Undiscovered (Amoveo Rising #1) by Sara Humphreys-Review, Excerpt & Giveaway

UNDISCOVERED (Amoveo Rising #1) by Sara Humphreys-Review, Excerpt & Giveaway

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Amoveo Rising #1
by Sara Humphreys
Release Date: March 7, 2017
Genre: adult, contemporary, paranormal romance


Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / B&N / KOBO / BAM /ibooks

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date March 7, 2017

He’s the man of her dreams
A long time ago, Zander Lorens was cursed to walk the earth stripped of his Dragon Clan powers. Every night, trapped in a recurring nightmare, Zander relives his darkest moment. He can hardly believe it when the dream changes and a beautiful young woman appears. Zander believes she’s the key to ending his torment. Finding her in the real world is one thing, but how will he convince her of who-and what-she really is?

She’s the end to his nightmare
Rena McHale uses her unique sensitivity as a private investigator, touting herself as a “human divining rod” and finder of the lost. By day she struggles with sensory overload, and by night her sleep is haunted by a fiery dragon shifter. Nothing in her life makes sense, until the man from her dreams shows up at her door with a proposition..


REVIEW: UNDISCOVERED is the first installment in Sara Humphreys’ contemporary AMOVEO RISING paranormal romance series-a spin of from her AMOVEO LEGEND series. This is dragon shifter Zander Lorens, and private investigator Rena McHale’s story line. You do not have to have read the previous series to understand the story line premise. Any important information is revealed where necessary.

SOME BACKGROUND: The Amoveo are an ancient race of telepathic, dream walking shape shifters who hide their identity behind a human façade. If a male Amoveo has not found his mate by the time he has turned thirty, he will begin to lose his ‘animal other’ and live out the rest of his life as human; if an Amoveo loses his or her mate, they will slowly lose the ability to shift and die a lonely death. The Amoveo’s continued war with the Purists finds the Amoveo and the newly discovered ‘hybrids’ seeking refuge at the Royal compound where shifters and their mates are protected from the outside world. Not all shape-shifters are considered Amoveo, some are ancient cousins thought to no longer exist.

Told from dual third person perspectives (Zander and Rena) using present day, dream walking and memories from the past, UNDISCOVERED is the story of family, brotherhood, betrayal and love. For close to 500 years Zander Lorens and his twin brother Zed have been living a nightmare. Cursed to walk the earth without the ability to shift Zander struggles with the reality that his twin is caught between life and death. Hoping to release his brother from a prison not of his making Zander approaches the woman who has starred in his dreams-the dreams he believes will answer his brother’s cries. What ensues is the building relationship between Zander and Rena, and Rena’s struggle to convince Zander that she is his mate.

Rena is somewhat of an anomaly in the human world. With the ability to ‘see’ the past through touch our heroine uses her abilities to as a private investigator. Orphaned at an early age Rena never found the love of a family until a ‘grifter’ from the street taught Rena how to survive. Zander and his brother Zed are the last of their kind but a 500 year old curse threatens to keep the brothers apart for all of eternity and Zander hopes that Rena McHale is the key to solving their problem.

The relationship between Zander and Rena begins as a business arrangement. Zander believes Rena is his brother’s mate, and her presence will bring back the brother with whom he battles in their nightly dreams. There is plenty of sexual tension and frustration, back and forth as Zander struggles with his attraction to the woman he believes is his brother’s mate. The $ex scenes are intimate but limited.

For fans and readers of Sara’s THE AMOVEO LEGEND series you will be happy to know that several characters cross over for familiarity and cohesion including Dante and Kerry, Prince Dominic and his mate Tatiana, William and Layla.

UNDISCOVERED is a story of heartbreak and loss; one family’s struggle to move forward from the past, and one brother’s mistaken belief that he is to blame for his brother’s trauma. The premise is imaginative and intriguing; the characters are colorful, confident and intelligent; the romance is passionate but struggles with our hero’s inability to see the truth. UNDISCOVERED is an engaging tale of destined mates.

Copy supplied by the publisher through Netgalley

Reviewed by Sandy



When he reached Rena’s office door, he paused for a moment to steel his resolve. There was no denying he was attracted to her, but she wasn’t for him, and it was a fact he had to keep mind; otherwise, history would surely repeat itself.
“I know you’re out there! I heard you coming up the stairs.” Her voice was muffled but welcoming. “Come on in. We have paperwork to deal with.”
Zander balanced the coffee tray carefully and opened the door before quickly stepping inside. His secret hope that she would somehow be less attractive than yesterday was swiftly squelched when he got an eyeful of her. Wearing a well-fitted brown leather jacket, a clingy black blouse, jeans that seemed to be painted onto her rounded derriere, and a pair of tall, black boots, she looked even more desirable than the day before.
He must have stood there staring for longer than was socially acceptable because the look on her face quickly shifted to one of concern.
“What?” She brushed at her blouse and closed the file cabinet drawer. “Did I get something on my shirt?”
“No.” He looked away quickly and adjusted the tray of coffee in his hands.
“You look fine.”
“Gee, thanks,” Rena said with a sigh. “Just the level of awesome I was going for.”
He had insulted her. Perfect. Sure. This was exactly how he wanted to start their journey. Could he be a bigger asshat? Rena must have been asking herself the same question because she gave him the side eye before opening the folder in her hands.
“Please, sit down.” She slipped into the chair behind her desk and gestured to the seat across from her. “I have the forms you need to fill out a—”
“Black, right?” Zander placed the cardboard cup on the desk along with the bag and sat in the chair across from her. “I wasn’t sure what you wanted for breakfast, so I got a couple of options. There’s a chocolate doughnut, a bagel, and in case you’re one of those non-carb eaters, I threw in some beef jerky and a cheese stick.”
“Thank you,” Rena said slowly.
She stared at the coffee for a few seconds before finally picking it up. Her energy signature rippled as her fingers curled around the cup and those big, brown eyes widened slightly. He had obviously surprised her. Good. He liked knowing he could ruffle her tough exterior. This was a woman who tried to act like she had it all together, and for the most part, she probably did.
Zander blew on the steaming cup in his hands and tried to hide a satisfied smirk. Rena studied him warily and opened the lid, peeking at the liquid inside before closing it up again.
“You did say you take your coffee black, didn’t you?”
“Yes.” The word fell from her lips slowly. “Thank you.”
She glanced in the bag and, to his great delight, pulled out the chocolate doughnut and proceeded to take a big bite.
“That’s really flipping delicious,” she said around a mouthful the pastry.
“I’m glad you’re enjoying it. It’s refreshing to meet a woman who isn’t afraid to indulge in something sweet or worried about getting fat.”
He liked women with curves. It gave a man something to hold on to, and Rena McHale certainly had a body he would—
What the hell was he thinking?
Zander cleared his throat and sat up straighter in the chair. Rena was about to take another bite, but the doughnut hovered in midair and she gave him yet another look that told him he was an idiot.
“I’m not saying you need to watch your weight. I just meant that—”
“Don’t worry about it,” she said, rolling her eyes.
“I’m sorry if I offended you. I’m not great with people and I put my foot in my mouth a lot.”
Why was he bringing her coffee and breakfast anyway? He should stick to business and keep the pleasantries to a minimum. Trying to be nice was only making it awkward between them.
“Then you and I should get along great,” she said with a laugh. “I’m not one to beat around the bush. I prefer being direct.”
“Yeah, I noticed.”
Rena’s intelligent eyes peered at him above the rim of her cup and she took another sip. Zander stilled as she studied him wordlessly. A surge of heat flashed in his chest as he held her gaze, and even though he wanted to blame it on the hot coffee, he knew that would have been a lie. There was no denying that she stirred something inside him, a deep, primal urge to claim her and mark her as his, but he also knew it was not to be.
Not if he wanted to free his brother.

