Flirting with Fire (Hot in Chicago #1) by Kate Meader-Review, Interview and Giveaway

Flirting With Fire (Hot in Chicago #1) by Kate Meader-Review, Interview and Giveaway

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Flirting With Fire
Hot in Chicago #1
by Kate Meader
Genre: adult, contemporary, erotic, romance
Release Date: March 24, 2015

Flirting with Fire / B&N / KOBO / The Book Depository

FLIRTING WITH FIRE ( Hot in Chicago #1) by Kate Meader

About the book: Release Date March 24, 2015

Savvy PR guru Kinsey Taylor has always defined herself by her career, not her gender. That is, until she moved from San Francisco to Chicago to be with her fiancé who thought she wasn’t taking her “job” of supporting him in his high-powered career seriously enough—and promptly dumped her for a more supportive and “feminine” nurse. Now, as the new assistant press secretary to Chicago’s dynamic mayor, she’s determined to keep her eye on the prize: no time to feel inferior because she’s a strong, kick-ass woman, and certainly no time for men.

But that all changes when she meets Luke Almeida, a firefighter as searingly sexy as he is quick-tempered. He’s also the second oldest of the Firefightin’ Dempseys, a family of foster siblings who have committed their lives to the service—if Luke’s antics don’t get him fired first. When Luke goes one step too far and gets into a bar brawl with the Chicago Police Department, Kinsey marches into Luke’s firehouse and lays down the law on orders from the mayor. But at Engine Co. 6, Luke Almeida is the law. And he’s not about to let Kinsey make the rules.


REVIEW: FLIRTING WITH FIRE is the first installment in Kate Meader’s adult, contemporary Hot in Chicago romance series focusing on the Dempsey family-a family of firefighting foster siblings who have seen their fare share of heartbreak and pain. This is eldest sibling and firefighter Luke Almeida, and PR representative Kinsey Taylor’s storyline.

Told from several third person perspectives, the storyline focuses on saving Luke’s public persona. His most recent antics have landed him on YouTube and in hot water with the Mayor’s office. Enter Kinsey Taylor-the woman hired to change the Chicago Fire Department’s image and in doing so, tame Luke Almeida. What ensues is a building relationship between two people whose recent histories in the love department has resulted in heartbreak and betrayal. As Kinsey works her magic with both Luke and the CFD, the truth about Luke’s volatile blow up goes beyond a simple bar room brawl.

Kinsey is a smart, independent woman who followed the wrong man to Chicago and now finds herself alone without family and friends. Luke, is an alpha male, who puts family first and in this finds himself in the position to defend and protect the people that he loves. As Luke begins to fall for Kinsey, our heroine will pull away when her time in Chicago comes to an end.

We are introduced to all of the Dempsey foster siblings: Beck and his new wife Darcy, the quiet and secretive Wyatt, model-gorgeous Gage and the only female Alexandra. There are a number of future storylines developing and Kate Meader seamlessly blends the introductions throughout the main premise. Several secondary and colorful supporting players include the misogynistic Mayor Eli Cooper, who may or may not be interested in the lovely Alex; Chef Brady Smith whose military PTSD has left him scarred both inside and out; as well as several fellow firefighters, city hall employees, and the patrons and regulars at the family owned bar. The Dempsey family has a rocky history with the political elite of Chicago –both in the Mayor’s office and the police department-and the stories are revealing a little bit at a time.

FLIRTING WITH FIRE is a brilliant and captivating introductory storyline. The Dempsey family dynamics prove that one does not need to be related by blood to feel the love and support. There are moments of intimacy between Luke and Kinsey; as well as shared family secrets, history and memories between Luck, Beck, Gage, Wyatt and Alex. FLIRTING WITH FIRE is an amazing start to a new series.

Copy supplied by the publisher.

Reviewed by Sandy


TRC: Hi Kate and welcome to The Reading Café. Congratulations on the release of FLIRTING WITH FIRE, the first book in your new HOT IN CHICAGO series.

KATE: Thanks so much for having me!

TRC: We would like to start with some background information. Would you please tell us something about yourself?

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Kate MeaderKATE: Well, I’m originally from Ireland and I’ve lived in Chicago for over twenty years. I have degrees in law, history, and library science, and I write about hot alpha men and the women who can match them quip for quip.

TRC: Who or what influenced your career in writing?

KATE: When I was younger, I was a big fan of women’s fiction and chick lit, especially authors like Maeve Binchy, Catherine Cookson, and Jilly Cooper. They wrote big, sprawling epics with multiple characters that dug deep into friendships and love. Later, I snapped up Marian Keyes, Jenny Crusie, and Susan Elizabeth Phillips – funny, smart ladies who wrote funny, smart romance.

TRC: If you had a choice, which career, other than writing, would you like to attempt?

KATE: I’d be an historian and put my masters degree in medieval history to use. The problem with that is you have to have something amazingly original to say about twelfth century nuns that hasn’t already been said or you have to like eating ramen for dinner all the time. Neither applies to me, so I’m trying my hand at writing!

TRC: You are originally from Ireland-born and raised. When was the last time you visited the Irish countryside? Have your memories of Ireland inspired any of your storylines or characters?

KATE: I’m a Dublin city girl, through and through, so the countryside doesn’t usually figure much on my trips. As for whether my Irish memories inspire my storylines or characters…I do have an Irish pastry chef in one of Hot in the Kitchen books. Shane has a brogue that drives the ladies wild and a melancholy smile that only the heroine sees. He was such fun to write, though after twenty years in the US, I had to look up Irish slang to get his voice right. I’ve assimilated so much in my time here that I’ve forgotten my Irishness to an extent.

TRC: Your bio states that you were married in a tenth century castle in Italy. Have you considered writing an historical series focusing in and around the castle and all of the romantic tales it would inspire?

KATE: Though I have that medieval history degree, I think my voice is too modern to work for historical. What might be more fun would be an Italian-set romance series where maybe people are renovating the castle and seeing ghosts and falling in love. *Jots down brilliant idea*

Flirting with FireTRC: FLIRTING WITH FIRE is the first book in your new HOT IN CHICAGO erotic, romance series. Would you please tell us something about the series and the premise of the book?

KATE: The series focuses on the firefighters at Engine 6, the oldest firehouse in Chicago, and more specifically on the Firefightin’ Dempseys who rule the roost. There are five of them—four guys and a gal—and they are the foster children of a legendary firefighter named Sean Dempsey, who has already died in the line of duty before FLIRTING WITH FIRE starts. They live by the lessons Sean taught them: fire is stronger than blood and defend the people you love until the dying embers.

Book 1, FLIRTING WITH FIRE, is about Luke Almeida, leader of the Dempseys and all-round hothead, and Kinsey Taylor, ice-cool PR guru sent in by the mayor to clean up Luke’s act after a video of a bar brawl he instigated goes viral. So it’s workplace-opposites attract-sexy firefighters-family dynamics – all the things I love to read in a romance.

TRC: How many books do you have planned for the series and will each of the ‘foster siblings’ get their own story?

KATE: So far, I have planned a novella and three full-length books, all standalone. Each book will have a primary couple and there will be a hot m/m secondary romance between sexy firefighter Gage and a gruff former-Marine-turned-gourmet-chef that will arc over the three longer books.

TRC: What or who was the inspiration for the HOT IN CHICAGO series?

KATE: I imagined what the cover of my future firefighter book might look like and the inspiration flowed like honey… I’m just kidding, but have you seen the hot-as-the-hinges-of-hell cover for FLIRTING WITH FIRE? Who wouldn’t want to write (and read) about every day heroes with dirt-streaked muscles and blue eyes and shamrock tats and suspenders? Okay, for real now—you could say I found inspiration in a few different sources. I know a few Chicago firefighters personally. I’m originally from Ireland, so I appreciate the bonds of family that are inherently Irish. And I love the show, Chicago Fire! I was born to write this book series ☺

TRC: What challenges or difficulties (research, logistics, background) did you encounter writing this particular story?

KATE: There’s so much that can be found with internet searching, so getting the bones right wasn’t a problem. But it was most helpful when I got to spend a day at a Chicago firehouse with a friend of mine, Captain Jerry Hughes. He was able to fill in a lot of gaps that I couldn’t by just watching firefighter videos or TV shows or reading online.

TRC: Are the storyline characters based in reality or a culmination of fact and fiction?

KATE: Completely fictional.

TRC: How do you keep the plot unpredictable without sacrificing content and believability?

