A Fire in the Flesh by Jennifer L. Armentrout – a Review

A Fire in the Flesh by Jennifer L. Armentrout – a Review


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The only thing that can save the realms now is the one thing more powerful than the Fates.

After a startling betrayal ends with both Sera and the dangerously seductive ruler of the Shadowlands she has fallen madly in love with being held captive by the false King of the Gods, there is only one thing that can free Nyktos and prevent the forces of the Shadowlands from invading Dalos and igniting a War of Primals.

Convincing Kolis won’t be easy, though – not even with a lifetime of training. While his most favored Revenant is insistent that she is nothing more than a lie, Kolis’s erratic nature and twisted sense of honor leave her shaken to the core, and nothing could’ve prepared her for the cruelty of his Court or the shocking truths revealed. The revelations not only upend what she has understood about her duty and the very creation of the realms but also draw into question exactly what the true threat is. However, surviving Kolis is only one part of the battle. The Ascension is upon her, and Sera is out of time.

But Nyktos will do anything to keep Sera alive and give her the life she deserves. He’ll even risk the utter destruction of the realms, and that’s exactly what will happen if he doesn’t Ascend as the Primal of Life. Yet despite his desperate determination, their destinies may be out of their hands.

But there is that foreseen unexpected thread—the unpredictable, unknown, and unwritten. The only thing more powerful than the Fates…





A Fire in the Flesh by Jennifer L. Armentrout is the 3rd book in her Flesh and Fire series. I am such a big fan of Armentrout, as I have read all of her fantastic fantasy books, with fabulous characters.   The Flesh and Fire series is a prequel to her wonderful Blood and Ash series, taking place thousands of years prior to that series. Refresher: Seraphena (Sera) Mierel, our heroine, was born to be an assassin, fulfilling her part in a deal made by her ancestor all those years before, as she has trained to be a powerful weapon. Nyktos (Ash) saves her life, and he takes her to his home, to become his Consort; and get to know all the wonderful warriors that guard him.  Sera and Nyktos were so great together, with their chemistry off the wall, and in time, all of his people cared about Sera and her abilities.

A Fire in the Flesh starts off with Sera now held captive by Kolis, with Nyktos trying to rescue Sera, only to lose the fight and he too becomes captive.  Unable to do anything to help Nyktos, Sera finds herself in a cage, with visits from Kolis, as he thinks that she holds Sotoria’s soul inside her; who happens to be his long-lost love.

Sera is a fantastic and amazing heroine, being powerful, strong, courageous, determined and fierce in trying to find Ash to save him.  She openly speaks her mind at any time, not to mention her temper.  Sera must deal with Kolis’s erratic and twisted handling of his court; constantly upsetting Sera.

I love everything JLA writes, but I found this being a slow start, and a bit repetitive. Especially with Kolis and Sera constantly going around with secrets and circles. Kolis was a true villain, and too much time was spent with almost 65% of the book revolving around Kolis, Sera and his court of evil people.  Besides Kolis being the villain, there were a number of other villains that Sera had to deal with, such as Veses, Kyn, Callum to name a few.

It wasn’t until we got to the last third of the book finally changing, with Nyktos coming into the story. I will say that Nyktos and Sera were so wonderful and romantic together. With Sera beginning to get weaker, as the Ascension is rising in her, and she realizes that she is out of time, knowing that she is dying. A desperate Nyktos takes refuses to let Sera die, and attempts to find a way to save her.  Will he succeed and what are the consequences?

What follows is an exciting, emotional, sexy, intense, and romantic adventure, that had a number of reveals giving us clues of what is yet to come.   The last third of the book was wonderful, mind-blowing, and steamy, especially with Sera and Nyktos together. Without giving any information, you will need to read this book to learn some of the reveals that may slightly relate to the Flesh and Fire and Blood and Ash series.

Jennifer L. Armentrout gives us very good story, a bit too slow early on, but the ending was so very good. I look forward to the final book in this series, Born of Blood and Ash, coming in May, 2024.

Reviewed by Barb

Copy provided by Publisher


