Collision Course (Body Shop Bad Boys #4) by Marie Harte-Review, Excerpt & Giveaway

COLLISION COURSE (Body Shop Bad Boys #4) by Marie Harte-Review, Excerpt & Giveaway

Collision Course / / B&N / KOBO / iBooks /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date January 2, 2018

Ace mechanic Lou Cortez has always had a way with the ladies, so he can’t understand why lovely florist Josephine -Joey- Reeves won’t give him the time of day.

Joey knows all about mistakes. After getting pregnant at fifteen, she’s spent the past nine years building a life for her and her son. This sexy mechanic is one misstep she’s not going to make. But the more time she spends with Lou, the hotter things get. Soon Joey’s left with a choice: keep things casual, or reveal all to Lou and hope he accepts her-and her son-for who they are.


REVIEW: COLLISION COURSE is the fourth instalment in Marie Harte’s contemporary, adult BODY SHOP BAD BOYS erotic, romance series focusing on the men and woman who work at Webster’s Garage. This is mechanic and artist Lou Cortez, and single mom/florist Josephine ‘Joey’ Reeves’ story line. BODY SHOP BAD BOYS is a spin off from Harte’s McCauley Brothers series but you do not have to have read the original series to follow the current time line. A number of the characters cross-over between the two series.

Told from several third person perspectives including Joey and Lou COLLISION COURSE follows the building relationship between mechanic and artist Lou Cortez, and single mom/florist Joey Reeves. Several months earlier Lou first noticed Joey through their mutual friendship with Del-aka Delilah Webster-Lou’s boss, at the wedding between Del and Mike McCauley. Fast forward to present day wherein Lou will come face to face with the woman who has starred in his fantasies and dreams. Enter Joey Reeves, the woman with whom Lou will fall in love but a woman who battles between her head and heart as it pertains to both her personal and professional life; and the secret she keeps from the man with whom she is falling in love. What ensues is the building relationship between Joey and Lou, and the fall out when Joey reveals the truth about her past, and the son Lou never knew she had.

Nine years earlier, a then fifteen year old Joey Reeves found herself pregnant; abandoned by the baby’s father; and all but ostracized from her friends, high school acquaintances, and the two most important people in her life-her parents. Joey has fought an uphill battle to become the some-what independent woman and mother who fiercely loves her child beyond the life of her own. Lou Cortez doesn’t do relationships, and with five sisters and thirteen female cousins our hero is determined to remain single and childless for the rest of his life but his attraction to Joey finds Lou wanting something more with a woman he believes is keeping secrets from the man that she loves.

I struggled with our heroine’s ‘need’ not to tell Lou that she has a nine year old son. Their relationship was exclusive with no promises for the future but the couple begin to develop feelings for one another, and in this, Joey’s ‘need’ to keep secret the most important person in her life, was a set up to fail. There are also some issues as it pertained to Lou’s views on motherhood-his own mother’s lifestyle shaped the man who has a difficult time seeing anything other than black and white. His ‘prickly’ attitude about women and motherhood is a little bit sexist but perhaps understandable under the circumstances.

The relationship between Joey and Lou is slow to develop as Joey struggles to control her growing love for a man who may or may not welcome a nine year old in his life. Throughout the story Joey hesitates to tell Lou about the child she gave birth to at fifteen years of age. The longer she procrastinates the more likely someone will accidentally spill the secret she struggles to keep. Lou will endeavor to come to terms, and accept that the woman he loves has a nine year old child- but his abrupt reaction will push our heroine out of his life. The $ex scenes are intimate, erotic and intense without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text. Lou likes to talk to dirty and take control in the bedroom.

There is a large ensemble cast of secondary and supporting characters including Del and Mike (What To Do With a Bad Boy), Johnny and Lara (Test Drive), Foley and Cynthia (Roadside Assistance), Ivy and Sam (Zero to Sixty); Joey’s son Brandon, her ex Felix, her parents Andrew and Amy Reeves, as well as all of Lou’s extended family including his five sisters (Rosie, Stella, Lucia, Carla and Maria), mother and grandmother. There is a potential story line building between Lou’s sister Stella and Felix Rogers. I am hoping for another spin off series focusing on Lou’s sisters.

The world building continues to focus on the family and friendship of the people who work at Webster’s garage. With the introduction of Lou’s very large extended family, I suspect another spin off in the works.

COLLISION COURSE is an energetic and enjoyable story line with passionate characters, and a sensual romance. There are moments of humor and fun; drama and heartbreak; falling in love and a happily ever after. COLLISION COURSE is a spirited look at a single mother who falls in love with the resident bad boy.