KATE: That’s a tough one. Readers of romance know how it’s all going to end, which makes romance a comfort read, but at the same time you want to ensure the journey offers the surprises and twists that will keep it from being predictable. I’m not a big fan of drama for drama’s sake. The characters have to drive the plot and make choices in keeping with their characterizations as I’ve laid them out. For example, Kinsey, my heroine in FLIRTING WITH FIRE moved from San Fran to Chicago to be with her cardiac surgeon fiancé because he felt her support of him and his career was lacking. She tried to save the relationship by compromising her own career and goals. I think we’ve all made compromises or settled because it’s easier or we’re in love or we think we are. At the same time, she’s stubborn, so when her fiancé dumps her for a more “supportive” nurse, she stays put in Chicago. No more compromise for her, she’ll make the best of the situation rather than return to the West coast with her tail between her legs. So when there comes a point in the story where she might have to compromise again for Luke, what will she do? How will her past experience inform her future decisions? There’s a fine line to balance here sometimes – people want our couple to be happy but they don’t want the heroine’s personality to be subsumed in the hero’s.

TRC: Do you have any plans to return to your HOT IN THE KITCHEN series? novellas? Updates on the couples?

Hot in the Kitchen series

KATE: No plans right now. I may go back one day with a novella catching everyone up on the lives and loves of the DeLucas.

TRC: When writing a storyline, do the characters direct the writing or do you direct the characters?

KATE: Characters all the way.

TRC: The mark of a good writer is to pull the reader into the storyline so that they experience the emotions along with the characters. What do you believe a writer must do to make this happen? Where do you believe writer’s fail in this endeavor?

KATE: It all comes down to writing characters that people can identify with, whether it’s a tough-as-nails career woman or a single mom down on her luck. As long as that character is acting in situations that make sense to that character—and us—the reader will want to get on board that train.

TRC: What is something that few, if anybody, knows about you?

KATE: Up until the age of 18, I could speak Irish (Gaelic) fluently. I’ve lost it now, unfortunately, and hardly anyone needs to speak it anymore, but I was quite proud of that.

Playing with Fire

TRC: On what are you currently working?

KATE: I’ve just turned in Book 2 of the Hot in Chicago series, PLAYING WITH FIRE, and I’m getting ready to start Book 3. I’m also working on a series for Entangled Brazen about Texan tycoons who are unlucky in love.

TRC: Would you like to add anything else?

KATE: Just a thank you for all your support and for letting me chat today!




Favorite Food – pasta

Favorite Dessert – anything with chocolate in it

Favorite TV Show – Chicago Fire

Last Movie You Saw – Boyhood

Dark or Milk Chocolate – dark

Secret Celebrity Crush Chris Hemsworth (one of my characters, Gage is modeled after him)

Last Vacation Destination – Vietnam, Cambodia, and Thailand

Do you have any pets? – only a husband

Last book you read – The Master by Kresley Cole

Pet Peeve – people who say “supposably” or “irregardless”

TRC: Thank you Kate for taking the time to answer our questions and congratulations on all of your success.

KATE: And thank you!


Kate’s publisher is graciously offering a paper copy of FLIRTING WITH FIRE to TWO (2) lucky commenters at The Reading Cafe.

1. If you have not previously registered at The Reading Cafe, please register by using the log-in at the top of the page (side bar) or by using one of the social log-ins.

2. If you are using a social log-in, please post your email address with your comment.

3. Please Follow Kate Meader on Facebook.


5. Please FOLLOW us on Twitter for an additional entry.

6. Please FOLLOW us on GOODREADS for an additional entry.

7. Giveaway is open to US & Canada only

8. Giveaway runs from March 27-April 1, 2015


Slow Burn (Driven #5) by K. Bromberg-Review, Book Tour & Giveaway

Slow Burn (Driven #5) by K.Bromberg-Review, Book Tour & Giveaway

slow burn - blog tour

Slow Burn
(Driven #5)
by K. Bromberg
Release Date: February 24, 2015
Genre: adult, contemporary, erotic, romance

Slow Burn / Barnes and Noble / KOBO / The Book Depository

RELEASE DATE: February 24, 2015


One Night. That’s all it was supposed to be.

Reeling from the sudden loss of her sister, Haddie Montgomery has sworn off relationships. All she wanted from Beckett Daniels was a sexy distraction to help her escape her pain for just a little while. There weren’t supposed to be any strings attached—so why can’t she shake the memory of that unforgettable night from her thoughts? Or the taste of his kiss from her lips?

No matter how hard Haddie tries to forget about him, Becks relentlessly tries to prove that she should start living for today. But she is determined to avoid romantic commitment, and she can always use her ex-boyfriend’s reappearance to help snuff out the slow burn within her that Becks has sparked….

Or will fate force her to realize that this kind of connection doesn’t come along very often and a chance at love is worth the risk?


REVIEW: SLOW BURN is the fifth installment in K.Bromberg’s adult, contemporary DRIVEN erotic romance series. This is Colton Donavan’s best friend Beckett Daniels and Rylee Thomas-Donovan’s BFF Haddie Montgomery’s storyline.

Told from alternating first person points of view (Haddie and Beckett) the storyline focuses on the building relationship between Haddie and Beckett, and Haddie’s need to push away the people that she loves. Haddie and Beckett were first introduced to the reader and to one another in K.Bromberg’s DRIVEN series about billionaire race car driver Colton Donavan and the love of his life Rylee Thomas.

Haddie continues to struggle with the death of her sister, and in this the entire storyline takes off in a different direction. Grief, fear of the unknown, and an uneasy feeling about the future find Haddie battling her feelings for Beckett- the man to whom she made no promises for the future-no strings attached. The ‘no strings’ attached scenario comes up time and again throughout the story-she may have said no strings but Beckett sees a chain around his heart, directly connected to the woman that he loves.

There is plenty of push and pull in this emotional storyline where Haddie’s decisions come across as selfish and uncaring at times but she struggles with the aftermath of her sister’s death, the upheaval upon everyone’s lives, and an unknown future for herself. Sometimes we all have to take a step back and look at the bigger picture; looking into the mirror does not reveal the entire story. Haddie wants to set out on her journey alone hoping to protect everyone that she loves-in the end, going it alone, is the worse possible decision she could make.

K. Bromberg invites the reader into Haddie’s personal and emotional journey. There are moments of fear and sorrow; grief and letting go; romance and love. SLOW BURN looks at a different kind of romantic storyline struggle; a struggle many families face on a daily basis but one that is more personal than most.

To be honest, this is a difficult review to write. I have to avoid spoilers and by avoiding the focus of the storyline, I have to omit the biggest plot point of the novel. There is no getting around it; I have to be vague or vaguer than normal 😉 But, I do know that by the time all of the reviews have been posted to the various sites, the secrets will have been revealed.

Copy supplied by the publisher.

Reviewed by Sandy




He chuckles low and even, a sarcastic amusement woven through the sound that pisses me off. “What are you afraid of? Why is his offer so much more tempting than mine, huh? Oh, I know why,” he says, sarcasm dripping from his words. “He’ll walk away without any questions. But I won’t will I, Haddie? I have plenty of questions. The first one being what exactly are you running from?”
My eyes flash up to meet his, and the look – the moment that passes between us – is too honest, too raw. I have to break it. I can’t let him see the truths that even I’m trying to hide from. How I feel and what I need to fix me – the answer being him – because I’m not going to allow it to happen.
I can feel it. I can know it. But he can’t.
My mind flashes back momentarily to the night of the wedding. Of how I asked him – gave him no other option really –to take me to bed. Did I know then that unzipping my dress for him and inviting him between my legs would lead to this? Me wanting so much more? Me standing in the middle of his apartment wanting to ask for more but unable to because of the fears that are holding me hostage?


about the author

kristy brombergNew York Times and USA Today Bestselling author K. Bromberg is that reserved woman sitting in the corner who has you all fooled about the wild child inside of her—the one she lets out every time her fingertips touch the computer keyboard.

K. lives in Southern California with her husband and three children. When she needs a break from the daily chaos of her life, you can most likely find her on the treadmill or with Kindle in hand, devouring the pages of a good, saucy book.

On a whim, K. Bromberg decided to try her hand at this writing thing. Her debut novels, Driven, Fueled, and Crashed of The Driven Trilogy were well received and went on to become multi-platform bestsellers as well as landing on the New York Times and USA Today lists. Her other works include a short story, UnRaveled, and a companion piece to The Driven Trilogy titled Raced. She is currently working on three stand alone Driven novels, Slow Burn, Sweet Ache, and Hard Beat. She also plans to release a novel addressing the 10 year gap at the ending of Crashed in late fall 2015

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Pinterest | Amazon

slow burn teaser 3


There are 2 ways to WIN with K. Bromberg and SLOW BURN

Giveaway #1

K. Bromberg’s publisher has offered a PAPER COPY of SLOW BURN to ONE (1) luck commenter at The Reading Cafe

1. If you have not previously registered at The Reading Cafe, please register by using the log-in at the top of the page (side bar) or by using one of the social log-ins.

2. If you are using a social log-in, please post your email address with your comment.

3. Please Follow K.Bromberg on Facebook.

4.Please Follow K.Bromberg on Twitter.


