Between Two Thieves by Sloane Steele – a Review

Between Two Thieves by Sloane Steele – a Review


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She’s no stranger to theft—but this time, it’s her heart at risk of being stolen.

Get in. Get out. The two basic rules of thieving.

But when Nikki Russo runs into ex-boyfriend Wade Palmer, getting out gets mighty complicated, mighty fast. Burned by Wade before, her life was less difficult with him gone—even if it was less exciting.

Nikki’s working for the good guys now, trying to restore some ill-gotten gains to their rightful owners. Wade is doing one last job for his mentor—who also happens to be Nikki’s dad.

Now it seems they’re after the same high-value painting. And maybe a little of that thrill they used to share. Teaming up with a man she’s not sure she can trust won’t be easy, especially when Nikki discovers there’s a lot more at stake than Wade first let on.

But then, Nikki’s always loved a challenge. Where’s the fun in easy anyway?



Between Two Thieves by Sloane Steele is the 2nd book in her Counterfeit Capers series.  I enjoyed the first book, It Takes a Thief and looked forward to the second book, and happy to say I loved this one equally or even better. Refresher: Jared and Mia (cousins), plan their series of heists as payback against their fathers.  A number of years ago, their fathers were exposed for a Bernie Madoff financial scam, causing many people to lose their money; a number of those people were put into financial binds. The fathers are in hiding, leaving the children and their wives to suffer the backlash against them; even though they had no idea what was happening. Years have passed, and now both Jared and Mia have inherited from their mother’s trust funds, which they plan to use to help out all those people who were hurt financially.  They will aim at their fathers’ cronies, who have valuable art, and they plan to steal the various paintings/sculptures, replace with forgeries, and provide compensation to the victims; which they plan to do 12 heists.   But they need to find people who can help them perform the necessary deeds.

The series revolves around those people who Jared and Mia hired to help them. Audrey (Data) is a hacker, Nikki is the thief and London is the forger. In Between Two Thieves, Nikki is the lead in this story, as she runs into her ex-boyfriend, Wade whom she left a few years ago, since he refused to leave her father, the criminal who trained both of them. Nikki is the best at what she does, and seems happier working for Jared and Mia, since she loves being a thief, and this time its for a good cause.  When she meets with Wade, she discovers that he is trying to steal the same painting as her group is planning on.  Though she still has feelings for Wade, she doesn’t trust him, especially since he helps her father.  Wade still loves Nikki, but knows he needs to steal the painting to help her father out of a threatening situation.  Nikki learns that Wade has gone straight, being a partner in a security firm, but without telling her too much information, he pleads with her to let him get the painting.  Unfortunately for Wade, Nikki and her team manage to steal the painting before he can, and she learns why he needed it (her father owes money to a bookie, and they are threating him).  She then decides to help Wade get the painting (she will have London make a forgery) and work on stealing the original now at a museum.  

What follows is another wonderful exciting story, in the world of hackers, thieves and forgers, as well as playing robin hood (payback to the victims). There was plenty of action, intrigue, suspense and a couple we rooted for. Nikki was a great heroine, and Wade was a nice guy who was very much in love with her.  I do not want to say too much more, since you should be reading this without spoilers.  Between Two Thieves was very well written by Sloane Steele.  Between Two Thieves was a fun, as well as suspenseful story, with a fantastic group of characters.  I look forward to the next book in this series.

Reviewed by Barb

Copy supplied for Review


