JADED RED (RBMC: Los Angeles Chapter 7) by J. Lynn Lombard-review

💚JADED RED (RBMC: Los Angeles Chapter 7) by J. Lynn Lombard💚

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date July 9, 2024

Jaded Red

I’m Matthew “Red” Phillips, and I serve as the tech expert for L.A. Chapter of the Royal Bastards MC. Even the most notorious hackers pale in comparison to my skills. The reason for that is they got caught while I didn’t.

The world is mine to control, and the dark web is where I thrive. Locating anyone, anywhere and their last meal is something I’m capable of. I can handle anything except one thing. One incident years ago changed my life forever. It hardened my heart and I swore I would never love again.

I’ve kept that promise for the last ten years. Now a small, sexy wisp of a woman has my head all over the place, making me experience emotions I never wanted to feel again. She will either be the death of me or my saving grace.


REVIEW: JADED RED is the seventh instalment in J. Lynn Lombard’s contemporary, adult RBMC: LOS ANGELES CHAPTER erotic, MC romance series, a part of the multi-authored RBMC series. This is IT tech Matthew ‘Red’ Phillips, and Nadia Ryan’s story line. JADED RED can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story lines is revealed where necessary. Nadia is best friend with Kenzi (Aftermath’s Exposure 6)

NOTE: Due to the nature do the story line premise, there WILL BE triggers for more sensitive readers.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Red and Nadia) JADED RED follows in the wake of the disappearance of Nadia Ryan. For several months Matthew ‘Red’ Phillips was in a relationship with dancer Nadia Ryan but Nadia’s disappearance is something Red has kept secret in the wake of his position with the RBMC. Struggling with the truth, and Nadia’s connection to the club, Red must come clean in the hopes of finding the woman with whom he will fall in love. As the RBMC search for our story line heroine, Nadia’s past returns, pushing Red to the edge of his already tightly strung sanity. What ensues is the search and rescue of Nadia Ryan, and the fall-out as Nadia’s captors demand payback for what they lost.

The world building focuses on the search and rescue of Nadia Ryan; Matthew Phillips’ heart break and resulting aftermath from the past; and the take down of a human trafficking ring that has set up near the RBMC territory.

The relationship between Matthew and Nadia began months before; a secret relationship of which the RBMC had no knowledge, and one in which Matthew’s ongoing guilt threatened any possibility of a happily ever after. Recovering from her ordeal, Nadia will find herself under the protection of the Los Angels chapter of the RBMC, and into the arms of the man with whom she had fallen in love. The $ex scenes are intimate and passionate.

Once again, there is a large ensemble cast of colorful and familiar secondary and supporting characters including all of the members of the RBMC: Los Angeles Chapter; Nadia’s brother Nolan and his wife Ashley, found in the author’s TORQUE (Racing Series 2) as well as Krimson and Kayne from the author’s Savage Saints MC. We are introduced to survivors Exleigh, and Syvannah. The requisite evil has many faces.

JADED RED is a story of secrets and lies, betrayal and vengeance, power and control, family and friendships, acceptance and love. The character driven premise is dark, gritty and dramatic; the romance is seductive ; the characters are desperate and headstrong.

Click HERE for Sandy’s review of DERANGE’S DESTRUCTION

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy


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Wife and mother of two who are very active in soccer, basketball and football. When I’m not cheering them on (OK, yelling my heart out and embarrassing the heck out of them) from the sidelines or bleachers with my husband, you’ll find me writing, reading, running (when the weather is warm) or riding on the back of my husband’s Harley.

I was born and raised in Central New York where most of my family still reside in a small town between two mountains. I moved to Michigan back in 2001 where I met the love of my life, my husband, whom I’ve been married to since 2004. My favorite food is anything pasta, but bacon goes with everything.