6. Please FOLLOW us on Twitter for an additional entry.

7. Please FOLLOW us on GOODREADS for an additional entry.

8. Giveaway is open to USA only

9. Giveaway runs from February 25-March 2, 2015



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NOTE: The Reading Cafe is NOT responsible for the rafflecopter giveaway. If you have any questions, please contact the tour provider.


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Craved by an Alpha (Eternal Mates 5) by Felicity Heaton-Review, Book Barrage and Giveaway

Craved by an Alpha (Eternal Mates 5) by Felicity Heaton-Review, Book Barrage and Giveaway

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Craved by an Alpha, the fifth book in New York Times best-seller Felicity Heaton’s hot paranormal romance series, Eternal Mates, is now available in ebook and paperback. To celebrate the release, she’s holding a FANTASTIC GIVEAWAY at her website and sharing sneak peeks of the book.

Find out how to enter the Craved by an Alpha international giveaway (ends February 8th) and be in with a shot of winning a $75, $50 or $25 gift certificate at her website, where you can also download a 5 chapter sample of the novel:

craved by an alpha

Craved by an Alpha
Eternal Mates #5
by Felicity Heaton
Genre: adult, contemporary, erotic, paranormal romance
Release Date:January 27, 2015 / KOBO / ibooks

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date January 27, 2015

Having turned his back on his snow leopard pride, Cavanaugh has been counting the days until he’s free of a role he never wanted—one that separated him from his fated female and stands between him and the future he craves with her.

Just days from the night he will finally be free to be with the low-ranking beauty who stole his heart, she walks back into his life and threatens to destroy everything he’s worked towards in the five long years they’ve been apart.

Eloise has traveled across continents searching for the male who was once her best friend and so much more to her, but was now her pride’s true alpha. Desperate to fulfil a promise to her kin to save them from the tyrant he left in charge, she convinces Cavanaugh to return to his pride, but as they journey to Bhutan, doubts bloom and old feelings resurface, tearing her between duty and her deepest desires and impossible dreams.

Will Eloise be able to resist the burning need that Cavanaugh reignites in her and remember her place in the pride? And can Cavanaugh find a way to save his kin and claim the future he craves with the woman he loves?


REVIEW: CRAVED BY AN ALPHA is the fifth installment in Felicity Heaton’s adult, contemporary Eternal Mates erotic, paranormal romance series. This is snow leopard shifters Cavanaugh and Eloise’s storyline-a second chance at love for destined mates. CRAVED BY AN ALPHA can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty.

Told from third person point of view, the storyline focuses on reluctant alpha and snow leopard Cavanaugh as he is tasked, by his cautious mate, with returning to his homeland to claim what is rightfully his-the leadership of his pride and a mate he has not seen for close to five years. Eloise has been searching for Cavanaugh for two years hoping to convince the man that she loves to return to their village and accept his position as alpha. Cavanaugh left the pride to protect the woman that he loves only to learn that the male who assumed leadership has left the pride decimated, destroyed and fearing for their lives.

CRAVED BY AN ALPHA follows Cavanaugh and Eloise on their trek back to their homeland. Their time is running out-Cavanaugh has eight days to reclaim his position as alpha or the mantle goes to the current male in charge. What ensues is a journey of flight and foot, through the jungles and over treacherous mountain terrain where our hero reflects on family, his life and the past ten years. Cavanaugh never claimed his mate leaving her to defend for herself against a tyrant and sadistic murderer.

The majority of the storyline is a reflection; a narration that reveals Cavanaugh’s emotional pain and history with his pride. As the reluctant heir and alpha, Cavanaugh tired of the constant battle for leadership and feared placing his unclaimed mate in danger. Leaving the pride was the worst move Cavanaugh could have made.

The relationship and former friendship between our leading couple has already been established but the years under a tyrannical rule have left Eloise fearful and submissive. The sex scenes are erotic and provocative but Cavanaugh had yet to claim his mate-the woman he has never stopped loving.

Felicity Heaton takes the reader on quest; a pilgrimage to the homeland where the scenery and beauty of the land adds to our couple’s wants and needs. There are moments of heartbreak and anguish; romance and love. Because most of the storyline is a reflection, the communication between our couple is limited. The previous history and current dilemma are revealed through contemplation, consideration and internal dialogue. Saying that, Eloise is reluctant to reveal the true nature of her journey and the frightening conditions back home.

Felicity Heaton writes addicting storylines of strong alpha males and the women they love. Her $ex scenes are erotic and seductive; the relationships are emotional and intense. The ETERNAL MATES series and CRAVED BY AN ALPHA are imaginative, enchanting and a rewarding read.

Copy supplied by the author.

Reviewed by Sandy





“I’m going for a swim.”

Eloise barely had time to register those words before Cavanaugh was stripping off his charcoal fleece, tugging the dark t-shirt he wore beneath off with it too. He dropped them on top of his pack and she stared at him, unable to drag her eyes away as they slowly glided down over the hard slabs of his pectorals to the ropes of his stomach.

An ache started low in her belly and only got worse as he tugged off his walking boots, pulled off his socks, and unbuttoned his dark grey trousers. He pushed them down, revealing long toned legs, and stepped out of them, his muscles shifting with the action, mesmerising her.

He truly was a majestic male.

For a moment, she feared he would crush her strength to resist him by stripping completely, but he turned away from her, his black trunks still in place. They hugged the twin globes of his backside as he walked and she stared at them, loving the way they dimpled and flexed with each stride he took towards the water.

When he looked back at her, she dropped her gaze to her pack.

She felt his eyes leave her and lifted hers back to him, drinking in the sight of him. He waded into the water and barked out a sharp noise that echoed around the lush green valley and the mountains beyond.

“Fuck, that’s freezing.” He didn’t turn around as she had expected. He shuddered and kept wading out into the river, his shoulders hunched up and fingers flexing at his sides.

She smiled.

And hid it when he looked back at her.

He grinned, his grey eyes bright with it, a light she hadn’t seen in them for a long time. Too long. This was the gorgeous male she had grown up with, always an air of mischief surrounding him, a sense that he was going to live his life to the fullest and take every adventure in his stride.

Seeing him like it again only made her feel worse about making him return to the pride with her and only made it hit home how much he had changed when he had become their alpha. She had never thought he would smile again as he was now, full of energy and happiness. She had never thought she would see the Cavanaugh who had been her best friend, her closest companion, and so much more than that.

For her at least.

She studied him, spotting all the changes that she had failed to notice, ones that were startlingly clear to her now and told her that things had been hard for Cavanaugh at the village after he had become their alpha. She could see now how much it had weighed on him and she cursed herself for being so wrapped up in her own hurt to notice his struggle. Her heart whispered that it wasn’t only his duties as alpha that had made life at the pride hard for him and she tried to ignore it, afraid to listen to it and believe that his struggle had in part been because they had been separated and couldn’t be together.

She refused to get caught up in that fantasy.

She refused to surrender to her pressing need to question him too, because she feared the answers he might give her.

He bravely dipped lower in the water, kicked off and began to swim in the deepest part of the river, entrancing her as he ducked his head under the cold water and surfaced again. He slicked his silver-white hair back and rivulets ran down his sculpted cheeks and rolled along the strong line of his jaw. He still made her heart beat hard and still drew her to him even though her memories of him were tainted by everything that had come afterwards.

The women.

The warmth that had been building inside her stuttered and died, leaving her ice cold.

Cavanaugh swam towards her, but his smile no longer affected her. The sight of him no longer made her want to rush into his arms and listen to his deep voice as he told her stories of the outside world. The pain of watching him from a distance for five long years crushed that need and the pain of being separated from him and everything she had endured destroyed her softer feelings.

“Join me, Eloise,” he hollered, his smile widening. “It’s not bad once you get used to it.”

“No.” That word came out far colder than she had intended and he frowned at her, his smile disappearing as he stopped swimming.

She looked away from him, unable to bear seeing the hurt as it crossed his face, tearing at her. She hadn’t meant to reject him so cruelly. It had been wrong of her, and not because he was her alpha and she had been disrespectful. It had been wrong of her to hurt him when deep inside she had wanted to take him up on his offer.

She wanted to swim with him, but she couldn’t shake the memories that were bombarding her, replays of the five years she had watched him from a distance as he had acted as their alpha.

She couldn’t shake the flashes of the women who had been all over him, seeking his attention.

Eloise pressed her hands to her chest as her heart hurt and tears threatened to fill her eyes. She sniffed them back, unwilling to let them fall. She had spilled enough tears in her life over everything that had happened. She was done with them now. She was stronger than the woman she had been, the one shaped by events she’d had no control over.

The one who had been torn apart every night when Cavanaugh had gone to his house, a trail of women following him.

It was the right of pride alphas to take their pick from among the females of status, satisfying as many partners as took their fancy. The females vied for the attention of their alpha because sharing his bed might elevate them into the role of his sole female.

Cavanaugh had never chosen one from the many. His father had been like that too, bedding numerous females, never settling on one.

