A Lie for a Lie (All In #1) by Helena Hunting-Review & Giveaway Tour

A Lie for a Lie (All In #1) by Helena Hunting-Review, Except & giveaway Tour

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / B&N /Chapters Indigo

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date October 15, 2019

Sometimes I need an escape from the demands, the puck bunnies, and the notoriety that come with being an NHL team captain. I just want to be a normal guy for a few weeks. So when I leave Chicago for some peace and quiet, the last thing I expect is for a gorgeous woman to literally fall into my lap on a flight to Alaska. Even better, she has absolutely no idea who I am.

Lainey is the perfect escape from my life. My plan for seclusion becomes a monthlong sex fest punctuated with domestic bliss. But it ends just as abruptly as it began. When I’m called away on a family emergency, I realize too late that I have no way to contact Lainey.

A year later, a chance encounter throws Lainey and me together again. But I still have a lie hanging over my head, and Lainey’s keeping secrets of her own. With more than lust at stake, the truth may be our game changer.



REVIEW:A LIE FOR A LIE is the first instalment in Helena Hunting’s contemporary, adult ALL IN LOVE erotic, romance series. This is NHL captain Rook ‘RJ’ Bowman, and twenty-five year old, Lainey Carver’s storyline. The ALL IN series is a spin off from the author’s PUCKED series but you do not have to have read the original series to follow. Several characters from the PUCKED series cross over for cohesion and back story.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Lainey and Rook) A LIE FOR A LIE follows the building but fractured relationship between NHL captain Rook ‘RJ’ Bowman, and twenty-five year old, Lainey Carver. Approximately one year earlier while on her way to study aquatic animals on Kodiak Island in Alaska, Lainey Carver would meet her future in the guise of sexy, ‘alpaca farmer’ RJ, a man with whom she will spend six glorious weeks that will come to a screeching halt when RJ is called back home. Fast forward to present day wherein Lainey will come face to face with her past while working at the Chicago aquarium. What ensues is the rebuilding relationship between Lainey and RJ that struggles in the face of secrets, lies and letting go of the past.

Rook ‘RJ’ Bowman knew Lainey had know idea about who he was so telling her a ‘little white lie’ meant no harm until Rook found himself falling for our story line heroine. A manwh*re by reputation, Rook struggled to reveal the truth to the woman with whom he would fall in love. An emergency back home found Rook on the move without leaving a forwarding address or revealing the truth about his professional status. Lainey Carver struggles with social situations having witness an horrific event while studying in college. Raised by over-protective parents, Lainey needs an escape to make it on her own but she never expected to see RJ again.

The relationship between Lainey and Rook is one of immediate attraction having met on the plane heading to Alaska. From Lainey’s disastrous rental to Rook’s lies of omission, our couple endure a minefield of secrets and lies but Lainey may yet hold the biggest secret of all. The $ex scenes are intimate, erotic and intense without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text.

Several of Rook’s fellow teammates and their wives from the author’s PUCKED series play secondary and supporting roles. We are introduced to Rook’s sister Stevie, as well as Lainey’s over protective parents Simon and Elaine Carver.

A LIE FOR A LIE is a story of second chances; of secrets and lies; of love and happily ever after. The premise is sweet yet spicy; the romance is sensitive and sexy; the characters are animated, colorful and charismatic. A LIE FOR A LIE is a heart warming start to the author’s ALL IN series.

Copy supplied by Netgalley

Reviewed by Sandy 


When Lainey excuses herself to the bathroom, I rush upstairs and throw on a T-shirt. I know she said whatever makes me comfortable, but sitting around shirtless is such a douche move.I make it back to the kitchen and pour her a fresh drink before she returns from the bathroom.

“How can I help with dinner?” Lainey drapes her sweater over the back of a chair.

And my mouth goes dry. Like I ate an entire sleeve of saltines and chased it with a tablespoon of salt. So far I’ve only seen Lainey in a giant parka or an oversize sweater. Under all that bulky fabric is one hell of a body. She’s wearing a simple white waffle shirt that conforms to her curves. A pair of dark-wash skinny jeans encase her toned legs.

I’m used to bunnies throwing themselves at me, often in questionable states of undress. I stopped getting excited about miniskirts and revealing tops a long time ago. There’s something infinitely sexier about a woman who can show off her body without actually showing it off at all.

Lainey tips her head to the side. Her teeth press into her full bottom lip. I want to do that. Suck that pouty, full lip between my teeth and bite it. I want to do a lot of other, far more explicit things than that, but a kiss seems like a good place to start.

“RJ? Is everything okay?” Her eyes dip down to my chest. I’m wearing a shirt from one of my endorsement campaigns. It afforded me the extensive renovations on this cabin a few years ago.

“Huh?” I give my head a shake. “Oh. Yeah. Everything’s good. Sorry, zoned out there for a second.”

She smiles and pushes up on her toes, her eyes twinkling—like, they legit light up, and her excitement makes her entire body vibrate. It also makes her boobs jiggle. I try to keep my eyes glued to her face. It’s not easy, though.

“I do that all the time! Sometimes my brain is busy with so many thoughts I miss entire conversations. Does that happen to you too?”

I grin. I love that she seems to say whatever is on her mind. “All the time.”

“It’s actually a helpful skill when you’re being lectured, because I can sort through stuff in my head, but it’s not so great when your supervising professor is telling you what’s wrong with your thesis.” She pulls her hair over her shoulder and finger combs it.

“I take it that’s happened to you.”