MONSTROUS URGES (Venomous Gods 5) by Jagger Cole -review tour

MONSTROUS URGES (Venomous Gods 5) by Jagger Cole -review tour

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Goodreads: https://bit.ly/3xfZlnF

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date July 11, 2024

I played games with the wrong stranger.
Tall, powerful, and lethally gorgeous, Drazen Krylov is the ruthless boogeyman the Bratva world fears.
He’s also the masked man from the app whom I unknowingly shared my darkest, most depraved urges with.
Now the fantasy has become a nightmare.
Drazen says I did terrible, unforgivable things.
He says I owe a debt, and I’ll pay the price by pretending to be his dead wife.
I look just like her.
The thing is, I might be her…
My past is an amnesia haze of blank memories.
My future is in his hands.
My name is Taylor Crown.
At least, so I’ve been told.
And I may have married a monster.
Now, I need to remember why.


REVIEW: MONSTROUS URGES is the fifth instalment in Jagger Cole’s contemporary, adult VENOMOUS GODS dark, erotic, Mafia romance series. This is thirty-six year old, billionaire crime lord Drazen Krylov, and thirty-three year old attorney Taylor Crown’s story line. MONSTROUS URGES can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story lines is revealed where necessary.

NOTE: Due to the nature of the story line premise, there WILL BE multiple triggers for more sensitive readers.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Taylor and Drazen) using present day and memories from the past, MONSTROUS URGES follows attorney Taylor Crown as she ventures onto the dark side, discovering the kink that she never knew she wanted, and a man who is about to control her life. Meeting a stranger on an app for those with dark proclivities, Taylor will come face to face with both her nightmares and fantasies, wrapped up in a man she knows nothing about. Taylor Crown is an enigma; a thirty-three year old woman who has no memory about the first eighteen years of her life, and in this, our heroine is about to meet a man who claims she owes him her life. Enter billionaire businessman Drazen Krylov, the man who is about to tear apart our story line heroine. Draven is demanding retribution and payment for sins of the past, sins of which Taylor knows nothing about. What ensues is the acrimonious and tempestuous relationship between Taylor and Drazen, and the fall-out as years of built up anger and vengeance are aimed at our story line heroine.

The world building focuses on Drazen’s overwhelming need to exact revenge against our story line heroine, and in doing so, takes control of every aspect of her life but Taylor is oblivious as to the who, how or why, unaware that Drazen has plans to destroy her life.

The relationship between Drazen and Taylor is unconventional; dangerous and dark; a forced relationship in the face of an abduction. Taylor will become a prisoner of the man with whom she will fall in love as Drazen struggles to understand what has happened and why. Drazen is a man with questionable sexual appetites, and Taylor is ripe for his games of cat and mouse. The $ex scenes are provocative and dark, with numerous scenes of disturbing CNC (consent/non-consent) and aggression.

We are reintroduced to attorney Gabriel Black, and attorney Fumi Yamaguchi (Poisonous Kiss); Eloise and Alistair Black (Devious Vows); Fumi’s brother Kenzo, and Drazen’s right hand man Milos. There are several powerful and dangerous Bratva cameos-the requisite evil has many faces.

MONSTROUS URGES is a story of power and control, betrayal and vengeance; hatred and obsession; secrets and lies, acceptance and love. The premise is dark, dramatic and intense; the characters are desperate, charismatic, and twisted; the romance is limited -I did not feel any palpable sexual attraction, there was only a need to hurt and be hurt.

Heed my WARNING-the triggers are numerous, brutal, haunting- a cautionary suggestion to be prepared.

Reading Order and Previous Reviews

Toxic Love
Devious Vow
Poisonous Kiss
Corrupted Heart

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

A reader first and foremost, Jagger Cole cut his romance writing teeth penning various fan-fiction stories years ago. After deciding to hang up his writing boots, Jagger worked in advertising pretending to be Don Draper. It worked enough to convince a woman way out of his league to marry him, though, which is a total win.

Now, Dad to two little princesses and King to a Queen, Jagger is thrilled to be back at the keyboard.

When not writing or reading romance books, he can be found woodworking, enjoying good whiskey, and grilling outside–rain or shine.

You can find all of his books at www.jaggercolewrites.com

Grab a FREE book for joining my fans-only newsletter – https://dl.bookfunnel.com/8rld1ik3sd

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HIGHWAY (RBMC: Jacksonville FL 3) by Kathleen Kelly -review tour

💚HIGHWAY (RBMC: Jacksonville FL 3) by Kathleen Kelly -review tour💚

 Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / Amazon.au / Amazon.uk /

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date July 2, 2024

Highway and Gwen race against time to unmask their enemies while confronting the powerful attraction growing between them.