His father had even slept with the females without status, the ones who could never be selected as his sole female.

Her gaze sought Cavanaugh and tracked him as he swam away from her, the distance between them eating at her. How many females had he bedded in the five years he had served as their alpha?

How many more would he sleep with after he returned to that role?

He would return to it. He had no choice. He would become their true alpha again when he set foot in the village, and she would go back to her quiet life, away from the pride. As much as it hurt her, it was how things had to be. She wasn’t bringing him back for her sake. She was doing it for the pride.

Eloise watched him, a deep need growing inside her again, one that she struggled to deny.

Asking Cavanaugh for the truth about how many women he had slept with and whether he had ever cared about her would only end with her being hurt again. She wasn’t strong enough, wasn’t brave enough to lay her heart on the line like that. Her stomach rebelled at the vision of him looking her right in the eye and telling her that he had bedded the females and that she had meant nothing to him, that what had happened between them had been nothing more than satisfying a biological need for him.

She wasn’t strong enough right now to hear that. Seeing him again, speaking to him for the first time in almost a decade, and being close to him had her muddled and off balance, liable to fall apart and make a fool of herself.

Cavanaugh began swimming back towards her and the resolve she had mustered crumbled again. She trembled on the brink of casting aside all the rules and swimming with him. Part of her demanded she seized this moment with him, before he was taken from her again, but the rest warned that it would only make things worse. Giving herself to him again now would make seeing him with other females unbearable. The knowledge that he could again take something precious and special and treat it as if it was nothing would destroy her.

His gaze swung her way and his expression suddenly went cold.

“Eloise!” He shoved out of the water, spraying it everywhere and startling her.

He rushed across the wet rocks, his footing sure as he sprinted towards her, leaping with agile grace from one boulder to the next, his muscles working hard as he closed the distance between them.

Her eyes widened and she turned slowly, her heart thundering against her breast and cold prickles crawling over the nape of her neck.

She wasn’t alone.

Her eyes met the huge tiger’s ones as it stalked towards her from the edge of the forest, already close enough to pounce.



about the author

Felicity HeatonFelicity Heaton is a New York Times and USA Today international best-selling author writing passionate paranormal romance books. In her books, she creates detailed worlds, twisting plots, mind-blowing action, intense emotion and heart-stopping romances with leading men that vary from dark deadly vampires to sexy shape-shifters and wicked werewolves, to sinful angels and hot demons! If you’re a fan of paranormal romance authors Lara Adrian, J R Ward, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Gena Showalter and Christine Feehan then you will enjoy her books too.


If you love your angels a little dark and wicked, the best-selling Her Angel series is for you. If you like strong, powerful, and dark vampires then try the Vampires Realm series or any of her stand-alone vampire romance books. If you’re looking for vampire romances that are sinful, passionate and erotic then try the best-selling Vampire Erotic Theatre series. Or if you prefer huge detailed worlds filled with hot-blooded alpha males in every species, from elves to demons to dragons to shifters and angels, then take a look at the new Eternal Mates series.

If you want to know more about Felicity, or want to get in touch, you can find her at the following places:






Find all the links, a fantastic 5 chapter downloadable sample of the book, and also how to enter the giveaway and be in with a shot of winning a $75, $50 or $25 gift certificate at her website:

Books in the Eternal Mates paranormal romance series:

Book 1: Kissed by a Dark Prince
Book 2: Claimed by a Demon King
Book 3: Tempted by a Rogue Prince
Book 4: Hunted by a Jaguar
Book 5: Craved by an Alpha
Book 6: Bitten by a Hellcat – Coming February 17th 2015
Book 7: Taken by a Dragon – Coming March 10th 2015



Felicity is graciously offering an ecopy of any ONE book in her Eternal Mates Series of
either *Kissed by a Dark Prince*, *Claimed by a Demon King*, or *Tempted by a Rogue Prince* (international) to ONE (1) lucky commenter at The Reading Cafe.


1. If you have not previously registered, please register using the log-in at the top of the page (side bar) or by using one of the social log-ins.

2. If you are using a social log-in such as Twitter or Facebook, please post your email address with your comment.

3. LIKE us on FACEBOOK and then click GET NOTIFICATION under ‘liked’ for an additional entry.

4. LIKE us on Twitter for an additional entry.

5. Please FOLLOW us on TSU for an additional entry.

6. LIKE Felicity Heaton on Facebook

7. LIKE Felicity Heaton on TWITTER

8. Sign up for Felicity Heaton’s NEWSLETTER

9. Giveaway open Internationally

10. Giveaway runs from January 28  to 31, 2015


Hunted by a Jaguar (Eternal Mates #4) by Felicity Heaton-Review and Blog Tour

HUNTED BY A JAGUAR (Eternal Mates #4) by Felicity Heaton-a review

Hunted by a Jaguar Banner

Hunted by a Jaguar
Eternal Mates #4
by Felicity Heaton
Genre: adult, paranormal, romance, shifters
Release Date: January 6, 2015

hunted by a jaguar / / Barnes and Noble / KOBO /

RELEASE DATE: January 6, 2015

A jaguar shifter with a dark secret, Kyter has spent his entire life running from his demons. When a tragedy takes him back to his pride’s village, he is set on a path of vengeance that will see him collide with the terrible ghosts of his past and a beautiful vision of his future.

Iolanthe deals in finding artifacts for discerning clients, but this time her client is one of the deadliest men in Hell and her mission has the highest stakes imaginable. Failure is not an option when your life is on the line, but things take a dangerous turn when she crosses paths with a handsome and mysterious male on the hunt for the same artefact—a male who declares she is his eternal mate.

Can Iolanthe resist Kyter’s wicked allure and find the artifact before he does? Can Kyter face his demons and win the heart of his fated female? Or will this deadly game of cat and mouse claim both of their lives?


REVIEW: HUNTED BY A JAGUAR is the fourth release in Felicity Heaton’s Eternal Mates fantasy/paranormal romance series. This is jaguar shifter/Underworld Nightclub owner Kyter and elf/artifact hunter Iolanthe’s storyline. The storyline takes the reader on a journey from London to Italy; to the ancient cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum; from Hell to Prince Loren’s castle in the elven kingdom.

Shunned and abused by his pride as a child, Kyter has never had any need to return to the jungle except for the love of his mother. But her recent death brings feelings of murderous rage and revenge for a son whose unwelcome birth brought nothing but pain and sorrow for the mother he barely knew. In order to avenge her murder, Kyter will seek out the man responsible knowing that one or both will not survive. A mission to find the key to his location sets Kyter on a direct path with the woman who would one day be his mate.

Iolanthe is a three thousand year old elf; a strong willed woman who has no need for any man in her life; and a woman on a mission to recover an artifact for a client who does not accept failure. Iolanthe’s life will be terminated if she is unable to produce the item in question but finding Kyter, a creature whose DNA screams something different, in search of the same artifact will alter Iolanthe’s determination to uncovering the location. What ensues is a battle of wills; a test of knowledge; and a need greater than either could have imagined.

The relationship between Iolanthe and Kyter is fraught with rejection, anger, mistrust and betrayal. Kyter knows that Iolanthe is his mate but his mate wants nothing to do with a controlling male; she is remiss to accept his claim as her fated mate and refuses all of his attempts to acknowledge their mating. The sex scenes are intimate, romantic, compelling and provocative.

HUNTED BY A JAGUAR can be read as a stand alone storyline. Any important information from earlier installments is imparted where necessary with the mention of several players and the inclusion of a single character from previous storylines that allows for cohesion and familiarity. The introduction of Cavanaugh, Owen and Cait sets up the next two installments and storyline premises in Felicity Heaton’s ETERNAL MATES series.

HUNTED BY A JAGUAR is a sensual and imaginative storyline. There are moments of heartbreak and betrayal; passion and romance; graphic violence and thrilling battles. The locations are exotic and historical; the drama is captivating and intense. Felicity Heaton’s ETERNAL MATES series is a roller coaster ride of emotions that will seduce your mind and grab your attention from the start.

Copy supplied by the author.

Reviewed by Sandy





Kyter strode across the strip of worn tarmac and swung his leg over the motorbike parked near the red brick wall.

It sank lower as it cushioned his weight and he patted the sleek black fuel tank of the classic motorcycle he had owned for almost two decades now. She was a thing of beauty and he doubted he could love anything as much as he loved her, or anything could come close to matching her looks. She was all spit and fire, chrome and black. A wild lady with a fierce growl.

He turned the key and she roared to life.

Kyter slung the backpack on, kicked the stand up, and switched the lights on. He revved the engine and pulled away, heading along the slick alley towards the main street, the bike’s growl reverberating around the brick buildings on either side of him.

When he hit the main street, he banked left and accelerated, speeding through the quiet night towards his destination.

A fae town.

It was the closest one to his club and he had been there countless times. How many of those times had he crossed paths with the male he was going to look for tonight? He didn’t want to think about that or the fact he could have found out his father’s location years ago and his mother would have still been alive.

