And Then There Was You by Nancy Naigle – a Review

And Then There Was You by Nancy Naigle – a Review


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Reeling after falling prey to a Romeo con-artist who just waltzed away with the better part of her belongings, Natalie Maynard works closely with the detective assigned to her case, only the few leads have led nowhere.

Detective Randy Fellowes can’t promise Natalie restitution, but he’s determined to find the culprit and serve up justice. Married to his work, he’s caught off guard when Natalie has his thoughts wandering to more than the case.

Natalie soon seeks refuge in the one thing she still owns ― an old fishing cabin in the mountains of Chestnut Ridge. She quickly falls in love with the town and the eccentric people who are teaching her so much about the area and its heritage.

Through these people, and the determination of Detective Fellowes, she rediscovers her courage, self, and a reason to risk love again.




And Then There Was You by Nance Naigle is the first book in her new Chestnut Ridge novel. We meet Natalie Maynard, our heroine, who is on her way home from a vacation with her boyfriend, who due to business, left a few days earlier.  To her shock, when she opens the door to her place, everything is gone; including her finances in the bank. When the police come, the detective in charge, gives her the bad news, that she has been scammed by professional conman, with losing everything.

Detective Randy Fellowes, our hero, explains what happen, and that he will do his best to find the culprit and help her receive justice; so far nothing has been found.  Natalie has to stay at her friend’s house, and decides to see refuge at a cabin her deceased husband owned, a fishing cabin in the mountains of Chestnut Ridge.  Upon arriving in Chestnut Ridge, she meets Orene, a sweet older lady, who offers Natalie a room for a couple of days, in order for her to fix up her new home. Orene learns that Natalie’s husband, who is deceased, was Jeremy, who was always part of Chestnut Ridge, and in a short time, everyone goes out of their way to welcome Natalie. 

The community has been wonderful and kind to Natalie, and she begins to love Chestnut Ridge, and the beautiful nature surrounding her cabin and town.  Natalie also does online card designs to make money, as well as using her nurse skills, to help those in need, for appointments, errands, etc.  She meets Paul Grandstaff, an elderly man, who she would take to doctors, groceries; but he never wanted her to know exactly where he lived, since he was very private.

Randy would constantly call Natalie about anything new; and she in turn, would travel to meet him over lunch and discuss any news.  In a short time, Natalie and Randy enjoy their visits, and soon they begin to have feelings; loved how Randy and Natalie were perfect for each other.

Randy gets a lead on the conman, who has also done another scam, and things are looking better for Natalie redeeming some of her finances. Paul Grandstaff, with help from Randy, will reveal a secret he has hidden for many years, and led to a wonderful ending.

And Then There Was You was a wonderful, delightful, sweet small-town romance. Nancy Naigle has written a fabulous story that was at times was heartbreaking, grief, hope and also filled with friendship and love.  I loved all the fantastic secondary characters, who all opened their hearts for Natalie. I wholly suggest you read this book, as it was a great read.

Reviewed by Barb

Copy provided by Publisher


