Lynsay Sands-Interview and Giveaway with the Author

Immortal Ever After is the 18th storyline in Lynsay Sands Argeneau Series. With her latest release we would like to introduce you to the author:
From her website: Click HERE for more information.
I love books. Reading books takes me away to other worlds and on grand adventures I just couldn’t have otherwise. Writing them does the same, but also lets me play God for a bit. I know that sounds weird, but when writing my stories, I decide who lives and dies, who succeeds or fails and so on. I can give the good guys the happy endings they deserve and be sure the bad guys lose and get their comeuppance. Unfortunately, that’s something that doesn’t always happen in real life.
Perhaps that’s why writers write. Maybe we writers are all secret control freaks, wanting to control the world. Or maybe we’re just dreamers lucky enough to be able to make a living at dreaming. Either way I love writing and would do it whether I was paid for it or not. But I’m very very grateful to be able to share these stories with you. I hope they help you escape your troubles and trials if only for a little bit, and I hope they make you smile…You can be certain I’m often chuckling myself silly while writing them. Enjoy!

TRC: Hi Lynsay and welcome to The Reading Café. Congratulations on the release of Immortal Ever After
We would like to start with some background information. Would you please tell us something about yourself?
Lynsay: Uhm… I was born in a small town in Southern Ontario where there were only 12,000 people, and spent a good part of every year on an island in the middle of the Great Lakes which had perhaps 500 people. I mention the island because I really think that growing up there is what turned me into a writer. Whatever inborn urge, skill, or desire I had to write was definitely fostered and nurtured in that environment. There was no TV on this island, at least we never had one there, and reading was my entertainment of choice. I read on the beach, on the cliff, on the boat, in a lawn chair, anywhere I could find a comfy spot. I got lots of fresh air with my romance. I also ruined several books along the way. Fortunately, my grandmother was a demon romance reader and always had a large supply to pilfer from while I waited for my soggy books to sun-dry. However, when I eventually did run out of books to read, I started writing…on the beach, on the cliff on the boat…LOL
TRC: Nano-technology is part of the premise of your best-selling ARGENEAU series. How did you come up with the idea and how much research was involved?
Lynsay: I stumbled upon a great idea for a book about a vampire but I just couldn’t bring myself to write a romance where the main characters were dead. I needed some sort of scientific explanation for my vampires’ existence so I hit the library and did research there as well as on the net in the latest scientific developments and nanos seemed to be the best explanation. I’m not sure how much research was involved. It’s been a while, but I do recall someone commenting that I should take a cot and move into the library. LOL.
TRC: Immortal Ever After (March 2013) is the latest release in your ARGENEAU series. Would you please tell us about the premise of this storyline?
Lynsay: It’s about Anders. Many of you might recognize his name, as he is a rogue hunter that has appeared in a few books in the series, the most memorable of which would have been The Renegade Hunter. In Immortal Ever After he meets Valerie, a survivor who has escaped a rogue serial killer vampire only to land in Anders’ arms. He quickly discovers she could be the life mate he’s waited over 600 years for. The only question is… When Anders finally explains things to her, will Valerie be able to accept Anders for who he really is, or will she only see him as a bloodthirsty vampire like the monster she escaped.
TRC: How many books do you have planned for the ARGENEAU series?
Lynsay: LOL… there was never a plan. The reason the series is still going is because to date I’m still coming up with new story ideas and readers are still enjoying the series. If either one of these factors change then the series would come to a halt.
TRC: If you could virtually cast the ARGENEAU series, which actors or models would best represent the main characters?
Lynsay: I get this question a lot and honestly I don’t know. I haven’t modeled my characters after any actors or actresses. Their character comes from an amalgamation of people I know; never just one, and they don’t look like anyone I know. They are unique so I wouldn’t be able to pick actors, at least none I can think of off-hand. Sorry!
TRC: The premise of the ARGENEAU series is set in and around the Toronto Ontario Canada area. What were the factors behind your decision to set the series in Canada’s largest city?
Lynsay: The main reason I put the series in Toronto is because I know the city. I won’t write about what I don’t know so rest assured if someplace is in one of my books as more than a pass through, then I’ve been there!
TRC: What five (5) things would you like to accomplish in the next 10 years?
Lynsay: Jeez, I don’t think I have that much I’d like to accomplish… LOL.
Well I’d like to get my renos done on my house because right now I feel really cluttered and disorganized with the way things are at the moment.
I’d like to go on a proper vacation of at least two weeks, as I haven’t had one of those in a very long time.
I’d like to settle into more of a routine with writing so it’s more regular hours like a nine to five thing.
I’d like to go to the biggest amusement park in the world. I love rides.
Other than that I’d like to be queen for at least a day or two. Ok, maybe three. After you’ve been queen then what more could you really accomplish after that? LOL
TRC: What challenges or difficulties have you faced in your writing career?
Lynsay: My first challenge was getting published which luckily I overcame.
I think every writer has bouts of writer’s block. Although frustrating you have to figure out where the block is coming from so you can get around it. Trying to write through the writer’s block just does not work. It’s like hurtling toward a car accident. You have to find a way around it or you will end up in a big pileup in the middle of your story.
TRC: BONUS QUESTION: Who or what is responsible for the selection of the book TITLES and COVERS for authors and their individual series?
Lynsay: My publisher is responsible for the covers although they do ask my opinion so if there’s a real problem with it then they will normally adjust it.
My publisher is the one that comes up with most of the titles, but I have come up with a couple myself that they liked.
TRC: Thank you Lynsay for taking the time to answer our questions. We wish you all the best.
Lynsay: Thank you for having me! I appreciate your thinking of me for an interview. Take care!
by Lynsay Sands
Released February 26, 2013

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A kiss doesn’t mean eternity . . .
Valerie Moyer doesn’t believe in vampires—until she is kidnapped by a fanged psychopath! After escaping her bloodthirsty captor, she’s through with creatures of the night. Until she finds herself under the protection of the darkly handsome Anders. Not only is she expected to accept that Anders is immortal, but also that she is the woman destined to be his life mate!
. . . Or does it?
Anders felt a connection to Valerie from the moment he cradled her bruised body in his arms. But before he claims her, he must destroy the vampire who almost stole her from him forever. His job would be easier if Valerie didn’t fight him every step of the way. Still, Anders loves a challenge, and the green-eyed beauty is worth fighting for!

Lynsay is offering a signed paper copy of IMMORTAL EVER AFTER for giveaway.
1. Please register using the log-in at the top of the page or by using one of the social log-ins.
2. If you are using a social log-in, please post your email address with your comment.
3. Giveaway is open to USA /CANADA and Europe only
4. Giveaway runs from March 11- March 14, 2013