Not So Happily Ever After (British Bad Boys #3) by Christina Phillips-Review, Excerpt & Giveaway Tour

NOT SO HAPPILY EVER AFTER (British Bad Boys #3) by Christina Phillips-Review, Excerpt & Giveaway Tour

British Bad Boys #3
by Christine Phillips
Genre: adult, contemporary, romance
Release Date: November 19,2018 / / B&N / KOBO / Chapters Indigo / Google Play / iBooks

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date November 19, 2018

Two years ago, I accidentally, yeah maybe on purpose, crossed that line with my best friend and it ruined everything. I haven’t seen him much since.

But now he’s standing at my door.

Same lumberjack build. Same dark hair that begs my fingers to run through it. And then he gives me that half smile, and I know I’m about to agree to do something I’m going to regret.

I’ve got to spend two months with him now… and that’s not the worst part.


REVIEW: NOT SO HAPPILY EVER AFTER is the third instalment in Christina Phillips’ contemporary, adult BRITISH BAD BOYS romance series. This is investment banker Will Hamilton, and med student/artist Mackenzie Carter’s story line. NOT SO HAPPILY EVER AFTER can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story lines is revealed where necessary.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Mackenzie and Will) NOT SO HAPPILY EVER AFTER follows the friends to lovers, best friend’s little sister / friends with benefits relationship between investment banker Will Hamilton, and med student/artist Mackenzie Carter. Two years earlier Mackenzie Carter crossed the line with her brother’s best friend Will Hamilton, and in the resulting aftermath Mackenzie lost her best friend and the man that she loved when Will didn’t show up for her gallery showing. Fast forward two years wherein Mackenzie, now about to enter her third year at med school, struggles with her future direction including her ongoing attraction to the man that broke her heart. Enter Will Hamilton, Lucas Carter’s best friend, and the man with whom Mackenzie had fallen in love. What ensues is the friends to lovers, best friend’s little sister / friends with benefits relationship between Lucas and Mackenzie, and the potential fall-out as our couple keep secret their forbidden affair, as Mackenzie prepares to return to university, leaving a heart broken Will behind.

A promise to her dying mother meant Mackenzie Carter’s career had all but been procured by a university scholarship, but our heroine’s heart was destined for something else . Two years without her best friend, and the love of her life, pulled Mackenzie away from her art, and head long into her studies, studies she had no desire to continue or proceed. Will Hamilton has no idea why Mackenzie Carter pushed him away two years earlier but family obligations prevented Will from looking too closely, obligations that tied our hero to a job he no longer enjoyed.

The relationship between Will and Mackenzie is one of second chances, of a sorts, between former best friends who spent one glorious night together but the aftermath destroyed any hopes for a future. Mackenzie has never stopped loving the man who broke her heart but miscommunication, secrets, and family commitment meant Will and Mackenzie went their separate ways. The $ex scenes are intimate and seductive without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text.

There is a large ensemble cast of colorful secondary and supporting characters including Lucas and Violet (Once Upon a Player #2), Lucas’s friends Caleb, Harry and Alice (Cinderella and the Geek #1), Atomic Fire, boy band member Jake Myers, and their manager Jax; Lucas and Mackenzie’s father and his girlfriend Margo, and their friend Duke; as well as Will’s mother Cynthia, and her boyfriend Jeremy.

The world building follows several paths –from boy band melt-downs, to the lack of communication between parent and child, and the misunderstanding between former best friends. The multi-troped relationship between Will and Mackenzie has our couple treading a fine-line between secrets and lies, secrets they fear will break their family’s hearts.

NOT SO HAPPILY EVER AFTER is a story of family and friendships; secrets and lies; second chances, and startling revelations. The premise is engaging and energetic; the romance is emotional and encouraging; the characters are sexy and spirited. NOT SO HAPPILY EVER AFTER has a little bit of everything including romance and love; heart break and grief; humor and fun. I did have a small issue with the numerous thoughts and ‘asides’-we spend an inordinate amount of time inside the characters’ heads.