Reading Order and Previous Reviews
Test Drive
Roadside Assistance
Zero to Sixty
Collision Course

Copy supplied by the publisher through Netgalley

Reviewed by Sandy


Ten minutes and a text later, Joey drove to Becky’s house and planned to indulge in some girl time. Maybe Becky could help her understand her fascination for Lou.
She arrived at Becky’s soon enough. Her friend shared a condo with a teacher friend. As Joey entered, said teacher left with a smile.
“She’s got a date tonight.” Becky motioned to the coffee table, laden with wine, crackers, and cheese. “And apparently now so do I. Dig in.” Becky lowered her voice and said, suggestively, “Welcome to my pad, sweetness. Boom chicka bow bow.”
Joey laughed. “Stop. That only works when I’m the plumber or the delivery guy.”
Becky sighed. “Guess I’ll have to save that for Trent, who’s out of town this weekend. How the hell am I supposed to seduce him when he’s helping his grandmother move?”
“Aw, that’s so nice.”
“Nice ain’t sexy. Gah.” Becky munched on a cracker. “But I’m excited to hang with you. I can’t believe you finally got paroled. So Brandon the criminal is hanging with the other hooligans, eh? Way to dodge that bullet, Joey.”
“Funny.” Joey paused. “Ah, there’s one thing. I can’t stay past eight. I have a…date.”
Becky stared. “Not with sexy Lou again.”
Joey’s silence answered for her.
“Oh my God. Dinner must have gone well the other night. Tell me.”
Joey swallowed. “He was polite, charming. He looked amazing. He’s really built.” She flushed, feeling that “built” inside her all over again. “We talked then walked after dinner. He paid too. And he was so nice, so sweet. We held hands.”
“Romantic.” Becky sighed.
And then last night he bent me over the flower table and made me see stars. Yeah, romantic.
Becky hugged a pillow to her chest, her expression dreamy until her eyes narrowed on Joey’s face. “Why are you blushing so hard? I mean, your face is really pink.” Her eyes widened. “Holy crap. You had sex with him, didn’t you?”
“N-no.” She cleared her throat. “That’s a little personal, don’t you think?”
“Oh my God, you did. You did! Joey Reeves got some lovin’. Hot damn. It’s about friggin’ time!”
Still feeling overheated, Joey glanced up at her friend. “You can’t tell anyone.” She swore. “I can’t believe it happened. It just…I’m still trying to process it.”
“What’s to process? You fell for the magic in his man-wand.” Becky shrugged, as if it was no big thing. “Happens to the best of us. Well, except for me and Trent the Boy Scout,” she grumbled.
Joey was stuck on man-wand. “What did you call it?”
Becky burst out laughing. “If you could see your face. Hey, you should hear half the things they call it. Fuckstick, staff of life, lady’s lollipop. I could go on.”
“Please, don’t.” Joey grimaced.
“I know, right? Man-wand is so much better.” Becky paused. “Is it, Joey? Is it better? Or did you lollipop him? You know, like what we in the know call it—the hand and blow.”
Joey’s face threatened to melt clean off. She had a feeling she could fry eggs on her cheeks. “I can’t believe I’m having this conversation.”
“Me neither.” Becky grinned. “You’re like beet-red right now. Or fire-engine red, maybe. Hey, did you guys remember to wear a ‘raincoat’?” Becky snickered.
“Stop talking, please.”
“Just tell me this. Do you want to do it again? As in, was it any good? Tell me, and I’ll shut up.”
“It was amazing, okay?” Joey growled. “So great I can’t stop thinking about doing it again. And I don’t tend to do well with men and sex.”
“That’s because you live like a nun in the Church of Reeves, presided over by Father Andrew and Sister Amy. God, it’s a wonder you have a kid with all the guilt your parents keep throwing on you. And after eight—”
“—years you’d think they’d let it go.”
“So maybe I was just desperate. It was a one-shot deal, right?” So why am I thinking of being with him again when I know it’s a mistake?
Becky shrugged and ate more crackers and cheese. “I think you should be desperate again. If you want him, have him. You have a right to be happy. Take joy in his man parts. Go forth, just don’t prosper.”
Joey choked on a laugh. “Yes, Mom.”
“Don’t worry. We were safe.” Rather, he was safe. She’d been so far gone she hadn’t thought about protection until it was almost too late, which was just stupid. Granted, she wouldn’t have babies with Lou while on birth control. But she could always chance a disease with an unknown. She’d been so wrapped up in the moment, lost to her body’s needs.
But Lou had thought ahead.
Which put his actions in a different light. Had he expected to have sex with her?
“What’s that look?” Becky asked.
“He was ready for it. Us, I mean.”
Becky looked confused.
“He was prepared.”
“Jesus, Joey. You can say condom and not burn in hell. So he was prepared. Good for him.”
“You think?”
“Who cares why he had the condom? He had it, you had fun. And if you’re lucky, you’ll have more fun tonight.” Becky poured herself some wine. “Have some for me, would you? Because I’m clearly not getting any.” She cocked her head, considering something. “Unless Will’s home.”
Becky laughed. “Nah. Will’s in Italy this month.” She chuckled. “Kidding, kidding. I’m wanting Trent. I am. Really.”
They laughed some more, and when Joey excused herself for the bathroom, a new text popped up. Lou had decided on the place. An address in Rainier Valley, where he’d mentioned he lived.
She didn’t know what to think, so she took care of business and blanked her mind.
She returned to the living room. “He invited me to his place.”
Becky blinked. “You were gone maybe five minutes.”
“He just texted me.”
“So go.”
“To his place?”
“Why not? Is he rapey or something?”
“No.” He’d been a perfect gentleman since she’d known him. And even after sending her to heaven, twice, he’d ended their impromptu session at the flower shop with a hug and by walking her to her car. “No. He’s nice. Sexy. Too—”
“He’s exactly what you need.” Becky nodded. “Give me your phone.”

