Flame (Carmichael Family 5) by Adriana Locke-review tour

Flame (Carmichael Family 5) by Adriana Locke-review tour

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date November 20, 2023

RSVP to my Marriage of Convenience

I swore I would only get married if my life depended on it. Oh, the irony.

Many things have happened over the past few weeks that I didn’t see coming. My family imploded. Our business was turned upside down. And someone threatened to harm me if I didn’t make good on my father’s promises.

But the biggest thing I didn’t see coming?

Foxx Carmichael demanding marriage.

He’s doing it out of loyalty to my brother. I know that. But I can’t help but think if, through that deliciously hot, grumpy exterior, my bodyguard doesn’t have ulterior motives.

There’s no denying the fire in his touch or the heat in his blue eyes. He protects me with a ferocity that leaves me breathless. He makes me rethink many things I thought I knew for sure—like my position on marriage.

But how we dance around our fake relationship makes me wonder what part of this is pretend. None of it matters if he doesn’t admit he feels the same way.

Our sham wedding will fall apart as soon as the threat is contained. But what happens if the flames between us burn everything to the ground first?


REVIEW:Flame is the fifth installment of the Carmichael Family by Adriana Locke. Each book can be read as a standalone, and no real need is made in the story line to read them in any order. Fame is a traditional contemporary romance and marriage of convenience trope.

The plot and story is what I have come to expect with AL and the Carmichael family, however I think Flame was lacking … .sparks between the main leads. Foxx and Bianca have known each other for some time by the time we get their story, but it didn’t feel like there was much of a build up to them as a couple. Foxx was Bianca’s brother’s best friend as well and that I think played a part in the “slow get together”.

Foxx and Bianca work together, and when it comes to light that someone wants to hurt Bianca, Foxx is on the ball to protect her, and thus their romance begins. There wasn’t much chemistry between them in my opinion, and what there was felt forced, almost like a bad first date. Then when the marriage of convenience happens, they magically decide to act on their feelings.

Overall, I was a little disappointed in Flame, not what I have come to expect from this author. I love the Carmichael’s and was super excited for Foxx’s romance, but it just felt forced and rushed. For fellow AL fans, I’m sure you will like Bianca and Foxx.

Reading Order and Previous Reviews

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Reviewed by Sarah

USA Today bestselling author Adriana Locke lives and breathes books. After years of slightly obsessive relationships with the flawed bad boys dreamed up by other authors, she decided to create her own. She is the author of Tumble, the first novel in her Dogwood Lane series; the Exception series; the Gibson Brothers series; and the Landry Family series.

She resides in the Midwest with her husband, her sons, two dogs, two cats, and a bird. She spends a large amount of time playing with her kids, drinking coffee, and cooking. You can find her outside if the weather’s nice, and there’s always a piece of candy in her pocket. Besides cinnamon gummy bears, boxing, and random quotes, her next favorite thing is chatting with readers. She’d love to hear from you! Look for her at www.adrianalocke.com.

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Flaunt (Carmichael Family 4) by Adriana Locke-review tour

Flaunt (Carmichael Family 4) by Adriana Locke-review tour

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date June 2, 203

Looking for a Fake Fiancé
Have you ever wanted to prove someone wrong so badly that you could taste it?
It doesn’t matter if they’re right. The fact that they had the audacity to go there is what counts.
Hi. It’s me. I’m that person.
The man I’ve been casually seeing told me I’m not “wife material” and I should “lower my expectations.” Didn’t he realize I lowered them the moment I met him for dinner?
Obviously not.
Am I petty? Maybe. Annoyed? Of course. Determined? Definitely.
I need someone to help me flaunt my new engagement—my fiancé couldn’t wait to pop the question because I’m that amazing—in his face.
The problem? I don’t have a boyfriend, let alone a husband-to-be.
Which brings us to you.
Are you handsome? Successful? A smooth talker extraordinaire?
Are you willing to do all the things that someone madly in love would do?
Putting your hand on the small of my back. Forehead kissing. Acting like I’m a treasure you can’t live without. I need you to be prepared to do all those things … and maybe more.
What do you get out of this? I’m willing to negotiate terms—especially if they include a job and a place to stay. It’s a long story.
One night. One event. Let’s put on one heck of a show.


