💚JADED RED (RBMC: Los Angeles Chapter 7) by J. Lynn Lombard💚
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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date July 9, 2024
Jaded Red
I’m Matthew “Red” Phillips, and I serve as the tech expert for L.A. Chapter of the Royal Bastards MC. Even the most notorious hackers pale in comparison to my skills. The reason for that is they got caught while I didn’t.
The world is mine to control, and the dark web is where I thrive. Locating anyone, anywhere and their last meal is something I’m capable of. I can handle anything except one thing. One incident years ago changed my life forever. It hardened my heart and I swore I would never love again.
I’ve kept that promise for the last ten years. Now a small, sexy wisp of a woman has my head all over the place, making me experience emotions I never wanted to feel again. She will either be the death of me or my saving grace.
REVIEW: JADED RED is the seventh instalment in J. Lynn Lombard’s contemporary, adult RBMC: LOS ANGELES CHAPTER erotic, MC romance series, a part of the multi-authored RBMC series. This is IT tech Matthew ‘Red’ Phillips, and Nadia Ryan’s story line. JADED RED can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story lines is revealed where necessary. Nadia is best friend with Kenzi (Aftermath’s Exposure 6)
NOTE: Due to the nature do the story line premise, there WILL BE triggers for more sensitive readers.
Told from dual first person perspectives (Red and Nadia) JADED RED follows in the wake of the disappearance of Nadia Ryan. For several months Matthew ‘Red’ Phillips was in a relationship with dancer Nadia Ryan but Nadia’s disappearance is something Red has kept secret in the wake of his position with the RBMC. Struggling with the truth, and Nadia’s connection to the club, Red must come clean in the hopes of finding the woman with whom he will fall in love. As the RBMC search for our story line heroine, Nadia’s past returns, pushing Red to the edge of his already tightly strung sanity. What ensues is the search and rescue of Nadia Ryan, and the fall-out as Nadia’s captors demand payback for what they lost.
The world building focuses on the search and rescue of Nadia Ryan; Matthew Phillips’ heart break and resulting aftermath from the past; and the take down of a human trafficking ring that has set up near the RBMC territory.
The relationship between Matthew and Nadia began months before; a secret relationship of which the RBMC had no knowledge, and one in which Matthew’s ongoing guilt threatened any possibility of a happily ever after. Recovering from her ordeal, Nadia will find herself under the protection of the Los Angels chapter of the RBMC, and into the arms of the man with whom she had fallen in love. The $ex scenes are intimate and passionate.
Once again, there is a large ensemble cast of colorful and familiar secondary and supporting characters including all of the members of the RBMC: Los Angeles Chapter; Nadia’s brother Nolan and his wife Ashley, found in the author’s TORQUE (Racing Series 2) as well as Krimson and Kayne from the author’s Savage Saints MC. We are introduced to survivors Exleigh, and Syvannah. The requisite evil has many faces.
JADED RED is a story of secrets and lies, betrayal and vengeance, power and control, family and friendships, acceptance and love. The character driven premise is dark, gritty and dramatic; the romance is seductive ; the characters are desperate and headstrong.
Click HERE for Sandy’s review of DERANGE’S DESTRUCTION
Copy supplied for review
Reviewed by Sandy
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Wife and mother of two who are very active in soccer, basketball and football. When I’m not cheering them on (OK, yelling my heart out and embarrassing the heck out of them) from the sidelines or bleachers with my husband, you’ll find me writing, reading, running (when the weather is warm) or riding on the back of my husband’s Harley.
I was born and raised in Central New York where most of my family still reside in a small town between two mountains. I moved to Michigan back in 2001 where I met the love of my life, my husband, whom I’ve been married to since 2004. My favorite food is anything pasta, but bacon goes with everything.