“It did. Thankfully he also emailed all his criticisms, so missing out on it the first time wasn’t that big of a deal.” She divides her hair into three sections and deftly braids it without looking at what she’s doing even once. It’s pretty damn impressive. I almost want to pull it apart so I can watch her do it all over again. “Anyway, enough about that. Let’s get started on dinner!” She nudges me out of the way so she can wash her hands. She dries them on her jeans and moves over to the fridge, opening it to check out the contents.

I kind of like that she makes herself at home. I’m used to women who expect to be catered to. It’s refreshing to meet someone who doesn’t want me to pander to her.

I start pulling things out of the fridge as she starts naming items she’ll need and set them on the counter. I manage to locate most of what she asks for.

“What about garlic? Do you have any of that?” She leans over, peering into the fridge beside me. Her braid slips over her shoulder, skimming my arm.

“Uh, maybe we could forgo the garlic?”

“Are you allergic? My oldest brother gets bloated when he eats it. It took us forever to figure out what was causing it. Sometimes I’ll still put some in when he’s coming for dinner, because it’s funny to see him look like he’s expecting.” She tips her head to the side. “Or you just don’t like garlic?”

“I like it sometimes, but it depends.”

Her brows pinch together. “On what?”

“Who I’m eating with. I mean, if I’m going out with buddies, you bet I’m gonna order the honey garlic wings, or the cheesy garlic bread, or the pasta Alfredo. But if I’m eating dinner with a pretty girl, I’m gonna pass on the garlic.”

“Oh.” She twists the end of her braid around her finger.

I hope I’m not reading things wrong and making her uncomfortable.

“Does that mean you think I’m pretty?”

That she sounds genuinely curious as to my answer is unexpected. “You see yourself in the mirror every day—what do you think?”

She averts her gaze, still playing with the end of her braid. “My eyes are too big, so I always look like I’m surprised. My nose is small, and my lips are too full, so my mouth doesn’t really fit the rest of my face.”

“Wow. I think you need a new mirror, because all I see is a whole lot of gorgeous.”

She snorts a laugh and waves me off. “Once, I took a portrait class, and we learned all about proportion and symmetry of the face. Those are just my flaws based on what I was taught.”

“Well, I’m a big fan of all your flaws, and I think they make you more beautiful, not less.”

“Thanks. I think you’re beautiful too.” She cringes. “I mean handsome. You’re very nice to look at, with or without a shirt on. When I fell in your lap on the airplane, I remember thinking, At least I fell on someone nice looking.”

“Is that so?”

“Mm-hmm.” She opens a drawer, maybe to avoid looking at me. “And as much as I was mortified when you sat beside me on the Cessna, I couldn’t complain about the view, inside or outside of the plane. That you turned out to be really nice, and just so helpful, was a great bonus.” She hands me a roll of foil. “Why don’t you wrap the potatoes? They take the longest, so we should get started on those first.”

I put the potatoes on the barbecue and let Lainey order me around. She definitely knows her way around a kitchen. When I was growing up, my mom did most of the cooking, but my dad could make a mean Saturday-morning brunch. He also made great bread, which I miss a lot.

An hour later we’re seated at the table, plates full of steak, twice-baked potatoes, and crispy brussels sprouts cooked in bacon fat. I open a bottle of red wine and offer Lainey a glass.

“Just a little bit? I’m not sure I like red wine.”

“Maybe you just haven’t had the right red wine.” I pour a little into her glass.

She picks it up and gives it a swirl, then sniffs it. “I’ve seen people do this in the movies, but I don’t really know what the point is,” she admits, then tips the glass back and takes a tentative sip. Her expression turns thoughtful; then she takes another, slightly more robust sip. “This is actually really nice. I like it. Maybe the red wine I had before was bad.”

“Maybe. Some of the cheap stuff tastes pretty awful.” I pour more into her glass before filling mine. I hold up my glass and wait for her to raise hers.

“To chance meetings.”

“To new adventures and great company to share them with.” We toast and take a sip, each smiling behind the rim.



Guest Post: Lainey vs. Puck Bunnies in A Lie for a Lie

A Lie for a Lie is a heartwarming, sexy, emotional romantic comedy. It’s a second chance romance, filled with secrets and there are definitely some exciting, fun twists. It’s also a story of empowerment, self-discovery, and independence.

Rook Bowman, aka RJ or Rookie as he has been known as previously, has recently taken on the role as captain of Chicago’s NHL team, and with that role comes big responsibility and more fame than he sometimes knows how to handle. As with any professional sport, the NHL lifestyle can often be full of excess and decadence; money, fame and an endless stream of women who will do just about anything to get into bed with them, and it’s not always easy to avoid that kind of temptation.

When we meet Rook in A Lie for a Lie we learn that he has a less than shiny past when it comes to the excess and the puck bunnies (hockey groupies). NHL players are often drafted quite young—just watch a game and you’ll notice that the rookies can often barely grown peach fuzz, let alone a full beard. They’re still teenagers when they start their careers, and Rook was no different. Having grown up on an alpaca farm in rural New York, his focus was mainly hockey and the family farm, but once he hit the pros he found himself surrounded by women who literally threw themselves at him. And being young, attractive and full of testosterone, he fell headfirst down that rabbit hole. At least until the drama found him in the form of a fake pregnancy and a social media firestorm. Because of that, and the impact it had on his relationship with his family, Rook swears off the bunnies and refocuses on his career, rather than extracurricular activities.