The streets of Jacksonville are ruled by the Royal Bastards MC. They ride on the edge of the law. Highway is their road captain. He’s sexy, with a possessive streak, and navigates the gritty and dangerous outlaw world alongside his brothers. But when their president, Creed, and the club are brutally attacked, chaos reigns.

Gwen, a photographer, gets caught up in the whirlwind. Wanting to be more than just a bystander, she finds herself drawn into the dangerous world of the Royal Bastards.

Bound by a shared desire for justice, Highway and Gwen work together to uncover betrayal and test the club’s deepest loyalties. As their attraction grows, will their love endure the storm of violence and uncertainty threatening to tear them apart?

Or will it be consumed by the flames of conflict that threaten to engulf them all?


REVIEW: HIGHWAY by Kathleen Kelly is a contemporary, adult , erotic, MC romance story line set in the multi-authored RBMC world. This is photographer/journalist Gwen ‘Lyric’ Fullerton, and RBMC: Jacksonville FL road captain Highway’s story line. HIGHWAY can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story lines is revealed where necessary. Gwen is Lucy’s sister (REAPER 2)

NOTE: Due to the nature of the story line premise, there may be triggers for more sensitive readers.

Told from three first person perspectives (Gwen, Highway, Winchester) HIGHWAY follows photographer Gwen Fullerton as she gets up close and personal with the members of the RBMC: Jacksonville FL, using her camera to tell a story. From the outset the MC finds themselves under attack, and our heroine is caught in the middle of another war. Having worked in the Middle East as a war correspondent, Gwen believes she is capable of everything, and prepared for anything but our heroine is about to get a crash course on following the rules. Enter MC Road Captain Highway, and the man with whom Gwen will fall in love. As the RBMC: Jacksonville FL struggle to take care of their own, a possible mole is working behind the scenes, setting the MC up for a fall.

The world building is detailed and busy as the RBMC: Jacksonville FL prepare for a war. From the Crimson Wheelers MC, the Khan family, the Russian Bratva, and the Diablo Cartel, everyone becomes suspect but it is Gwen’s camera that will give the MC an edge in a war for control.

The relationship between Gwen and Highway begins acrimoniously as Highway battles with his attraction to our story line heroine. Highway doesn’t do relationships but something about Gwen forces Highway to become guardian and protector even though Gwen claims she can look after herself. Often TSLTL (too stupid to live) Gwen places herself in the direct line of fire at every opportunity, and in direct conflict to the MC rules. As their relationship continues to build, Highway finds himself falling for a woman who is determined to go it alone. The $ex scenes are provocative and intense, without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text.

Once again, there is a large ensemble cast of colorful and energetic secondary and supporting characters including several members of the Crimson Wheelers MC, The Khan Family, the Diablo Cartel,and the Russian Bratva; cameo appearances from members of various RBMCs staggered throughout the multi-authored series as well as the return of VP Reaper and Lucy, Prez Creed and Devil, Fingers, Feral, Justice, SAA Winchester and Gwen’s father Dr. Fullerton. The requisite evil has many faces.

HIGHWAY is a story of betrayal and vengeance, secrets and lies, power and control, duty and honor, acceptance, forgiveness and love. The fast paced and often frenetic premise is dramatic and captivating; the characters are determined and dynamic; the romance is impassioned.

Reading Order and Previous Reviews


Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

Social Media: Goodreads / Amazon Author PageFacebookTwitterInstagramTikTok/

Kathleen Kelly is a USA Today Best Selling Author and was born in Penrith, NSW, Australia. When she was four her family moved to Brisbane, QLD, Australia. Although born in NSW she considers herself a QUEENSLANDER!!
She married her childhood sweetheart and they live in Toowoomba. Kathleen enjoys writing contemporary, romance novels with a little bit of steam. She draws her inspiration from family, friends and the people around her. She can often be found in cafes writing and observing the locals.


SAPPHIRE SCARS (The Jewelry Box 3) by Pepper Winters -review tour

SAPPHIRE SCARS (The Jewelry Box 3) by Pepper Winters -review tour

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date June 26, 2024

“I thought I was strong enough to survive this awful nightmare. I did my best to take back my power and refused to let my heart fall. Only problem is…my heart is an idiot.”