Reading order and Previous Reviews
Cinderella and the Geek
Once Upon a Player
Not so Happily Ever After

Copy supplied by Netgalley

Reviewed by Sandy

Copyright © 2018 by Christina Phillips. All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce, distribute, or transmit in any form or by any means. For information regarding subsidiary rights, please contact the Publisher.
Chapter One
I open the front door, ready to mock my best friend Brooklyn for turning up early for once. We’d planned to meet at the Portobello Road market in half an hour and spend the morning checking out the vintage jewelry, but the words lock in my throat as Will Hamilton gives me his bone-melting, knee-knocking smile.
“Hey, Mac.” His smoldering voice wraps around me like a velvet caress, setting off flutters in places that have no right fluttering. At least, not when it comes to Will, the guy I’ve known for most of my life, and who just so happens to be my brother Lucas’s best friend.
His close-cropped dark hair is a lot shorter than it used to be, and his deep brown eyes are still as annoyingly seductive as ever. I attempt to find fault with the stubble that darkens his jaw, but no such luck, as it’s sexy as hell and twice as addictive.
Against my better judgment, my gaze slides south. The rugby shirt he’s wearing is completely ordinary, but somehow it manages to enhance the rock-hard muscles of his spectacular chest.
It’s not spectacular.
Yes, it is.
For goodness sake stop drooling, Mac.
“Hi.” Frantically, I try to figure out why he’s here. But I don’t have a clue, when he knows Lucas is in Madrid.
A wary expression flashes over his face. “Didn’t Lucas phone you?”
“No.” Should I invite him in? I pull the door open a little wider, and after giving me a doubtful glance, he steps into the hall. “What’s my brother done now?”
“Nothing. He asked me to pick you up.”
Even my sarcastically wired brain can’t come up with an instant response to that. My blank gaze clearly tells him I don’t have the faintest idea what he’s talking about.
“Atomic Fire was in a bus crash,” he adds. “We need to go see them.”
“Ah, shit.” Atomic Fire is the hottest boy band, and Lucas and their manager are good friends. I first met them nearly a year ago, when they were one of the warm-up bands at a huge charity concert. They were the hit of the night, and Atomic Fire took off like a rocket.
They’re also the headline act for the charity event I’ve spent half the year organizing. My stomach churns, and I steel myself for bad news. “Are they hurt?”
“Just a few bruises, but Jake broke his leg.” Relief rushes through me that it’s not more serious. Not that broken bones are any fun, but at least they’re fixable. And it could’ve been a lot worse. Jake Myers is the lead singer—at least he didn’t damage his voice. “Surprised you didn’t know about it. It’s all over social media.”
“I haven’t been online today.” Now that I know the boys are out of danger, my brain races ahead. Four years ago, Lucas and his teammate, Jax, set up the Rainbow Star Foundation to help grant wishes to sick kids and raise money for children’s charities, and every year I’ve organized the Christmas fundraiser. Since Will’s also involved in the charity, him turning up on my doorstep now makes more sense. Except it doesn’t. Because there’s still three months until Christmas, which should give Jake enough time to recover.
Unless there’re some complications we don’t know about? God, I hope not.
I’ve no idea why my brother thought it was a good idea to send his best friend to let me know instead of a text message, but there must be a reason. “What’s the problem?”
“Jake’s convinced his career’s over. And that includes pulling out of the fundraiser. He’s not listening to the other guys in the band.”
Pulling out?
I don’t even want to think about it. And not just because of the logistics of trying to rejuggle everything. Atomic Fire’s fans will be gutted.
“We’re missing something here. Jake broke his leg. Why does he think his career’s over?”
“I don’t know. Lucas said the only one Jake’ll talk to about it is you.”
“All right.”
He raises his eyebrows in mock shock at my response. “Thought you were going to shoot the messenger. I would’ve bet on it.”
“Good job you didn’t, then.” The words are out before I even know it, and a warm glow fills my chest. I can hardly remember the last time we had a normal conversation—the way we used to, before things went sideways.
There’s still something I don’t get. “Why did Lucas phone you and not me?”
He shrugs as though it’s no big deal, but I get the strange feeling he’s embarrassed by my question. Which is intriguing.
“You know what he’s like. He doesn’t want you seeing Jake alone.”
I know my brother thinks Jake has a crush on me, and a few months ago he was a little pissed off at the way the rock star behaved with me. But hell, I can handle boys like him.
Will, not so much.
“Wait.” I cross my arms and try not to glare at him, because it’s not his fault. “Are you supposed to be my bodyguard or something?”
“Trust me. It wasn’t my idea. We both know you can wind Jake around your little finger without even trying. I’m just doing a favor for a mate.”
I’m not sure I like him assuming that about me, but it’s not like he’s being a dick. He’s just helping out Lucas. And while I don’t need a bodyguard, it’s not worth starting a fight about.
I don’t want to fight with him anymore.
“Okay, fine.” I flap my hand at him for emphasis, in the hope that’ll stop me from analyzing my accidental thought. Except it’s true. I wish we were friends again. But since we can’t turn back time, that’s never going to happen.
Time to move on, Mac. I’ll be twenty-two in a few weeks. I have to get over Will. Might as well start now.
Pretend he’s just another random friend of Lucas’s.
I give him what I hope is a friendly—but not too friendly—smile. “Your car or mine?”

