Amanda Carlson-Interview and Giveaway with the Author
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With the release in latest in the Jessica McLain series-FULL BLOODED we would like to introduce the author AMANDA CARLSON

TRC: Hi Amanda and welcome to The Reading Café. It is a pleasure meeting new authors.
Amanda: Thanks for having me! It’s a pleasure to be here.
TRC: Please tell us something about yourself?
Amanda: Sure. My name is Amanda Carlson and I’m married to a great guy and we have three awesome kids. I was born and raised in Minneapolis, MN. It’s cold, but despite the nasty winters, it’s a great place to raise your family. The kids do lots of winter activities, so that makes it more enjoyable.
TRC: Your bio states you started writing after your second child was born-sending email to family and friends about the daily lives of your children. What or who inspired you to write your first novel?
Amanda:After I began writing stories about the kids, I decided to try my hand at fiction. I began taking classes at a literary center nearby and joined my local writing chapter. It’s been a long journey for me to get here and I wouldn’t change it for anything. It’s made me the writer I am today.
TRC: Is there anything you find particularly challenging about writing?
Amanda: LOL, what’s not challenging! It’s all challenging, but also tons of fun. Writing is the hardest job I’ve ever done. Piecing together a story, getting the voices right, making sure it’s balanced and the pacing it perfect is so much work, but so rewarding when it’s all done. It’s the best job in the world, but one of the most stressful.
TRC: Many authors bounce ideas between friends and family. With whom do you bounce ideas?
Amanda: n the beginning it was my beta readers exclusively. My husband was the natural choice, but urban fantasy with a female lead is not his genre of choice. Now, I chat with my agent and other authors, as well as my betas. I’m happy to say my husband, after years of training, has become a wonderful editor. He is currently reading my third book a few chapters at a time and we’re having fantastic dinner conversations about the books. How should this guy die? What creepy monster is next?
TRC: BLOODED is the introductory novella in your new Jessica McClain series. Please tell us something about the premise?
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Amanda: BLOODED starts seven years before FULL BLOODED. Jessica is fighting for her freedom off the Compound she grew up on. It showcases her plight and gives additional character depth. It’s not essential to the novel, but most readers think it’s been great to start with the novella, because it gives a greater glimpse into her life and her motivation.
TRC: Did you base the lead heroine of Jessica McClain on anyone in particular or is she a culmination of several people or ideas?
Amanda: None of my characters are based on anyone in particular. They usually come fully formed with names and personalities into my brain at full speed. I love that.
TRC: BLOODED is a novella and introduces several characters and the premise of the series, yet it does not overwhelm the reader. Did you find it difficult to write a short story as your introduction to the series?
Amanda: Not at all. I sold the series before I wrote BLOODED. We all decided it would be a great idea to showcase Jessica and my voice before my debut. I wanted to pick a pinnacle point in her life so the reader understood her motivations in the novel. There was nothing more pinnacle than her fight for her freedom, thus the story evolved. I really wanted it to be just a snippet—not long drawn out back story. I think it worked well!
TRC: FULL BLOODED is the first full-length novel in the Jessica McClain series. What is the premise behind Full Blooded?
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Amanda: The novel starts out with a wicked wake-up call and Jessica’s life changes in an instant. The entire novel showcases her growth and the community reacting to the first female werewolf on the planet. It’s meant to be a fast-paced action adventure full of snark and some heart. I’m not writing any dark fantasy. Jessica is surrounded by family and friends, who all have a certain place in her world.
TRC: HOT BLOODED is the next instalment in the series. Would you please tell us something about the premise?
Amanda: In HOT BLOODED, Jessica is on the journey of her life. She has to find her man, fight her foe and figure who and what she is. It’s non-stop action and full of mythological baddies. It was a blast to write.
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TRC: What challenges have you faced with publishing your first novel and series?
Amanda: Most of my challenges have been very minor, and for that I feel lucky. I was out on submission for three months. It was nerve wracking, but I was working on projects so it wasn’t so bad. I think the biggest surprise for me was that deadlines came on top of deadlines. This may be a no-brainer for many, but I like to “plan” for a set schedule in my head, but that doesn’t happen very often in this business!
TRC: How many books have you planned for the series?
Amanda: I have at least five in my head, but I’ll write as many as they’ll contract me for.
TRC: Do you believe you have a specific writing style?
Amanda: I’m beginning to figure it out, but it keeps morphing and changing. I’m a pantser, meaning I fly by the seat of my pants. I write better in the morning than in the evening. Other than that, I’m still figuring it out.
TRC: What are your currently writing?
Amanda: COLD BLOODED, book three in the series.
Favorite Food: A cheeseburger from 112 Eatery in Minneapolis. It has melted brie and it’s on an English muffin.
Favorite Desert: Tres Leche Cake
Favorite TV Show: Battlestar Gallactica
Favorite Movie: The Princess Bride
Favorite Song: Can’t You See by the Marshall Tucker Band
Dark or Milk Chocolate: Milk chocolate
TRC: Thank you Amanda for taking the time to answer our questions. We wish you all the best.
Amanda: Thanks so much for hosting me for my debut! It was great to stop by and chat. If anyone reading decides to give the series at try, I hope you enjoy it!

Amanda Carlson is offering a Kindle copy of her e-novella BLOODED to two (2) lucky members at The Reading Cafe. BLOODED is the introductory novella to her Jessica McClain series.
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4. Giveaway open to US and Canada only.
5. Giveaway runs from September 14-17, 2012