He meets Lainey on the way to Alaska, where he’s gone every summer since he was a teenager with his dad and his brother. He lost his father a few years earlier, but kept the tradition with his brother because he craves the escape from the demands of his life as an NHL superstar. Lainey encapsulates everything he misses about being a “normal guy.” She doesn’t recognize him or seem to even know anything about hockey, and that makes her even more alluring. For once, he can just be himself. He doesn’t have to worry about ulterior motives or being used. Lainey is refreshingly innocent, incredibly smart, genuine and overwhelmingly sweet and Rook finds himself enamored with her sense of adventure. As they get to know each other, Rook learns about her traumatic past and realizes that despite the challenges she’s faced, Lainey possesses a quiet strength and resilience. Add some insane chemistry and you’ve got a recipe for love. Unfortunately for Rook, he built their entire fragile relationship on lie he can’t take back.

~~ Helena Hunting ~~

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FOLLOW: NTY and USA Today Bestselling author of The PUCKED Series, Helena Hunting lives outside of Toronto with her amazing family and her two awesome cats, who think the best place to sleep is her keyboard. Helena writes everything from contemporary romance to romance comedy, sports romance and angsty new adult romance.

NOTE: The Reading Cafe is NOT responsible for the rafflecopter giveaway. If you have any questions, please contact the publisher.


Risk Everything (Bree and Tanner Thriller) by Janie Crouch-Review tour

RISK EVERYTHING (Bree and Tanner Thriller #2-4) by Janie Crouch-Reviews

(Bree and Tanner Thriller #2)
by Janie Crouch
Release Date: August 1, 2019
Genre: adult, contemporary, romantic suspense

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / B&N / KOBO / Chapters Indigo /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date August 1, 2019

Risking it all—again.

Now his past is threatening both of them.

Deputy Tanner Dempsey paid a high price for an undercover op gone wrong. Nobody understands a dangerous past better than Bree Daniels. Together they have to take on those real-life demons in order to stay alive. Keeping one step ahead of ruthless killers is their only option and risk is their constant companion.


REVIEW: SECURITY RISK is the second instalment in Janie Crouch’s contemporary, adult BREE AND TANNER THRILLER romantic, suspense series focusing on computer hacker Bree Daniels, and Deputy Tanner Dempsey. SECURITY RISK can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story line is revealed where necessary.

Told from three first person points of view including Bree and Tanner SECURITY RISK begins three months after book one Calculated Risk but three years after Deputy Tanner Dempsey’s life imploded. Following an undercover op that went all wrong, Tanner struggles with what happened and the men that were lost. Fast forward to present day wherein someone is stalking our story line hero, someone who is framing Tanner for sins of the past. What ensues is the ongoing relationship between Tanner and Bree, and the potential fall-out as a number of people are caught up in a game aimed at taking Deputy Tanner Dempsey down.

Bree Daniels struggled with her place in Tanner’s life but Tanner Dempsey is willing to take things slow in an effort to allow Bree to settle into a new ‘normal’ routine. A computer hacker genius, Bree finds herself working at the local diner in an effort to keep things going at an even pace. Tanner Dempsey has no idea who is targeting him but a number of bodies, all with connections to our story line hero, aren’t making things any easier as Tanner struggles to prove his innocence.

There is a large ensemble cast of colorful and dynamic secondary and supporting characters including Tanner’s brother former special forces soldier Noah, their sister Cassandra and Cassandra’s husband Graham; their mother; owners of the Sunset diner Cheryl and Dan Andrews; sheriff’s deputy Ronnie Kitchens; sheriff Duggan; attorney Ryan Fletcher; inmate Darin, and his brother Glen Carrico; police department psychiatrist Dr.Michalski.

SECURITY RISK is a story of family, friendship, vengeance and grief; a story of murder and betrayal; of love and moving towards a happily ever after. The premise is intriguing and suspenseful; the romance is passionate without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text; the characters are energetic and strong.

Copy supplied for review


Bree and Tanner Thriller #3
by Janie Crouch
Release Date: September 1, 2019
Genre: adult, contemporary, romantic, suspense

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / B&N / KOBO / Chapters Indigo /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date: September 1, 2019

The hunters
Become the hunted.

Deputy Tanner Dempsey and Bree Daniels are tasked with unraveling a deadly mystery in Dallas—one that involves transmitting live feeds of victims trapped in tanks as they fill with water. Bree’s computer genius is their only hope at solving the crime. Knowing the darkness in Bree’s past, Tanner is determined to make sure she comes out of this emotionally unscathed. Especially once they both become a killer’s next target


REVIEW:CONSTANT RISK is the third instalment in Janie Crouch’s contemporary, adult BREE AND TANNER THRILLER romantic suspense series focusing on Deputy Taner Dempsey and computer hacker Bree Daniels. CONSTANT RISK can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous instalments is revealed where necessary but I recommend reading book one CALCULATED RISK for back story and cohesion regarding the current premise.

Told from dual third person perspectives (Bree and Tanner) CONSTANT RISK follows our couple as they are called into an investigation where a possible serial killer was murdering his victims in plastic coffins. With Bree’s ability to hack even the toughest computer programs, our heroine finds herself on a deadline as the potential for four victims looms ever closer. Meanwhile, Bree’s preparations for the upcoming trial of the Organization’s head Michael Jeter hits a snag when Michael accepts that plea deal that ensures Michael goes away for life, if only, law enforcement are able to locate the missing prisoner.

Janie Crouch pulls the reader into a story of intrigue and suspense; vengeance and betrayal. The premise is engaging and entertaining; the characters are captivating and fascinating. CONSTANT RISK is another wonderful and mesmerizing addition to Crouch’s BREE AND TANNER THRILLER romantic suspense series.