About The author

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Sara HumphreysSara is a graduate of Marist College, with a B.A. Degree in English Literature & Theater. Her initial career path after college was as a professional actress. Some of her television credits include, A&E Biography, Guiding Light, Another World, As the World Turns and Rescue Me.

In 2013 Sara’s novel UNTAMED won two PRISM awards–Dark Paranormal and Best of the Best. Sara has been a lover of both the paranormal and romance novels for years. Her sci-fi/fantasy/romance obsession began years ago with the TV Series STAR TREK and an enormous crush on Captain Kirk. That sci-fi obsession soon evolved into the love of all types of fantasy/paranormal; vampires, ghosts, werewolves, and of course shape shifters.

Sara is married to her college sweetheart, Will. They live in New York with their 4 boys. For a full list of Sara’s books and reading order, please visit her Website.

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Cheater (Curious Liaisons #1) by Rachel Van Dyken-Review, Book Tour & Giveaway

CHEATER (Curious Liaisons #1) by Rachel Van Dyken-Review, Book Tour and Giveaway

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Curious Liaisons #1
by Rachel Van Dyken
Release Date: February 28, 2017
Genre: adult, contemporary, erotic, romance


Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / B&N /

About the book: Release Date February 28 , 2017

Lucas Thorn wasn’t born a cheater. All it took was a single moment—say, a certain disastrous incident on the night before his wedding—and boom. Reputation destroyed forever and always. So now he owns it. He has a lady friend for every night of the week (except Sundays—God’s day and all), and his rules are simple: No commitments. No exceptions.

But a certain smart-mouthed, strawberry blonde vixen is about to blow that all to hell.

Avery Black has never forgiven Lucas for cheating on her sister. And suddenly being forced to work with him is pretty much a nightmare on steroids. Of course, it does afford her the opportunity to make his life as difficult as possible. But no good revenge scheme comes without payback. Because he didn’t become the Lucas Thorn without learning a few things about women.

Now Avery’s lust for vengeance has turned into, well, lust. And if Lucas stops cheating, it’s definitely not because he’s falling in love…


REVIEW: CHEATER is the first installment in Rachel Van Dyken’s contemporary, adult CURIOUS LIAISONS erotic, romance series. This is businessman Lucas Thorn, and PA Avery Black’s story line.

Told from dual first person points of view (Lucas and Avery) CHEATER looks at the tumultuous relationship between Lucas Thorn and Avery Black. Avery’s history with Lucas is a heartbreak of family and friendship. Lucas Thorn was once engaged to Avery’s sister Kayla but the night before their wedding a drunk Lucas was found in bed with Avery’s sister Brooke and the aftermath broke two families and destroyed several friendships that were years in the making. Four years had passed and Avery found herself employed by Lucas Thorn-a man she despised for betraying her family. What ensues is the rebuilding relationship between two people who have loved one another for many years.

CHEATER is a story about one man’s fight to move on with his life-a move that furthers his reputation as a manwhore and cheater. Lucas was never in love with Kayla Black but had never intentionally set out to destroy her life. Lucas’s attraction to Avery began years before but the ten-year age difference meant Lucas was more of a big brother than a potential romantic involvement. Now that Avery is Lucas’s assistant his attraction to his ex-fiancee’s sister continues to grow. The $ex scenes are intimate and seductive although both keep secret their ongoing affair.

There is plenty of back and forth banter with some over the top (and sometimes funny) but not necessarily believable reactions from the parental units on both sides of the relationship. For those readers who despise ‘cheating’ or ‘infidelity’ in their romance story lines CHEATER is a different take on adulterous relationships with some angst and heartbreak, humor and fun, at the expense of our story line hero. Not everyone or everything is as it seems. The maturity level of all of the characters is questionable; oft-times the juvenile behavior was similar to YA; all of the women in Lucas’s life obviously have issues of low self esteem; the parent’s attitude and emotional reactions were outlandish and caricature-like in presentation- the gynecological appointment so out of this world.

We are introduced to Avery’s sisters: Kayla the betrayed; Brooke the psychotic; and of course Avery’s parents whose acceptance of Lucas is way too enthusiastic. Avery’s best friend Austin Rogers may or may not have a thing for Lucas’s best friend plastic surgeon Thatch Holloway-a man whose own history of ‘cheating’ becomes fodder for Austin Rogers-their story line is next in Cheater’s Regret.

CHEATER is a slow building story line that tries too hard; a look at one man who lives life by his own rules; and one woman who doesn’t want to be another nameless face one night of the week. The premise is imaginative and farcical; the characters are sensational and theatrical. Rachel Van Dyken is a delightful story teller but I had difficulty enjoying her take on the CHEATER.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