It only took one droplet of blood to forever change me.
Her blood.
The taste of it. The heat of it.
I swallowed her down and devoured her.
For a while, it was enough.
My monster was content. I believed I’d found where I belonged.
But now…that droplet is no longer enough.
I want rivers of it. Oceans of it.
I want the world dripping in red, and I honestly don’t know who I’m hunting anymore.
One thing’s for certain, someone is going to die today.
I just hope it won’t be me.


REVIEW:  SAPPHIRE SCARS is the third instalment in Pepper Winters’ contemporary, adult THE JEWELRY BOX dark, erotic, series focusing on twenty-nine year old, Henri Mercer-Ward, and Ilyana Sharma. SAPPHIRE SCARS should not be read as a stand alone as it picks up after the events and cliff hanger of book two EMERALD BRUISES. Henri Ward is the half-brother to Q Mercer (Monsters in the Dark).

NOTE: Due to the nature of the story line premise, there WILL BE SIGNIFICANT TRIGGERS for more sensitive readers.

SOME BACKGROUND: A desperate need to know about the family history, and acceptance by his brother Q, Henri Mercer-Ward is tasked with infiltrating a human trafficking ring known as The Jewelry Box but Henri must first seduce a potential jewel, a woman to be trained, to be broken, to be claimed as his own.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Henri and Ilyana) SAPPHIRE SCARS continues to focus on the deranged, dangerous and dark proclivities of a man named Master Victor, and his harem of slaves called The Jewelry Box. Henri Mercer -Ward had hoped to uncover the truth, and shut down Victor’s sickening actions in the $ex trade but Henri’s claiming and need for Ilyana Sharma has pulled Henri into a world he once thought he wanted but discovered he no longer needs. As Victor continues with his sadistic rituals and hunts, the slaves make plans, plans that will be discovered, threatening the lives of everyone concerned.

The world building continues to be dramatic and dark, darker with each consecutive instalment. Victor’s games become more sadistic, pulling Henri into the abyss . The games are darker, more dangerous, and often fatal. The slaves have plans to end it all.

SAPPHIRE SCARS is raw, gritty, tragic and sensational. No one is safe; many of the guests have become unwilling participants in a game where someone is meant to die. SAPPHIRE SCARS ends on a cliff-hanger, you have been warned.

Once again, heed the triggers warnings-they are numerous, dark and intense.

Reading Order and Previous Reviews
.5The Mercer Curse
Ruby Tears
2 Emerald Bruises

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy


Pepper Winters is a multiple New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today Bestseller.

After chasing her dreams to become a full-time writer, Pepper has earned recognition with awards for best Dark Romance, best BDSM Series, and best Hero. She’s an multiple #1 Apple Books bestseller, along with #1 in Erotic Romance, Romantic Suspense, Contemporary, and Romance Thriller.

Pepper currently has close to 40 books released in nine languages. She’s hit best-seller lists almost 40 times, is a self-confessed hermit, yoga convert, has a house rabbit, six horses, and a long suffering husband.

To learn more about Pepper please visit: www.pepperwinters.com where she regularly posts videos of behind the scenes writing, horses, books, and more.

STALK Pepper: Website | Pinterest | Facebook | Twitter | Blog | Goodreads / Amazon Author / Instagram / Bookbub / Verve


Ciao Bella (The Rise of the De Langes 1) by Rachel Van Dyken

🤎Ciao Bella (The Rise of the De Langes 1) by Rachel Van Dyken-review tour🤎

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / B&N / KOBO /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date June 25, 2024

The Five Families thought the war was over.
They have no idea, I’m the very beginning.

I kidnapped her to prove a point—at knife point, it seemed sharper that way.
See what I did there?

I used the perfect virginal daughter from one of the most powerful Families in the Cosa Nostra to fix the broken pieces, knowing that in the process—I’d spread hers for the world to see.
I would embarrass her, shame her, use her, but I would never touch her… my one and only vow to her father in exchange for his allegiance.