I’d expected Mac to be pissed off when I turned up this morning, but she didn’t even give me a hard time over Lucas asking me to be her unofficial bodyguard. And what’s with the question? She never gives up the driving seat voluntarily, and I’m not just talking about cars. But since she asked… “Mine.”
“Sure.” She gives me a smile that knocks me speechless. “I’ll just grab my bag.”
I give an inarticulate grunt, which is all I can manage, as she picks up her keys from the Edwardian hall table before pulling her phone from her pocket and sending a text.
Her black hair’s in a plait that falls over her shoulder, there’s a gorgeous blush on her cheeks, and long, multi-colored earrings dangle from her ears.
Stop staring at her. But her deep blue eyes have always done stupid things to me.
“Ready?” She breezes by me, and I steel myself against the faint scent that lingers in the air, and I follow her outside.
As she locks the house, I open the passenger door for her. Growing up, I spent half my life here, and Lucas was more like the brother I never had than a best friend, and even his twin Harry accepted me right from the start.
She gives me a smile of thanks as she gets in the car. I shut the door, get in my side, and she fans her long skirt over the car seat before fastening the belt. She glances up and catches me watching her, but instead of an annoyed glare, she just gives me another smile.
“You okay?” I start the engine and pull into the road. For the last couple of years things have been weird between us, but ever since she opened the door, it’s like we dropped into an alternate reality.
“I’m fine. How are you?”
Are we having this conversation? Anyone would think we hardly know each other. “Feeling old.”
“Not surprised. Twenty-six is pushing it.”
Déjà vu shivers through me, and I shoot her another glance. It’s been ages since she used that mocking tone on me. I’ve missed this. “Where were you last week? I thought you’d be at Lucas’s.” He threw a big party in Madrid for my birthday and invited everyone we knew. Even Harry and Alice were there, and while Harry’s great, he’s also the most antisocial git I’ve ever met.
“Oh, university related stuff.”
“How’s that going?” Considering we used to be such good friends, this is something I should know. But I don’t have a clue, except for the fact she’s starting her third year at Oxford next month.
“Good,” she says, but there’s a strange, high pitch in her voice that scrapes along my nerves. “Really good. Yep.”
Obviously, she doesn’t want to talk about it. For some reason, I can’t let it go. “Still in the top five percent?” I toss her a grin. It’s an academic question. Pun intended. She was always top of her year at school, without even trying.
“Mm-hm.” She sounds like she’s swallowed a frog. “Maybe not quite the top five percent.”
“Tough course, huh?”
“You could say that.”
What isn’t she telling me?
What the fuck am I thinking? If she doesn’t want to talk about Uni, it’s none of my business. Besides, there’s something I’ve wanted to ask her for ages, but never got the chance. “Are you still doing your art?”
Funny, before she took the Oxford route, I thought she’d do something with her art, even though it was always an unspoken given in her family that she’d follow in her late mother’s academic footsteps.
“Not really. It’s just a hobby, and I don’t get a lot of free time now.”
“But there’s always time to party, right?” I sling her a smile, but her answering one is strained, as though the party scene isn’t as great as she’s always made out.
“Definitely,” she says, but it’s like it’s an automatic reflex, the expected answer to a question she’s been asked countless times over the last couple of years.
Am I losing it, or what? Why am I analyzing every bloody thing she says? She loves partying. Her first year seemed to consist of nothing but.
I can’t shift the feeling that I’m missing something obvious, though.
