Depravity Delivered by Marie James-review tour

DEPRAVITY DELIVERED (Mission Mercenaries 4) by Marie James-review tour / / / /

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date April 6, 2023

The job I took was personal for my boss, but my abduction quickly made it personal for me.

There’s no forgiveness for the things they made me do to her.

It would be easy to point fingers, but what about the part of me that liked it?

Something triggered that sickness and left me needy.

I made a choice to protect her when I could, but the need to hurt her again is always in the back of my mind.

The crazy thing is, I see that same darkness in her eyes when she looks at me.

If we survive captivity, there’s still no guarantee we’ll survive each other.


REVIEW: DEPRAVITY DELIVERED is the fourth instalment in Marie James’ contemporary, adult MISSION MERCENARIES dark, erotic, romance series focusing on a group of mercenaries for hire. This is mercenary Nash Cutler, and registered nurse Ayla’s story line. DEPRAVITY DELIVERED can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story line is revealed where necessary.

WARNING: Due to the nature of the storyline premise, there may be triggers for more sensitive readers including r*pe, torture and abuse.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Ayla and Nash) DEPRAVITY DELIVERED follows in the aftermath of the abduction of our story line heroine. After dropping her younger sister Alani off on her first day of university, Ayla becomes the victim of an abduction, trafficked to the Mexican Cartel. Four months in the hands of her captors, Ayla will meet her future in another victim of the Cartel’s abuse, mercenary for hire Nash Cutler, the man with whom Alya will find a mutual attraction and kindred spirit. Both Nash and Alya are forced to do unimaginable acts, and the end result leaves behind two broken individuals, who upon rescue and release, struggle to move forward with their lives. Unable to trust one another or the people who risked their own lives to save our story line couple, Nash and Alya have only one another in the face of more threats as they battle to survive.
The secondary and supporting characters include several members of the Cerberus MC, as well as mercenaries Lauren and Angel (LESSONS LEARNED 1), Donavan, and Ayla’s nineteen year old sister Alani. The requisite evil has many faces. Alani and Donavan’s story line is next in REDEMPTION REFUSED.

DEPRAVITY DELIVERED is not a story of romance nor love but a dark, gritty, heart breaking and thought-provoking story of power and abuse, and survival against the odds. Marie James pulls the reader into a dramatic, haunting, intense and emotional story of human depravity and exploitation of the body, mind and soul.

NOTE: Please heed my warning of triggers DEPRAVITY DELIVERED is not for the faint of heart or more sensitive readers.

Reading Order and Previous reviews
Lessons Learned
Mistakes Made
Bridges Burned

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

Let’s see…where to begin…

I’m inching up on the BIG 4-0. The gray hairs are doubling what seems like daily, and the wrinkles and laugh lines are more pronounced than ever.

I have an amazing husband (Married just over 15 years.)

We have two boys we’re doing our best to raise as respectful gentleman.

I have a master’s degree in criminal justice which I used to work as a juvenile probation office until deciding to write full-time in June of 2019. So that means there’s usually always some criminal/law element to my novels.

If I’m not writing; I’m reading.

My favorite genres recently are bully/reverse harem and enemies to lovers. Maybe I’m reliving my traumatic teen years through the girls who actually end up with the boys. (Not that I would change my history since it’s gotten me exactly where I need to be!)

I love coffee. I miss carbs. Music is LIFE. I try not to be too serious.

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