Dirty Games (Dirty #2) by HelenKay Dimon-a review

DIRTY GAMES (Dirty #2) by HelenKay Dimon-a review

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Dirty #2
by HelenKay Dimon
Release Date: March 13, 2018
Genre: adult, contemporary, erotic, M/M, romance

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date March 13, 2018

Sometimes, to get what you want in business or in love, you have to get your hands dirty. Luckily for Finn and Justin, dirty comes naturally.

Finn Drummond is the baby in a family of sharks—which means he’s worked twice as hard to make a name for himself. After learning the tricks of the trade from his brothers, Finn’s just as ruthless and dominant. Out in the field, his appetites are legendary: for success, for money, for women and men. But when supplies from Drummond Charities go missing, Finn has to partner up with the smoldering ex–Army grunt who’s always challenging his authority—or giving him mixed signals.

Justin Miller wanted his attraction to Finn to be mutual, but the cocky brat always had a girlfriend. Who could blame Justin for trying to move on? Despite their history, they’ve got to work together to figure out who’s been derailing their humanitarian work. But after Justin and Finn are thrown together against gunrunners and kidnappers, their simmering chemistry turns explosive. Turns out, Finn knows how to handle himself in a crisis—and in the sack. Justin only hopes that hot sex is enough to persuade this spoiled pretty boy to do the right thing.


REVIEW: DIRTY GAMES is the second instalment in HelenKay Dimon’s contemporary, adult THE DIRTY erotic, M/M romantic suspense series-a spin off from her TOUGH LOVE series. This is billionaire businessman Finn Drummond, and former soldier/ humanitarian Justin Miller’s story line. DIRTY GAMES can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story line is revealed where necessary. Finn is the brother of Alec Drummond (Dirty Deeds #1).

NOTE: DIRTY GAMES contains graphic scenes of M/M sexual situations, intended only for mature readers.

Told from dual third person perspectives (Finn and Justin) DIRTY GAMES follows Finn Drummond as he embarks on a journey to investigate the Drummond Charities humanitarian work in Morocco, currently administered by the acerbic but sexy Justin Miller. Missing supplies, with a possible connection to local gunrunners finds Justin and Finn targeted in a deadly game against an unknown enemy. What ensues is the building relationship between Justin and Finn, and the potential fall-out as Justin’s mercurial mood swings, and unpredictable temperament force Finn to walk away on more than one occasion.

Six years earlier, Justin Miller met the man who has starred in all of his fantasies but at the time Finn Drummond was in a relationship with a woman. Believing he didn’t have a chance with Finn, Justin embarked on a one-night stand with the closest thing to Finn Drummond, his older brother Alec, a man who suspected he was only a temporary fill-in for Justin’s fantasy. Finn Drummond has struggled to make a name in the Drummond Corporation but his attraction to Justin Miller meant working for Drummond Charities could very well allow him to cross paths with the man with whom he would fall in love.

The relationship between Finn and Justin is one of immediate attraction but Justin tries to keep his distance, failing miserably, as his actions prove unpredictable, erratic and explosive. Finn believes Justin despises the ground upon which he walks but Justin struggles with his attraction to a man he believes to be attraction to women and not to men. The $ex scenes are intimate, erotic, and intense with graphic M/M text and language.

The world building focuses mainly on the building relationship between Finn and Justin, and Justin’s inability to let go of his heart, but also on the hunt for the people responsible for the missing shipments. Several suspects pose potential threats but only one is desperate enough to kill.

DIRTY GAMES is a sexy, edgy and suspense filled story line. An act of betrayal that threatens the lives of two men, against an impossible situation. The premise is dramatic, energetic and thrilling; the romance is provocative and captivating; the characters are spirited, complex and realistic. DIRTY GAMES is an engaging, imaginative and intriguing story.

Click HERE for Sandy’s review of book one DIRTY DEEDS.

Copy supplied by Netgalley

Reviewed by Sandy

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Helenkay Dimon spent the years before becoming a romance author as a . . . divorce attorney. Not the usual transition, she knows. Good news is she now writes full time and is much happier. She has sold over thirty novels, novellas and shorts to numerous publishers. Her nationally bestselling and award-winning books have been showcased in numerous venues and her books have twice been named “Red-Hot Reads” and excerpted in Cosmopolitan magazine. But if you ask her, she’ll tell you the best part of the job is never having to wear pantyhose again.