About the Author

Follow: Goodreads / Twitter /Website/ Facebook

Marie HarteCaffeine addict, boy referee, and romance aficionado, USA Today bestselling author Marie Harte has over 100 books published with more constantly on the way. She’s a confessed bibliophile and devotee of action movies. Whether hiking in Central Oregon, biking around town, or hanging at the local tea shop, she’s constantly plotting to give everyone a happily ever after. Visit and fall in love.

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NOTE: The Reading Cafe is NOT responsible for the rafflecopter giveaway. If you have any questions, please contact the publisher.

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Zero to Sixty (Body Shop Bad Boys #3) by Marie Harte-Review and Book Tour

ZERO TO SIXTY (Body Shop Bad Boys #3) by Marie Harte-Review and Book Tour

Zero to Sixty banner

Body Shop Bad Boys 33
by Marie Harte
Release Date: February 7, 2017
Genre: adult, contemporary,erotic,romance

Zero to Sixty / / B&N / KOBO / BAM /  ibooks /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date February 7,2017

Bad boy Sam + Good girl Ivy + Stray puppy = Damaged hearts learning to love again

After her last relationship bombed, Ivy Stephens is doing her best to put her life back together. She’s enjoying her job, her apartment-and the cute little puppy she’s seen hanging around. When she goes looking for him, she finds the stray in the arms of a big, burly, devastatingly handsome man.

Sam Hamilton is lonelier than he’s ever been after his best friend’s engagement. To give himself a sense of purpose, he takes in a puppy that keeps showing up around the garage where he works. The puppy has another suitor though-one who happens to be blond and beautiful.


REVIEW: ZERO TO SIXTY is the third installment in Marie Harte’s contemporary, adult BODY SHOP BAD BOYS erotic, romance series focusing on the men and woman who work at Webster’s Garage. This is mechanic Sam Hamilton, and massage therapist Ivy Stephens’s story line. ZERO TO SIXTY can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. BODY SHOP BAD BOYS is a spin off from Harte’s McCauley Brothers series but you do not have to have read the original series to follow the current time line. A number of the characters cross-over between the two series.

Told from several third person perspectives including Sam and Ivy, ZERO TO SIXTY follows the building relationship between bad boy mechanic Sam Hamilton and massage therapist Ivy Stephens. Sam has a bit of a soft spot where orphaned animals are involved but the disappearance of a stray puppy finds our hero face to face with Ivy Stephens, a woman who hopes to keep the puppy for her own. What ensues is the slow building relationship between Sam and Ivy, and Sam’s struggle to keep secret his past.

Sam Hamilton grew up in an abusive home to a single mother who all but ignored the son she should have loved but Sam found love and acceptance with his best friend Foley and his mother Eileen Sanders- a woman who took in the broken Sam as though he were one of her own. But Sam’s life has never been easy and when the demons begin to push, he is a man looking to fight his way out of the abyss. Ivy is an independent woman whose own family history is heartbreaking and emotional. She is a woman determined to show Sam that he is worthy of love including the love she offers.

The relationship between Sam and Ivy is slow to develop. Sam is afraid to overwhelm Ivy if he moves too fast. Throughout most of the storyline our couple ‘play’ around one another without taking the next step in their growing love. The $ex scenes are intimate and intense.