Copy supplied for review


Bree and Tanner #4
by Janie Crouch
Release Date: September 17, 2019
Genre: adult, contemporary, romantic suspense

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / B&N / KOBO / Chapters Indigo / Google Play

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date September 17, 2019

The wedding is two weeks away

If they survive until then…

Following a fire at the New Journeys women’s shelter, Deputy Tanner Dempsey is on high alert, and his fiancee, Bree Daniels, fears that one of the shelter’s clients is being targeted. Outmanned and outgunned, Tanner and Bree must make a last stand for justice and unravel the twisted plot of a dangerous sociopath. Will it be “’til death do us part” before they can say “I do”?


REVIEW: RISK EVERYTHING is the fourth instalment in Janie Crouch’s contemporary, adult BREE AND TANNER THRILLER romantic, suspense series focusing on Bree Daniels and Deputy Tanner Dempsey. RISK EVERYTHING can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story lines is revealed where necessary.

Told from dual third person perspectives (Bree and Tanner) RISK EVERYTHING focuses on the weeks before Bree Daniels and Deputy Tanner Dempsey wedding. Hoping against hope to elope, Bree finds herself the center of attention, attention she would rather place on someone else. As the big day approaches one of the women (Marilyn) at Bree’s New Journeys’ women’s shelter discovers that her soon to be ex has been released on bail, and a suspicious fire at the shelter points to the possibility that Marilyn and her children’s whereabouts have been found. Keeping a promise to Marilyn’s children (Eva and Sam), Bree and Tanner, along with Tanner’s brother Noah, escort the mother and her children for a few days of camping, camping that places everyone in the direct line of fire. With the children’s safety a primary concern, our leading couple, find themselves the target of some very dangerous men.

RISK EVERYTHING is a story of vengeance and betrayal; of power and control; of love, loss and happily ever after. Janie Crouch pulls the reader into a fast paced, suspense filled tale of one man’s need for retribution as Bree and Tanner try desperately to keep everyone safe. The premise is engaging; the characters are colorful and charismatic; the romance continues towards a happily ever after. My only concern is the questionable decision to move forward with a camping trip when threats to everyone’s lives are still in place-a little bit TSTL.

Click HERE for Sandys’ review of book one CALCULATED RISK

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

USA TODAY bestselling author Janie Crouch writes what she loves to read: passionate romantic suspense. She is a winner and/or finalist of multiple romance literary awards including the Golden Quill Award for Best Romantic Suspense, the National Reader’s Choice Award, and the coveted RITA© Award by the Romance Writers of America.

Janie recently relocated with her husband and their four teenagers to Germany (due to her husband’s job as support for the U.S. Military), after living in Virginia for nearly 20 years. When she’s not listening to the voices in her head (and even when she is), she enjoys engaging in all sorts of crazy adventures (200-mile relay races; Ironman Triathlons, treks to Mt. Everest Base Camp) traveling, and movies of all kinds.

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7211574.Janie_Crouch

Web: http://www.janiecrouch.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/janiecrouch/

Amazon: https://amzn.to/2pmEH1X

Twitter: https://twitter.com/janiecrouch



Love, Again by L.P. Dover -Review Tour

LOVE, AGAIN by L. P. Dover-Review Tour

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / B&N / iBooks/  KOBO / Google Play

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date April 9, 2019

Aubrey Reynolds is a small-town girl who’s made it big. A successful Hollywood director, Aubrey doesn’t have time to linger on what could have been. But when a routine blood test comes back with a false positive, she decides to take some time off to do the things she’s always wanted to do: taste the famous chocolate chip cookies at the Minnesota State Fair, hike the Grand Teton National Park, scuba dive in the Caribbean. But after Aubrey admits to herself what she’s really missing, she heads back home to Dusty Valley, Oklahoma . . . and the man she left behind.

Cole Haywood is a small-town fireman and that’s just fine with him. Sure, when the love of his life left their hometown to chase her dreams he was heartbroken and—he’ll admit—damn mad. But Cole would have never forgiven himself if he had held Aubrey back from success. So the last thing he expects after all these years is to walk into his favorite bar one night and find the girl he’s always loved—there—looking for him. Maybe now’s the time to make his dreams come true.


REVIEW: LOVE, AGAIN by L.P. Doer is a contemporary, adult, stand alone, erotic, romance story line focusing on thirty-two years olds, fire fighter Cole Haywood, and award winning Hollywood director Aubrey Reynolds.

Told from dual first person points of view (Cole and Aubrey) LOVE, AGAIN follows the rekindling romance between childhood sweethearts and former lovers, thirty-two years olds, fire fighter Cole Haywood, and award winning Hollywood director Aubrey Reynolds. Ten years earlier, one month before their scheduled wedding, Aubrey Reynolds walked away from the man that she loved in the hope of finding herself and a new path in life. Fast forward to present day wherein a medical mistakes sends our heroine on a bucket list trip of what ifs and whys including a return to her hometown of Dusty Valley, Oklahoma where she lost her heart, and the man that she loved. Enter fire fighter Cole Haywood. What ensues is the second chance romance and relationship between Cole and Aubrey, and the potential fall-out as Aubrey struggles with returning to Hollywood, and the possibility of leaving the man she has always loved.

Cole Haywood had never stopped loving the woman who broke his heart but fame, fortune and life pulled Aubrey Reynolds out of his life. Bitter and broken hearted, Cole never expected to come face to face with his past, a past he struggles to forgive and forget. Aubrey Reynolds knows she screwed up the day she walked out of Cole Haywood’s life. Never regretting the fame and success of Hollywood, Aubrey battles to make amends, walking away from the thing that she loved.

The relationship between Aubrey and Cole is one of second chances; a rekindling romance and love between two people whose lives went in opposite directions but a love that never waivered in spite of the different paths, and varying degrees of fame and success. With Aubrey’s return to Dust Valley, Oklahoma, Cole is hoping for a second chance. The $ex scenes are intimate and passionate, without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text.

