BULLSEYE (Ruthless Kings MC Las Vegas) by KL Savage-Review Tour

BULLSEYE (Ruthless Kings MC Las Vegas 11) by KL Savage-Review & Excerpt Tour

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date May 28, 2021.

Just when you think you have it all, everything changes…

I had everything a kid could want.A home. Food. Toys. Friends. Loving parents.And it all equaled happiness.

Then my life went up in smoke.Happiness no longer existed.I trusted the wrong person.And in a blink of an eye, the cruelty of the world reared its ugly head.Four walls. Darkness.Memory loss.Chains.Sex.My first love.And people watching in the corners.

Now, I’m conditioned.I need to watch.I need to be watched.No one understands the turmoil inside me.And the one person who seems to calm it? Ruby Raine.

A little spitfire of a woman who released the strife I’ve been swallowing for eighteen years.
She made me realize how weak I was and how strong I needed to be.
To tackle my demons, I have to admit everything. I have to trust and that’s one thing that doesn’t come easy for me. Ruby shows me it’s okay to let go, to let someone steer for a bit, to give up a little control. So I let go. I let her have the reins.

The road is bumpy, a minefield of explosives with her debt and my pain.
Every chance she takes on me is a step I take to better myself.

Love is a surprise.

A dart that Ruby tossed, and it hit me in the middle of my chest.
Unleashing… everything.

I’m my own target. If there’s one thing I can do, it’s aim.


REVIEW:BULLSEYE is the eleventh instalment in KL Savage’s contemporary, adult RUTHLESS KINGS MC LAS VEGAS, dark, erotic, MC romance series focusing on the members of the Ruthless Kings MC Las Vegas chapters. This is thirty-six year old, Ruthless Kings MC Sergeant-At-Arms Waylon ‘Bullseye’ Presley, and boutique owner Ruby Raine’s story line. BULLSEYE can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty but I recommend reading the series in order for back story and cohesion.

WARNING: Due to the graphic nature and content of the story line premise, there may be triggers for more sensitive readers.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Ruby and Bullseye) BULLSEYE follows the building romance and relationship between thirty-six year old, Ruthless Kings MC Sergeant-At-Arms Waylon ‘Bullseye’ Presley, and boutique owner Ruby Raine, Ruby and Bullseye have been dancing around one another for several months but Bullseye struggles with demons from the past and believes he is not worthy of our heroine’s love. Ruby, meanwhile, is struggling to keep her business afloat when she gets an offer she cannot refuse but a late night attack against our story line heroine finds Ruby under the protection and guardianship of Bullseye and the Ruthless Kings MC. What ensues is the building romance and relationship between Bullseye and Ruby, and the potential fall-out as Bullseye’s past rears comes back seeking vengeance, promising to continue what was started years before.

Waylon Presley does not remember a time when he was happy. Struggling to move on from the past, our hero considers to suffer, years later, in the aftermath of horrendous sexual abuse at the hands of the people he believed were his family. Years would pass, lives would be lost, and Waylon, now calling himself Bullseye, seeks out a life full of pain and misery. The only bright spot in his life died eighteen years earlier but Ruby’s presence is enough to break down the walls he erected years before.

The relationship between Ruby and Bullseye begins as a mutual attraction but it is not until Ruby is attacked that Bullseye see so much more than the untouchable woman with whom he would fall in love. Ruby Raine knows that there is something dangerous and dark in Bullseye’s past but breaking through his walls will take more than she has the ability to pull forth. The $ex scenes are intimate, erotic, seductive and intense including scenes of voyeurism.

There is a large ensemble cast of secondary and supporting characters including many of the previous story line couples. All of the member of the Ruthless Kings MC place their life on the line for our story line hero knowing there is a monster lurking below the surface of a man consumed by the monsters from his past.

BULLSEYE is a raw, gritty and powerful story of betrayal, abuse, nightmares and loss. The premise is dramatic, intense, heart breaking and dark; the romance is edgy, provocative and traumatic; the characters are broken and tragic.

Reading Order and Previous Reviews

Reaper’s Rise
A Ruthless Halloween
A Ruthless Christmas
Tongue’s Target

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy



Everyone’s room has a little history.
Where is his?
I tiptoe to the dresser. Pause. I cut a glance back to the door as if I’m about to get caught, but nothing’s there. After a minute, I continue. I open one drawer and roll my eyes.
All mismatched.
“Of course,” I mumble.
I close that drawer and open the next.
Oh. Underwear.
Sexy underwear. None of that saggy Fruit of the Loom shit, but Grade-A nut hugging undies. I hold one up, and it feels like spandex. It has to be some type of stretchy material. Damn, I bet he looks so good in these as they cling to every curve.
Imagining them stretched over his tree trunk thighs, suctioning over his cock, and pulled taut over his plump ass like a second skin.
“God bless the woman who made this man,” I say silently to God, or whoever’s idea it was to make such a fine specimen.
I keep the drawer open because I’m nowhere near done with it. I want to see what else he has in the goody forbidden drawer. “I’ll be back,” I whisper to the sexy spandex briefs. “I’ll miss you.”
My knees pop as I squat to open the last drawer, and what I find surprises me.
It’s empty.
I tap my hand around the drawer, and the back end pops. I freeze. Oh, shit. I’m about to find something I’m not supposed to see. That was the point. This was what I wanted. I take a deep breath. Here it is. Here is Bullseye’s history that he keeps hidden away. Part of me feels terrible for just snooping around like this, but he left me in here, so…
With a slow, careful hand, I take out the board, ready for whatever surprises might be waiting for me. My imagination runs wild—maybe it’s photos of him and his lovers. Maybe it’s a secret stash of mementos. Maybe it’s… oh.
It’s nothing.
Just a bunch of cash and darts. That’s disappointing. I frown and dig around, even more, trying to find a dirty secret, but that’s all I see. Just stacks of cash and some of his darts. Nothing that tells me about Bullseye’s history. I’m coming up empty-handed.
“What are you doing?”
I scream, then hold my hand to my chest when I hear Bullseye’s voice. I look up to see him standing in the doorway, arms crossed and staring at me. “Uh, I’m snooping,” I answer honestly.
His eyes drop to my chest, and that’s when I remember I’m still holding a pair of sexy undies. I’m holding them close since he scared me.
“Need some underwear, Spitfire?” he tsks, walking into the room and shutting the door. “Cash? Both?”
“No.” I toss the underwear in the drawer they belong in and close it, then close the secret cash drawer. “I wanted to find something personal, I guess.”
“Disappointed that you didn’t?” He takes a seat on the bed, and the springs groan from his weight.
“A little bit.” I take the spot next to him and evaluate his face. His eyes are red, as if he’s been crying. A few things start to click together. He doesn’t have anything personal in his room because everything he deems personal, he keeps close to his heart.
So if I want him, if I want to get to know him, I have to earn him.