There are a large number of secondary and supporting characters including several from Harte’s McCauley Brothers series. Foley and Cyn (Roadside Assistance #2) Johnny and Lara ( Test Drive #1) as well as Mike and Delilah (What To Do With a Bad Boy) whose own relationship enters the next phase. There are plenty of lighthearted moments when the friends get together to tease one another about the lives and their loves.

The world building continues to look at family and friendship, betrayal, romance and love. The strength of the friendships throughout both of the series is emotional and tight. Everyone protects one another’s backs; no one is left alone.

ZERO TO SIXTY is an emotional story line about one man’s struggle to climb out of the depths of poverty and abuse; and one woman’s battle to prove that he is worthy of affection and love. The premise is realistic and moving; the characters are spirited and inspiring; the romance is seduction and emotional.

Reading Order and Previous Reviews
The Reading Cafe
Roadside Assistance
Zero to Sixty

Copy supplied by the publisher through Netgalley

Reviewed by Sandy

guest post


GUEST POST: researching the story line: developing the hero/heroine

Writing ZERO TO SIXTY, the third book in the Body Shop Bad Boys series, was a challenge, but one I very much looked forward to. The book had to stand alone but also be rewarding to continuing readers of the series. Sam, the hero, had already been introduced in book one and made more central to the story in book two, where he’s best friends with the hero.

Sam has issues. Oh, so many.

SamHe’s a mechanic working in a garage with other guys (and one gal) who feel like family. And that’s a good thing, because Sam comes from an abusive background. His mother would never win mother of the year, but she’s not a horrible person for no reason. (I think her history makes for a much more interesting read than just having a “bad guy” be bad for no reason.)

Sam deals with his aggression with underground—illegal—fighting. He wants and needs to be loved but doesn’t feel worthy of it, and so he holds onto his best friend too tightly when he needs to let go. It’s while learning to stand on his own that he meets the heroine, Ivy.

IvyIvy is a massage therapist and current rescuer of a loveable little puppy—who ran away. She meets Sam by accident, when he spotted the dog in the back of her shop. Ivy’s intimidated by the huge, hulking, tattooed Sam. But when she gets to know him, she finds they have similar stories.

She too comes from a sorry background. While her parents weren’t verbally or physically abusive, they just didn’t care. Like Sam, she wants love but wonders what’s so wrong with her that no one, not even her family, loved her.

CookieAnd then you have Cookie. The puppy who brings the two together. Cookie is a stray—like Sam—who just needs to find the right person to love him. Enter Sam and Ivy, who both see something in the tiny puppy, and in each other, to fill that void inside them needing a connection.

Writing perfect characters is boring. Writing stereotypes gets old. So though Sam is a “tortured hero,” he’s not too dark. He has a sense of humor and an ability to love. Ivy isn’t weak or pitiful. She’s strong, but she becomes stronger knowing and loving Sam (and Cookie).



About the author

Follow: Goodreads / Twitter /Website/ Facebook

Marie HarteCaffeine addict, boy referee, and romance aficionado, USA Today bestselling author Marie Harte has over 100 books published with more constantly on the way. She’s a confessed bibliophile and devotee of action movies. Whether hiking in Central Oregon, biking around town, or hanging at the local tea shop, she’s constantly plotting to give everyone a happily ever after. Visit and fall in love.


Marie’s publisher is graciously offering a paper copy of TEST DRIVE (book 1) and ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE (book 2) to ONE (1) lucky commenter at The Reading Cafe.

1. If you have not previously registered at The Reading Cafe, please register by using the log-in at the top of the page (side bar) or by using one of the social log-ins.

NOTE: If you are having difficulty commenting after logging onto the site, please refresh the page (at the top of your computer).

2. If you are using a social log-in, please post your email address with your comment.

3. Please follow Marie Harte on FACEBOOK.

4. LIKE us on FACEBOOK and then click GET NOTIFICATION under ‘liked’ for an additional entry.

5. LIKE us on Twitter for an additional entry.

6. Please FOLLOW us on GOODREADS for an additional entry.

7. Please follow The Reading Cafe on Tumblr

8. Giveaway open to USA only

9. Giveaway runs from February 2-6, 2017

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Roadside Assistance (Body Shop Bad Boys #2) by Marie Harte-Review

ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE (Body Shop Bad Boys #2) by Marie Harte-Review, Interview and Giveaway


Body Shop Bad Boys #2
by Marie Harte
Release Date: September 6, 2016
Genre: adult, contemporary, erotic, romance / / B&N / KOBO / BAM /

About the book: Release Date September 6, 2016

Underneath the axle grease and tats he’s a gentleman.
Foley Sanders figured he’ll always be content with a life of cars and casual hookups. Until a run-in with Cyn, a statuesque firecracker with a hate-on for men, leaves him bewitched and intrigued-much to her annoyance.