We are introduced to Aubrey’s best friend and actress Emilia Hart ; Cole’s brother Bennett Haywood, as well as a number of residents of Dust Valley, Oklahoma, and the many people our heroine meets on her journey of discovery. I am hoping the author has plans for Bennett and Emilia’s story.

LOVE, AGAIN is a story of family, friendship, forgiveness and second chances. The premise is sweet, engaging and uplifting; the romance is captivating and seductive; the characters are colorful, energetic and fun. The conflict is limited to the reconciliation between our leading couple. LOVE, AGAIN is a wonderful and heart warming story for the romantic in all of us.

Copy supplied by Netgalley

Reviewed by Sandy

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author L. P. Dover is a southern belle living in North Carolina with her husband and two beautiful girls. Before she began her literary journey she worked in periodontics, enjoying the wonderment of dental surgeries.

She loves to write, but she also loves to play tennis, go on mountain hikes and white water rafting, and has a passion for singing. Her two youngest fans expect a concert each and every night before bedtime, usually Christmas carols.

Dover has written countless novels, including her Forever Fae series, the Second Chances series, the Gloves Off series, the Armed & Dangerous series, the Royal Shifters series, the Society X series, the Circle of Justice series, and her standalone novel Love, Lies, and Deception. Her favorite genre to read and write is romantic suspense, but if she got to choose a setting in which to live, it would be with her faeries in the Land of the Fae.

L.P. Dover is represented by Marisa Corvisiero of Corvisiero Literary Agency and Italia Gandolfo of Gandolfo Helin & Fountain Literary Management for dramatic rights.

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Sunkissed Days (Magnolia Sound .5) by Samantha Chase-Review & Excerpt Tour

SUNKISSED DAYS (Magnolia Sound .5) by Samantha Chase-Review and Excerpt Tour

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / B&N / KOBO / Apple / Google /


Mallory Westbrook is ready to make her move on Jake Summerford, the boy—now man—she’s been crushing on for years. Coming back to Magnolia Sound to celebrate her great-grandfather’s birthday provides the perfect opportunity to show Jake that she’s no longer a child.

The last thing Jake expected to do at his mentor’s birthday party was to find himself kissing Mallory under the moonlight. Though he’s known her for years, the thought of kissing her never crossed his mind. But the shy tomboy he once knew is gone, and in her place is a woman he can’t resist.

They have one summer before they go their separate ways. Insecurity wars with the possibility of a future together, but it could all come to an end before it even has a chance to start.


REVIEW: SUNKISSED DAYS is the prequel novella in Samantha Chase’s contemporary, adult MAGNOLIA SOUND romance series. This is twenty-four year old construction worker Jake Summerford, and twenty year old college student Mallory Westbrook’s story line.

NOTE: SUNKISSED DAYS was originally released as a newsletter serial

Told from dual third person perspectives (Mallory and Jake) SUNKISSED DAYS takes the reader back in time, six years earlier, where we are privy to the summer time relationship between twenty-four year old construction worker Jake Summerford, and twenty year old college student Mallory Westbrook. Home for the summer in Magnolia Grove, to celebrate her great-grandfather’s ninetieth birthday, Mallory comes face to face with Jake Summerford, four years her senior, and the young man on whom she has crushed for most of her life. Taking the first steps towards getting the man that she wants, Mallory makes the first move in what would prove to be a summer fling that will end in misunderstanding and broken hearts. What ensues is the quick building romance and relationship between Jake and Mallory, and the fall-out as their time together comes to an end as each heads in a different direction towards personal and professional goals.

SUNKISSED DAYS is a story of family, friendship, romance and love; struggle and acceptance, pride and heart. Samantha Chase pulls the reader into a passionate and emotional story of first love, broken hearts and painful good byes. The premise is engaging; the romance is sweet and sensitive; the characters are animated. SUNKISSED DAYS ends on a cliff hanger-you have been warned.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

His first thought was finally.
But his second thought was this is so wrong.
Nudging that second thought aside, Jake Summerford put all of his focus into the responsive girl in his arms and dove in for another taste. For years he had denied that there was any attraction between himself and Mallory Westbrook.
She’d always been cute, always been sweet. But because of their age difference he’d never allowed himself to think of her as any more than a kid.
Well…she certainly wasn’t a kid anymore and he was fairly sure he was allowed to think a lot of different things about her.
Like how soft her skin was.
How full and wet her lips were.
How her family trusted him and treated him like one of their own.
Yeah, this was so wrong.
And still he couldn’t find the strength to care – not as Mallory pressed even closer and made the neediest little sound. He found his own arms banding tighter around her as he tried to think of the best place to move them for a little more privacy. Not too far away there was a party in full-swing for Ezekiel’s ninetieth birthday. There was a houseful of people, music was playing and really, it was where he and Mallory should be right now. How the hell had they gotten out here?
Oh, right. Mallory had given him a shy-yet-flirty smile and asked if he could help her move a painting from the boathouse, and like an idiot, he’d said yes.
And now look where they were.
Then a thought hit him – the boathouse! They hadn’t even made it all the way down to the pier before she had shocked him with this kiss. If he could maneuver them the rest of the way across the yard, they’d be completely out of view once they were inside the boathouse!
Carefully, slowly, Jake began to walk them further down the lawn toward the pier without breaking the kiss. The urge to swing Mallory up into his arms was strong, but right now he couldn’t think straight.
What the hell was happening to him?
He wasn’t a kid, for crying out loud! He was a man! A man who’d kissed more than his share of women. Women who…
And that’s when it hit him.
The enormity of what was happening here finally broke through and as much as he wanted to keep on kissing Mallory, he couldn’t.
Jake broke the kiss and took a step back. His breath was ragged and once his eyes focused on her and he saw how sexy she looked in the moonlight, he almost dove back in to start all over again.
“Why did you stop?” she asked breathlessly.
He swallowed hard as he tried to remember exactly why he stopped. In the moment, he knew it was the right thing to do. But now? Not so much.
How could he possibly explain to her how this wasn’t right when all he wanted to do was pull her back into his arms?

