A Touch of Forever by Jo Goodman – Review & Giveaway

A Touch of Forever by Jo Goodman – Review & Giveaway



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Lily Salt has sworn off men. After finally gaining her independence, the last thing she needs is another man telling her what to do. But the handsome railroad engineer from New York isn’t at all what she expected. He’s kind, gentle…and tempting enough to make her wonder what a second chance at love might be worth.

A self-acknowledged black sheep, Roen Shepard knows what it means to feel alone. Recognizing a kindred spirit in the reserved widow whose fascinating blue-green eyes have seen too much, and charmed by the warmth of her ready-made family, the two begin an unlikely friendship.

When a complication from his past follows him to Frost Falls, Roen proposes a mad scheme to protect the new life he’s built and keep close the stubborn woman he’s accidentally fallen for–a marriage of convenience. But Lily has secrets of her own, and the closer he gets to uncovering them, the more he comes to realize that the only truth that matters is the secret to unlocking her heart.




A Touch of Forever by Jo Goodman is the 3rd book in her Cowboys of Colorado series.  This is a western historical romance, that though this is the third book, it does read very well as a standalone.

We meet our hero, Roen Shepard, who is in Frost Falls to survey the land and assign routes for the railroad company that he works for.  He soon meets Lily Salt, our heroine, when her young son, Clay takes a liking to Roen, and wants to learn about calculations and routes. Roen finds himself attracted to the widowed Lily, but she is very cold and unfriendly.  Both Roen and Lily have their own issues, with Roen being in this small town, to avoid contact with his ex-girlfriend, Victorine, who wants to marry him. Lily has come off an abusive marriage that ended with her husband dying, and is determined to not become involved in any relationship, not to mention she has three young children to take care of.

When Roen discovers that the woman (Victorine) he is trying to avoid (she also shot him), is coming to Frost Falls, he goes to Lily to make a proposition. He asks if she will marry him in name only, and whenever she wants they can get a divorce.  He does explain his situation, and Lily realizing that Roen is a decent man, who would never hurt her, gets along well with her children and he could help them financially; she then accepts his proposal as a marriage of convenience.

To lead into the Lily and Roen relationship, and her children, the story was a bit slow early on, but it certainly picked up later to be a wonderful story.  I loved Roen, especially how caring and gentle he was with Lily; especially when he learns the truth about her abusive marriage.  I liked Lily, and as the story moved on, she became even better and stronger. It was nice to see her trust and fall in love with Roen.  The children were a great added element that made this story enjoyable and fun.   The side story about Victorine and her private investigator, Mr. Cabot was more intense, and leading into an exciting climax.  To say too much more would be spoilers.

Jo Goodman did another excellent job in creating a wonderful couple in Roen & Lily, and a story which had a lot of banter, an enjoyable romance, as well as a mystery.  A Touch of Forever was a wonderful story of family, tragedy, and a sweet marriage of convenience that turns into a beautiful romance. If you enjoy romance, a western and historical background, with a fun sexy couple, then you should read A Touch of Forever.

Reviewed by Barb

Copy provided by Publisher


Jo Goodman’s Publisher is graciously offering a paper copy of A TOUCH OF FOREVER  to ONE (1) lucky commenter at The Reading Cafe.

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7. Giveaway is open to USA only

8. Giveaway runs from June 5- 8, 2019


