DEATH DEALER (Oath Keepers MC / Mayhem Makers) by Sapphire Knight

DEATH DEALER (Oath Keepers MC / Mayhem Makers) by Sapphire Knight / / / /

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date May 19,2023

As the Death Dealer of the Oath Keepers MC, it’s my job to handle the threats coming our way. I’m used to responsibility as a single father to my little girl. The most difficult part of my life has been remaining alive, so she has someone to care for her.
The moment Flame crashes into my life, I realize death isn’t the only thing threatening to take my daughter from me. However, Flame will soon realize I’m the Death Dealer for a reason. I don’t play well with others, not even a fiery redhead with a body made for sin.


REVIEW: DEATH DEALER by Sapphire Knight is a stand alone, contemporary, adult, erotic, MC , romance story line found in the author’s OATH KEEPERS MC, a part of the multi-authored MAYHEM MAKERS series, focusing on the fictional Motorcycle, Mobsters and Mayhem book signing event blending fact with fiction as many of the participating authors in the series have cameos, mentions or names dropped throughout the stories. This is Caspian Teague aka Torch aka Death Dealer, and Lauren Teague aka Flame’s story line. DEATH DEALER can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story lines is revealed where necessary.

NOTE: Due to the nature of the story line premise including graphic violence, there may be triggers for more sensitive readers.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Torch and Flame) DEATH DEALER follows in the wake of the prison escape of our story line heroine. Years earlier, Flame was sent to prison for killing a man but our heroine struggled to keep her nose clean or out of trouble. Her old man Torch, now a single father raising their infant daughter alone, wanted a divorce from the woman he would always love. Years would pass, their daughter now a teen, and Flame wants nothing more than to see the people she left behind. A violent escape with the help of an all women MC, Flame finds herself looking into the eyes of the man she never stopped loving. What ensues is the rebuilding relationship between Torch and Flame, and the potential fall-out as the Oath Keepers MC must deal with an influx of drugs, and Flame wants nothing more than to reconnect with the daughter she barely knows.

The relationship between Flame and Torch is one of second chances; a rebuilding and highly sexual relationship of which Torch struggles with his need to control the woman he never forgot. The $ex scenes are provocative and intense.

There is a large ensemble cast of colorful and energetic secondary and supporting characters from several interconnected series and MC. We are introduced to Torch and Flame’s daughter Annabelle, and MC members Spider, President Viking and Princess, VP Odin, Blaze, Chaos, Rage, Frost and more.

DEATH DEALER is a story of desperation and determination; family and friendships, acceptance, forgiveness and love. The premise is gritty and engaging; the romance is impassioned; the characters are tenacious and daring.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