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Samantha ChaseNew York Times and USA Today Bestseller/contemporary romance writer Samantha Chase released her debut novel, Jordan’s Return, in November 2011. Although she waited until she was in her 40’s to publish for the first time, writing has been a lifelong passion. Her motivation to take that step was her students: teaching creative writing to elementary age students all the way up through high school and encouraging those students to follow their writing dreams gave Samantha the confidence to take that step as well.


When she’s not working on a new story, she spends her time reading contemporary romances, playing way too many games of Scrabble or Solitaire on Facebook and spending time with her husband of 25 years and their two sons in NorthCarolina.


We Shouldn’t by Vi Keeland-Review Tour

We Shouldn’t by Vi Keeland-Review Tour

Amazon Paper / Amazon Kindle / Amazon .ca / Chapters Indigo/ B&N / KOBO / Google / iBooks

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date January 21, 2019.

Bennett Fox walked into my life on one hell of a crappy Monday morning.

I was late for the first day at my new job—a job I’d now have to compete for even though I’d already worked eight years to earn it, because of an unexpected merger.

While I lugged my belongings up to my new office, a meter maid wrote me a parking summons.

She’d ticketed a long line of cars—except for the Audi parked in front of me, which happened to be the same make and model as mine.

Annoyed, I decided to regift my ticket to the car that had evaded a fine. Chances were, the owner would pay it and be none the wiser.

Except, I accidentally broke the windshield wiper while slipping the ticket onto the car’s window.

Seriously, my day couldn’t get any worse.

Things started to perk up when I ran into a gorgeous man in the elevator. We had one of those brief moments that only happened in movies.

You know the deal…your body lights up, fireworks go off, and the air around you crackles with electricity.

His heated stare left me flush when I stepped off the elevator.

Maybe things here wouldn’t be so bad after all.

Or so I thought.

Until I walked into my new boss’s office and met my competition.

The gorgeous man from the elevator was now my nemesis. His heated stare wasn’t because of any mutual attraction. It was because he’d seen me vandalize his car. And now he couldn’t wait to annihilate his rival.

There’s a fine line between love and hate—and we shouldn’t cross it.

We shouldn’t—but straddling that line could be so much fun.


REVIEW: WE SHOULDN’T by Vi Keeland is a contemporary, adult, stand alone erotic, romance story line focusing on advertising account executives thirty-one year old, Bennett Fox and twenty-eight year old, Annalise O’Neil.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Annalise and Bennett) WE SHOULDN’T follows the workplace relationship and romance between advertising account executives thirty-one year old, Bennett Fox and twenty-eight year old, Annalise O’Neil. A business merger between Wren Media and Foster Burnett meant Annalise O’Neil had to prepare to do battle for the position of Creative Director of West Coast Marketing, a position currently held by Bennett Fox. Bennett Fox was unprepared for his visceral reaction to Annalise O’Neil but when the head of operations proposes a three-deal competition all bets are off as Bennett battles between head and heart for his job and the woman with whom he is falling in love. What ensues is the building relationship between Annalise and Bennett, and the potential fall-out as miscommunication, misunderstanding and misspoken words push Annalise out of Bennett’s world.

The relationship between Annalise and Bennett is one of mutual attraction but Annalise sees Bennett as nothing but a manwh*re and in direct competition for the position she once held so dear. Bennett’s slow seduction of our story line heroine is filled with snark and sass. The $ex scenes are intimate, passionate and seductive without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text.

The secondary and supporting characters are colorful and energetic including Annalise’s ex-boyfriend Andrew; her best friend and food critic Madison, Annalise’s parents Matteo and Margo Bianchi, and Bennett’s godson Lucas.

WE SHOULDN’T is a story of family, friendship, regrets and love. The premise is spicy and spirited; the characters are animated, flirty, sassy and sexy; the romance is provocative and energetic.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

Read this short sneak peek from the first two chapters here:


Vi Keeland is a native New Yorker with three children that occupy most of her free time, which she complains about often, but wouldn’t change for the world. She is an attorney and a New York Times, Wall Street Journal, & USA Today Best Selling author. Over the last three years, ten of her titles have appeared on the USA Today Bestseller lists and three on the New York Times Bestseller lists.

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Chasing My Forever (The Beaumonts: Next Generation #3) by Heidi McLaughlin-Review & Giveaway Tour

CHASING MY FOREVER (The Beaumonts: Next Generation #3) by Heidi McLaughlin-Review tour

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / B&N / KOBO / Chapters Indigo /ibooks

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date October 9, 2018

Music is his passion. It’s in his blood. Yet, Quinn James isn’t sure if stardom is right for him. His family wants him to join a band, and follow in his father’s footsteps but fear holds him back. He can’t explain it, and when he tries, no one understands what he’s afraid of or why he’s content playing coffee shop gigs where no one knows him.

Eleanora Boone wants to live her life, not the one her very southern parents planned for her, which is why she chose a college thousands of miles away. Now she’s faced with returning home or doing something that would defy her family. When an opportunity to visit Los Angeles falls in her lap, she uses it to become someone different.

California is everything Eleanora thought it would be, and even more so when she meets Quinn, the shy, reserved and brooding musician who’s the complete opposite of the guys she’s used to back home.

