Damned (Magnus Blackwell #1) by Alexandrea Weis: Review, Excerpt Tour & Giveaway

DAMNED (Magnus Blackwell #1) by Alexandrea Weis and Lucas Astor-Review, Excerpt and Giveaway

Damned Release Banner

Magnus Blackwell #1
by Alexandrea Weis with Lucas Astor
Release Date: October 3, 2017
Genre: adult, paranormal,


Amazon.com / Amazon.ca /Amazon.uk / B&N / KOBO / ibooks /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date October 3, 2017

Over a hundred years after the death of Magnus Blackwell, Altmover Manor sits abandoned.

Lexie Arden and her fiancé, Will Bennett, are determined to rescue the neglected Mount Desert Island landmark. They want to make Altmover Manor their home. But Magnus has other plans.

A spirit bound to his former residence, Magnus finds himself inexplicably drawn to the young woman. She has a supernatural gift; a gift Magnus wants to exploit.

As Lexie and Will settle in, secrets from Magnus’s past begin to surface. Compelled to learn all she can about the former owner, Lexie becomes immersed in a world of voodoo, curses, and the whereabouts of a mysterious dragon cane.

Magnus’s crimes won’t be so easily forgotten, and what Lexie unearths is going to change the future … for everyone.


REVIEW: DAMNED by Alexandrea Weis with Lucas Astor is the continuing story of Magnus Blackwell, a Victorian era gentleman whose spirit has been cursed to his beloved Altmover Manor in Maine. The new owners, Lexie Arden and her fiancé Will Bennett are determined to renovate Altmover Manor to its’ original glory but the building’s fabled history of hauntings and ghosts becomes the focus of our heroine when two spirits from the past battle for Lexie’s attention and help. Enter Magnus Blackwell, the former owner of Altmover Manor, and the ghost who will mentor our heroine through a world of the supernatural, voodoo priestesses and curses, magic, murder, power and revenge.

NOTE: Although listed as book one in the series, DAMNED is technically book two. For background and history about Magnus Blackwell pick up a copy of BLACKWELL (Magnus Blackwell .5) before venturing into the territory of the DAMNED.

DAMNED is a story of the paranormal; an intriguing thriller where the ghost of Magnus Blackwell is caught between the past and present; cursed to serve time for the sins of the past. Lexie Arden has the ability to see and speak with the spirits but there is more to our heroine than a reluctant medium-she’s a woman whose growing powers are seen as a threat to those in charge. From Boston to New Orleans Lexie, along with her ghostly companion, will go in search of a mysterious dragon cane that will change our heroine’s life forever.

Fans of Alexandrea Weis will recognize the author’s love of New Orleans, ghosts and the power of voodoo from many of her previous story lines including the Corde Noire Series, The Ghosts of Rue Domaine, and The Satyr’s Curse Series. DAMNED will explore the cult religion of voodoo-the power, the magic, the belief system and the rituals-all meant to pull the reader into a fantasy tale of ghosts caught in the ether between the ’then and now’, and the one woman whose gift of talking to the spirits is only the beginning of a magical journey. The world building is phenomenal; the sights and sounds of New Orleans are palpable; the mystery of the restless spirits continues to unfold.

Alexandrea Weis and Lucas Astor’s DAMNED is a fantastic journey; a well –written, dark and spirited story that will captivate the imagination with its’ passionate characters and vivid imagery.

Click HERE for Sandy’s review of BLACKWELL

BLACKWELL purchase links: Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / B&N / KOBO / BAM /

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

Damned Teaser


Excerpt beige

A thin layer of mist covered the foyer floor as the lotus sconces glowed with an eerie light. Lexie wore a formal white gown, woven with lace and gold ribbons. The dress harkened back to a long-ago era. She didn’t recall putting on the outfit or where she had gotten it.
She ran her hands ran over the smooth silk and played with the lace on her sleeves.
“This is weird.”
The grand chandelier came to life, filling the foyer with its bright light. Ethereal music wafted through the house. Lexie swore she recognized the piece—a waltz. The music got louder; embedded in the notes was the distant murmur of conversation and glasses tinkling.
Lexie moved toward the sounds, stopping along the way to admire the home. The dull and drab foyer, once ravaged by time, blossomed before her as if magically restored. The golden wallpaper glistened in the candlelight, and the tears in the material came together as the dusty hardwood floors took on a dazzling shine. The chandelier appeared new, its chain covered with red velvet rope.
She made her way to the staircase where the red dragon’s eyes at the base of the banister glowed. Her fingers caressed the colored glass, and she raised her head to the massive chandelier. The light fixture swayed.
Terrified, Lexie took off running down the hallway. Her flight halted as long, flowing, multi-colored gowns, intermingled with black tuxedos with long tails, sprung up around her. Couples caught up in the frenzy of the waltz kept time with the music, but these dancers had no hands and no heads. They were nothing more than costumes inhabited by ghosts.
“They’ve outdone themselves. Quite an event,” a haughty man’s voice came from the flurry of twirling clothes.
“Have you seen Katherine’s dress?” a woman twittered. “He imported it from Paris for their anniversary.”
Lexie carefully maneuvered through the swirling apparel, anxious not to disturb them.
“I never thought they’d last the year,” another man said. “They’re so ill-suited.”
“Well, I’ve discovered the most scandalous things about Magnus Blackwell and the lurid things he likes to do with women,” a woman remarked. “Do you think they’re true?”
Eager to get away from the creepy dancing garments, Lexie ducked into the closest room. She slid inside a set of shiny double oak doors and closed them behind her. Resting her pounding head against the wood, she relaxed.
“This is a bad dream. Nothing more.”
When she turned from the doors, Lexie had somehow arrived in the living room. But unlike before, the room had rich furniture, the polished paneling gleamed, and an oriental carpet with a green dragon graced the center of the parquet floor.
By the entrance, she toed the same spot where she’d found the deep gouge, but it wasn’t there.
The bloom of a roaring fire in the hearth commanded her attention, drawing her gaze to Magnus Blackwell’s portrait. Lexie stared at the painting. Something changed with the colors. They morphed and moved as if taking on a shape.
A voice emanated from inside the painting; a man’s voice.
“I’ve been waiting for you, dear girl.”

About The Author beigealexandrea-weis1

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From New Orleans, Alexandrea Weis was raised in the motion picture industry and began writing stories at the age of eight. In college she studied nursing and went on to teach at a local university. After several years in the medical field, she decided to pick up the pen once again and began her first novel, To My Senses. Since that time she has published many novels. Infusing the rich tapestry of her hometown into her award-winning books, she believes that creating vivid characters makes a story memorable. Her work has been critically acclaimed and has been continually growing in popularity.

Alexandrea Weis is also a certified/permitted wildlife rehabber with the La. Wildlife and Fisheries. When she is not writing, she rescues orphaned and injured wildlife. She is married; they live in New Orleans .

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NOTE: The Reading Cafe is NOT responsible for the rafflecopter giveaway. If you have any questions, please contact the tour provider.

Enticing Journey