REVIEW:Flaunt is the next installment in the Carmichael series by Adriana Locke. For readers that haven’t read the series before, it is recommended to read the series in order. Flaunt can be read as a standalone, however, I am a firm believer that it benefits from the previous books. Flaunt is a contemporary romance without trigger warnings and an enemy to lovers’ story.

While reading the Carmichael series; Bank’s story was one that many readers (myself included) have been eager to read. His person was bound to be special, and special Sara is.

Banks is a bit like the class clown, funny and sweet, but a prankster that enjoys keeping the family on its toes. Honestly, he gave me golden retriever vibes for the majority of the book. When Sara is introduced to the story; let’s just say she isn’t in the best place in her life. Things are rapidly getting worse, with no end in sight; Sara is feeling backed in a corner. What should she do?

Banks doesn’t have the best first impression of Sara when they first meet. Sure, she’s attractive, but she is more orderly and quick to temper. Sara is never afraid to tell Banks just what she is thinking. When the 12th hour is near, and Sara finds herself in a bad spot, it is none other than Banks who steps in for the rescue. But does their new found relationship last after being put to the test?

I will say this until I can read no more, the Carmichael family is such a joy to read. Banks, Sara and the Carmichael clan are witty and funny, wrapped up in a crazing loving family. The spicy moments are passionate, and the characters memorable. ⅘ Stars!

Reading Order and Previous Reviews

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Reviewed by Sarah

USA Today bestselling author Adriana Locke lives and breathes books. After years of slightly obsessive relationships with the flawed bad boys dreamed up by other authors, she decided to create her own. She is the author of Tumble, the first novel in her Dogwood Lane series; the Exception series; the Gibson Brothers series; and the Landry Family series.

She resides in the Midwest with her husband, her sons, two dogs, two cats, and a bird. She spends a large amount of time playing with her kids, drinking coffee, and cooking. You can find her outside if the weather’s nice, and there’s always a piece of candy in her pocket. Besides cinnamon gummy bears, boxing, and random quotes, her next favorite thing is chatting with readers. She’d love to hear from you! Look for her at www.adrianalocke.com.

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Fluke (Carmichael Family 3) by Adriana Locke-review tour

Fluke (Carmichael Family 3) by Adriana Locke-review tour

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date April 10, 2023


I need a fake ex-husband.

Let me explain …

I may have let it slip to my new co-workers that I have an ex-husband. Now they’re fascinated with the details, specifically with him.

Why wouldn’t they be? He’s gorgeous, has exceptional skills in the bedroom, and is determined to win me back.

But there’s a problem. He doesn’t exist.

The bigger problem? I have to produce him to save my job.

This is where you come in.

I’m seeking someone to play a smitten ex-husband for two weeks. You’ll need to remember our love story—details matter when it comes to romance! Please be prepared to travel in-state at a moment’s notice. We may be in close proximity and sharing a bed may be required.

One more thing—kisses are essential for optics as necessary.

If this sounds interesting or, at the very least, entertaining, let me know.


Your Future Ex-Wife


REVIEW:The Carmichael family is back at it again and the next debacle is even funnier than the last. As always, I recommend reading a series in order, even more so for this author because she is amazing, Fluke however can be read as a standalone.

Ms. Addy teases us with Jess and Pippa in the previous books and now that his story is finally here, I’m so sad that it is over! Jess and Pippa are childhood friends, who like so many of us, grew apart as they got older. Jess has been half in love with Pippa for years, but because of her parents, Pippa is weary when it comes to relationships. When Pippa puts her foot in her mouth and finds that she now needs an ex-husband, she thinks the world is crashing down around her. Just when all hope is lost, Jess is there for a perfect moment to save her. When Jess offers to be this fake ex-husband, she is over the moon for the help. However, Jess has a few conditions of his own that she needs to meet.

