Demons are Forever by AE Jones – a Review

Demons are Forever by AE Jones – a Review


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Accidentally on purpose……

Sergei Chesnokov is one lost demon. Born an anomaly—a demon without powers—he has alienated himself from his family, traveling the world as a photographer, observing life from behind his camera lens.

Summoned to the demon realm by his grandmother, Sergei must face a family he hasn’t seen in years. He also meets Lela, whose energy is so strong that others siphon it from her to boost their powers, leaving her sick and vulnerable. Sergei is the only demon she’s met who can’t hurt her. Feeling safe for the first time in her life, Lela accepts his friendship.

However Sergei quickly realizes friendship is not enough. And he’s finally found a purpose—protecting Lela from those who would harm her. But what happens when he might be part of the problem…since he’s not as powerless as he first thought. Can he walk away from her to keep her safe?

The Realm (Mind Sweeper spin off series – however it can be read as a standalone series):

Demons Will Be Demons (Misha) – Book 1
Demons Are A Girl’s Best Friend (Aleksei) – Book 2
Demons Are Forever (Sergei) – Book 3

Mind Sweeper Series:
Book 1 – Mind Sweeper
Book 2 – The Fledgling
Book 3 – Shifter Wars
Book 4 – The Pursuit
Book 5 – Sentinel Lost



Demons Are Forever by AE Jones is the 3rd Book in her The Realm series.

Oooooooh a long lost brother ? 

Sergei is the youngest demon in the Chesnokov family. I’ve heard of him, but not much has been said. And unlike his brothers Misha and Aleksei, he has no demonic abilities. So to prove himself, Sergei leaves the compound and makes a life for himself taking photos and learning to accept his lack of abilities. But in doing so, he has lost touch with with family, he doesn’t know what’s going on, and when he gets an urgent message from his grandmother to come home, he is not sure what to do. 

But family wins, and Sergei goes home. He finds out that his brother had been kidnapped and being held hostage in the demon realm. 

Lela is a realm demon, but unlike most of her kind, she is extremely powerful (she can give the demons and extra boost to their powers) and is being taken advantage of, every time someone touches her, it drains her, and now it’s almost killing her ….. 

And when they first meet, it’s not exactly a welcoming committee, his brother is being held a prisoner, and a battle almost ensues. But peace prevails and the demons start negotiations to release Aleksei and to come to earth. 

Sergei is introduced to Lela, and they start talking (his brother tells both of them their secrets) and after Lela realises that Sergei can’t hurt her, they start talking. 

Lela is fascinated with the demons that have come to visit, she’s eager to visit earth. And it’s nice not to have to worry that if Sergei accidentally touches her, it won’t take her energy. 

Sergei is impressed with what his family are trying to accomplish, moving demons from a horrid realm to earth. But he’s also ashamed that he hasn’t kept up with what the family are doing, and he feels he should be helping, but how can he help when he feels useless! But the only plus to this trip is Lela, it’s a nice addition, she doesn’t look at him as a null (a demon who has no powers) 

Lela finally gets her chance to come to earth, she’s very excited, but apprehensive, what will happen if someone touches her ? Will it feel worse in a different realm ? But she’s getting lessons in keeping her energy to herself, Sabrina is teaching her ( she’s doctor is in previous books) 

So …. do Lela and Sergei get together? Will Sergei ever reconcile with his family? Will Lela control her energy ? 

I love AE Jones, and I’ve read everything she’s written so far. Her witty one liners are great. The story she tells is unique, and her description of both earth and the realm is spot on. The characters are just amazing, and I’ve enjoyed reading about them. 

Reviewed by Julie B

Copy supplied for review