The journey passed swiftly, a mixture of motorways and narrow country roads. Dawn was coming as he rolled down the gravel driveway of a palatial sandstone mansion and parked his bike beside a huge black Bentley. He turned off the engine and eased his leg over the bike, coming to face the mansion. Light fae lived in the grand estate. He wasn’t here to see them.

He walked to the right of the mansion, into the woods there, and found the entrance to the town set into a large mound of rock. He pushed the heavy iron gate open and stepped into the darkness, following the slick steps in a sweeping curve downwards into the gloom.

A golden glow lit the end of the tunnel as it levelled out and the scents of the town rolled over him. Herbs. Spices. Blood. Sex. This fae town dealt in everything. He followed the tunnel until it opened out onto a high ledge at the edge of the enormous cavern. Below him, stone buildings covered the huge base of the cavern, groups of different styles marking the different districts.

To his left, the tightly packed hotchpotch collection of white square flat-roofed structures of different heights left little room for the thousands of fae who passed along the narrow streets between them.

The witches’ district.

It was always bustling with activity, no matter the time of day or night. Most of the fae, demons and other species who visited the town headed there, looking for a potion or a spell.

Amidst the single-storey dwellings were some with two or more levels and bright colourful signs painted on their walls. Others had tattered jewel-coloured canopies reaching out from them, almost touching the canopy of the building opposite as their owners fought for space in the cramped town.

The scents wafting up to him grew stronger, rising from the copper stills, thatched baskets, and terracotta or stone jars that were on display outside the stores in the witches’ district.

Kyter turned away from the town and walked down the carved stone steps to his left that followed the curve of the cavern wall and led down into the town, ending near the witches’ district. Before he reached the bottom, he stopped and scanned the buildings again, seeking the demons’ district.

Banners hung on the walls of the largest buildings that lined the edges of the town, built into the rock. Some were covens, but most belonged to other fae species. He knew the mark of a local pride of tiger shifters and always avoided the area at the far end of the town because of it. He still remembered the day when a wolf pack had set up home right next to the tigers. It hadn’t gone down well. They had ended up dragging the ogres into the fight and several blocks of the town had been flattened.

If it hadn’t been for the quick thinking of the local succubus clan who resided in the glaringly red four-storey building at that end of the town, the damage would have been far worse. They had employed their charms though, easily winning over the shifters and the ogres. Make love, not war. A motto he had lived by once.

Now he was out to make war.

He spotted the demons’ district off to his right on his side of the cavern. The single storey buildings differed in appearance from those of the witches and the rest of the town. Smoke curled from the crooked chimneys on the uneven dark tiled roofs of the black beam and white panelled buildings that had an almost medieval look to them, lazily drifting up into the air before disappearing. Everyone in the town worked as a merchant, selling something.

Kyter hoped that demons sold information.

Or methods of summoning their kin.

He took the last few steps down to the cobbled floor of the town and banked right, making his way through the busy streets towards the demons’ district, hugging the wall of the cavern below the entrance where the road was wider to avoid the worst of the crowds.

A flash of silver caught his attention and disappeared just as his eyes darted to it. He frowned and stood taller as he walked, trying to spot what had caused the brief flare.

A woman.

He stumbled into a small old witch and she jabbed him in the leg with her staff. He muttered something he thought might have been an apology and stared after the female he had spotted.

She was stunning.

He had never seen a female like her.

She moved through the crowd like black smoke, disturbing none of the fae milling around as she slipped between them, nimble and graceful.

On the hunt for something.

He recognised hunting behaviour when he saw it.

She sidestepped, turned so she curved around a woman who had looked back at her friend, not paying attention to where she was going, and slipped back into the crowd, reappearing further ahead of him.

Heading towards the demons’ district.

Kyter followed her, bumping into several more people as he pursued her, unable to ignore the compulsion to catch another glimpse of her face. The need was visceral and something he had no command over. He couldn’t stop himself from tracking her into the darker part of town and trying to catch her scent. Everything on sale and all the fae and demons packed into the town overpowered his senses, making it impossible for him to pinpoint her scent.

She turned, her long black hair swaying with the sudden action, and ducked down an alley on the left of the thoroughfare, her back pressed to the dark brick building. Her gaze tracked someone in the crowd. Who?

He found himself tiptoeing in an attempt to see.

What the hell was he doing?

He cursed when he looked back at her and found she was gone.

His gaze scanned the crowd and he barged through them, shoving them aside as he hurried towards where she had been. Several of the people shoved back, almost knocking him off his feet, and at least one growled at him.

He almost walked straight into a vampire male, saving himself at the last minute by ducking to one side, down the same alley she had used as a hiding spot.

Kyter dragged the air over his teeth and huffed when he still couldn’t pick up her scent.

He looked at the crowd and then at the alley behind him. If she was hunting, maybe she had gone that way, where the flow of traffic was weaker, only a few people coming and going. He chanced it and followed the alleyways that wove through the brick buildings between the witches’ and demons’ districts, and grinned when he spotted her ahead of him down a narrow path between a set of white panelled buildings of the demons’ district.

The smile fell off his face when he finally got a good look at her.

Stunning hadn’t been a good enough word to describe her.

She stood at least six-feet tall, her dangerous curves clad in black combat trousers, boots made for kicking arse, and a tight black camisole. Black leather cuffs encased her forearms, elaborate silver swirls of metal covering them. Silver. The flash of that colour that had caught his eye. They were beautiful, but would offer her little protection from a blade.

She lingered near the end of the alley, watching the people passing, her back to him so he couldn’t see her face.

What he could see gave him pause.

Strapped to her back was a vicious long black and silver blade.

A merc?

Or was the sword meant purely as a visible warning to the men of the town?

She turned her face to her right and Kyter’s heart kicked in his chest.

Beautiful wasn’t a good enough word either.

She was otherworldly.

Long black lashes framed luminous green eyes and below the fine slope of her nose, rosy lips curved with just enough pout to set a man’s heart racing.

A goddess.

He took it back. There was something in this world far more beautiful than his beloved motorbike.

He took a step towards her and she melted into the crowd.

Kyter bit out a curse.

He had to stop letting her give him the slip. He strode to the end of the alley and halted there, scouring the throng for her. How the hell did she keep evading him? With his senses and her height, it should have been easy to keep track of her. Hell, he should have been able to just follow the wake of slavering men she no doubt left behind her.

He eyed all of the men in the crowd, on the verge of growling at them to warn them to keep their eyes off the female.

Kyter froze. What the hell was he doing?

He hadn’t come here to chase a woman as if she was a bitch in heat. He had to find the demon and discover whether he finally had a lead he could follow to find his father. Just thinking about the bastard had his heart turning cold in his chest and his rage welling back to the surface, fuelled by the grief that he felt sure would never leave him, not even when he’d had his vengeance.

He shoved into the crowd and scanned the buildings on either side of the wider street, reading the signs that hung above their painted doors. The demons’ district. He had taught himself to read the fae and common demon tongues a long time ago, unwilling to be caught off guard in any way during his visits to the fae towns. Jaguars didn’t like having wool pulled over their eyes and the towns often drew unsavoury characters who preyed on anyone who looked out of place.

He studied the wooden signpost in the middle of the street. He was close.

Another flash of silver caught his attention again and his eyes darted to it, quicker this time so she couldn’t evade him. She knocked on a door and it opened, allowing her to duck inside. The green door closed behind her.

Kyter pushed through the crowd to the small building and growled as he saw the painted sign hanging from a black iron pole jutting out of the white wall.

His mark.

What did she want with the demon he had come to find?

He pressed his back to the white wall close to the door, shut his eyes and focused hard, using his training to filter out all the sounds that covered the ones belonging to his prey. It was hard when people jostled him as they passed, shattering his focus. He clenched his jaw and drew in a deep breath, shifting the whole of his focus back to the building behind him. He sifted through the ruckus in the street until he found the soft melody of a female voice.

He only caught the end of what she said.

“Must find the key to Barafnir. My client desires it.”

Kyter’s claws shot out and dug into the plaster at his back.

He snarled as anger poured like acid through his veins, burning him up inside.


His father.

She was after the same object as he was, but he wouldn’t let her have it. He needed it more than she did.

It was only a prize to her.

It was everything to him.


About the Author Black and Green

Felicity HeatonFelicity Heaton is a New York Times and USA Today international best-selling author writing passionate paranormal romance books. In her books, she creates detailed worlds, twisting plots, mind-blowing action, intense emotion and heart-stopping romances with leading men that vary from dark deadly vampires to sexy shape-shifters and wicked werewolves, to sinful angels and hot demons! If you’re a fan of paranormal romance authors Lara Adrian, J R Ward, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Gena Showalter and Christine Feehan then you will enjoy her books too.