Jess gives off such golden retriever vibes! He’s loyal, funny, kind and always willing to help others. Watching these two and their romance bloom was moving and warm. Pippa was interesting, the issues that her parents caused were heartbreaking and then later as she learns to love herself and really open her heart, well it was just amazing. Jess was like a balm and a shield, both she needed to really thrive. The Carmichaels are a loving, crazy bunch of brothers that readers are going to love.

Ps. Banks is a nut and I need that story!!!

Reading Order and Previous Reviews

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Reviewed by Sarah

USA Today bestselling author Adriana Locke lives and breathes books. After years of slightly obsessive relationships with the flawed bad boys dreamed up by other authors, she decided to create her own. She is the author of Tumble, the first novel in her Dogwood Lane series; the Exception series; the Gibson Brothers series; and the Landry Family series.

She resides in the Midwest with her husband, her sons, two dogs, two cats, and a bird. She spends a large amount of time playing with her kids, drinking coffee, and cooking. You can find her outside if the weather’s nice, and there’s always a piece of candy in her pocket. Besides cinnamon gummy bears, boxing, and random quotes, her next favorite thing is chatting with readers. She’d love to hear from you! Look for her at www.adrianalocke.com.

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Fling (Carmichael Family) by Adriana Locke-review tour

Fling (Carmichael Family) by Adriana Locke-review tour


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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date August 15, 2022

Subject: You up?
This is definitely a feeling cute, might want to delete later situation. But isn’t every message sent at two in the morning a precursor to regret?
By the way, I hope you read that subject line as the pun it was intended to be.
Okay, cutting to the chase—neither of us has an interest in cultivating an emotional connection with each other, right? You have your reasons, and I have mine. But none of that keeps us from nearly crossing the line from professional to personal every freaking day.
I mean, what was that almost kiss in the hallway this afternoon?
Something has to give. So this is me, giving in.
I can’t believe I’m suggesting this, but what if you and I had … a fling?
Just a short-lived non-romance. No pretending it will ever be more. We’ll avoid flowers and flirting and get to the f—you know what I mean.
That’s all either of us wants anyway.
Think about it. Let me know.
I’ll see you in the office in the morning.
Oh! One more thing—If you’re not into this, don’t ever mention you saw this email. I’ll pretend I never saw it either.
Okay. Bye.


REVIEW: I have NEVER wanted to kick a character in the bum so bad before! Only Addy would grace us with Maddox and Ashley, their friendship, their chemistry and then their love. Fling is a friends to lovers romance that brings all the swoon.

Maddox and Ashley are childhood friends, that is all they have ever been, no matter the jokes their friends and family may say. When Ashley returns home after breaking off her engagement, she decides to stay with friends and nurse her heartbreak. After all, her marriage is over, but she’s still taking the honeymoon she always dreamed of. She’s just doing it alone.

Or so she thought.

With Ashley’s two besties and his brothers in his ear, Maddox plays the little game they have set up for Ashley to have a “husband” on her honeymoon. And boy oh boy is Maddox the right guy for the job. Maddox has always been a love and leave them kinda guy, more respective, but still, not the guy you tie down. When he gets wind of what their friends are planning he is persuaded to join, after all this isn’t just any woman. It’s Ashley, the one girl he compares all others to, whether they have dated or not. He knows she’s special.

Once Ashley sees Maddox on her flight, she knows what her besties did, but having Maddox give her the low down was a whole new level of funny. After a pact to not get clingy and simply enjoy the trip, Ashley and Maddox land on sandy beaches and blue waters and do just that. They enjoy themselves. Little did they know that when they got back to the real world, things wouldn’t be the same. Once they returned home, and life fell back into a normal pace, Maddox does what he always does in relationships. He backs off, they both decide that they need to take a breather from one another. Both let fear take control. When Ashley’s ex makes a stumbling appearance back in her life, it forces Maddox to open his eyes and really take a look at the woman he has come to….love?