Maybe Cynthia Nichols was a little hard on Foley, that muscular, tattooed, super-hot mechanic next door. But she’s tired of feeling defensive about her size and has sworn off men. She’s got a new job, new life, perfect plan. Foley has trouble written all over him-no way is she going to fall for his charms.

Foley might look like a bad idea, but underneath, he’s all gentleman. Too bad Cyn’s not buying it. What’s a bad boy to do when the goddess of his dreams won’t give him the time of day?


REVIEW: ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE is the second installment in Marie Harte’s contemporary, adult BODY SHOP BAD BOYS erotic, romance series focusing on the mechanic’s at Webster’s Garage. This is mechanic Foley Sanders, and café owner Cynthia Nichols’s story line. ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. BODY SHOP BAD BOYS is a spin off from Harte’s McCauley Brothers series but you do not have to have read the original series to follow the current time line. A number of the characters cross-over between the two series.

Told from several third person perspectives ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE follows the building relationship between Foley and Cyn, and the fractured family dynamics for the Nichols and Sanders’s families. Foley is a tattooed, bad boy, and a man with a past. Cynthia is a plus size, independent business woman whose self-esteem and body image have been destroyed by her toxic mother leaving our heroine with a less than idealistic view of herself and the world. When her most recent relationship failed Cyn pledged to remain celibate for the rest of her life but a mechanic with a soft spot for Cyn, and a loving relationship with his own mother has pushed Cyn’s promise of celibacy to the side. What ensues is a relationship that quickly builds into something more that may be destroyed when Cyn is unable to overcome the emotional and psychological abuse, inflicted by her mother, that continues to the present day.

The sexual attraction between Cyn and Foley is immediate but our heroine is reluctant to believe that Foley is interested in a plus size woman. Her self-esteem has been so badly damaged, that compliments and attention become fodder for arguments and fights. Foley has a protective streak when it comes to his family, and Cyn’s self-abasing attitude is difficult to overcome even for our story line hero. The $ex scenes are erotic, seductive and intense.

ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE has a large ensemble cast of secondary and supporting characters including Foley’s best friend, roommate, fellow mechanic and ‘brother from another mother’ Sam whose life begins to spiral out of control when Foley becomes preoccupied with the new woman in his life. All of the mechanics at Webster’s Garage play an active role throughout the story. We are introduced to Foley’s mother Eileen, and her beau Jacob, as well as Cyn’s brother Matt and his wife Nina; Cyn’s long suffering father Vincent, and her mother Ella. The poisonous barbs and toxic relationship between Cyn and Ella make for plenty of uncomfortable moments.

The world building continues to focus on the men and women at Webster’s Garage-their friendships, the camaraderie, relationships and love-there is plenty of humor and fun when the mechanics get together for a game of darts and a couple of beers. Cynthia Nichols’ low self esteem and negative body image is a constant theme running throughout the story, and for some readers the issues may hit too close to home but in the end our heroine finds the strength to take the first steps towards recovery and finding self worth.

ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE is a story about romance and love; family and friendships; letting go of the past and moving forward with your own life. The premise is emotional and impassioned but slow to build in the early stages of the book; the characters are colorful, animated and flawed; the romance is intimate and provocative. Marie Harte’s ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE is a welcome addition to her BODY SHOP BAD BOYS erotic, romance series.

Click HERE for Sandy’s review of Book 1-TEST DRIVE.

Copy supplied by the publisher through Netgalley.

Reviewed by Sandy


TRC:  Hi Marie and welcome to The Reading Cafe.

We would like to start with some background information. Would you please tell us something about yourself?

My name is Marie Harte, and I’m a romance writer. I’ve written over a hundred books, have hit the New York Times and USA Today bestseller lists, and continue to write. I’m a mother of two boys who never seem to stop eating. I have a cat that likes to sneak attack, and I’m addicted to coffee. My family and I live in Central Oregon, and I’m in love with the mountains.

TRC:  Who or what influenced your career in writing?

My love of reading was my biggest influence. I’ve always loved to read, and I spent the majority of my younger years making up stories when I couldn’t find anything to read. Same with romance as I got older. I wrote the stories I wanted to read but couldn’t find on the shelves.

TRC:  What challenges or difficulties have you encountered writing and publishing your stories?