Cheater Teaser


The office building loomed ahead of me. I squinted up at it, covering my face with part of my hand as the sun cast its glare against the glass.
“What are we looking at?” Lucas whispered in my ear.
I let out a little yelp and jumped away from him, and I would have run into a passing biker if Lucas hadn’t pulled me out of the way with his coffee-free hand.
“Must you be such a pain in the ass?”
“Must you try to kill me?” I fired back.
He rolled his eyes. “Let’s go.” He started walking, hauling me with him.
We weren’t walking in the direction of the office.
“Um, Thorn—”
“I will seriously shove this Starbucks up that skinny ass if you don’t stop talking and just listen for once in your life.”
I shut up and followed, but only because he’d said “Starbucks” and was very purposefully moving in the nearest outpost’s general direction. If I looked pathetic enough, would he buy me coffee?
That was what my life was coming to.
Pity coffee.
My shoulders slumped at the thought when we walked into the building. The smell of fresh baked goods hit me with full force, and my stomach growled loudly, saying to everyone, I’m a hungry bear and may eat my young. Out of the way, please!
I followed Lucas to the line, still tempted to speak, but I figured if he wanted noise from me, he’d say something like, “You may grace me with your voice now, Avery.”
Even though I wasn’t talking, every time I heard someone order pumpkin bread I sighed, loudly, so loudly that the barista eyed me cautiously. Chill, Starbucks, I’m not going to steal a piece of pumpkin bread.
My mouth watered.
I mean, I wasn’t that desperate.
But if I took two, maybe three, steps toward her, yelled “Fire!” and then screamed nonsense about a bee attacking me, the pumpkin bread she had in hand would probably fall to the ground, and it would be wasteful if I didn’t rescue it from the ants.
All creatures deserve food—but pumpkin bread was too good for ants, too rich, and they’d explode all over the floor from the richness and it would be my fault—for saving the barista’s life, right? From the bee?
I think I just confused myself.
“Why are you breathing so heavy?” Lucas asked from my right.
I snapped out of my pumpkin-bread daydream and shrugged. “Sorry, low on sleep.”
He gave a noncommittal nod and then it was his turn, greedy little bastard already had one coffee now he was getting two! “A venti macchiato and a large coffee with room for cream, two slices—”
I elbowed him hard in the ribs.
“Sorry, um, three slices of pumpkin bread, thanks.”
He handed the barista his card, while my greedy eyes locked on the pumpkin bread as the barista placed it into a bag and gave it to him.
With an exasperated sigh, he shoved the bag into my hands. “Just leave me one bite.”
“No promises.” I was already digging into the bag, my mouth watering as I followed him around the counter with a little pep in my step.
Lucas grabbed our drinks and motioned toward one of the tables. I sat, stuffed more pumpkin goodness into my mouth, and managed to chug some coffee almost all at once.
Lucas shook his head. “I always forget how seriously you take your pumpkin bread.”
I moaned and took another huge bite. “My theory is this.”
He leaned forward, a smile curving around his gorgeous mouth. “Alright, out with it.”
More pumpkin bread found its way into my mouth as I talked—I didn’t even care if I looked like a starved animal. “Pumpkin bread has the same addictive properties as cocaine.”
“That’s your theory? That it’s a drug?”
“Right.” I sighed and leaned back. “Except it doesn’t make you skinny, unfortunately.”
His smile widened, and he grabbed a small hunk of bread. “Want to know my theory?”
“Yes, that’s exactly what I was thinking—I hope Lucas tells me his theory so I can eat his portion of bread.”
Lucas scooted the bag toward me and whispered, “Merry Christmas.”
“Oh, pumpkin gods.” I moaned again.
His eyes darted to my mouth.
“What?” I wiped my lips. “Is something on my face?”
“No.” He looked away. “So my theory is this . . . pumpkin flavoring is a conspiracy by the government to see how many ways we can market a flavor and make money off it.”
“Boo.” I gave him a thumbs-down. “Thanks, grinch. Oh, and stop ruining holidays.”
He smirked. “You’ve known forever that Santa isn’t real. Still doesn’t stop you from leaving him cookies every Christmas Eve, then sneaking downstairs and eating them all by yourself.”
“One”—I held up a finger—“it’s genius because nobody will touch them for fear that I’ll get mad. Two”—I held up a second finger—“when everyone else is sad about the Christmas cookies being gone, I know I’ll have them all to myself. It’s like . . .” I sighed, “. . . a Christmas present. To myself.”
“Except for that one time.” He smirked.
“Cruel man.” I glared at him. “How dare you eat my cookies?”
He shrugged. “They were sweet.”
Was it hot? In this little Starbucks? By the window where the sun was searing me alive like I was under a magnifying glass?
I tugged at my sleeveless blouse.
“About Saturday . . .”
Uncomfortable conversation, here we come! I strapped in and waited for the inevitable. And then realized, to my dismay, that he’d just bought me coffee and food without letting me go to the office.
My eyes filling with tears, I shook my head a few times. “Lucas, I may give you crap, but I really need this job.”
He frowned, like he was confused.
“Don’t say another word.” I held out my hands. “I’ll do anything, Lucas—and I mean anything—to keep this job. I wasn’t kidding when I said my parents were chomping at the bit to get me to move home, and I don’t want to. It’s not just about me being defiant; they want me to take over the family business.”
Lucas burst out laughing and then sobered. “Oh, you’re serious.”
“I can’t sell chicken, Thorn.”
“I mean, to be fair, Avery, your parents own a very lucrative organic meats company. I’m sure they could offer you at least five figures.” His smile was way too smug, but I still had to be nice to him rather than throw him off a cliff, because he could fire me.

about the author

Rachel Van DykenRachel Van Dyken is the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today Bestselling author of regency and contemporary romances. When she’s not writing you can find her drinking coffee at Starbucks and plotting her next book while watching The Bachelor.

She keeps her home in Idaho with her Husband, adorable son, and two snoring boxers! She loves to hear from readers!

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The Hot One (One Love) by Lauren Blakely-Review, Excerpt & Giveaway

THE HOT ONE (One Love) by Lauren Blakely-Review, Excerpt & Giveaway

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The Hot One

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / B&N / KOBO / ibooks / Google Play

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date February 27, 2017

Add it to Goodreads here!

At first glance, stripping naked at my ex-girlfriend’s place of work might not seem like the brightest way to win her back.

But trust me on this count – she always liked me best without any clothes on. And sometimes you’ve got to play to your strengths when you’re fighting an uphill battle. As a lawyer, I know how to fight, and I’m prepared to fight hard for her. I might have let her slip through my fingers the last time, but no way will that happen twice.

He’s the one who got away…
The nerve of Tyler Nichols to reappear like that, stripping at my job, showing off his rock hard body that drove me wild far too many nights. That man with his knowing grin and mischievous eyes is nothing but a cocky, arrogant jerk to saunter back into my life. Except, what if he’s not a jerk . . .? He’s the one I’ve tried like hell to forget but just can’t. Maybe I’m cursed to remember him. My money is on him being the same guy he always was, but what’s the harm in giving him a week to prove he’s a new man? I won’t fall for him again.

But how do you resist the hot one…


REVIEW: THE HOT ONE is the second full-length installment in Lauren Blakely’s contemporary, adult ONE LOVE erotic, romance series. This is entertainment lawyer Tyler Nichols, and massage therapist Delaney Stewart’s story line. THE HOT ONE can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Tyler Nichols is Simon Travers best friend (The Sexy One).

Told from dual first person points of view (Delaney and Tyler) THE HOT ONE is a second chance romance between two people pulled apart by ambition and greed. Delaney and Tyler were college sweethearts but a ‘well-meaning’ professor suggested that Tyler would be more successful removing the ‘outside’ interferences in his life. A promise for the future meant nothing when Delaney found herself single, and walking away from a profession she thought she would share with the man that she loved. Several years would pass before Delaney and Tyler would come face to face, and Tyler wants a second chance with the woman he loved and lost. What ensues is Tyler’s pursuit of Delaney Stewart, and Delaney’s reluctance to trust the man who destroyed her heart.

Tyler is a man sure of himself with an ego that goes with the territory. Well built and cocky, Tyler is determined to get back the woman he pushed out of his life. Delaney’s future plans were derailed and destroyed by two men who unknowingly opened her eyes to what was and what was never to be.

The relationship between Delaney and Tyler is one of second chances. Tyler walked out of Delaney’s life years before on the advice of a man who pushed Tyler to succeed. Delaney thought that one day she and Tyler would work side by side-both attorneys-but life had a way of coming up short, putting the brakes on everything Delaney once held dear. Their rekindling romance finds Tyler pushing the envelope while Delaney struggles with memories of the past. The $ex scenes are intimate and intense.

The secondary characters include Tyler’s best friend Simon Travers whom we first met in THE SEXY ONE. We are also introduced to Delaney’s besties Penny and Nicole, and a couple of Delaney’s massage therapy clients.

There is very little conflict between our leading couple. THE HOT ONE is a story of second chances; a rekindling of love between two people who have never stopped loving one another but I wondered why Tyler never made an earlier attempt to find the woman that he had always loved. The premise is entertaining, heartwarming and passionate; the characters are animated and spirited; the romance is lighthearted and captivating. THE HOT ONE is an enjoyable and consuming read; an intimate look at two people who have never stopped loving one another.