For the first time, Quinn’s smitten. The new, mysterious waitress has him wrapped around her finger, and he finds that he is finally able to open up and trust someone outside of his family circle.

But living a different life comes with its risks, and for Eleanora, that risk is a secret that has the power to destroy both of them.


REVIEW: CHASING MY FOREVER is the third instalment in Heidi McLaughlin’s contemporary, new adult THE BEAUMONTS: NEXT GENERATION romance series-a spin-off from the author’s Beaumont Series. This is musician Quinn James, and twenty-two year old, university graduate/waitress Eleanora Boone’s (aka Nola) story line. CHASING MY FOREVER can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story lines is revealed where necessary.

NOTE: If you have not read the original series, there may be some spoilers in my review.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Eleanora and Quinn) CHASING MY FOREVER follows the ‘quiet and reserved’ Quinn James’ whose past is haunted by rejection and issues of trust. Abandoned as a newborn by his mother, Quinn was raised by his father Harrison, and adopted by Katelyn James but Quinn continues to struggles for a direction in life. A gifted musician whose talent is on the rise, what Quinn fears the most is what keeps our hero hiding in the shadows, playing coffee shops for tip money without moving forward. Enter waitress and recent college graduate Eleanora ‘Nola’ Boone, and the woman with whom Quinn will fall in love. What ensues is the slow building romance between Quinn and Eleanora, and the fall-out as Quinn is blindsided when he discovers Eleanora has been lying, keeping secrets of her own.

Eleanora Boone’s entire future has been planned but our heroine refuses to settle down until she experiences life and everything it has to offer. A cross –country journey with her college roommate Kellie finds Eleanora in California where she will meet the man with whom she will fall in love. Raised by a strict South Carolina family, Eleanora isn’t willing to sacrifice her own happiness for a business deal but Eleanora had no idea the dirt she is about to disturb when she meets the shy and reclusive Quinn James, a man whose deepest secrets and past are about to be revealed. Quinn James remains in the shadows unable to pursue the music he loves –only his mother Katelyn is aware of the fear holding him back. Pressure from his sister Elle, to take a chance on his career, backfires when fame and notoriety bring forth the monsters he has been trying to avoid.

The relationship between Quinn and Eleanora is one of immediate attraction but Quinn struggles to overcome his awkward shyness and issues of trust. Eleanora’s previous relationship is spiralling out of control but a spiral that is slowly taking our heroine along for the ride. The $ex scenes are mostly implied and fade to black.

There is a large ensemble cast of colorful and familiar secondary and supporting characters including Quinn’s best friend Noah Westbury, and his sister Peyton Powell-James; sister Elle and her boyfriend Ben; Harrison and Katelyn James, as well as several members of the Powell-James- Westbury families and the rock band 4225 West. We are introduced to Eleanora’s brother Rhett, her parents Annamae and Willard Boone, and college friends and roommates: Sofia and Kellie. There may be a story developing between Rhett and Kellie.

CHASING MY FOREVER is a story of family, friendship, betrayal and trust. The premise is engaging and heart breaking; the characters are charismatic and stubborn; the romance is passionate and sweet. The tight knit Powell-James- Westbury families are sassy and supportive, and are the backbone and spirit of Heidi McLaughlin’s amazing series.

Reading Order and Previous Reviews
Holding Onto Forever
My Unexpected Forever
Chasing My Forever

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

Heidi McLaughlin: Website / Facebook / Twitter / Newsletter /Instagram /Pinterest

Heidi McLaughlinHeidi is a New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author.

Originally from the Pacific Northwest, she now lives in picturesque Vermont, with her husband and two daughters. Also renting space in their home is an over-hyper Beagle/Jack Russell, Buttercup and a Highland West/Mini Schnauzer, JiLL and her brother, Racicot.

When she’s isn’t writing one of the many stories planned for release, you’ll find her sitting court-side during either daughter’s basketball games.

Heidi’s first novel, Forever My Girl, will be in theaters on October 27, 2017, starring Alex Roe and Jessica Rothe.

NOTE: The Reading Cafe is NOT responsible for the rafflecopter giveaway. If you have any questions, please contact the tour provider.


Hunter by Eden Summers-Review Tour & Giveaway

HUNTER by Eden Summers-Review Tour & Giveaway

Amazon.com / Amazon Paper/ Amazon.ca / Amazon.uk / Amazon.au / 

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date February 27, 2018

The hunter has become the hunted.

I’ve been running for ten years—fleeing my past and clawing my way toward an inescapable act of vengeance. Finally, I can taste revenge on the tip of my tongue.

Until he walks into my life, sure and strong and full of secrets.

He dilutes my thirst for retribution with his touch. He obliterates my need for solitude with his kiss. But it’s his hidden agenda that makes the hair on the back of my neck prickle.

He wants something. Something that doesn’t revolve around sweaty skin and tangled silk sheets like he’d have me believe.

I have to stop falling for him, otherwise the last ten years will all be for nothing. I need to keep running, keep fighting for vengeance, even though I know he will track me down.

But trying to escape him is just another problem. Because now I crave the hunt.


REVIEW:  HUNTER by Eden Summers is a contemporary, adult, stand alone, erotic, romantic suspense story line focusing on revenge, betrayal and power. This is ‘contractor’ Luke Hunter, and Sarah Carmichael’s story line.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Sarah and Luke) HUNTER follows Steph, aka Emma, aka Sarah as she goes in search of the man that destroyed her life and her family, ten years earlier. What Sarah never expected was to come face to face with a man who is desperate to find out what our heroine knows in order to protect her from herself and from the man in charge. What ensues is the back and forth, antagonistic relationship between Sarah and Hunter, and the fall-out as Sarah must face down a man more powerful than she could have imagined.