It’s not far from Notting Hill to the top London hospital where Jake and the boys are being treated. It’s a different one than was “accidentally” leaked to the press, so there are no panic-struck fans around, and after I park we make our way to the entrance. Mac’s scrolling through Atomic Fire’s social feed on her phone. “Bloody hell. It says here Jake’s throat is crushed.” She looks at me. “I thought he broke his leg.”
“I wouldn’t believe anything that’s online.”
“I guess.” She sounds doubtful. “But it makes sense if Jake thinks his career’s over, though, doesn’t it?”
“Baz isn’t an idiot.” Baz is their manager, and he’s well on the ball. “If it was that bad he would’ve called their insurers, not Lucas.”
“True,” she concedes. “I just can’t help thinking there must be something we don’t know, for Jake to be in such a state.”
I hold open the entrance door for her. Although her concern makes me question if Lucas forgot to tell me something vital, the urge to make her smile is strong. “Maybe he just wants to see you again.”
She gives a dramatic groan and shakes her head. “I can think of easier ways that don’t include having to break a major bone.”
“Yeah, well, you know Jake. He likes to make an impact.”
This time she smiles, and it’s damn hard not to bump my shoulder against hers the way I used to. Don’t push your luck, Will.
We make our way to the private wing, where a couple of beefy private security guards lurk. They take our details and attempt to confiscate our phones before muttering into their headsets, all the while eyeing us as though we’re a couple of spies for the paparazzi.
Baz appears halfway along the corridor, and we’re allowed through—phones, too. He gives Mac a hug and nods at me.
“How is everyone?” she says. “Lucas wasn’t very clear on the details.”
“The others were discharged this morning. So was Rafe, but he’s still trying to talk Jake round.”
“Not having much luck, then?” It’s rhetorical, since if Rafe had managed to change his younger brother’s mind, there would’ve been no need for Mac to turn up. She’s worked so hard on pulling this year’s fundraiser together, and securing Atomic Fire, just before their first single hit the top of the charts, was a stroke of genius. It can’t fall apart at this late stage.
Baz grunts. “He got it into his head he needs to see Mac. For Christ’s sake, just tell him he looks fucking fantastic, will you?”
“He did just break a leg, didn’t he?” She sounds worried and I take a step toward her. Not sure why. I hope she didn’t notice.
“Yeah.” Baz opens a door, and we follow him into the room. Rafe’s standing with his back to the window, his bandaged arms folded across his chest, and he gives us a nod in greeting. Jake’s on the bed, his left leg plastered, and in a pulley, and—
Is that a bath towel wrapped around his head?
“Jake, thank God you’re okay.” Mac goes over to the bed and takes his hand. His other hand is clutching the towel across his face, so only his eyes are visible. I shift my weight from one foot to the other and have no idea what to say. What’s happened to his fucking head?
“It’s all over, Mac.” His voice is muffled, and I glance at his brother and catch him gritting his teeth and glaring at the ceiling. What’s that all about? I know Jake can be melodramatic, but the poor bugger looks wrecked. “I can’t face anyone like this.”
“You’re doing great.” Her tone is soothing, and it shouldn’t surprise me. After all, this is what she’s working toward. Being a doctor, reassuring patients. This side of her has never struck me before, even though she’s as outgoing as Lucas. Maybe she wants to be hands-on when she’s got her degree, instead of going into research like her mum did, as I’ve always assumed she would.
“I look like Frankenstein’s monster.”
“You’re getting the best care, Jake. Your leg will be as good as new before you know it.”
Jake clutches her harder, and I step toward the bed. Not because she can’t take care of herself, or that I gave my word to Lucas to watch out for her. It’s because I have this crazy need to give her moral support.
Like she needs that from me, of all people?
Doesn’t matter. I brought her here. I’m responsible. That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it.