Click HERE for Sandy’s review of THE SEXY ONE.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy



Technically, I didn’t drop my drawers the first time I saw her again. Just my balls.
The ones in my hands. Juggling balls.
Here’s how it went down. Picture a Sunday morning in Central Park. A perfect summer day. The grass was green, the breeze was warm, and I’d just spent the last few hours getting acquainted with turtles and frogs at the children’s zoo because I’m an awesome uncle. And Carly’s one cool seven-year-old.
The kid loves all creatures, but especially the ones that jump and crawl, so I took her to the enchanted forest part of the zoo. When we finished, she tugged on my shirt sleeve, batted her hazel eyes, and asked ever so sweetly for an ice cream cone.
Like I stood a chance at resisting her. C’mon. She’s my cousin’s kid, and clearly she gets her charm from our side of the family.
With her hand in mine, we strolled across the grass near the running path, hunting for the nearest ice cream dealer.
And then Carly did that thing little kids do.
She shrieked for what seemed like absolutely no reason. Next, she pointed to an impossibly tall dude wearing a beret while juggling two Rubik’s Cubes, two orange balls, and a small green beanbag.
“He can do five, Uncle Tyler!” Carly shouted, her eyes going wide.
“Five isn’t too shabby,” I said with a shrug.
She turned to me with a questioning stare. “I’ve never seen you do five.”
“That’s because I haven’t shown you all my tricks yet.”
“Can you really juggle five balls?”
I scoffed. “Please, I can do that with my eyes closed.”
I didn’t put myself through law school juggling for nothing.
Just kidding.
You can’t put yourself through law school juggling anything but insane class schedules and lack of sleep.
Carly arched an eyebrow. So did the juggler, as he kept up the cascade of his quintet. Show-off.
“I want to see. Show me,” Carly urged.
Yeah, Carly’s a chip off the old block. She’s all about challenging me, and I’m all about rising to the challenge.
The stick-thin guy with the beret raised his chin. “Have at it, man.”
With clockwork precision, he let the balls fall out of orbit and into his palm. Next, the Rubik’s Cubes. Then the beanbag. He stepped closer, handed me the objects, and flashed a crooked, put-your-money-where-your-mouth-is grin.
Game on.
Packs of runners jogged along, cyclists wheeled over the black asphalt, and rollerbladers whizzed by on the concrete. With my feet parked hip’s width apart, I stood at the edge of the grass getting a feel for the items, weighing them, and then one, two, three, four, five, I whisked each one up into the air in a high oval arc. Round and round, in a perfect five-ball cascade.
Carly clapped, then demanded more. “Yes, now close your eyes!”
I groaned. What was I thinking? Juggling with eyes closed is fucking hard. But I could pull it off for a couple seconds. My special skill. I obliged my niece’s request, pulling off a few quick blind ovals. Five seconds later, after I’d shown off that particular party trick, I opened my eyes.
And I saw a vision from my past.
A blond beauty, with long legs, a lovely round ass, and a high ponytail swishing back and forth across her shoulders. She ran along the path in tiny orange let-me-peel-them-off-with-my-teeth-pretty-please running shorts. And that face. Dear Lord, the stunning face of an angel. High cheekbones. Deep brown eyes that saw me like no one ever had. Those red lips, shaped like a bow. Fuck me, the things she could do with those lips. The things I taught her to do with that sinful mouth.
Delaney sure as hell knew how to use it, and I don’t just mean in the bedroom. We used to talk about anything and everything when we were together in college. Days with her. Nights with her. Best time of my life. That woman was full of spark. Full of fire. So damn passionate. And look at her now.
Jesus Christ.
It had to be illegal to be that smoking hot.



About The Author


Lauren BlakelyAbout Lauren Blakely:

A #1 New York Times Bestselling author, Lauren Blakely is known for her contemporary romance style that’s hot, sweet and sexy. She lives in California with her family and has plotted entire novels while walking her dogs. With fourteen New York Times bestsellers, her titles have appeared on the New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal Bestseller Lists more than seventy-five times, and she’s sold more than 1.5 million books. In February she’ll release THE HOT ONE, a standalone contemporary romance. To receive an email when Lauren releases a new book, sign up for her newsletter! laurenblakely.com/newsletter


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NOTE: The Reading Cafe is NOT responsible for the rafflecopter giveaway. If you have any questions, please contact the tour operator.

✮✮✮ Celebrate the release of The HOT ONE! Enter to win everything you need to heat up your nights and your days, featuring the Hot Prize Package ($550 value): Red Hot Coach Hobo Handbag ($450), $50 Gift Card to the Restaurant of your choice, $50 Gift Card to Victoria’s Secret to heat things up between the sheets! ✮✮✮


Inkslinger 2


Smolder (Wildwood #2) by Karen Erickson-Review and Book Tour

SMOLDER (Wildwood #2) by Karen Erickson-Review and Book Tour

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Wildwood #2
by Karen Erickson
Release Date: June 21, 2016
Genre: adult, contemporary, romance


Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / B&N / KOBO /itunes / Google Play

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date June 21, 2016

Lane Gallagher wants Delilah Moore – bad.

He’s imagined the sexy brunette in his bed more times than he can count.

She’s everything he’s ever wanted, but the only problem is…

She’s his brother’s ex.

For years, the stoic sheriff’s deputy has fantasized about the sweet, bubbly dance teacher who stirs his deepest desires. But Lane’s too loyal to ever move in on forbidden territory and he knows that while he can look, he definitely can’t touch. Fighting his attraction to Delilah is nearly impossible, but the infuriating-and incredibly sexy-woman seems determined to drive him crazy.

And she’s bringing him to his knees. One smoldering kiss at a time.


REVIEW:  SMOLDER is the second installment in Karen Erickson’s adult, contemporary WILDWOOD romance series focusing on the men and women of Wildwood, California but especially the Gallagher family of brothers, and their sister Wren. This is sheriff’s deputy Lane Gallagher, and dance instructor Delilah Moore’s story line. Lane and Delilah were first introduced in book oneIGNITE. SMOLDER can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty although there is a continuing plot line that runs through each consecutive installment. SMOLDER picks up immediately after the events of book one.

Told from dual third person perspectives (Lane and Delilah) SMOLDER follows the friends to lovers, best friend’s brother relationship between Lane and Delilah, as well as the search for a suspected arsonist who has increased the frequency of suspicious fires.

Delilah is a woman who has been in love with Lane Gallagher most of her life but Lane is a man who believes he is not worthy of Delilah’s love. His father’s history of infidelity and neglect has left Lane feeling less than capable of finding his happily ever after although Delilah is the woman that calls to his heart. When Delilah makes the first move Lane is ready to run in the other direction but a call about another suspicious fire finds our hero running –this time with an excuse. What ensues is the push and pull between two people who have loved one another from afar but have been unable to make the move in a permanent direction because Lane Gallagher does not want to be a failure. The $ex scenes are intimate, steamy and hot.

