A Sinful Gift by Emma Castle – a Review

A Sinful Gift by Emma Castle – a Review


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Kidnapped by one man and given to another…to be shared…Feisty, brave and intelligent, Hazel Callahan isn’t afraid of many things in life. Until she’s kidnapped while leaving a bar by a gorgeous mountain man. Her mysterious captor tells her that she’s to be a gift to his friend. When she meets the man who will be the master of her fate, she never imagined she would actually be tempted to surrender to him, or that she’d be willing when he tells her he plans to share her with the mountain man who first took her. A game of seduction begins and soon Hazel fears she may never want to leave…




A Sinful Gift by Emma Castle is a spicy novella. Hazel Callahan has just won her law case, against her rival, Blake.  She celebrates her win at a bar, and meets a hot sexy man; but decides to go home alone.  As she leaves to her car, she is kidnapped by her mysterious captor, and he tells her he is bringing her to a friend as a gift.  Hazel isn’t afraid of anything, as she is intelligent and feisty, able fight off anyone, but this hunk of a man carries her to the house where she will meet the man who is to be her gift.

To Hazel’s surprise, the man who was gifted, turns out to be her rival, Blake; as they had a relationship years ago, and Blake has never forgotten her. Blake tells her he plans to share her with her captor, Mason, who is his best friend.  Hazel finds herself totally attracted to both men, and a game of seduction begins. They tell her that she would be worshipped like a goddess, with both sharing her.  Hazel willingly knows she will love the attention and all the steamy sex; especially with two men who are swoon worthy.  Blake & Mason (best friends) were determined to win her over, with an overload of pleasure; and Hazel worries that she may never want to leave.

What follows is a very steamy and sexy story, that was constant sex from start to finish. I liked each character individually, as they were loving and caring. Blake having not forgotten about Hazel, was going to do all he could to not let her get away again.  I did think this was a bit too much constant sex scenes.   For those of you who like this steamy storyline, you probably will need to take a cold shower.  😊    

Reviewed by Barb

Copy supplied for review