Facebook /Twitter /Goodreads /Amazon Author’s page

Christina Phillips is an ex-pat Brit who now lives in sunny Western Australia with her high school sweetheart and their family. She enjoys writing contemporary, historical and paranormal romance where the stories sizzle and the heroine brings her hero to his knees.

She is a multiple finalist in the 2012 – 2014 ARRA Awards for Favorite Erotic Romance, Favorite Contemporary Romance and Favorite Paranormal Romance. She has been published by Entangled Publishing, Tule Publishing, Harlequin Escape, Penguin/Berkley Heat and The Wild Rose Press, and is also indie published. She is a member of the Romance Writers of Australia and helped establish the inaugural Professional Development for Authors program, and has been a member of the editorial team for the RWA’s monthly newsletter, Hearts Talk. She loves hearing from her readers!

Christina is addicted to good coffee, expensive chocolate and bad boy heroes. She is also owned by three gorgeous cats who are convinced the universe revolves around their needs. They are not wrong.

To celebrate the release of NOT SO HAPPILY EVER AFTER by Christina Phillips, we’re giving away for a $25 Amazon gift card!


GIVEAWAY TERMS & CONDITIONS:  Open internationally. One winner will be chosen to receive a $25 Amazon gift card. This giveaway is administered by Pure Textuality PR on behalf of Entangled Publishing.  Giveaway ends 11/23/2018 @ 11:59pm EST. Entangled Publishing will send one winning prize, Pure Textuality PR will deliver the other. Limit one entry per reader and mailing address. Duplicates will be deleted.



Once Upon a Player (British Bad Boys #2) by Christina Phillips-Review, Excerpt & Giveaway Tour

ONCE UPON A PLAYER (British Bad Boys #2) by Christina Phillips-Review, Excerpt & Giveaway tour


British Bad Boys #2
by Christina Phillips
Release Date: July 13, 2018
Genre: adult, contemporary , romance / / B&N / KOBO / ibooks / Google Play

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date July 13, 2018


When my mum gets sick, I volunteer to fill in for her and clean some hot jock’s penthouse. I’ve heard all the rumors about him, so the plan is get in, clean some toilet bowls, and get out. After my last experience with a “sports hero,” I’m done with that sort of guy.

But Lucas Carter is full of surprises. He wants to help me clean and is nothing like the toad the press has made him out to be. Resistance may be futile for some girls, but not me. Then he asks me to help him with the interior design of his new place. I can’t say, no. It’s going to look great on my resume.

Unfortunately, spending time with Lucas is dangerous. He’s so charming and sweet, but I can’t let myself forget––once a player, always a player.


REVIEW: ONCE UPON A PLAYER is the second instalment in Christina Phillips’ contemporary, adult BRITISH BAD BOYS romance series. This is British footballer Lucas Carter, and interior design student Violet Henderson’s story line. ONCE UPON A PLAYER can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story line is revealed where necessary. Lucas Carter is the twin brother of Harry Carter-Cinderella and the Geek-book one.

Told from dual first person points of view (Lucas and Violet) ONCE UPON A PLAYER follow the building relationship between British footballer Lucas Carter, and interior design student Violet Henderson. Lucas Carter is on medical leave following a potential career ending injury but an out of control party at his new penthouse finds Lucas face to face with his new house cleaner-Violet Henderson- the woman with whom Lucas will fall in love. When Violet’s mother takes ill, our heroine steps in to help with her mother’s contracted cleaning service never expecting to meet her teenage crush in the guise of Lucas Carter. What ensues is the friends with benefits/no strings attached relationship between Lucas and Violet, and the potential fall-out as misunderstanding and miscommunication force Violet to walk away from the man with whom she is falling in love.

Violet Henderson is an interior design student but works several jobs in an attempt to pay her way. Meeting Lucas Carter brings with it memories of her ex Geoff Hawthorne-Douglas, a footballer himself , who humiliated and betrayed our story line heroine. For all of Lucas Carter’s strengths, popularity and fame, our hero battles issues of self-esteem in the face of his twin brother’s successes in life. The brawn to the brain, Lucas believes he doesn’t measure up to his family’s high standards of education and fame. Lucas’ vulnerability and Violet’s insecurities make for some mistaken beliefs and heart breaking misunderstandings.

The relationship between Lucas and Violet is one of immediate attraction but Violet battles memories from the past, and the devastating humiliation she endured at the hands of her former boyfriend. With Violet’s refusal to date professional footballers, Lucas makes Violet an offer she cannot refuse. The $ex scenes are intimate and passionate without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text.

There is a large ensemble cast of colorful secondary and supporting characters including Violet’s parents, and her best friend Katie; Lucas’ brother Harry and his girlfriend Alice, and their sister Mackenzie; Lucas’ friends Will, Caleb, and sometimes plus-one Yolanda; and an assortment of ex-girlfriends who may or may not add fodder to Lucas and Violet’s tremulous relationship.

ONCE UPON A PLAYER is a sweet and sexy story. The premise is engaging, entertaining and spirited; the characters are sassy and moving; the romance is spicy and captivating. ONCE UPON A PLAYER is an energetic and heart warming story.