If you love your angels a little dark and wicked, the best-selling Her Angel series is for you. If you like strong, powerful, and dark vampires then try the Vampires Realm series or any of her stand-alone vampire romance books. If you’re looking for vampire romances that are sinful, passionate and erotic then try the best-selling Vampire Erotic Theatre series. Or if you prefer huge detailed worlds filled with hot-blooded alpha males in every species, from elves to demons to dragons to shifters and angels, then take a look at the new Eternal Mates series.

If you want to know more about Felicity, or want to get in touch, you can find her at the following places:







Hunted by a Jaguar, the fourth book in New York Times best-seller Felicity Heaton’s hot paranormal romance series, Eternal Mates, is now available in ebook and paperback. To celebrate the release, she’s holding a FANTASTIC GIVEAWAY at her website and sharing sneak peeks of the book.

Find out how to enter the Hunted by a Jaguar international giveaway (ends January 18th) and be in with a shot of winning a $75, $50 or $25 gift certificate at her website, where you can also download a 7 chapter sample of the novel:

If you haven’t had a chance to step into this passionate and action-packed world of dark elves, fae, demons, vampires, shifters and hunters, then you can take the leap with the first book in the series, Kissed by a Dark Prince, which is only 99c / 99p until January 15th as part of her fantastic Winter Warmers special deals. Find all the deals and links to your favourite retailers at:

Here’s more about Hunted by a Jaguar, including an excerpt from this paranormal romance novel.

Hunted by a Jaguar (Eternal Mates Romance Series Book 4)
Felicity Heaton

A jaguar shifter with a dark secret, Kyter has spent his entire life running from his demons. When a tragedy takes him back to his pride’s village, he is set on a path of vengeance that will see him collide with the terrible ghosts of his past and a beautiful vision of his future.

Iolanthe deals in finding artefacts for discerning clients, but this time her client is one of the deadliest men in Hell and her mission has the highest stakes imaginable. Failure is not an option when your life is on the line, but things take a dangerous turn when she crosses paths with a handsome and mysterious male on the hunt for the same artefact—a male who declares she is his eternal mate.

Can Iolanthe resist Kyter’s wicked allure and find the artefact before he does? Can Kyter face his demons and win the heart of his fated female? Or will this deadly game of cat and mouse claim both of their lives?

Hunted by a Jaguar is available from Amazon Kindle, Kobo Books, Barnes and Noble Nook, Apple iBooks stores and other retailers. Also available in paperback. Find the links to your preferred retailer at:

Books in the Eternal Mates paranormal romance series:

Book 1: Kissed by a Dark Prince

Book 2: Claimed by a Demon King

Book 3: Tempted by a Rogue Prince

Book 4: Hunted by a Jaguar

Book 5: Craved by an Alpha – Coming January 27th 2015

Book 6: Bitten by a Hellcat – Coming February 17th 2015

Book 7: Taken by a Dragon – Coming March 10th 2015


Giveaway Black and Lime

Felicity is graciously offering an ecopy of any ONE books in her Eternal Mates Series (excluding Hunted by a Jaguar) to ONE (1) lucky commenter at The Reading Cafe.

Eternal Mates 1-4

1. If you have not previously registered, please register using the log-in at the top of the page (side bar) or by using one of the social log-ins.

2. If you are using a social log-in such as Twitter or Facebook, please post your email address with your comment.

3. LIKE us on FACEBOOK and then click GET NOTIFICATION under ‘liked’ for an additional entry.

4. LIKE us on Twitter for an additional entry.

5. Please FOLLOW us on TSU for an additional entry.

6. LIKE Felicity Heaton on Facebook

7. LIKE Felicity Heaton on TWITTER

8. Sign up for Felicity Heaton’s NEWSLETTER

9. Giveaway open Internationally

10. Giveaway runs from January 13 to 16, 2015


Owned by B.L.Wilde & Jo Matthews – Review and Blog Tour

Owned by B.L.Wilde & Jo Matthews-Review and Blog tour / / Barnes and Noble /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date December 5, 2104

Ryan Lawson has almost everything he wants. A Capo to the Valenti mob family, the world is at his fingertips and the ladies all drop their panties at his signature smirk. All but one, anyway, and she happens to be the only one he wants.

On the run from a horrible past, Trixie finds herself accepting a job as an exotic dancer in a club run by the mob. Left without a choice, she begins to date the Boss’ son while lusting after someone else.

Everything changes when Ryan is offered a chance to win a weekend with the woman he desires. All he has to do is roll the dice. The rest is up to fate.
What will happen when their worlds collide? Will a mutual attraction turn into something more? Or will the dangers they face be enough to keep them apart for good?


5 out of 5 for this reader folks!

EEEEE .. a brand new series by one of my fave erotica authors B.L. Wilde and Jo Matthews. Owned is the first book of what I am anticipating to be a smashing series that revolves around a mob family and one gorgeous woman who is stuck between a rock and hard place (pun completely intended … WINK) LOL

Trixie is on the run from a sketchy past full of abuse. She has been hopping from city to city and just making enough money to get to her next destination. When she is offered a job as a classy, clothes on, gentleman’s dancer, she decides to give it a try. Little did she know that she was about to enter a mob family business and meet a couple of men that seem to be destined to change her future.

Ryan is the manager of this gentleman’s club and when he first sees Trixie it’s instant “SHHAWING”. The attraction is mutual but before she knows it, Trixie becomes involved with Tony (serious douchebag and mob bosses son) and all that can ever be between her and Ryan is mutual attraction.

ONE BET … that is all it takes! One bet between Ryan and Tony places Trixie at Ryan’s home for a weekend of pure indulged lust … and the fire doesn’t just roar … it explodes. But these two know you don’t mess with another mob guys girl. Will these two only ever have their one weekend together, or will they find a way to be together?

SO YUPPERS …. totally loved this book. It’s a short read (bad B.L. and Jo .. I wanted more) but it was jammed pack full of story. I loved the build in anticipation for the weekend, the lusty internal thoughts and the turmoil of mob drama. There are flash backs of pasts that give you some perception of why a character is the way they are and perhaps wonder what can be expected in the future. The sex was HHHAAAWWWTTT! In my opinion, an absolute incredible start to what I anticipate will be a great series.


Copy supplied by the authors

Reviewed by Rachel T.



I took my place right by the pole, and even though the room was nearly pitch black, I could feel several people watching me. When the music started and the lights came on over the stage, I placed one hand on the pole and circled it, making eye contact with as many of the men in the front as I could. I made it all the way around and then bucked my hips into the cold metal, sliding up and down a few times before spinning around it again.
I had a few tricks in my arsenal, but I wanted to save those for a little later on in the song. Still gripping the pole, I walked halfway around so my back was to the crowd. There were loud catcalls and wolf whistles when I started shaking my hips to the beat of the music. They got even louder as I hooked my left leg around the pole and spun in quick circles until my ass was on the ground and the pole was between my legs. Using my hands as leverage, I planted my feet and lifted my hips, thrusting against the shiny object seductively.
Men from the tables in the back of the room rose from their seats and were closing in on the stage area. Figuring it was now or never, I got to my feet and shimmied around again. Facing away from the audience, I placed my hands high on the pole and jumped up, straddling it and squeezing my thighs together to hold me in place. Arching my back, I released my hands and used my stomach muscles to support me as I flashed some cleavage at the patrons. After a few seconds of holding the position and nearly falling out of my top, I straightened up and slid my way down the pole, shaking my ass and earning more whistles.
When I spun around, my eyes met with Ryan’s for a brief moment. I couldn’t help but smirk at him and toss my hair over my shoulder as I continued to dance. Was it possible that god-like creature wanted me? The mere thought of it turned me on more than anything ever had.
I made a full circle on the pole when I saw him waving a hundred dollar bill around, trying to get me to come over. Feeling overly confident and wanting to fuck with him a bit, I sauntered over and shimmied my hips just inches from his face. His eyes were locked on my covered pussy, and I could have sworn I saw him lick his lips. An image of him between my legs flashed through my mind, and I felt myself getting damp with arousal. Shaking my head slightly to clear it, I continued with my dance.
Every time Ryan reached up with the money, I backed away so he couldn’t touch me. He wasn’t supposed to touch me anyway. At least…I didn’t think he was. None of the customers were ever allowed to touch the dancers according to what I’d been told. Carlo had said that Ryan ran the club, though, so I wondered if that meant he was an exception and could do what he wanted. That thought both thrilled and terrified me.
Still, I shook my head with a smirk on my face and sunk down to my hands and knees. His eyes were focused on my tits, which were nearly bursting out of my bikini top as I began to make my way toward him, so without him even noticing, I pulled the money from his hand with my teeth.
“Thanks,” I winked as I rose to my feet and headed back to the pole to finish the song. I could feel his eyes boring into me until the lights went out and I collected my tips.




B.L. Wilde
B.L. Wilde is a British author obsessed with many things, including heated love stories and sexy men. Fully supported by her husband, she can often be found at her desk working on her next project, or looking at eye candy online for research purposes. She is a sucker for happy endings, but will always make her characters work for it.