K.L. Savage decided they were tired of looking for the kind of books they wanted to read. They had an itch that needed to be scratched, and as every girl knows, nothing scratches better than an alpha.

They write about gritty, alpha males, sometimes their dark sides, and the women they love.
If you have the same itch, their alpha males should fix that.

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Bullseye (The Monsters Within 1) by Monica James-Review tour

Bullseye (The Monsters Within 1) by Monica James-Review tour

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / B&N / KOBO / Chapters Indigo / Apple /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date February 20, 2020

For twelve long years, I’ve breathed, I’ve bled for only one thing…


Four men took something from me, something which can never be replaced. That one night changed the lives of so many and taught me that monsters are real.

But I also learned I’m the biggest monster of them all.

Nothing and no one will stand in my way of redemption because those men…they’re now three. The fourth—he is the reason they call me Bullseye. They can run, but sooner or later, I’ll find them, just as I did with their friend. They’re already dead…they just don’t know it yet.

My plan was simple until I met her. A fierce tiger who had the power to break my heart. Lucky for me…she can’t break what’s already broken. I am no longer a man because the world is a jungle, and we’re all just animals—ready to tear one another apart.


REVIEW: BULLSEYE is the first instalment in Monica James’ contemporary, adult THE MONSTERS WITHIN dark, erotic, story line focusing on former inmate, thirty year old Cody ‘Bullseye’ Bishop, and twenty-eight year old, exotic dancer Lily ‘Tigerlily’ Hope. At this stage of the duet I am reluctant to call is a romance story line.

WARNING: Due to the nature of the story line premise, there may be some triggers for more sensitive readers.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Bullseye and Tigerlily) BULLSEYE follows Cody ‘Bullseye’ Bishop as he sets into motion a plan to avenge the murder of his older brother Damian. Approximately fifteen years earlier, at the age of fifteen, Cody Bishop witnessed the murder of his brother by four wanna-be gang bangers, and our anti-hero pledged to kill everyone involved. Fast forward three years and Cody took down one of the men, but in doing so wound up on the wrong side of the law. Twelve years in prison gave Cody, now known as Bullseye, the time to perfect his style of fighting, and organize a plan to avenge the brother he lost. Taking a job as a bouncer at a local bar called The Pink Oyster found Bullseye face to face with exotic dancer Lily ‘Tigerlily’ Hope, a woman who stirred something deep within Bullseye Bishop. What ensues is Bishop’s search for the men who killed his brother as his friendship with Lily comes at a terrible cost.

Cody ‘Bullseye’ Bishop is no longer the naïve and innocent man he was fifteen years earlier. Believing himself to be unworthy of love, Bullseye struggles with basic social skills, preferring to do everything on his own but a few well placed questions opens up the possibility of taking down the men who destroyed his life. Lily Hope is a single mother with a defiant eleven year old son; a ballet teacher who dances nights at the local bar but all is not well at The Pink Oyster, and Lily finds herself in a fight for her life. Hoping that Bullseye feels the same about her, Lily opens up only to discover that darkness that surrounds Bullseye is more dangerous and deeper than she could have imagined.

The relationship between Lily and Bullseye is acrimonious at best. Bullseye struggles with personal relationships including continuously cutting down a woman who is willing to look beyond the darkness. Bullseye is the epitome of bad boy but Lily sees something that no one else sees, a vulnerability that could destroy her life. The $ex scenes are aggressive, raw and intense.

We are introduced to Bullseye’s parole officer Franca Brown; Lotus, the owner of The Pink Oyster; exotic dancer Tawny; and several local gang-bangers and the man who rules the streets of Detroit- Andre the bouncer, Hero, Scrooge, Kong, and Jaws.

BULLSEYE is a story of murder and revenge; betrayal and vengeance; heart break and pain. The premise is dark and gritty; the characters are broken, tragic and ill-fated; the romance is virtually non-existent as Bullseye battles between head and heart.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

Book Trailer: https://tinyurl.com/tfb7dkf

Monica James spent her youth devouring the works of Anne Rice, William Shakespeare, and Emily Dickinson.

When she is not writing, Monica is busy running her own business, but she always finds a balance between the two. She enjoys writing honest, heartfelt, and turbulent stories, hoping to leave an imprint on her readers. She draws her inspiration from life.

She is a bestselling author in the U.S., Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Israel, and the U.K.

Monica James resides in Melbourne, Australia, with her wonderful family, and menagerie of animals. She is slightly obsessed with cats, chucks, and lip gloss, and secretly wishes she was a ninja on the weekends.