The flowers at our wedding would be extravagant—people would watch it like a celebration, she’d live it as her funeral.
Call me twisted, but I thrive off her hate, I wouldn’t know what to do if I had her heart—I’m not good with pretty things I’m capable of breaking.

I’ll use every single person I can to restore order… to bring about the peace that my Family deserves.
But something sinister lurks in the darkness.
In the end, it may not be just my Family I save but theirs as well.

They say the past comes back to haunt you—that history repeats itself.
Bet they never saw this coming.

After all, when one Family falls—another will rise.

Ciao Bella.
The Rise of the De Langes


REVIEW: CIAO BELLA is the first instalment in Rachel Van Dyken’s contemporary, adult THE RISE OF THE DE LANGES dark, Mafia romance series, a spin off from the author’s MAFIA ROYALS series, set in the EAGLE ELITE world. This is twenty-one year old Ivan De Langes, and twenty year old Bella Abandonato’s story line. For background and cohesion, I recommend some knowledge of the Abandonato family via the Eagle Elite series as many of the current events are as of a direct result of the original series.Bella is the daughter of Nixon Abandonato; Ivan is believed to be the sole surviving member of the De Langes family.

NOTE: Due to the nature of the story line premise, there may be triggers for more sensitive readers.

Told from three first person perspectives (Ivan, Bella, King) CIAO BELLA follows the arranged marriage between our story line couple. Ivan De Langes, in the wake of the murder of his entire family, was placed under the guardianship of the Abandonato family but Ivan is about to reign holy h*ll, and Bella is about to be the pawn in a dangerous game of winner takes all.

The world building follows several intersecting paths including the life-long animosity between our story line couple. Forced to work out their differences with violence, Ivan and Bella find themselves forced into a marriage in an effort to protect our story line heroine but behind the scenes, the secrets are dark, and the lies will bring heart break for everyone concerned.

The relationship between Bella and Ivan is an enemies to frenemies to married couple to lovers but Bella struggles with what is happening and why, suspecting there is more to the story than she could have ever imagined. Ivan, as the sole surviving member of the De Langes crime family is about to come into his dues, and with it, a target has been aimed at our story line couple. The $ex scenes are limited but passionate.

There is a large ensemble cast of colorful, familiar and dangerous secondary and supporting characters including many of the couples from the author’s Eagle Elite series, and the Mafia Royals series.

CIAO BELLA is a story of power and control, secrets and lies, betrayal and vengeance, family and friendships, acceptance and love. The premise is dark, dramatic and intense; the romance struggles in the face of prior issues; the characters are determined, broken and charismatic.


Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

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To learn more about Rachel & her books, visit here!

Rachel Van Dyken is the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today Bestselling author of regency and contemporary romances. When she’s not writing you can find her drinking coffee at Starbucks and plotting her next book while watching The Bachelor.

She keeps her home in Idaho with her Husband, adorable son, and two snoring boxers! She loves to hear from readers!


VICIOUS KNIGHT (Sins and Saints 1 ) by Faith Summers-review

VICIOUS KNIGHT (Sins and Saints 1 ) by Faith Summers-review

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date June 19, 2024

My villain, my monster, my vicious Knight…

I’m supposed to be a secret.
No one can know my true identity.
Or that I’m a dead girl walking.
But I caught the attention of the one guy my parents warned me to stay away from.

Thorne Ivanov reigns supreme at Raventhorn University, home of the Knights, one of the most powerful secret societies in the world.

An heir to its leader, Thorne is as devastatingly handsome as the dark villains in movies you’re not supposed to like—but you do.

Thorne is a twisted, devious savage.

I knew better than to fall into his trap and become his latest obsession. But my world turns upside down when he uncovers my secret and decides to blackmail me.

In exchange for his silence, I belong to him.

His fascination soon becomes my nightmare.
Our arrangement dragged us into a labyrinth of dark secrets we were never meant to discover.
Then we find ourselves fighting for our lives.


REVIEW: VICIOUS KNIGHT is the first instalment in Faith Summers’ contemporary, new adult SINS AND SAINTS dark, erotic, Mafia bully romance set in the author’s Cruel Lies/ Cruel Promises world, as well as the author’s Raventhorn Academy and Dark Syndicate worlds. This is Bratva heir/ Knight legacy Thorn Ivanov, and Ivy ‘Annika Bershov’ Yegorov’s story line. VICIOUS KNIGHT can be read as a stand alone but for back story I recommend reading CRUEL LIES/ CRUEL PROMISES Duet. VICIOUS KNIGHT takes places shortly after the events of the aforementioned duet.