All of the previous story line characters, including the Gallagher family, play secondary and supporting roles throughout the story. Family matriarch Angela Gallagher begins to show signs of slowing down; and their father continues to cause too much stress and conflict within the family. We are introduced to arson investigator Josh Bailey who has yet to show his true colors.

The world building continues to focus on a series of arson fires in the small town of Wildwood, California. The Gallagher brothers are all members of law enforcement or firefighters and play a significant role in the town’s protection and safety. Lane is a man who hides his feelings for Delilah at all times.

SMOLDER is an engaging and heartwarming read. The premise is entertaining; the characters are passionate; the romance is a slow build to a happily ever after. Karen Erickson adds another hopeful dimension to her Wildwood Series.

Copy supplied by the publisher through Edelweiss

Reviewed by Sandy


Lane drove the streets of Wildwood in his deputy patrol car just under the speed limit, his gaze everywhere, his mind focused on only one thing:
Making sure his little hometown was safe.
Safe from crime, safe from reckless teenagers, safe from careless tourists, and safe from a ruthless arsonist who seemed hell-bent on destroying Wildwood, one little annoying fire after another.
He frowned. Had to take back that last remark. The restaurant fire could’ve been a tragedy. So many people had been in there when the fire started. Eyewitness accounts mentioned just how chaotic it had become when everyone tried to escape at once. His sister had been in there, as well as her friend Harper. And . . .
Now he flat-out scowled, wishing Delilah wouldn’t creep into his thoughts. She was always there, sitting in the back of his mind, taunting him.
Teasing him.
He’d stopped by her dance studio like he couldn’t help himself. He’d known Wren wasn’t there, but Delilah’s car had been parked out front. He’d walked in like a man possessed, needing just a glimpse after not having seen her since the day of the restaurant fire.
When he held her in his arms, relieved to find her safe.
When he’d been so damn close to kissing her.
When he’d shoved her away with a curt, “Glad you’re okay,” and gone about his business, reminding himself over and over he shouldn’t want her.
But he did.
Avoiding her never worked. He’d catch glimpses of her here and there—the town was too small and their circle of friends too tight—but he’d tried his best. Focused on work, which was his first true love. The fact that she distracted him so wholly scared the hell out of him most of the time.
And then there were the other times when all he could think about was seeing her. Making her smile or even making her mad, it didn’t matter. As long as he could stare at her, even for just a little bit, that was all that mattered.
He’d entered the dance studio and her scent lingered in the air, making his body stiffen. Hearing her voice call out had made him close his eyes so he could savor it and he’d turned around, not wanting her to see his face when she finally came out to greet him. Still wasn’t prepared when he turned and saw her.
That little bra top thing she wore hid nothing. So much skin on display, though he was sort of mad her legs were covered up. They were her best asset, and he’d imagined those long, lean legs of hers wrapped around his hips more than once. It had taken everything in him to keep his gaze glued on her pretty, pissed-off face and not blatantly check her out like he wanted.
She was angry with him because he wouldn’t make a move, but he couldn’t. She’d been with West a long time ago and he didn’t poach off his brothers. Yeah, yeah, West had moved on with Harper and they made a perfect couple. They seemed perfectly in love. Perfectly happy. He knew West wouldn’t give a shit if he made a move on Delilah.
But there was something about the woman that flat out scared him. She was—intense. Sexy. Smart as hell. Funny. She had no qualms showing her feelings. Meaning that most of the time she was a stressed-out, sexually frustrated woman with a grudge when they were around each other. Not that he could blame her.
She made him feel all kinds of sexually frustrated too. He hadn’t been this well acquainted with his hand since he was a teenager . . .
Pushing all thoughts of Delilah out of his brain as best he could, he refocused on his drive as he headed toward the outskirts of town, near the north end of Wildwood Lake. Spots of the mountainous landscape had been left scorched and black, a result of the latest fire set by the arsonist.
He was ramping up his activity, and the townspeople were starting to notice.
And damn it, Lane wished he could make the fires stop. But he couldn’t. Worse, he couldn’t wrap his head around the arsonist’s motives. Why was this happening?
Did arson ever make sense though? Was there ever a rational reason that made people go, “Oh, I get why he burned the entire town down”?
That would be a no. He could wrap his head around an owner burning his building down for insurance purposes. It was a bad idea, and an illegal one too, but still. He got it.
But burning down random buildings and pieces of land just for the hell of it? That made zero sense. He didn’t like it. Made him feel like he was at war with an anonymous enemy. Meaning he could trust no one.
It could be someone he knew.
Someone he liked.
Someone he trusted.
And that possibility really pissed him off.

About The Author Black and Red

Monica Murphy:Karen Erickson

USA Today bestselling author Karen Erickson writes what she loves to read – sexy contemporary romance. Published since 2006, she’s a native Californian who lives in the foothills below Yosemite with her husband and three children. She also writes new adult romance as NYT & USA Today bestselling author Monica Murphy.

Follow Karen: Website | Facebook | Twitter | GoodReads | Pinterest | Tumblr

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Stuck Up Suit by Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward-Review and Book Tour

STUCK UP SUIT by Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward-Review & Book Tour


Stuck Up Suit Banner

by Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward
Release Date: April 11, 2016
Genre: adult, contemporary, erotic, romance

stuck - up suit cover

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / B&N / KOBO / ibooks/ Audible

ABOUT THE BOOK: April 11, 2016

It started out like any other morning on the train.

Until I became mesmerized by the guy sitting across the aisle.

He was barking at someone on his phone like he ruled the world.

Who did the stuck-up suit think he was…God?

Actually, he looked like a God. That was about it.

When his stop came, he got up suddenly and left. So suddenly, he dropped his phone on the way out.

I might have picked it up.

I might have gone through all of his photos and called some of the numbers.

I might have held onto the mystery man’s phone for days—until I finally conjured up the courage to return it.

When I traipsed my ass across town to his fancy company, he refused to see me.

So, I left the phone on the empty desk outside the arrogant jerk’s office.

I might have also left behind a dirty picture on it first though.

I didn’t expect him to text back.

I didn’t expect our exchanges to be hot as hell.

I didn’t expect to fall for him—all before we even met.

The two of us couldn’t have been any more different.

Yet, you know what they say about opposites.

When we finally came face to face, we found out opposites sometimes do more than attract—we consumed each other.

Nothing could have prepared me for the ride he took me on. And I certainly wasn’t prepared for where I’d wind up when the ride was over.

All good things must come to an end, right?

Except our ending was one I didn’t see coming.


REVIEW: STUCK UP SUIT is a contemporary, adult, erotic romance stand alone story line co-authored by Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward. This is successful businessman Graham Morgan, and personal assistant Soraya Venedetta’s story line. There is a slight cross over with Vi and Penelope’s COCKY BASTARD.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Graham and Soraya) STUCK UP SUIT follows the building relationship between Graham Morgan and Soraya Vendetta who meet when Graham accidentally loses his cell phone on the morning commute. When Soraya ‘tries’ to return the cell phone to Graham, the snarly and angry businessman refuses to acknowledge her existence or the fact that she returned his personal property. Leaving Graham a few personal camera images on his phone, Soraya walks away hoping to never hear from the pr*ck again. What ensues is Graham’s attempt to win Soraya at any cost while her presence in his life, changes our hero into a different man.