Sarah has no idea the can of worms she has upended in her attempt to take down the man that shattered her life but finding the man brings her up close and personal with the darker side of vengeance. Hunter is a contractor whose target is the woman with whom he will fall in love but a woman searching for the same thing as our story line hero. Vigilante justice or an avenging angel, Sarah knows only that she must exact and impose her own form of punishment against a killer who shows no remorse for the things he has done.

HUNTER is fast paced, action packed story of retribution and vengeance: of one woman’s need to avenge the deaths of the people she loved, and one man desperate to protect the bull-headed woman with whom he has fallen in love. The premise is intriguing and entertaining; the characters are colorful, hardened and charismatic; the romance is erotic and intense but, once again, I take issue with a certain four –letter word that holds no place in a romantic story line of any genre. HUNTER is a raw, gritty, dark and engrossing story that will capture your imagination. I hope the author has plans for some of the secondary characters including Decker and Torian.

Copy supplied for review.

Reviewed by Sandy

Eden Summers is a bestselling author of contemporary romance with a side of sizzle and sarcasm.

She lives in Australia with a young family who are well aware she’s circling the drain of insanity. Eden can’t resist alpha dominance, dark features and sarcasm in her fictional heroes and loves a strong heroine who knows when to bite her tongue but also serves retribution with a feminine smile on her face


NOTE: The Reading Cafe is NOT responsible for the rafflecopter giveaway. If you have any questions, please contact the tour provider.


The Bachelor Contract (The Bachelors of Arizona #3) by Rachel Van Dyken-Review and Book Tour

THE BACHELOR CONTRACT (The Bachelors of Arizona #3) by Rachel Van Dyken-Review and Book Tour


The Bachelors of Arizona #3
by Rachel Van Dyken
Release Date: November 28, 2017
Genre: adult, contemporary, romance

The Bachelor Contract

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / Amazon uk / Amazon au B&N / KOBO / Chapters Indigo /iBooks / Google Play

Add to GoodReads: http://bit.ly/2yiwziN

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date November 28, 2017

She’s everywhere.


Love of his life.

The last person in the world he wanted to see…ever.

And now that he’s working beside her every day, he can’t escape her. Her scent, glimpses of her smile, even the tension in the air that makes his body hum with the kind of need he’d only experienced with one person-all of it is driving him over the edge.

Brant Wellington was certain of three things:

Alcohol wasn’t going to solve this.

He really was losing his F-ing mind.

And his gorgeous ex-wife was going to be the death of him.


REVIEW:  THE BACHELOR CONTRACT is the third instalment in Rachel Van Dyken’s contemporary, adult THE BACHELORS OF ARIZONA romance series focusing on the Wellington brothers Brock, Bentley and Brant. This is hotel manager Brant and spa masseuse Nikki Wellington’s story line. THE BACHELOR CONTRACT can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous instalments is revealed where necessary.

Told from dual third person perspectives (Brant and Nikki) including memories from the past, THE BACHELOR CONTRACT is a second chance romance for new hotel manager Brant, and masseuse Nikki. Four years earlier Brant and Nikki’s life imploded leaving our couple a shell of their former selves. Fast forward to present day wherein Brant is now his ex-wife’s new boss, and he struggles to come to terms with everything he lost including the woman he apparently still loves. What ensues is the rekindling romance between Brant and Nikki, and the potential fall out as memories from the past continue to destroy any happiness our couple once shared.

The Bachelors of Arizona series follows Nadine Titus, as she, along with Charles Wellington, devise and scheme to reunite and otherwise find love for the old man’s three grandsons. As the final hold out Brant struggles with heartbreaking memories from the past-memories he has tried to drown with alcohol and women- memories too painful but hard to forget. When Nadine ‘orders’ Brant to take control of one of her luxury hotels she is well aware that Brant’s past, present and future is working nearby. Nadine knows that Brant is still in love with the woman that calls to his heart but hurtful words said in anger and pain may have all but destroyed any possibility of reuniting two people who have never moved forward in close to four years.

The relationship between Nikki and Brant is one of second chances; a redkindling romance that struggles with betrayal and fear; pain and suffering; grief and loss. The $ex scenes are intimate without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text.

There is a large ensemble cast of secondary and supporting characters including Brant’s twin Bentley Wellington (The Playboy Bachelor) and their elder brother Brock whom we met in book one-The Bachelor Auction. Bentley’s grandfather returns, alone with Nadine Titus grandmother as the two continue to play matchmakers for their heartbroken grandchildren. We are also introduced to several hotel employees including Nikki’s best friend and concierge Cole Masters, and spa receptionist Annie. I am hoping Rachel has plans for Cole-this man deserves his happily ever after.

THE BACHELOR CONTRACT is an emotional story with heartbreaking memories and humorous, playful moments. The addition of Cole Masters is like a breath of fresh air in between the tears and pain of one couple’s grief and loss. The premise is entertaining and energetic; the characters are broken and colorful; the romance is fated, passionate and hurting as two people, who love one another, are unable to let go and move on from the past.

Reading Order and Previous Reviews
The Bachelor Auction
The Playboy Bachelor
The Bachelor Contract

Copy supplied by Netgalley

Reviewed by Sandy



About the author

Rachel Van DykenFollow: Website / Facebooks / Goodreads / Twitter /  Instagram

Rachel Van Dyken is the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today Bestselling author of regency and contemporary romances. When she’s not writing you can find her drinking coffee at Starbucks and plotting her next book while watching The Bachelor.

She keeps her home in Idaho with her Husband, adorable son, and two snoring boxers! She loves to hear from readers!

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