Copy supplied by Netgalley

Reviewed by Sandy



“D’you have a business card?”“What?” The word blurts out before I can stop it, and his grin doesn’t help, since it’s now obvious he knows I thought he wasn’t serious.

He wasn’t serious about wanting my help. Was he?

“I need your number to contact you for when I need your expertise.”

“Does that line ever work?”

“It’s the first time I’ve used it. You tell me.”

Stop flirting, Vi. Except, even though it’s a bad idea on so many levels, I haven’t had so much fun in ages. Which says a lot about my self-imposed exile from the human race, but whatever. The truth is it’s a relief to discover I haven’t totally lost my touch when it comes to guys.

“Honestly? It’s a bit dodgy.”

“I’ve never been accused of being dodgy before.”

“First time for everything.”

“I’m not asking for any special favors. I’ll pay the going rate.”

I’m smiling at him like a smitten groupie, but it’s impossible not to. “You’re funny. I’m not even qualified yet. If I do agree to help you out, all I’d ask in return is a release to use photos, and a testimonial.”

If you don’t ask, you don’t get…

“Deal.” He sticks out his hand, and after a second’s hesitation, when every warning bell clangs in my head that touching Lucas Carter is the worst idea ever, I cave, and his fingers wrap around mine. They’re warm, strong, and slightly callused, and I forget how to breathe.

Yep. Worst idea ever. I need to break contact, but it’s like I’m totally paralyzed, and Lucas doesn’t appear inclined to reclaim his hand any time soon, either.

I clear my throat, which shatters the spell and our connection. I resist the urge to flex my fingers since there’s no way I’m letting him know just how much his touch affected me.

“You’re going to make me ask again, aren’t you?”

I’ve no idea what he’s talking about, but right now that’s a secondary concern because I’ve just agreed to help Lucas freaking Carter redesign his penthouse. Holy shit.

Stop hyperventilating.

Luckily my brain kicks back into gear before he jumps to the conclusion I’m completely flakey. “My number, right. Okay.”

Before I have the chance to rummage for pen and paper in my bag, he hands me his phone. “Here you go.”

It’s a surreal moment as I add my number to his contacts. And so he never looks at my name and thinks, Who the hell? I add “Interior Designer,” and pride surges through me. I might not be qualified yet, but I only have one more year until I am. Having a big name like Lucas in my portfolio sure won’t be a disadvantage.

And then reality hits me, and I can’t believe I’m so flipping gullible. “Are you serious about this? Or is it just some kind of ruse to get my number?”

That didn’t come out right. But I can’t explain what I mean without digging myself further into a hole, and as if I don’t feel bad enough, my face starts to burn.

Well, fuck.

“It’s totally a ruse to get your number.” He’s laughing, and I’m not sure whether it’s because he’s trying to take his phone and I have a death grip on the bloody thing, or because he finds the fact I needed to ask the question in the first place hilarious. Did I really think he was nice? “And I’m deadly serious about needing your help.”



Christina Phillips is an ex-pat Brit who now lives in sunny Western Australia with her high school sweetheart and their family. She enjoys writing contemporary, historical and paranormal romance where the stories sizzle and the heroine brings her hero to his knees.

She is a multiple finalist in the 2012 – 2014 ARRA Awards for Favorite Erotic Romance, Favorite Contemporary Romance and Favorite Paranormal Romance. She has been published by Entangled Publishing, Tule Publishing, Harlequin Escape, Penguin/Berkley Heat and The Wild Rose Press, and is also indie published. She is a member of the Romance Writers of Australia and helped establish the inaugural Professional Development for Authors program, and has been a member of the editorial team for the RWA’s monthly newsletter, Hearts Talk. She loves hearing from her readers!

Christina is addicted to good coffee, expensive chocolate and bad boy heroes. She is also owned by three gorgeous cats who are convinced the universe revolves around their needs. They are not wrong.






NOTE: The Reading Cafe is NOT responsible for the rafflecopter giveaway. If you have any questions, please contact the tour provider.


Burned (Viking Bastards MC #3) by Christina Phillips-a review

BURNED (Viking Bastards #3) by Christina Phillips-a review / / B&N / KOBO / Chapters Indigo / Google Play

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date April 16, 2018


Ten years ago I offered her everything, and she threw it back in my face. When she walked, I vowed no other woman would ever screw with my head the way she did. I moved on. Now I’m the V.P. of the Bastards, run my own nightclub, and nameless sex keeps me sane. No commitment or ties, just the way I like it.