Facebook     |     Goodreads     |     Twitter     |     Blog     |     Website

Jo Matthews

Jo Matthews is an Arizona native, where she lives with her son. A stay-at-home mom since 2007, she only recently discovered her love and passion for the written word. When she’s not writing, she’s usually knee deep in editing—an aspect she thoroughly enjoys. As an editor, she has propelledquite a few authors into the published world, and with her skills, has landed several stories on Amazon’s Top Sellers lists.

Facebook     |     Blog     |     Goodreads     |     Twitter    |     Google+


NOTE:  The Reading Cafe is NOT responsible for the rafflecopter giveaway. If you have any questions, please contact the author


Harlequin Holiday Reads Blog Tour-The Lodge on Holly Road by Sheila Roberts

Harlequin Holiday Reads Blog Tour-The Lodge on Holly Road by Sheila Roberts


The Lodge on Holly Road
Life in Icicle Falls #6
by Sheila Roberts
Release Date: October 24, 2014
Genre: contemporary, romance

The Lodge on Holly Road

Add THE LODGE ON HOLLY ROAD to you GOODREADS shelf / / Barnes and Noble / KOBO / The Book Depository

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date October 28, 2014

How Santa Gets His Christmas Spirit Back…

James Claussen has played Santa for years, but now that he’s a widower, he’s lost interest—in everything. So his daughter, Brooke, kidnaps him from the mall (in his Santa suit!) and takes him to Icicle Falls. She’s arranged a special Christmas at the lodge owned by long-widowed Olivia Wallace and her son, Eric. And yet…Brooke wants Dad to be happy, but she’s not ready to see someone else’s mommy kissing Santa Claus.

Single mom Missy Monroe brings her kids to the lodge, too. Lalla wants a grandma for Christmas, and her brother, Carlos, wants a dog. Missy can’t provide either one. What she’d like is an attractive, dependable man. A man like John Truman… But John’s girlfriend will be joining him in Icicle Falls, and he’s going to propose.

Of course not everything goes as planned. But sometimes the best gifts are the ones you don’t expect!


REVIEW: THE LODGE ON HOLLY ROAD is the sixth installment in Sheila Roberts’ Life in Icicle Falls contemporary romance series focusing on the people of Icicle Falls. Although this is the sixth in the continuing Life in Icicle Falls series, it can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty.

Told from third person point of view THE LODGE ON HOLLY ROAD is an ensemble storyline that focuses on three families (the Claussens, the Monroes, the Wallaces) and the Christmas celebrations at Icicle Creek Lodge- a bed and breakfast where Christmas wishes do come true. Sixty something widow Olivia Wallace is the owner and proprietor of Icicle Creek Lodge and is renowned for her Christmas celebrations. This year, a number of guests will discover love, happiness and a future at Olivia’s bed and breakfast.

As the holiday celebrations build Santa will find himself a new Mrs. Claus(sen), a broken heart will find a new love, and a grieving daughter will discover that life does go on. A little girl’s hopes for a grandma and a young boy’s loss of Christmas spirit will give Santa pause for thought when the guests at Icicle Creek Lodge pull together to make Christmas a celebration everyone will remember. And a single mother of two will find love and happiness when least expected.

A few of the previous storyline characters make an appearance in a secondary and supporting role giving the holiday storyline a familiarity with fans of the Life in Icicle Falls series.

THE LODGE ON HOLLY ROAD is a sweet holiday story about loss, grief and a promise for the future for all three families at Icicle Creek Lodge. The bonds of friendship and love will blossom for three couples as they embark on a new life and a happily ever after at the Lodge in Icicle Falls.


1. Summer in a Small Town: Welcome To Icicle Falls
2. Better Than Chocolate
3. Merry Ex-mas
4. What She Wants
5. The Cottage on Juniper Ridge
6. The Tea Shop on Lavender Lane
7. The Lodge on Holly Road
8. A Wedding on Primrose Street (July 2015)

Copy supplied by the publisher through Netgalley

Reviewed by Sandy

Guest Post

1. How do you choose which couple will be featured in a holiday storyline?

Great question! And thanks for having me, by the way.

I must say, before I start playing matchmaker with my couples I usually have a theme or idea in mind. The Lodge on Holly Road started with the question, “What would happen if Santa lost his holiday spirit?” and moved on from there. What if a man who loved Christmas, who’d always played Santa for family and friends and then worked as a department store Santa, suddenly got all Santa-ed out? What would make a person want to give up on the holidays? (In James Claussen’s case, it was facing Christmas as a widower, trying to get through his first holiday without his wife.) That question of course, leads to the important story question, “What would it take to give Santa back his holiday spirit?” Of course, those weren’t the only questions I had to ask for this book since I gathered an entire cast of characters at the Icicle Creek Lodge in search of a wonderful Christmas. I had a daughter who thought she knew what was best for her father, a man about to propose to the woman of his dreams and a single mom longing to give her children a perfect holiday, wishing she knew how to provide those things Santa can’t pull out of his bag of gifts, like a grandma and a daddy. Bringing them all to Icicle Falls and weaving their stories together was both challenging and fun. I hope readers will enjoy it.

2. When writing a series, is it more difficult or easier to write a holiday themed storyline that features all or most of the previous storyline couples? e.g. ensemble storylines

When you’re writing about a town full of people you can’t always bring back everyone in every book, but I tried to make sure many of readers favorites put in an appearance in this one. After all, it’s Christmas and there are plenty of gatherings and opportunities for old friends to catch up. In The Lodge on Holly Road Olivia Wallace finally gets a little more time center stage. And Dot Morrison and Muriel Sterling, and Pat Wilder, who owns the bookstore, will all be present. And, who knows? By the end of the story Icicle Falls might have a new resident.

~~Sheila Roberts ~~

About The author

Sheila RobertsFOLLOW Sheila:  Website / Facebook / Goodreads /Twitter

Sheila Roberts lives on a lake in the Pacific Northwest. She’s happily married and has three children. Her books have been best-sellers, Amazon top ten romance picks, and her popular holiday novel, “On Strike for Christmas” was made into a movie for the Lifetime channel. When she’s not speaking to women’s groups or at conferences she can be found writing about those things near and dear to women’s hearts: family, friends, and chocolate.


Looking for more holiday-themed reads? Click HERE to discover.

Blog tour Schedule

Week Three

12/15/2014   Poisoned Rationality Sarah Morgan (Guest Post)

12/16/2014   Bookish Things & More Christmas with a Billionaire; Carole Mortimer (Guest Post)

12/17/2014   Melissa’s Eclectic Bookshelf RaeAnne Thayne (Interview)

12/18/2014   The Reading Cafe Sheila Roberts (Guest Post)

12/19/2014   Books a la Mode Brenda Novak (Guest Post)


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NOTE: The Reading Cafe is NOT responsible for the rafflecopter giveaway. If you have any questions, please contact the tour provider



Marked (Dark Protectors #7) by Rebecca Zanetti-Review and Blog Tour

Marked (Dark Protectors 37) by Rebecca Zanetti-Review and Blog Tour


Dark Protectors #7
by Rebecca Zanetti
Genre: adult,contemporary, paranormal,romance
Release Date: December 1, 2014 / / Barnes and Noble / KOBO / The Book Depository

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date December 22, 2014

Janie Kayrs has known Zane almost her whole life. He was her friend in the dream world. She trusted him. But that was before he kidnapped her, spiriting her away to an isolated cabin to learn what her dreams never told her. Like how dangerous he looks. How he got on the wrong side of the negotiating table. And how much sexier he is in real life…

Zane is a battle-hardened warrior, used to command and solitude. But Janie has drawn him from the minute they met. His need for her could destroy everything he’s worked for, but the risk is too sweet not to take it. They call her the Chosen One. But when it comes down to the questions of peace or war, life or death, safety or passion, it will be Janie who makes the choice.

ABOUT THE SERIES from Rebecca Zanetti:

The Kayrs family leads not only the vampire nation, but also the Realm, which is a coalition of vampires, shifters, and witches. Years ago, an evil vampire race called the Kurjans declared war on the Realm by creating a deadly virus that infects vampire mates. The virus attacks chromosomal pairs and takes mates from immortal to human, and maybe down to death. No cure for the virus has been found for mates, and the vampires, who are male only, know that time is running short.


REVIEW: MARKED is the seventh and final installment in Rebecca Zanetti’s adult, contemporary Dark Protectors paranormal romance series. This is prophetess and human Janie Kayrs and vampire/warrior Zane Kyllwood’s storyline-a friends to lovers storyline that started when Janie was a small child.

As the Chosen One and human daughter of vampire leading Talen Kayrs, Janie knows that that to succeed with what the prophecies have ordained, she must attend the peace talk accords between the supernatural powers of The Realm. There, she will come face to face with the man who has visited her dreams since she was a four year old child.

