A Scot to Wed by Callie Hutton – a Review

A Scot to Wed by Callie Hutton – a Review


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Highlander Laird Evan MacNeil cannot believe Mistress Katie Sterling just shows up at the MacDuff castle with this faded piece of parchment laying claim to the lands he just legally inherited. Not that he really wants to be here in the lowlands, but he has responsibilities to his clan and the exasperating Katie has uprooted the remnants of her father’s clan and moved them across the country to live here. There’s no way he can leave to go back home now.

Katie has nowhere else to go and she refuses to bow down to the arrogant yet undeniably handsome Highlander. She’s had enough with men trying to control her and she is quite capable of handling herself.

Now that Evan must spar with a beautiful lass for the rights to the lands, he will fight to the end. This battle is nothing like the ones his ancestors fought with crossbows and boiling oil. They never wanted to bed the enemy.




A Scot to Wed, book 2 of Callie Hutton‘s Scottish Hearts series, was a battle of wills over the true owner of an inherited castle. Too bad squatter rights don’t apply here, but then again, Evan and Katie would still be at a dead heat.  Both have nebulous petitions, his by “some intricate web of family ties”, a stretch to be sure, while she clings to “proof of ownership”, and discretely escaping from the clutches of a vile man claiming her as his betrothed.  If only these two could compromise ?, surely there’s a mutually beneficial arrangement? 

A laird in his own right, Evan tours the castle grounds with Katie to inspect its maintenance, sans land steward.  While engaging the tenants, Evan is in effect vetting Katie, observing her approach, how she resolved matters and assisted with local concerns/issues.  Truth is, Katie is running circles around Evan, she’s so capable.  Before long, Katie is the logical choice, amenable, considerate, and a healer to boot!  Now if there was only something Evan could do about his sudden fierce attraction to the lass, he could be on his way back home.  Katie’s matched interest had “verra” good potential to explore.

This was hardly a cat and mouse pursuit, lol.  Evan gave in to desire and a protest from Katie “didna” part her lips.  Sure, a few misunderstandings and heavy-handedness stymied their connection, but I was surprised by how straightforward and sweet this was.  Tenant squabbles and personality clashes, indeed, but I always found their mindset of an even keel.  A Scot to Wed?  Yes, as a matter of fact, it happens.

I’m a fan of Ms. Hutton, already eager for her next offering, but this story just wasn’t the exciting, give-me-more-details-now storytelling of its predecessor.  A bump on the road to HEA will rear its ugly head with insidious motives, but is Evan invested enough to intervene or too willing to return to his own clan?  Will Katie face the challenge unaided, to finally prove herself?  The answers are all in here to discover!

Reviewed by Carmen

Copy provided by Publisher