Ten years ago when I started writing, it was still tough to get a publishing contract with the Big 6, but it seemed like it was easier to find a connection with readers. Now, there’s so much material to wade through when it comes to romance that it’s hard to get a leg up, I think. It’s more about marketing than I’m used to or even comfortable with, and I think I sometimes am not as effective as I should be. I just want to write, but it’s so much more these days.

TRC:  Would you please tell us something about the premise of ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE?

Roadside Assistance is the story of a hard-working, sexy, rough-around-the-edges guy finding love when he’s not looking for it with a woman learning to love herself–flaws and all. Because only when she feels right about herself can she love her perfect man. Note—her perfect man. Foley has flaws, but for Cyn, he’s Mr. Right. Also, the heroine in this story deals with body issues that a lot of us struggle with, I think.

TRC:  How many books do you have planned for the BODY SHOP BAD BOYS series?

Four have been contracted, with a fifth hanging out there. The fifth book centers around characters introduced in a previous series (The McCauley Brothers) as well as Body Shop Bad Boys, so though it’s not technically a BSBB book, it kind of feels like it to me.

TRC:  How do you keep the plot(s) unpredictable without sacrificing content and believability?

This series is about real men and women. My heroes tend to be blue-collar, rough and ready, and my heroines have real issues and real looks. They’re not all gorgeous and lily white, but characters with personality. Those characteristics drive the plots. No one’s flying to Paris for a spy chase. The men and women fight, fall in love, fight falling in love, and deal with life as it comes to them in their city of Seattle. It’s challenging to keep it real but also fun to think that hey, this could really happen to someone like me! And let’s face it, truth is often stranger than fiction. Finding unpredictable plots is as easy as sitting in a coffee shop and listening to people talk about their lives.

TRC:  Do you believe the cover image plays a deciding factor for many readers in the process of selecting a book or new series to read?

I do. I’m a big reader, and I know that the first thing about a book I notice is the cover, then the blurb. After that, I’ll open the book to take a peek. But without a striking cover, I’m bypassing it to another book. Fortunately, I’ve been really lucky with Sourcebooks creating amazing covers for me. I mean, look at Roadside Assistance. Just…wow.

TRC:  On what are you currently working?

I’m working on the fourth Body Shop Bad Boy book, about Lou. My last wisecracking mechanic is about to meet his match in a woman who won’t give him the time of day. I LOVE stories like that!

TRC:  Would you like to add anything else?

Thanks so much for having me. I can’t wait to share Roadside Assistance with everyone! You can find me at .

TRC: Thank you Marie for taking the time to answer our questions. Congratulations on the release of ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE

About The author

Follow: Goodreads / Twitter /Website/ Facebook

Marie HarteCaffeine addict, boy referee, and romance aficionado, USA Today bestselling author Marie Harte has over 100 books published with more constantly on the way. She’s a confessed bibliophile and devotee of action movies. Whether hiking in Central Oregon, biking around town, or hanging at the local tea shop, she’s constantly plotting to give everyone a happily ever after. Visit and fall in love.


Marie’s publisher is graciously offering a paper copy of TEST DRIVE (book 1) to ONE (1) lucky commenter at The Reading Cafe.

1. If you have not previously registered at The Reading Cafe, please register by using the log-in at the top of the page (side bar) or by using one of the social log-ins.

NOTE: If you are having difficulty commenting after logging onto the site, please refresh the page (at the top of your computer).

2. If you are using a social log-in, please post your email address with your comment.

3. Please follow Marie Harte on FACEBOOK.

4. LIKE us on FACEBOOK and then click GET NOTIFICATION under ‘liked’ for an additional entry.

5. LIKE us on Twitter for an additional entry.

6. Please FOLLOW us on GOODREADS for an additional entry.

7. Please follow The Reading Cafe on Tumblr

8. Giveaway open to USA and Canada only

9. Giveaway runs from September 5-9, 2016



Test Drive ( Body Shop Bad Boys #1) by Marie Harte-Review, Book Tour & Giveaway

TEST DRIVE (Body Shop Bad Boys #1) by Marie Harte-Review, Book Tour & Giveaway

Test Drive Banner

Body Shop Bad Boys #1
by Marie Harte
Release Date: June 7, 2016
Genre: adult, contemporary, romance

Test Drive / / B&N / KOBO /

About the book: Release Date June 7,2016

Johnny, Foley, Sam, and Lou are the rough and tumble mechanics of Webster’s Garage. These reformed bad boys are used to living fast, but it’s the women in their lives who take them from zero to sixty in a heartbeat.