Now she’s back, for one week only, gorgeous, successful, and I can’t keep away. She offers a long goodbye, a way to heal our fractured past. She burned me so bad––there’s no way I should even want to be near her. But the more she gives, the more I need. Until I discover the real reason she left, and my whole damn world implodes.


REVIEW: BURNED is the third instalment in Christina Phillips’ contemporary, adult VIKING BASTARDS erotic, MC, romance story line. This is attorney Jasmine ‘Jas’ O’Brien, and Viking Bastards’ MC vice president Tyler ‘Ty’ Jenson’s story line. BURNED can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story lines is revealed where necessary.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Ty and Jas) BURNED follows the rekindling romance between twenty-seven year old Florida attorney Jasmine ‘Jas’ O’Brien, and thirty-year old Viking Bastards MC vice president Tyler ‘Ty’ Jenson. Ten years earlier, a then seventeen year-old Jasmine O’Brien disappeared without a trace, leaving a heart broken and reeling Tyler Jenson in her wake. Fast forward to present day, wherein a more hardened and mature Jasmine O’Brien returns to LA to bury her mother, a woman she hasn’t seen in close to ten years. Rekindling her relationship with the only man she has ever loved was never in the plans, but plans are meant to be broken. What ensues is the rekindling relationship and romance between Ty and Jas, and the potential fallout as Jas prepares to return to Florida; and Ty discovers the truth about Jas’s disappearance, years before.

Jasmine O’Brien’s return to LA came with too many memories of the past for both of our leading characters. Tyler Jenson struggled to forget the woman he would always love but ten years without Jas meant their second chance relationship came with unresolved anger and emotional issues. Jasmine hated the secrets that led to her escape ten years earlier, secrets that would have destroyed Ty, and the ‘family’ he loved.

The relationship between Ty and Jas is one of second chances; a rekindling between two people torn apart by demons of the past, a past mired in secrets, betrayal, loss and pain. The $ex scenes are numerous, intense, erotic and aggressive- the unrestrained and angry sexual situations are countered by the knowledge that ten years of unanswered questions had yet to be resolved.

We are reintroduced to several members of the Viking Bastards MC including Zach and Grace (Hooked # 1), and Gage and Amelia (Payback #2), as well as Ty’s parents Angie and Jett Jenson.

BURNED is a story of loss, deception, secrets and heartbreak. The world building follows the rekindling relationship and the ever-present sexual tension between our leading couple, as the MC took a backseat to the second chance romance. The premise is dramatic; the romance is dark, edgy and intense; the characters are broken and energetic. BURNED is a dramatic and intense look at two people who have struggled to remove on from the past.

Reading Order and Previous Reviews

Copy supplied by Netgalley

Reviewed by Sandy


Payback (Viking Bastards MC #2) by Christina Phillips-a review

PAYBACK (Viking Bastards MC #2) by Christina Phillips-a review

Payback / / B&N / KOBO / BAM /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date May 1, 2017


I don’t f*ck girls who work for me, but as soon as Amelia turns those big green eyes on me I know she’s trouble. I can’t keep my hands off her, and the almost-but-not-quite-sex we share in the kitchen is the hottest thing I’ve ever had. Except she calls it quits, before we’ve even started.

Instead of moving on, she’s all I can think about and that’s bad news. I’m breaking all my rules for her, and don’t even care.

Until I find out who she is and what she really wants. She’s after payback, but there’s no way she’s going to get it. No way in hell…


REVIEW: PAYBACK is the second installment in Christina Phillips’ contemporary, adult VIKING BASTARDS MC erotic, romance series focusing on the men and women of the Viking Bastards MC. This is MC member and bar owner Gage Reynolds, and waitress/romance novelist Amelia Davis-Crane’s story line. PAYBACK can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story line is revealed where necessary.

Told from dual first person points of view (Gage and Amelia) PAYBACK follows waitress and romance writer Amelia Davis-Crane as she plots revenge against the MC that destroyed her life and sent her family in to hiding. Years earlier, Amelia’s father, a member of the Silver Wolve’s MC was killed in prison by a member of the Viking Bastards MC, and our heroine is determined to make them pay. When someone from the past demands Amelia ferret out some information about the Viking Bastards MC, Amelia finds herself working for the very man she is hoping to take down. Enter Gage Reynolds, Odin’s bar owner and member of the Viking Bastards MC, and the man with whom Amelia will fall in love. What ensues is the building relationship between Gage and Amelia, and the fall out when the truth is finally revealed.