NOTE: Due to the nature of the story line premise, including descriptions of graphic violence, there may be triggers for more sensitive readers.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Thorn and Ivy) VICIOUS KNIGHT follows eighteen year old Ivy Yegorov’s first year at Raventhorn University, a school for the legacy children of the secret society of Knights but Ivy is hiding in plain sight, she is not whom she claims to be, and as the step-daughter of a Legacy Knight, her position is questionable on many levels. Warned to stay clear of anyone with the Ivanov name, Ivy struggles with her attraction to twenty year old Thorn Ivanov, in the wake of Thorn’s need to blackmail and control. Thorn is determined to claim Ivy as his own but when their pasts collide, Thorn is determined to protect the woman with whom he is falling in love, and prove that betrayal has come at a cost to everyone involved.

The world building follows several paths including the numerous betrayals and deceptions of and by the previous generations. Along with Ivy and Thorn, many of their current classmates and friends have also felt the wrath of those who continue to control the families and the school.

The relationship between Ivy and Thorn begins as enemies to friends to lovers, a bully romance in the face of secrets and lies, and the innocence of one young woman caught between the truth and the past. The $ex scenes are provocative and aggressive, and not without some questions of consent or coercion.

There is a large ensemble cast of familiar, colorful and dangerous secondary and supporting characters including Thorn’s cousin Caspian Ivanov, and Willow Raventhorn, (Cruel Lies Duet), Lucian and Eilish, Kade and as well as Ivy’s mother and step father, and Thorn’s controlling father Aleksander Ivanov, mean girl Tiffany Vasilyev, and Ivy’s friends Isabelle and Mackenzie. The requisite evil has many faces. Kade and Isabelle’s story line is next.

VICIOUS KNIGHT is a story of betrayal and vengeance, secrets and lies, murder and retribution, power and control, family, friendships, relationships and love. The premise is dark, dramatic and intense but there is a definite ‘YA’ young adult feel to the story line with the mean girls and controlling/ oblivious adults; the romance is forced but eventually passionate and loving; the characters are broken , determined and embattled.

Reading Order and Previous Reviews
Cruel Lies
Cruel Promises

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

Faith Summers is the Dark Contemporary Romance pen name of USA Today Bestselling Author, Khardine Gray.

Warning !! Expect wild romance stories of the scorching hot variety and deliciously dark romance with the kind of alpha male bad boys best reserved for your fantasies.

Dive in and enjoy her naughty page-turners.

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CROW’S REVENGE (Devil’s Murder MC 5) by Nikki Landis-review tour

CROW’S REVENGE (Devil’s Murder MC 5) by Nikki Landis-review tour

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date June 25, 2024

For six months, Crow has been consumed with vengeance.
It’s become the driving force for nearly every decision in the club ever since his father, the former president Rook, was murdered.
But when the woman he loves is kidnapped, and a vicious, unpredictable enemy takes Bella, he’ll have to join forces with unlikely allies.
Nothing will prevent him from rescuing her, even if he must travel into the heart of his enemy’s territory and face the beast head-on.
Revenge is served in ways he could never imagine.
What happens when your enemy isn’t your enemy?
What if everything Crow believed to be true was a distortion of the facts, twisted to manipulate his father in a game of lies?
The past exposes painful truths when he receives an unexpected visitor. Can he forgive the wrongs that destroyed his parents and nearly ripped his club apart?
Now all the cards are on the table, the hand has been dealt, and Crow will have to win the game before he loses Bella, his club, and his sanity.


REVIEW: CROW’S REVENGE is the fifth instalment in Nikki Landis’ contemporary,adult DEVIL’S MURDER MC dark, erotic, MC paranormal, romance series. This is the continuing story of Devil’s Murder MC president Austin “Crow’ Holmes Jr, and his ol’ lady Bella Hart. CROW’S REVENGE can be read as a stand alone but for back story and cohesion I recommend reading CROW (Book 1) , and TALON (book 4) . There is a slight cross over with the multi-authored RBMC series, and the Tonopah MC by Nikki Landis.

