Candace Knoebel-Interview with the Author
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Candace Knoebel had dreamed of being a dancer ever since she could remember. With a love of all things art, she saw herself moving to New York and pursuing her passion as an artist. But all that changed on October 10th, 2002 when she met the love of her life. Her dreams diverged and after marrying her high school sweetheart and having two beautiful children, she realized she missed her creative side.
Growing up alongside the Harry Potter series, Candace found herself missing the epicosity of a story that pulls you in and won’t let you go. In 2009, she began dreaming up characters that would mold her first novel. Through lunch breaks and late nights, after putting her kids to bed, she built a world where she could escape the ever-pressing days of an eight to five Purgatory. She found her calling in life and knew this was more than dancing could’ve ever meant to her.
Once complete in 2010, she began the grueling process of finding a publisher. With relentless determination, she was finally able to realize her dream in December of 2011 when 48fourteen offered her a publishing contract. With a HUGE yes and a happy dance, she now continues her Trilogy
Follow Candace: Goodreads / Website / Twitter / Facebook

TRC: Hi Candace and welcome to The Reading Café. Congratulations on the release of BORN IN FLAMES.
Candace: Thank you for having me!
TRC: We would like to start with some background information. Would you please tell us something about yourself?
Candace: I am a stay-at-home mom to two little ones-Logan (my six-year-old) and Scarlett (my two-year-old). They make the world go round. [Symbol] I love music, art, dancing, laughing, good food, scary movies, midnight premiers, lace, Pinterest, Tobuscus, 30 Seconds to Mars…typical normal stuff I suppose. Oh, and I own a pair of Heely’s that I love to roll around in and have a fetish with dying my hair. That’s me in a nutshell.
TRC: BORN IN FLAMES is your first novel in your trilogy. Would you please tell us something about the premise?
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Candace: Born in Flames is a fast-paced fantasy that will catapult you into a world where you race against time to save the fate of two realms and an impending prophecy promising death. Aurora Megalos is the main character who discovers that she is not only a part of this prophecy, but part dragon as well. It is the beginning chapter of her journey to becoming the Progeny and fulfilling her destiny of defeating an ultimate evil.
TRC: What or who is the inspiration behind BORN IN FLAMES and your leading character Aurora Megalos?
Candace: I’ve always loved anything mythical and magical. When I first thought up the idea, I wanted to create something original. I had a strong love for dragons and one day an idea just popped into my head. Why not make a modernized story about a girl who can shape shift into a dragon? Thusly, Born in Flames was…born. 😉
TRC: Embracing the Flames is the second storyline in the series. Would you please tell us something about the premise?
Candace: Embracing the Flames follows Aurora as she comes into her powers and finds out what it really means to be the Progeny. Her Arch Enemy Zordon has gathered his army and is seeking the Stone of Immortality; a stone that will determine the fate of the two realms. She will be tested, injured, and pushed to the limit. Lives will be lost, love will be found, and most importantly, a battle will begin.
TRC: What difficulties or challenges have you faced getting your book to publication?
Candace: I’ve been pretty lucky actually. I queried for a few months before I received a few requests to read my manuscript in full. 48fourteen was one of them. They offered me the contract first. I went with them because I was already previously considering self-publishing to join the ebook community which is what 48fourteen promotes. But with all that aside, I did also receive rejections along the way. Between 20 and 30 I think. It’s all a part of the process.
TRC: Which actors and models do you believe would best represent the characters in your storylines?

Candace: I’ve always envisioned Hayley Williams (lead singer of Paramore) as Aurora. For Fenn, it’d have to be Logan Lermon (from Percy Jackson) and Alexis would have to be Lyndsy Fonseca. Pretty stellar cast I’d say!
TRC: If you could be any supernatural being (shifter or otherwise) which would you chose and why?
Candace: Hmmm…that’s a hard one. Each one comes with a price so really it’s what are you willing to sacrifice? I’d have to go with being a shifter like Sam from True Blood. I love that he can change into any animal he sees. It would be freeing and convenient.
TRC: What do you believe is the biggest misconception about you?
Candace: I’m not really sure because I haven’t read too many opinions concerning me. Perception is perception. You can’t really change what people think about you. I try not to worry about those things though. It would drive a person nuts to sit and wonder what everyone else thought about them. 😉
TRC: If you could change something about yourself personal or professional, what would it be and why?
Candace: I would spend more time writing and less time surfing Pinterest and Facebook. I am in serious need of self-discipline! 😉
TRC: Who or what has been the biggest influence in your life and why?
Candace: I would have to go with my husband. He is my rock. We have been together since I was 15 and he was 16, so we basically grew up together. Everything I do, I do with him in mind. He is my best friend and pushes me to be a better person and succeed in my dreams and I know that I will always have him in my corner.
TRC: Who is the first person you think about when you need someone to talk with and why?
Candace: I think about my husband and then my best friend Sonya. He really is my best friend. He knows what to say, how to calm me down or lift me up. He is wonderful and patient. And if he is working, then Sonya is always second. She is the bestest bestie.
TRC: Is there a question that you would like to be asked in an interview, but nobody has asked? If so, ask away!
Candace: Any that were on my list, you have taken care of. You are fantastic!
TRC: What five things would you like to accomplish in the next ten years?
Candace: 1. Travel outside of the US. 2. Become a bestseller. 3. Hold my novels in paperback. 4. Move into our first house. 5. Publish at least 10 to 20 novels.
TRC: What are your thoughts on book reviews-good or bad?
Candace: I like reviews, good and bad, so long as they aren’t cruel. I believe we all have a right to our own opinions and what may work for one person, may not for the other. This goes for every author. I take criticism and learn from it. The moment you stop learning, what is there to live for? Plus, we can’t please everyone.
TRC: On what are you currently working?

Candace: From the Embers, which is the final chapter in the trilogy. It’s almost complete and then it will be given my read-through and then sent to my publisher. I’m hoping to be finished by the end of March, so long as there isn’t any interruptions.
TRC: Would you like to add anything else?
Candace: I am looking for Street Team members. There is a tab on my blog for it. If anyone is interested, they can send me an email to go over the details. I have little experience with it so if anyone has any suggestions, they are more than welcome!
Favorite Food – Mexican
Favorite Dessert – Cheese (I don’t really eat sweets)
Favorite TV Show – Gah! I have to choose!? Vampire Diaries.
Last Movie You Saw – Paranormal Activity 4
Favorite Song – Battle of One by 30 Seconds to Mars
Dark or Milk Chocolate – White lol.
TRC: Thank you Candace for taking the time to answer our questions. Congratulations and all the best.
Candace: Thank you!!