Amelia Davis only knows what her mother has told her about the man she once worshipped-Hank Crane, an MC enforcer, was imprisoned to protect the Silver Wolves MC and lost his life at the hands of a Viking Bastard member. On the run, and unaware that the family had moved into enemy territory, Amelia plots revenge against the son of the man who destroyed her father’s life.

Gage Reynolds doesn’t do relationship; his reputation as a ‘manwhore’ precedes his introduction to our story line heroine but something about Amelia calls to Gage’s heart. Amelia refuses to give into her attraction to our leading hero, and in this, Gage is determined to win Amelia over with something more than a one-night stand. The $ex scenes are intimate and intense. Gage likes to talk dirty in the bedroom.

The world building focuses on Amelia’s need for revenge but secrets, lies, and a vendetta from the past destroy Amelia’s relationship with the man that she loves, and forces Gage to push away the woman that calls to his heart.

We are introduced to a number of the Viking Bastards MC including the reappearance of Gage’s brother –Zach Reynolds (Hooked #1), their sister Kat, and cousin Tod. The requisite evil is a member of the Silver Wolves who uses our story line heroine to destroy the rival MC.

PAYBACK is a story of secrets, lies, betrayal and revenge. There are moments of romance and love; hurt and sorrow; forgiveness and moving on from the past. The premise is revealing; the characters are spirited and flawed; the romance is sexy and spicy. Once again, like in the first book HOOKED, I was hoping for a little more grit, danger, and conflict but the premise focuses on the relationship and reveals very little about the Viking Bastards MC and their current work and struggles.

Click HERE for Sandy’s review of book one-HOOKED

Copy supplied by the publisher through Netgalley

Reviewed by Sandy


Hooked (Viking Bastards #1) by Christina Phillips-a review

HOOKED (Viking Bastards #1) by Christina Phillips-a review

Hooked / / B&N / KOBO / BAM /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date February 6, 2017


I like my sex dirty and disposable. I’m not into commitment or chicks who want more than one night. My brothers and club come first, second and last.

Until she walks into my life. Classy, rich and so out of my league it’s crazy. A week together should get her out of my system, but this good girl is so bad when we’re all alone and I can’t get enough of her.

I don’t do forever, but she’s hooked me so bad I don’t ever want to let her go. Except there’s no way a princess can live in my world and I sure as hell won’t live in hers..


REVIEW: HOOKED is the first installment in Christina Phillips’s contemporary, adult VIKING BASTARDS erotic, romance series focusing on the members of the Viking Bastards MC. This is MC member Zach Reynolds, and HR specialist Grace Mulholland’s story line.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Zach and Grace) HOOKED focuses on the unlikely relationship between mechanic Zach Reynolds- a member of the Vikings Bastards MC, and HR specialist Grace Mulholland. Grace finds herself in a predicament when her car breaks down and her cell phone is dead. Walking into Odin’s – a seedy, rundown biker bar- finds our heroine going outside of her comfort zone and offering whatever it takes to the man in charge. Enter third generation MC member Zach Reynolds-a tattooed biker who demands everything from Grace and more. What ensues is the quick building relationship between two people from opposite sides of the track.

HOOKED is a story of erotica; a sexually, uninhibited look at one woman’s journey into the dark and dangerous world of the MC, and one man’s struggle to keep from falling for the ‘princess’ that calls to his heart. Like most MC story lines there is plenty of $ex and sexual situations but there is very little known about the Club and its members- the Club and everything it represents is secondary to the story line premise.

We are introduced to Zach’s sister Kat, and their brother Gage; tattooist and MC member Cade, as well as Grace’s sister Charity. The premise is entertaining and intoxicating; the characters are spirited and dynamic; the romance is passionate and erotic. The conflict is limited to Zach’s inability to accept anything beyond a one-night stand; any angst is brought about by demons from Zach’s past. I was hoping for a little more grit , danger and conflict but as an introductory story line HOOKED had me hooked from the very start.

Copy supplied by Netgalley

Reviewed by Sandy