If you have not read CROW or TALON, there may be spoilers in my review.

NOTE: Due to the nature of the story line premise, there may be triggers for more sensitive readers.

SOME BACKGROUND: The Devil’s Murder MC is a group of bikers all with special affinities and abilities related to the crows. Some have the ability to shift; call the crows for assistance, or in the case of Talon, see through the eyes, up close and personal.

Told from several first person perspectives including Crow, Bella, and Undertaker CROW’S REVENGE follows Austin ‘Crow’ Holmes as he seeks his revenge against the Dirty Death MC for the murder of his father but his father’s secrets have revealed a past Crow knew nothing about, and darkness that has taken control of someone else.

The world building continues to focus on Crow’s relationship and growing love for Bella Hart; his reconnection with the sister he never knew; and his hatred for the mother that left years before. As the Devil’s Murder MC prepares to go to war to avenge the death of their former president, not all is as it appears to be.

The relationship between Bella and Crow continues to grow. Bella is the only woman that calls to Crow’s heart but vengeance at the hands of someone else threatens Bella and Crow’s happily ever after. The $ex scenes are intimate and passionate.

Once again, there is a large ensemble cast of colorful and supernatural secondary and supporting characters including several members of the Devil’s Murder MC; RBMC Tonopah MC, as well as the revelation of the presence of another supernatural characters.

CROW’S REVENGE is a story of family and friendships, betrayal and vengeance, power and retribution, magic and mayhem, acceptance and love. The premise is dark, dramatic and intense; the romance is seductive; the characters are desperate, dogged and strong-willed.

Reading Order and Previous Reviews

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy


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Nikki Landis is the USA Today & International Bestselling, Multi-Award-Winning Author of over 50 romance novels in the MC, reverse harem, paranormal, dystopian, and science fiction genres. Her books feature deadly reapers, dark alpha heroes, protective shifters, and seductive vampires along with the feisty, independent women they love. There’s heart-throbbing action on every page as well as fated mates and soul bonds deep enough to fulfill every desire.

Sign up for Nikki’s Newsletter and get a FREE book: https://dl.bookfunnel.com/tlr47up53q


The Sins That Ruin by Kristen Luciani-review & excerpt tour

The Sins That Ruin (Obsidian Knights Secret Society #3) by Kristen Luciani-review & excerpt tour

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date: JUNE 27, 2024

To save her father’s life, she will wear my ring.
Scarlett Hanlon is the epitome of temptation, beautiful chaos wrapped in obsession…and my enemy’s daughter.

Fate offers me a chance to destroy her father and the beautiful and feisty Scarlett is my only way into his inner circle.
 So when she comes to me for help, I give her an ultimatum.

Marry me…or else.

It’s the perfect plan.

I’ll use my fake fiancé as a pawn, a bright and shiny toy that will sweeten my quest for revenge. I will flaunt her, use her, and then break her when the job is done.

But Scarlett isn’t one to be possessed and discarded. She’s got an appetite for my kind of filthy, depraved, and twisted games, making my blood burn hot and setting off all kinds of fires.

When my plans for revenge implode and dark truths are revealed, I realize Scarlett’s the real chaos I crave above all else. But once all sins are revealed, it may be too late for me to save her.


REVIEW:THE SINS THAT RUIN is the third instalment in Kristen Luciani’s contemporary, adult OBSIDIAN KNIGHTS SECRET SOCIETY dark, erotic romance series focusing on a secret society of billionaires and assassins. This is thirty-three year old businessman Malone West aka JM Malone, and twenty-three year old Scarlett Hanlon’s story line. THE SINS THAT RUIN can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story line is revealed where necessary .

