the multi-authored Special Forces: Operation Alpha series focusing on characters originally introduced by author Susan Stoker. This is forty-seven year old, former prison inmate Darius ‘Priest’ Fowler, and middle school teacher Augustina ‘Aggie’ Henry’s story line. A FIERCE MAN can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story lines is revealed where necessary,

NOTE: Due to the nature of the story line premise, there WILL BE triggers for more sensitive readers.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Priest and Aggie) A FIERCE MAN follows the building relationship between our story line couple. Darius ‘Priest’ Fowler currently lives and works for Appalachian STAR search and rescue in Mallie Kentucky but having spent close to thirty years in prison, enduring abuse and hardship throughout , Darius is a changed man. Meeting teacher Aggie Henry at a middle school ‘scared straight’ presentation, Darius new Aggie would be the woman to claim his heart. A date, and an introduction to his fellow Appalachian STAR members, Aggie will become one of their own but not everyone easily accepts Darius for his history, and he is about to discover that prejudices run high especially for an African American man with a dangerous past. Aggie Henry is a determined, independent and single minded African American woman, and often chooses to place herself in the direct line of fire but an incident at school brings Aggie up close and personal with true evil, and any thoughts of personal preservation or the man that she loves become non-existent as Aggie battles with a force she is unable to stop. What ensues is the building romance and relationship between Aggie and Darius, and the potential fall-out as Aggie’s actions threaten everyone involved.

The world building follows several paths including a search and rescue; Aggie’s aggressive and less than understanding family; and a man with a vendetta against our story line heroine.

The relationship between Darius and Aggie is one of immediate attraction but Darius struggles with his past history, and Aggie is a woman determined to take control. Aggie has accepted everything about Darius and his history but she is often single-minded in her attempts to manage that which cannot always be managed. The $ex scenes are intimate and passionate without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text.

There is a large ensemble cast of colorful and familiar secondary and supporting characters including many of the previous story line couples. We are introduced to Aggie’s immediate family, several co-workers and embattled children at the school. The requisite evil has many faces.

A FIERCE MAN is a story of power and control, family and friendships, relationships and love. The character driven premise is dramatic and consuming; the romance is provocative and seductive; the characters are determined, animated and wounded.

Reading Order and Previous Reviews
A Desperate Man
A Bitter Man
A Broken Man
A Twisted Man
A Furious Man
A Tormented Man

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

Deanndra Hall is a working author living in the far western end of the beautiful Bluegrass State with her husband of over 35 years and small menagerie of weird little dogs. When she’s not writing, she’s editing. When she’s doing neither of those two things, she’s having dinner with friends, spending time with family, kayaking, eating chocolate, drinking beer or moonshine, or looking for something that she put in the wrong place and can’t seem to find (which is pretty much everything she owns).


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