STUCK UP SUIT focuses on family, betrayal and heartbreak. While Graham tries to get Soraya to open up about her life, Graham himself is about to discover that there are secrets in his past he knew nothing about. There are several moments of humor and fun, as well as the emotional fall out of betrayal and grief.

The world building focuses on the relationship between Soraya and Graham-his need for the woman that calls to his heart; and Soraya’s need to let go of the past. When Graham’s past comes looking for a second chance, Soraya is willing to step away so history doesn’t repeat itself-again.

STUCK UP SUIT is a wonderful and brilliant read with a fascinating group of characters and a premise that is emotional, funny, heartbreaking and inspiring- a great blend of everything you could want in a romance story. The characters are colorful, energetic and often tender; the romance is passionate, sensual and intense.

Copy supplied by the tour promoter

Reviewed by Sandy


Stuck UP Suit Teaser


Outside of the restaurant, Graham’s black car was already curbside. He must have had it waiting and called the driver when I went to the restroom.
“If you’re not going to come home with me, I insist on at least giving you a ride home to your place.”
“The subway is right around the corner. I’m good.”
He shot me an annoyed glance. “Give a little, Soraya. It’s a ride home, not a ride on my cock. And I think you know by now that I’m not a serial killer.”
“You’re so crass.”
He put his hand on the small of my back and steered me to the waiting open car door. I didn’t put up a fight. Graham was right, I was being stubborn while he had pretty much agreed to anything I demanded. Something told me it was a rare occasion when the man was this flexible.
When we arrived at my apartment, Graham walked me to the door.
“When will I see you again?”
“Well, tomorrow is Saturday, so I suppose maybe Monday on the train.”
“Have dinner with me again tomorrow?”
“I have plans.”
His jaw flexed. “With whom?”
We embarked into a lengthy stare off. His gaze was hard. When neither of us gave for a few minutes, he grumbled Christ under his breath, and before I realized what was happening, my back was against the door, and his mouth was on mine.
He kissed me as if he wanted to eat me alive. Before releasing my mouth, he took my lower lip between his teeth and tugged. Hard. With his lips vibrating up against mine, he spoke. “Don’t push me to my limit, Soraya.”
“Why? What will happen?”
“I’ll push back. And I’m trying not to do that with you.”
He was being honest, and I realized I should appreciate that. “To my sister’s house. It’s my niece’s birthday party. That’s where I’m going tomorrow night.
He nodded. “Thank you.”
It took every bit of my willpower to go inside and shut the door behind me. I leaned my back against the door, unable to remember the last time I was so hot and bothered. Maybe not ever. His mouth was sinful; the thought of what he could do with that wicked tongue other places on my body kept me in a state of arousal that bordered on frenzied. But it was more than that. The way he was so dominating and controlling, yet exercised restraint to respect my wishes, was the sexiest thing I’d ever seen. The man stimulated something that had been sleeping inside of me. I needed a glass of wine and an orgasm. Not necessarily in that order. If I was going be firm on my stance that we get to know each other and not have sex, then taking things into my own hands was absolutely essential.
In my bedroom, I stripped out of my clothes. I didn’t sleep naked every night, but tonight was definitely a bare evening. As I slipped into bed, my cell rang.
“Is phone sex on the table?” Graham’s voice was a needy rasp. Whatever cooling off my body had done since I left him on the other side of the door was instantly reheated. His voice could definitely speed things up for me. But…
“Sex is off the table. That should probably include all types of sex. Intercourse, oral, phone.”
He groaned. “Oral. God, I want to taste you. And feel that metal tongue ring on my cock. You have no idea how difficult it was to control myself tonight every time I caught a glimpse of that metal when you spoke. It’s like you’re taunting me with every word. What are you wearing, Soraya?”
That voice. I needed to record him saying What are you wearing, Soraya? So I could play it over and over again in a loop when I needed to satisfy my own needs. “I’m actually not wearing anything. I just got undressed and slipped into bed.”
“You sleep naked?”
He actually growled. “Touch yourself.”
“I plan to. But I think I’m going to need both hands tonight. So I’m going to hang up first.”
“How long do you plan on driving me crazy, Soraya?”
“Good night, Graham.” I hung up without waiting for him to respond. Even though my body physically ached for the man, I wasn’t ready to open that door with him just yet. Although as I glided my hand down my body alone in my bed, the only thing I could think of was God, I wish it was his hand.

About The Author Black and White

Penelope Ward is a New York Times, USA Today and Wall Street Journal Bestselling author. She grew up in Boston with five older brothers and spent most of her twenties as a television news anchor, before switching to a more family-friendly career. She is the proud mother of a beautiful 11-year-old girl with autism and a 9-year-old boy. Penelope and her family reside in Rhode Island.

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Vi Keeland is a native New Yorker with three children that occupy most of her free time, which she complains about often, but wouldn’t change for the world. She is an attorney and a New York Times, Wall Street Journal, & USA Today Best Selling author. Over the last three years, ten of her titles have appeared on the USA Today Bestseller lists and three on the New York Times Bestseller lists.

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Goodreads | Pinterest

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Love Walks In (The Shaughnessy Brothers #2) by Samantha Chase-Review, Book Tour & Giveaway

LOVE WALKS IN (The Shaughnessy Brothers 2) by Samantha Chase-Review, Book Tour & Giveaway

Love Walks In

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / B&N / KOBO /

About the book: Release Date April 5, 2016

The Shaughnessy Brothers are back

He lives by a schedule. Aubrey Burke is on the run from an about-to-be-disastrous mistake when resort owner Hugh Shaughnessy catches her climbing through his office window. Until Aubrey tumbled into his life, Hugh had relied on work and discipline to safeguard a heart damaged by family tragedy. Now his careful world will never be the same.

She lives for the moment. Hugh’s approach to life and love is the opposite of Aubrey’s, but she soon finds herself falling hard for the handsome hotel mogul. There’s a darker reason behind her “live for today” attitude than Hugh could possibly know, but for the first time Aubrey dares to hope this man’s love might make it worth taking a chance on the future.


REVIEW: LOVE WALKS IN is the second installment in Samantha Chase’s contemporary, adult THE SHAUGHNESSY BROTHERS romance series. This is resort owner Hugh Shaughnessy, and corporate planner Aubrey Burke’s story line. LOVE WALKS IN can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story line is revealed where necessary.

SOME BACKGROUND: Seventeen years earlier the Shaughnessy lost their mother to a drunk driving accident that left six siblings (including a one year old infant) without a mother. Fast forward to present day where each child continues to struggle with the loss but none more so than Hugh, who blames himself for his mother’s death.

Told from dual third person perspectives (Aubrey and Hugh) LOVE WALKS IN focuses on the building relationship between Aubrey and Hugh, as Aubrey begins a new chapter in her life. On the run from a last minute marriage, Aubrey finds herself the latest ‘organizer’ for Hugh Shaughnessy’s numerous resorts wherein our heroine is the lead designer for a series of executive wine promotions and exotic getaways. What ensues is forbidden relationship between Aubrey and Hugh, and Hugh’s struggle to let go of the past.