NOTE: Due to the nature of the story line premise including Dom / sub, bondage and discipline, child trafficking, and graphic violence, there WILL BE triggers for more sensitive readers. The author includes a list of TW in the book.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Malone and Scarlett) THE SINS THAT RUIN follows in the wake of threats against the Hanlon dynasty. In an effort to secure help in ferreting out the threats against the Hanlon family, Scarlett Hanlon is ‘sold’ to Malone West, a man whose dealings are dark and illegal. Posing as Malone’s fake fiancé, Scarlett is paraded through countless illegal dealings and questionable sexual encounters by a man who is using Scarlett to get what he wants but all is not going according to plan when secrets reveal a past connection, a connection that threatens our story line couple. What ensues is the building but tempestuous and questionable relationship between Scarlett and Malone, and the potential fall-out as the truth reveals a deeper betrayal than they could have ever imagined.

The world building follows several paths as Malone and several members of the Obsidian Knights struggle to uncover the truth but the deeper they dig, the darker the results, and Scarlett’s cousin Amelia is about to fall victim to the ultimate betrayal.

The combative relationship between Scarlett and Malone begins as an arranged and forced fake engagement in which Malone is often cruel and demanding of our story line heroine. Malone refuses to reveal the truth about his work, his life, and his need for Scarlett, and in this, Scarlett is unable to truth the man with whom she is falling in love. The $ex scenes are intense, and provocative, and not without some questionable consent.

There is a large ensemble cast of secondary and supporting characters, most of whom are problematic, controversial and bordering on sociopathic. We are introduced to Scarlett’s father Dale Hanlon, her uncle Grant, her cousin Amelia as well as the return of fellow Knights Mercer, Orion, Jones and Smith. The requisite evil has many faces.

THE SINS THAT RUIN is another dark, intense, dramatic and heart breaking story of power and control, violence and invasion, secrets and lies, dysfunctional family values, acceptance, forgiveness and love. The premise is raw and tragic; the romance is erotic and provoking; the characters are determined, aggressive and quarrelsome.

Reading Order and Previous Reviews
The Secrets That Kill
The Desires That Burn

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

That much is obvious.
Orchid Lane is hard-core BDSM, leather, chains, and latex. Piercings everywhere. Whips and Saint Andrew’s crosses. And she…Christ, she’s no breath of spring, either.
No, she’s something else entirely, born of a different part of hell. Temptation wrapped in an air of innocence no doubt carefully curated from the moment she was born, the type where the girl’s been kept under the right kind of shelter where she’s groomed for the right role.
The kind of girl who’s usually bartered for something by whoever controls her.
In this case, her fuck of a father.
Her river of thick black waves stands out, shining and loose, not twisted up or slicked back and made for a man to manipulate her head, to angle it just how he might want it.
Even the red dress that skims her curves is seductive in the hint at what lies beneath. And it works. It’s a turn-on over all the naked and tightly bound flesh surrounding her. Right now, her back’s to me, but I can imagine her eyes as she takes everything in. Wide, probably more than a little shocked.
She’s not even in the heart of the place. Where she’s standing is surface-level respectable, at least for this club. The BDSM crosses and whips are part of the décor. The music’s got a deep, hypnotic beat. The steel and wood bar in the center of the space is crowded by those dressed for hard play in the lower levels, along with those who like to dabble, and others… the ones looking for thrills.
No, she’s not even in the heart of Orchid Lane but—I’ve read her history, seen her pictures—someone like Scarlett, with her pampered upbringing, should be running screaming, horrified, from this place.
Something electric like excitement spins down my spine.
Because I don’t think she will.
And that… fuck, I can use that.
I watch her through the cameras in my office, not bothering to switch angles as I tap a ringed hand on the back of the black velvet low-slung sofa.
Scarlett fucking Hanlon, daughter of the mark, one half of Hanlon Shipping, whose inner circles I’m looking to infiltrate for a client seedier than most. The pay’s huge and it came to me through the Obsidian Knights. It’s a job I’d have taken on regardless, just to get to her father, but the fat paycheck and white-hot daughter only make my objective more delicious.

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Kristen Luciani is a USA Today bestselling author of steamy and suspense-filled romance. She’s addicted to kickboxing, Starburst jelly beans, and swooning over dark, broken anti-heroes. Kristen is happily married to her own real-life hero of over 20 years. In addition to penning spicy stories, she also has a part-time job as her three kids’ personal Uber driver, which she manages to successfully juggle along with her other tasks: laundry, cleaning, laundry, cooking, laundry, and caring for her adorable Boston Terrier puppy.

Mafia romance is her passion…and her poison.