Johnny Devlin’s a charmer with a checkered past. He has had his eye on scorching-hot bartender Lara Valley for ages, but she’s rejected him more than once. That doesn’t mean he won’t come to her aid when some dirtbag mauls her. When she asks him on a date as a no-strings-attached thank you, he can’t say no. And then he’s saying nothing but hell, yes.


REVIEW: TEST DRIVE is the first installment in Marie Harte’s contemporary, adult BODY SHOP BAD BOYS romance series focusing on the mechanics of Webster’s Garage. BODY SHOP BAD BOYS is a spin off from Harte’s McCauley Brothers series but you do not have to have read the original series to follow the current time line. This is mechanic and bad boy Johnny Devlin, and bartender Lara Valley’s story line. Some of the characters from the previous series cross over including Delilah Webster, co-owner of Webster’s Garage.

Told from dual third person perspectives (Johnny and Lara) TEST DRIVE follows the building romance between auto mechanic Johnny Devlin-a man with a bad boy reputation and a string of broken hearts to prove it; and bartender/nursing student Lara Valley-a woman who is quick to judge Johnny based on his previous relationships and reputation as a player. When Lara finally consents to a ‘no strings attached’ evening out, nothing will ever be the same for our leading couple.

TEST DRIVE is a story line that is slow to build. The majority of the premise focuses on the even slower building relationship between Johnny and Lara, and Lara’s struggle to accept her sister’s personal choices including her latest divorce battle from an over controlling ex-husband. The character building is quite detailed throughout the story-TEST DRIVE has a large ensemble cast of characters-you may need a spreadsheet to keep track.

Johnny Devlin’s fellow mechanics at Webster’s Garage play a large secondary and supporting role in our hero’s life, including several good natured ribbings about their sexual prowess and success, or lack thereof, in the relationship department.

TEST DRIVE is a story about friendships and family. The romance is a slow burn; a tepid romance where Johnny must tread carefully as it concerns his relationship with Lara Valley. The push and pull of the romance is hampered by Lara’s need to keep Johnny from getting too close-she doesn’t want a repeat of any of her sister’s relationships. The premise is enjoyable; the characters are animated and many; the romance is pleasant and hopeful.

Copy supplied by the publisher through Netgalley.