The relationship is one of immediate attraction but Hugh never saw himself in a committed relationship. Aubrey’s history with her parent’s failed marriage versus Hugh’s tight knit loving family finds our couple at opposite sides of the relationship fence. Like most of Samantha’s story lines, the $ex scenes are all implied, and fade to black.

Youngest sibling and only sister Darcy; brothers Aidan and his fiancée Zoe Made For Us (Book 1) , Quinn, Riley and Owen, as well as patriarch Ian Shaughnessy all play secondary and supporting roles throughout the story. We are introduced to Aubrey’s long suffering mother whose reputation is a case of mistaken belief where her only child is concerned. There is a possible story line set up for Owen with a long-time family friend who has been in love with the Shaughnessy brother for quite a long time.

LOVE WALKS IN is a sweet, romantic story. The premise is enjoyable; the characters are real; the romance is clean and ‘safe for work’.

Copy supplied by Netgalley

Reviewed by Sandy


“Aubrey! I’m home!”
Looking up, she saw a very happy and relaxed-looking Hugh standing in the doorway. If she wasn’t mistaken, he might even be a little bit tipsy. She almost giggled at the thought. Men didn’t get tipsy, did they? “Hey, you,” she said, smiling up at him.
“Whatcha doin?” he asked, walking slowly across the room until he could plop down on the bed beside her.
“I was just going to read for a bit while I was waiting for you.” His hair was tousled, his shirt was untucked, and he looked completely adorable to her. Reaching out, she ran a hand through his hair. “How was your night?”
Hugh stretched out beside her as he kicked his shoes off. “I took fifty bucks from my brother. It was awesome.”
She chuckled. “Which brother?”
“Owen,” he said around a yawn. “Served him right. Trying to trick me up with math.”
Her brows furrowed. “Math?”
“Yeah. Such a smarty pants. Thinks he knows everything. But I beat him. He may know about angles and lines and spots but I know how to provide a good distraction,” he said with a silly grin.
“So you cheated.”
“Ha! That’s a good one! No, I did not cheat. I just happened to notice how Owen kept sneaking looks at this girl standing over by the jukebox. So while he was doing his geo…geolo…geomethology…”
“Yeah…so while he was doing that stuff in his head, I went over and introduced myself, then brought her over to meet Owen.” He laughed. “Then he forgot all about how to do…you know…and Riley and I were able to kick his and Aidan’s butts. It was fun.”
Yeah, he was definitely a little tipsy and it was adorable. It was nice to see he could unwind and have fun with his brothers. “I’m glad you had a good time.”
“How about you, darlin? Did you have fun tonight?”
“I did. Anna made burgers and…”
“Oh, man! And I missed it?” He sat up and looked around for his phone. Pulling it from his pocket, he began scrolling through his contacts.
“Hugh? What are you doing?”
“I’m starving. Do you think she’ll make some more?”
“Anna,” he said with a huff. “Sheesh.”
“Hugh Shaughnessy, you cannot call Anna now and ask her to make you a burger!” She tried to sound firm but couldn’t stop laughing at the confused look on his face. “Give me the phone.”
“But…do we have any burgers here?”
She shook her head. “Nope. Sorry. No burgers.”
“Well damn,” he muttered, flopping back down on the bed. Looking over at her, he smiled sleepily. “They were good, right?”
Nodding, she said, “Yup. They were.” Aubrey knew he was going to be asleep in a matter of minutes, but figured she’d humor him for a little bit longer. “Do you want me to make you something to eat? Or maybe just a little snack?”
Turning on her side to face him, she nudged him around until she got him undressed down to his boxers and even managed to get him under the blankets. He made several sloppy attempts to kiss her but she kept it playful to distract him. By the time he was settled, she was exhausted.
“Sweet dreams, wonderful man,” she whispered, kissing his cheek.
Hugh smiled sleepily. “Love you,” he murmured in response. Aubrey was glad his eyes were closed and he was already snoring softly, because she was certain the look of shock on her face would have been hard to explain.
Did he really mean what he’d said? Was it possible Hugh was really in love with her? It was hard for Aubrey to wrap her head around. No one had ever said it to her before. And to be honest, Hugh really hadn’t said it to her either—not consciously, anyway.
But now that it was out there, she had a feeling it was going to be pretty hard to forget.

About the Author

Follow: Goodreads / Twitter / Website / Facebook


Samantha Chase, a creative writing teacher, released her debut novel, Jordan’s Return, in November 2011. Since then, she has published seventeen more titles and has become a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author. She lives with her husband of twenty-four years and their two sons in North Carolina.


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SEAL Wolf in Too Deep (Heart of the Wolf#18) by Terry Spear-Review, Book Tour & Giveaway

SEAL WOLF IN TOO DEEP (Heart of the Wolf #18) by Terry Spear-Review, Book Tour & Giveaway

Seal Wolf in Too Deep

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / B&N / KOBO / The Book Depository /

ABOUT THE BOOK: February 2, 2016

Debbie Renaud is a police diver working on criminal cases with SEAL Allan Rappaport. She admires him greatly for his missions in the Navy, plus he’s just plain HOT. Allan seems to share her attraction, but what she doesn’t know is that her partner is wolf shifter.

Allan is really hung up on his smart, beautiful dive partner, but he can’t get involved with a human outside dive duty. Yet when she gets between a werewolf hunter and his intended victim, one of the members of Allan’s pack, they run into real trouble, and their lives are altered forever.


REVIEW: SEAL WOLF IN TOO DEEP is the eighteenth installment in Terry Spear’s contemporary, adult HEART OF THE WOLF paranormal, romance series. This is wolf shifter/former Navy SEAL Allan Rappaport, and police officer Debbie Renaud’s story. SEAL WOLF IN TOO DEEP can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty.

Told from dual third person perspectives SEAL WOLF IN TOO DEEP follows two paths: the building and forbidden relationship between law enforcement divers/partners Debbie Renaud and Allan Rappaport; and the hunt for a killer who has set his sights on shifter wolves. Allan is a wolf shifter whose new diving partner is a human female; a sexy woman that the leaders of the Pack (Paul and Lori) refuse to accept as Allan’s mate. What ensues is the search for a killer who has targeted ‘werewolves’, and the building romance between Allan and Debbie that will culminate in the unexpected when Debbie is caught between a killer and his gun.

The relationship between Debbie and Allan begins as co-workers in the police department. Both Debbie and Allan are police divers who investigate a series of murders and attempted murders that lead back to a possible rogue wolf or a vendetta against shifters of every kind. The romance is very slow to build as Allan understands that Debbie cannot be his mate but Debbie continues to pursue Allan for something more. Saying that, the sexual attraction and heat between Debbie and Allan is lacking; there is no chemistry or romance; no passion, no spark of electricity. I felt no emotional connection to our leading couple-the ‘mating’ felt like a handshake between business partners or strangers-cold and stilted. The $ex scenes are intimate without the over the top erotic imagery. There is a second man vying for Debbie’s love.

SEAL WOLF IN TOO DEEP has a very large ensemble cast of secondary and supporting characters including Paul and Lori (Seal Wolf Hunting #16) and their expanding Pack, and several mentions of the original Greymere Pack. A fellow police officer-Rowdy-appears to know quite a bit of the shifter wolves-here’s hoping Rowdy’s story is next. The world building continues to focus on the shifter wolves and their attempts to keep secret their existence from the human population.