Zane Kyllwood has known that Janie would one day be his mate, but there is a war on the horizon and several angry, male vampires are waiting to destroy everything that Zane represents. Zane is not the man everyone thought him to be, and in this, Zane’s history and family connections will place Janie and everyone she loves in danger.

Zane and Janie have a prior connection-one that continues in a dream walking state where Janie enters another realm to communicate with both the living and the dead. Here, Janie feels safe from any threats until the dreams turn into a reality. Zane has been Janie’s otherworld companion since childhood and now it is time to claim Janie as his own.

The premise follows the continuing struggle to find a cure for Virus 27-a flu like virus developed by the Kurjans that infects vampire mates and attacks the chromosomal pairs eventually rendering the supernatural back to a human like state. All, if not most, of the previous storyline couples play a supporting and secondary role throughout the story as the vampires continue to battle the virus, the Kurjans and the demons who have sided with the enemy.

MARKED is the culmination of several storylines, the search for a cure and a happily ever after for the vampire nation, their family, and their friends. There are moments of humor, betrayal, action, heartbreak and love all blended into a storyline where Janie will be targeted by two warring factions of The Realm for it is said that Janie is the key to everyone’s survival. As the powers battle for control, Janie will have to battle a man who is determined to protect Janie-at all costs.

Rebecca Zanetti’s MARKED is a passionate conclusion to the Dark Protector series. The good guys will win; the bad guys will lose; and the future will be revealed when another young child begins walking through dreams of her own.

Copy supplied by Netgalley.

Reviewed by Sandy

About the Author Black and rose

Rebecca ZanettiNew York Times and USA Today Bestseller Rebecca Zanetti is the author of over twenty-five dark paranormals, romantic suspense, and contemporary romances. She lives in the wilds of the Pacific Northwest with her own Alpha hero, two kids, a couple of dogs, a crazy cat…and a huge extended family. Her current publishers are Kensington, Grand Central, and Entangled. She believes strongly in luck, karma, and working her butt off…and she thinks one of the best things about being an author, unlike the lawyer she used to be, is that she can let the crazy out. Her current series are: The Dark Protectors, The Maverick Montana Cowboys, and the Sin Brothers
series. Upcoming series are: The Realm Enforcers and The Scorpius Syndrome. Find Rebecca at: Goodreads / Website/ Facebook / Twitter

Sign up for Rebecca’s Newsletter HERE.

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Ripped (Real #5) by Katy Evans-Review and Blog Tour

Ripped (Real #5) by Katy Evans-Review and Blog Tour


Real #5
by Katy Evans
Release Date: December 9, 2014
Genre: new adult, contemporary, erotic, romance

Ripped / / Barnes and Noble / KOBO / The Book Depository

RIPPED (Real #5) by Katy Evans

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date December 9, 2014

The fifth book in the New York Times new adult series that began with Real. When an angry, heartbroken girl is forced to be near her rocker ex-boyfriend, only time will tell if the fire between them will consume them both.

Pandora, the gothic friend of Brooke (Real, Mine, Remy) and Melanie, thought that getting her heart broken by her bad boy rocker ex could only happen once. But now, he’s back in town with the biggest concert of the year. Pandora hates him so much that she gets Melanie to come with her and play a prank on him at his gig. But when they are caught by security, and her ex himself is summoned, he decides not to press charges if she’ll follow certain conditions. Pandora likes none of his rules, or that he’s in charge of her, especially since they seem designed to make sure she’s in close contact with him again. But the closeness reignites the passion they once shared, and soon no matter how much she wants to hate him, it’s clear she’s still hung up on him. And worse: he knows it too.

Every woman wants me–except the one I sing for.

Seattle shakes with anticipation: they call it the concert of the year. They say girls are getting pregnant just thinking about my band being in town.

But when you love a girl, you don’t leave her with nothing but a ring and a promise. Any man with half a brain should know.

So what did I expect my girl would do when she saw me again?

Well, for starters, she loathes our music. Particularly the song I wrote about her.

When I sing it, the stadium is in an uproar. Thousands of fans scream my name like I’m a god–but yeah, not her. Crystal clear: the girl’s not happy to see me.

Black hair, black boots, a bad attitude, that’s her — Pandora Stone is a freaking man-eater and she’s out for my blood.

That’s alright.

Let her come at me. Because I’m out for her heart and, this time, there’s no way she can stop me.


REVIEW:  RIPPED is the fifth storyline in Katy Evans’s contemporary, new adult Real erotic, romance series. This is rock musician Mackenna (Kenna) Jones and Pandora Stone’s (friend of Melanie and Brooke-Real, Mine, Remy and Rogue) storyline- a second chance at love for two people ripped apart and destroyed by the past.

Told from alternating first person points of view (Mackenna and Pandora) the storyline focuses on Pandora’s need for revenge. When she learns the rock group Crack Bikini (yep, that’s the name) and their lead singer Mackenna Jones have come to town, our heroine is hell bent on destroying Mackenna’s life. Six years earlier Mackenna dropped out of Pandora’s life without so much as a goodbye and Pandora has lived with the betrayal and hatred ever since.

History will show that Pandora and Mackenna were once in love. High school sweethearts who promised one another a happily ever after but life and everything it had to offer was ripped from their future. Now six years later, Pandora’s immaturity and hatred for
Mackenna finds our heroine in need of legal help when she retaliates with rotten tomatoes during the concert. To avoid further embarrassment, management makes Pandora an offer she cannot refuse-three weeks with the band or they press charges for assault. For the next twenty one days Pandora is determined to make life on the road miserable for everyone, including the camera man following her around, but soon realizes she has never stopped loving the man who ripped out her heart.

Pandora is an angry, immature, dark and vulnerable young woman who has never been able to let go of the past and in this her actions, behavior and attitude leaves something to be desired. She is not an easy person to like; she continues to berate and belittle the man that she loves hoping to embarrass and destroy the rock-god’s ego. But Mackenna has never stopped loving Pandora-his muse, his heart and his soul-and he will ensure the Pandora will never leave his side again. There is anger, vulnerability, betrayal and heartbreak for two people whose lives were destroyed by those that they loved. The sex scenes are imaginative and emotional; passionate and real.

The secondary characters include Melanie, Brooke and Remy from the previous storylines. Remy’s appearance and page time is limited as the story focuses on Mackenna, Pandora and the members of Crack Bikini. The band mates are colorful, determined and a little bit bad but had no idea about the woman who made their lead singer tick.

RIPPED is provocative storyline about two people whose love for one another has been buried beneath the pain and anguish of heartbreak and loss. There are moments of intimate revelations and reflections about the past; a peak into what was and what could have been. Katy Evans writes from the heart where passion and seduction begin to mend a broken heart.


Copy supplied by the tour promoter through Netgalley.

Reviewed by Sandy

Guest Post

By Katy Evans

RIPPED – I’m so excited to be sharing with everyone RIPPED, Real series book #5! ☺

RIPPED began with Pandora, Brooke (Real, Mine and Remy) and Melanie’s (Rogue) goth friend. She’s such a wounded warrior and so bitter that I was completely hooked wanting to know—what happened? What made her like this? Why does she hate men so much?

And that’s how I met her man, Mackenna Jones.

He’s back in Seattle for the concert of the year, and Pandora hates him so much, she is still so stuck in the past for having loved (and lost) him when she was young, she’s determined to go pay him a visit and give him a little something to remember her by. Nothing nice, I assure you.

And that’s where RIPPED totally exploded for me. It’s one of those books where I couldn’t stop writing even for a second. It seemed like I just opened Pandora’s box of secrets and they came spilling out, one after the other. Memories, what truly happened in her eyes, in his eyes, their first kiss (sigh) and so much more. Their past is tumultuous and passionate and their present, when they reunite again, is just as passionate and rocky. They have a long way to go to their HEA but, though Pandora doesn’t feel she deserves it and has never let herself want it, Mackenna has another plan to conquer back his girl.

What I love about this couple in particular is how equal they seem—the push and the pull always kept me guessing as to who had control of the situation, sometimes Pandora had Mackenna by the pants, and plenty of others it was Mackenna who kept getting the upper hand, knowing each and every one of Pandora’s weaknesses (including that he is the main one.)

He is the boy she could never forget.

She is the girl no other girl has ever compared.

Things are about to get RIPPED during Mackenna’s concert tour when his manager thinks it brilliant to force Pandora to tag along. ☺

~~Katy ~~

Blog tour Schedule

Click HERE for the complete RIPPED tour schedule



About The author

Katy EvansKaty Evans grew up with books and book-boyfriends until she found a real sexy boyfriend to love. They married and are now hard at work on their own happily ever after. Katy loves her family and friends, and she also loves reading, walking, baking, and being consumed by her characters until she reaches “The End.” Which is, hopefully, only the beginning…

Website / Facebook / Twitter


