WHEN A MOTH LOVED A BEE (Destini Chronicles 1) by Pepper Winters

WHEN A MOTH LOVED A BEE (Destini Chronicles 1) by Pepper Winters -review tour

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date February 3, 2023

“It’s taking everything I have not to touch you. Not because I want to make you mine but because every part of me screams that you already are.”

A pack of wolves hunt a girl who takes her last breath by a river’s edge.
She is found and nursed back to health by the kind-hearted Nhil people.
She has no memory.
No past.
And is given a choice that could change her forgotten life forever.

A pack of wolves adopt a man who begs for death in the grasslands.
Blood revives him. Flesh strengthens him. All while the alpha watches him as if he knows who he is.
He has no memory.
No past.
And yet…he’s drawn toward the smoke of a faraway clan.

And in that smoke, he finds a girl with the same mark on her thigh, the same empty mind, and the same forgotten language on her lips.

He’s convinced they know each other.
She’s certain they are strangers.
But the more time they spend together, the more tangled the truth becomes.
Their forgetfulness was deliberate.
To keep them apart.
To keep them lost.
To keep them from claiming their true power.
Because in that power exists a terrible choice.
A choice that could destroy the world…
…or each other.


REVIEW: WHEN A MOTH LOVED A BEE is the first instalment in Pepper Winters’ adult DESTINI CHRONICLES high fantasy series focusing on Girl aka Runa, and Stranger aka Darro.

NOTE: Due to the nature of the story line premise, there may be triggers for more sensitive readers.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Runa and Darro) WHEN A MOTH LOVES A BEE follows in the wake of the discovery of two injured and damaged souls, without memories of what happened or why. ‘Girl’ is rescued by a group of people who call themselves the Nhil, a ‘clan’ with affinity to fire, and as such their leader sees something in Girl that calls to his power. Meanwhile, the Stranger is discovered by a pack of wolves, wolves who will nurture and heal our story line hero but something is missing in both Girl and the Stranger, and not until they meet across the lands do they realize the part that is missing, is the other. The Nhil have plans for our heroine, plans foretold by the fires but the Nhil’s plans for Runa aka Bee are adversely affecting the Stranger, now called Darro aka Moth. Darro believes Runa is his mate, and refuses to allow anyone or anything to keep them apart, even if the cost is the death of everything and everyone.

WHEN A MOTH LOVED A BEE is a slow building, detailed, complex, complicated and ‘long winded’ (close to 1000 pages) story of power and magic; life and death; light and dark, love and loss. The saga is told in secrets and riddles; going around in circles as the ‘voices’ warn Runa and Darro without outright revealing the truth, as well as quite a bit of repetition, replaying many scenarios, recapitulating previous plot points. The premise is intricate, exhaustive and intriguing-the elements and nature (including animals) play a large roll in the lives of the characters; the romance is heart breaking and emotional; the characters are numerous, powerful, controlling and charismatic. WHEN A MOTH LOVED A BEE ends on a cliff hanger-you have been warned.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

Pepper currently has thirty-one books released in nine languages. She’s hit best-seller lists (USA Today, New York Times, and Wall Street Journal) thirty-seven times. She dabbles in multiple genres, ranging from Dark Romance to Coming of Age.

After chasing her dreams to become a full-time writer, Pepper has earned recognition with awards for best Dark Romance, best BDSM Series, and best Hero. She’s an #1 iBooks bestseller, along with #1 in Erotic Romance, Romantic Suspense, Contemporary, and Erotica Thriller. She’s also honoured to wear the IndieReader Badge for being a Top 10 Indie Bestseller.

After releasing two books with Grand Central, Hachette (Ruin & Rule and Sin & Suffer) Pepper is a Hybrid Author of both Traditional and Self-published work.

For all film and foreign rights please contact Erica Silverman at Trident Media.

Her books have garnered foreign interest and are currently being translated into numerous languages, including already released titles in Italian and Turkish. 

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