SEAL WOLF IN TOO DEEP is an interesting story line but one that lacked in many areas including the love connection between Allan and Debbie. The murder mystery focused on too many possibilities, and with the introduction of so many players, the story line got lost in the details.

Copy supplied by the publisher through Netgalley

Reviewed by Sandy



He pulled out a couple of mugs while she warmed up the cocoa. He chuckled
and she turned to see what was funny and nearly had a heart attack.
He was holding one hot pink and white mug while reading it, the other
sitting on the counter: Men should be like my curtains, easy to pull and
well hung.
Her lips parted, she had to have turned cherry red, and she turned away
quickly before she burned the cocoa. Now what? Explain that a friend had
given them to her when her last boyfriend and she had parted company? Or
just ignore the fact that they were drinking out of those cups while she
was having hot cocoa with him and pretend she wasn’t embarrassed to the
tip of her toes?
He brought the mugs over. “Anything else?”
“There’s a can of whipped cream in the fridge, if you want some.”
“Real cream,” he said, eyeing the can. “Looks good.” He gave it to her,
and he lifted the mugs.
She shook up the can and pointed it at the right mug, pushed the nozzle,
and the cream dripped and fizzled. Not to be thwarted, she shook it again,
hoping that it wasn’t defective. And then the whipped cream swirled around
with perfect ridges in a twirl on top with a cute little pointy peak.
Then she turned to the other mug, shook the can again, and pushed the
nozzle. It was working great until halfway through her little mountain of
whipped cream twirling to perfection, when the nozzle malfunctioned again
and spewed whipped cream everywhere.
In horror, she stopped what she was doing and stared at the white cream
splattered all over Allan’s chest and a few that had dotted his boxer
briefs. Her mouth agape, she glanced up at him.
His eyes sparkled with mirth and he laughed.
“Oh, oh, let me get something to wipe it up,” she said, belatedly, and set
the can of whipped cream on the counter.
She grabbed some paper towels and wetted them, then rushed back to wipe
the mess up. He was still holding onto both hot pink mugs of cocoa. She
had every intention of taking one of the mugs and letting him clean
himself, but he just moved his arms apart as if to say she made the mess,
she could wash it up.
She thought she was going to die. Yes, he was totally hot. And yes, she’d
fantasized about making love to him-since they were both unattached, and
she truly liked him. But in her wildest dreams she would never have
imagined making him cocoa in the middle of the night in her duplex while
he stood in sexy silk briefs, not baggy, but nice and form fitting, and
then she proceeded to splatter him with whipped cream. All over his tanned
chest and those black briefs.

about the author Terry Spear Website/ Goodreads/ Twitter/ Facebook Love, love, love romance, the paranormal, hunky Highlanders with their delicious brogue and hot kilts, so Terry Spear writes about those hunky Highlanders both in medieval times and as wolves in contemporary times. Jaguar shifters too! And young adult urban fantasy. And romantic suspense. She grew up reading mystery, adventure, mythologies from around the world, ghost stories, the paranormal, fell in love with Dracula and Wolfman, and felt they needed loving too. Everyone should have someone to love. Which means her stories always have a HEA. USA Today Bestseller residing in Central Texas from Sacramento, California who creates award-winning teddy bears too! Rafflecopter giveaway 

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Seduce Me (Stark Ever After Novella 3.8) by J. Kenner-Review and Book Tour

SEDUCE ME (Stark Ever After Novella 3.8) by J. Kenner-Review & Book Tour


Seduce Me
Stark Ever After 3.8
by J. Kenner
Genre: adult, contemporary, erotic, romance
Release Date: October 13, 2015

Seduce Me

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / B&N / KOBO / BAM

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date October 13, 2015

I’ve never felt as close to anyone as I have with Damien Stark. I know every line of his body, every secret within his soul. There’s nothing I crave more than his touch, and with his kiss, he seals his claim.

Las Vegas is the perfect place for us, where we can indulge every desire and fantasy. But when someone from my past resurfaces, I can’t ignore my instinct that I have to make things right.

With Damien by my side, I feel safe no matter the danger. Our passion protects us, drives us, makes us whole. His pleasure is an exquisite game, and one that I’ll play forever.

Seduce Me is intended for mature audiences.


REVIEW: SEDUCE ME is a Stark Ever After novella originally released in the limited-release Sweet Seduction Anthology. SEDUCE ME follows Nikki Fairchild –Stark and her best friend / actress Jamie as they venture to Vegas for Jamie’s latest audition. When Damien Stark arrives, he is a man possessed, and begins an anonymous pursuit of the woman he loves.

SEDUCE ME finds Damien Stark seducing his wife for a flirty, sexy, romantic giveaway wherein our couple, once again profess their undying love for one another. The $ex scenes and language are graphic; there is a short secondary storyline building behind the scenes as Nikki makes an attempt to aid a young woman whose life is spiraling out of control.

If you are a fan of J. Kenner’s STARK SERIES then SEDUCE ME is adds a little bit of color, flavor, and sexual tease for your reading enjoyment.

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Reviewed by Sandy

Seduce Me Teaser

Praise for J. Kenner and The Stark Trilogy

“Kenner may very well have cornered the market on sinfully attractive, dominant antiheroes and the women who swoon for them.”RT Book Reviews

“J. Kenner has written a sensually seductive storyline that catches your imagination. . . . [Release Me] will suck you in from the very start.”The Reading Cafe

“[A] sexy and exciting ride.”Fresh Fiction, on Claim Me

“[An] immensely satisfying series . . . The roller coaster events of Complete Me give this novel a page-turning quality.”Heroes and Heartbreakers

About The Author Black and Red

J.KennerJ. Kenner (aka Julie Kenner) is the New York Times, USA Today, Publishers Weekly, Wall Street Journal and International bestselling author of over seventy novels, novellas and short stories in a variety of genres. Though known primarily for her award-winning and international bestselling erotic romances (including the Stark and Most Wanted series) that have reached as high as #2 on the New York Times bestseller list, JK has been writing full time for over a decade in a variety of genres including paranormal and contemporary romance, “chicklit” suspense, urban fantasy, Victorian-era thrillers (coming soon), and paranormal mommy lit.

Her foray into the latter, Carpe Demon: Adventures of a Demon-Hunting Soccer Mom by Julie Kenner, has been consistently in development in Hollywood since prior to publication. Most recently, it has been optioned by Warner Brothers Television for development as series on the CW Network with Alloy Entertainment producing. JK has been praised by Publishers Weekly as an author with a “flair for dialogue and eccentric characterizations” and by RT Bookclub for having “cornered the market on sinfully attractive, dominant antiheroes and the women who swoon for him.” A three time finalist for Romance Writers of America’s prestigious RITA award, JK took home the first RITA trophy awarded in the category of erotic romance in 2014 for her novel, Claim Me (book 2 of her Stark Trilogy). Her books have sold well over a million copies and are published in over over twenty countries. In her previous career as an attorney, JK worked as a clerk on the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, and practiced primarily civil, entertainment and First Amendment litigation in Los Angeles and Irvine, California, as well as in Austin, Texas. She currently lives in Central Texas, with her husband, two daughters, and two rather spastic cats.


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