DANGEROUS TIDES by Christine Feehan – Reviewed by Xtina R.

The story begins with Drew Madison, who is a terminally ill leukemia patient who attempts suicide by jumping off the cliff. He does not die but is gravely injured and needs to be rescued. Tyson and the team of firefighters have to rescue Drew Madison with the helicopter and Tyson is the one who has to go down the rope to rescue him. Something goes wrong in the middle of the rescue and the rope breaks leaving Tyson to fall and in critical and near death condition. Libby finished up a shift in the hospital and is on her way, leaving for the day. While she hears of Drew Madison, she also hears about Tyson’s fall. Libby feels extremely compelled to heal Tyson at the cost to herself and her sisters.
From here the story goes into full swing. Libby is sick and disoriented from healing Tyson while her sisters try to help her find her way out of the hospital. Irene, Drew’s mother, assaults Libby with her purse because she is blaming Libby and her sisters for what happened to Drew while Elle rushes in, and wreaks havoc on Irene for assaulting Libby.
I thought this scene was super cool because it give you a glimpse of how powerful and frightening are Elle’s powers , as the seventh daughter who carries the legacy to bring in the next generation. This scene was also special to me because it shows me how much the Drake sisters really have each other’s back; that they were trying to help Libby; along with Elle standing up for Libby when Libby wasn’t in the position to do so. As much as all of the sisters are close and love each other, it is easy to see that Libby and Elle are quite close. You also catch a glimpse at how close they are in Oceans of Fire, when Libby tries to heal both Abby and Aleksandr. I like Libby and Elle’s relationship because quite frankly, it resembles, me and my sister’s relationship back in the day.
In the first 3 books, the men are not psychically gifted, but are quick to believe the magi the Drake sisters can wield. Tyson is another story, where he actually thinks the Drake sisters are con artists. One of my favorite scenes occurs when Libby and her sisters are using their magic in front of him in their house. Af first, Tyson tries to find out how some of the things are done, but then LIbby gets angry and tries to show Tyson that she can really heal. After a funny scuffle with Tyson and Libby, Tyson finally believes her and realizes that she was healing him as he was recovering from his injuries. Also, while Damon, Matt and Aleksandr have an easy time being accepted in the Drake family, Sarah is a little slow to warm up to Tyson.
Aside from my favorite passages of the book, there are the love scenes. I kind of felt like the love scenes were a little on the ‘soft core’ side, but I still enjoy the scenes nonetheless. The first love scene takes places in the house Tyson bought Libby which is described as gorgeous. A mansion that is all glass with a beautiful garden, I mean I can imagine the house to be breath taking. Tyson, who is socially awkward sure can have his thoughtful sides. Because Tyson is a scientist and can get caught up in his research, he has a tendency to stand Libby up. Despite Tyson’s shortcomings, he knows how to make Libby feel beautiful, sexy and cherished. Libby looks at herself like a ‘plain Jane’, next to her sisters. I have a feeling, that how Libby feels, can be related to some to be different from your group friends or to feel like a ‘plain Jane’ in a group of beautiful friends.
Tyson and Libby made such a lovely match. They both have a love for science and they just remind me of the cute, geeky couple. It is also a nice compliment that Libby is a doctor and Tyson is a biochemist for pharmaceuticals. Libby is a compassionate and selfless woman but has a shortcoming for being unable to say no, while Tyson is very intelligent and extremely loyal, but is socially awkward. Tyson is able to say no for Libby when she can’t, while Libby is compassionate and understanding of his awkward nature even when his cousin loses patience with Tyson.
This is still my undisputed favorite Drake sister book, because I see myself in Libby so much. I love that this story brings on many relatable feelings out of the readers, in the way that a ‘plain Jane’, quiet and maybe the insecure girl can find and love and feel desired. Also, that even people who feel like a misfit like Tyson can also find love and that such people can find their match. The book contained suspense that keeps the reader on their toes but cutting love scenes that take your breath away.