Reviewed by Sandy


He grinned and waited while she opened her door. He noticed she locked it behind them, and he approved. A woman couldn’t be too careful, especially after dealing with assholes like Ron. And speaking of which…
“So have you heard from Ron since?”
“Nope, and I like it that way just fine.” She dropped her purse and hung up her jacket in the closet. Then she motioned for his, so he took it off and handed it to her. “You want something to drink?”
“What do you have?”
“Beer and water. I ran out of milk this morning.”
Another thing they had in common. A tendency to put off grocery shopping. “How about a beer?”
“Good choice.” He watched her putter in the kitchen, giving new testament to the term domestic goddess. That shoulder-baring sweater was driving him crazy with the need to pull the rest of it down. Anything to expose the creamy wealth of her breasts.
She handed him a beer and had one for herself, which he liked. She must trust him a little if she finally didn’t mind drinking with him. “Wait here.” She returned with a ratty deck of cards. “I deal.”
“I’m a guest. Shouldn’t I get to choose?” he asked as they settled at the kitchen table.
She shuffled the deck. “You’re shifty. I’ve seen you at darts.”
“That was sheer skill.”
“According to Foley, you must have stepped over the line a few times to get closer.”
He snorted. “Please. Foley’s muscles get in the way of his aim. And his brain.”
She snickered.
“I’m a precision kind of guy.” He let her ponder that one while he studied her face and, a bit more subtly, her breasts.
She glanced up but only saw him gazing innocently at her face. “Precision guy. Uh-huh. You’re shifty. I’m dealing.” She focused on the cards again.
Man, she was clever. Saw right through him. Brains always impressed the hell out of him, but wrapped in a package like hers, he had a hard time thinking about anything but making sweet love to Lara.
She kept her eyes on the cards. “And quit staring at me like I’m a lame bunny and you’re a big bad wolf.”
“I’m not—”
“Please. I can feel your pretty eyeballs all over me, Prince Charming. Drink your beer and be good, or your ass is out of here early.”
She sounded as if she meant it. The fact she’d make him work to earn her, perversely made him want to try harder. It’s like she’s playing me, and I’m letting her.
He frowned. Was she? Was this all a game to her? Had she sensed the depth of his attraction and meant to use herself as bait? The way Amber had always been able to get what she wanted out of his father? Like dancing on a pole for money, she’d danced around Jack Devlin for affection. Then once she’d gotten it, she’d walked away without a backward glance, uncaring that she’d left more than one broken heart behind.
The sad thing was that his father continued to repeat the pattern. At least Johnny knew better.
Lara set down the cards. “I was kidding, Johnny. I mean, I don’t think you’re looking at me like that. It was a joke.”
The vulnerability in her eyes touched him. No, Lara wasn’t into games. Not like that. And man, did that make him want her more—and not just for sex.
Emotional asswipe. Grow a pair, Devlin. He could almost hear Lou mocking him. He cleared his throat and felt his cheeks heat. “If you can’t feel me looking at you like that, I must be doing it wrong.”
She gave a relieved laugh and finished dealing the cards.
He spent the next forty-five minutes playing a kid’s game, when he could have been maneuvering his way into her bedroom. That he hadn’t tried to, that he’d enjoyed himself with her, trading barbs and just soaking up her company, told him more than anything that his interest in her meant something.
At first, all he’d wanted was to do her, to conquer the unattainable female. And sure, that was immature and beneath him, but he’d been a few years younger. Before he’d recognized that dimple she wore when she was happy. Or how her eyes turned a shade darker before she’d lay into a guy with a smart-ass remark, then laugh with rich enjoyment. Before he’d known she’d taste like heaven and addict him from one simple kiss. Now he wanted—he didn’t know what he wanted, but it wasn’t just sex. When was the last time he’d hung out with a woman for fun, no expectation of a fuck afterward?
Sure he wanted one. But tonight felt magical. He had no intention of ruining it. The only matter on his mind was how to get a second date with the sexy woman.
“War,” he said, pleased when two jacks popped up.
“Oh man.” She glanced from her pathetic card to his pile. “I have just enough. One card left…” She waited for him, and they turned their last cards over together.
His ace to her two of spades.
“That’s just sad.” He shook his head, flipped over her cards, and saw he’d won a face card and a few number cards. “I won the queen.” If only.
She frowned. “You must have cheated.”
“For almost an hour? If I’d wanted to win that bad, I wouldn’t have stretched this out for so long.” He stood and stretched. “Ah, that feels good. Bathroom?”
She nodded to the hall and warned, “You’d better put the seat down when you’re done, or I’ll tell everyone you made a move on me and I laughed at your tiny pride and joy.”
“Now we both know that’s a lie. Tiny. Right.” Johnny had no problem when it came to confidence in his body. He laughed his way into the bathroom and came back to see her sitting on the couch, nursing a second beer. He’d already had two and had stopped himself from having any more. He did have to drive tonight. Unfortunately.
He joined her on the couch and turned to face her instead of dragging her into his lap. “There’s something we need to get clear.”
He fucking loved that challenging light in her eyes. Antagonizing yet playful. “Yeah, oh. That comment you made about me enjoying the stripper lifestyle.”
“Do tell.” She set her beer down.
“It’s more a lifestyle proclivity than a fetish for strippers.”
“You are just whipping out the big words right and left,” she teased. “But color me intrigued. How is it a ‘lifestyle proclivity’?”
“Simple. My dad has always had a thing for strippers. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate a good athlete.”
“I’ll bet you do.”
“But I grew up around ‘Daddy’s friends’ and saw most of them as mother figures.” Before they’d inevitably take off. “What can I say? My dad is fascinated with ti—ah, with breasts.”
Her lips quirked.
“Trust me when I say the glamour of naked breasts lost its luster years ago. Strippers are just hard-working women who happen to take their clothes off for a living. Pretty, sure. But a naked woman is just a naked woman.”
“Um, yeah, that’s the point.”
“No, it’s not.” He started to get annoyed. “I’m trying to tell you that I can look at a woman and see more than her body. I’m not all about tits and ass and nothing else,” he growled, disappointed Lara didn’t seem to understand him. “Knowing what they go through just to make a living has shown me they’re more than—”
She cut him off by knocking him flat back against the couch.
Her eyes narrowed, and she maneuvered him so he lay under her. Shocked, he let her move him around like a puppet, wondering what came next. A punch? A kiss? Praying for the latter, he lay still. Then she kissed the breath out of him.
And his entire world spun out of control.

About The Author Black and Red

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Marie HarteCaffeine addict, boy referee, and romance aficionado, USA Today bestselling author Marie Harte has over 100 books published with more constantly on the way. She’s a confessed bibliophile and devotee of action movies. Whether hiking in Central Oregon, biking around town, or hanging at the local tea shop, she’s constantly plotting to give everyone a happily ever after. Visit and fall in love.

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