Back to my first statement, I have never wanted to kick someone in the bum so bad as I did Maddox! You can tell how much chemistry, compassion and friendship they have even before they start the sexy part of their relationship. I totally understood where Ashley was coming from with her heartbreak from her ex, but come on girl, open those eyes of yours and look around. Maddox had his own fears, and when he finally dealt with them, Ashley was there to help. These two were one of the best couples I have read in Addy’s series bar none, five stars!

Click HERE for Sarah’s review of FLIRT

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sarah

USA Today bestselling author Adriana Locke lives and breathes books. After years of slightly obsessive relationships with the flawed bad boys dreamed up by other authors, she decided to create her own. She is the author of Tumble, the first novel in her Dogwood Lane series; the Exception series; the Gibson Brothers series; and the Landry Family series.

She resides in the Midwest with her husband, her sons, two dogs, two cats, and a bird. She spends a large amount of time playing with her kids, drinking coffee, and cooking. You can find her outside if the weather’s nice, and there’s always a piece of candy in her pocket. Besides cinnamon gummy bears, boxing, and random quotes, her next favorite thing is chatting with readers. She’d love to hear from you! Look for her at www.adrianalocke.com.

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Flirt (Carmichael Family) by Adriana Locke-Review Tour

Flirt (Carmichael Family) by Adriana Locke-Review Tour



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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date April 8, 2022.


I’m a single female that’s tired of relationships ruining my life. However, there are times when a date would be helpful. If you’re a single man, preferably mid-twenties to late-thirties, and are in a similar situation, we might be a match.

Candidate must be handsome, charming, and willing to pretend to have feelings for me (on a sliding scale, as the event requires). Ability to discuss a wide variety of topics is a plus. Must have your own transportation and a (legal) job.

This will be a symbiotic agreement. In exchange for your time, I will give you mine. Need someone to flirt with you at a football party? Go, team! Want a woman to make you look good in front of your boss? Let me find my heels. Would you love for someone to be obsessed with you in front of your ex? I’m applying my red lipstick now.

If interested, please email me. Time is of the essence.



Flirt is the PERFECT title for this book. What a way to kick off the new series by the lovely Adriana Locke. The Carmichael’s have officially won number one spot as the coolest family series!

You want a book that is swoon worthy? This is it! Sweet, flirty chemistry and spicy hotness to boot, Brooke and Moss set the pages off with their story.

Okie dokie fellow readers, let’s get down to it. Flirt is a standalone, (for now) fake dating romance that leads to true love. Brooke and Moss are co-workers who make a deal to fake date one another to help each other out. Both have their own reasons as to why they don’t do relationships that later come to light, but it’s safe to say neither were ready for their dating to start feeling so real.

Flirt is so fun and well flirty, sweet and steamy with a small town feel and an amazing family attached. The banter, the pranks and yes even the drama make the story feel full and wholesome. The Carmichael’s series is going to be a new adventure that I can’t wait to sink my teeth into!

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sarah

USA Today bestselling author Adriana Locke lives and breathes books. After years of slightly obsessive relationships with the flawed bad boys dreamed up by other authors, she decided to create her own. She is the author of Tumble, the first novel in her Dogwood Lane series; the Exception series; the Gibson Brothers series; and the Landry Family series.

She resides in the Midwest with her husband, her sons, two dogs, two cats, and a bird. She spends a large amount of time playing with her kids, drinking coffee, and cooking. You can find her outside if the weather’s nice, and there’s always a piece of candy in her pocket. Besides cinnamon gummy bears, boxing, and random quotes, her next favorite thing is chatting with readers. She’d love to hear from you! Look for her awww.adrianalocke.com.

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