Doggone Deadly by Deborah Blake – a Review

Doggone Deadly by Deborah Blake – a Review


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When the woman running the big regional dog show calls out sick, dog groomer Suz Holden is asked to take over. But it’s too much for her to handle by herself– considering the president of the kennel club, Olivia Weiner, criticizes her at every turn–so she calls in her best friend, Kari Stuart, for help.

A long, stressful day goes from bad to worse when a local breeder is found dead, and the murder weapon seems to incriminate Suz.

While Kari knows her friend isn’t guilty, the police aren’t so sure, especially after a second murder points to Suz again. But trying to run a dog show and investigate a murder at the same time is like herding cats, and Kari will have to rely on the rest of the Serenity Sanctuary staff to keep things running smoothly while she–and her beloved and clever kitten, Queenie–sniff out the truth.





Doggone Deadly by Deborah Blake is the 2nd book in her fun Catskills Pet Rescue Mystery series.  I loved the first book, as we were introduced to the heroine of this series, Kari Stuart, and her adorable black kitten, named Queenie (who quietly gives her tips to help solve the crime).

In Doggone Deadly, Kari is helping out her best friend, Suz, in setting up the annual local dog show; she also sets up her own booth for her animal shelter, to alert people about dogs and cats available for adoptions, as well as hoping for donations. 

During the first day, Suz and Kari overhear a few arguments, one person fighting with a breeder, a woman showing her dog is convinced a breeder stole her dog, and a protest is going on outside.  Suz also has to deal with the nasty president of the kennel club, as well as also showing her dog.  Later that day, the handler (breeder) was found murdered, and the police are suspecting Suz, since it was one of her scissors that was used by the killer.  The second day another victim is found murdered. Of course, Kari and Queenie will need to find the killer.

What follows is another cute cozy mystery, with wonderful secondary characters (Suz, Angus, Sara, Bree) and fun adorable dogs and cats. Kari was a great heroine, and I continue to adore Queenie.  Doggone Deadly was a light hearted and fun small-town mystery that kept you guessing till the very end. Deborah Blake did a wonderful job writing this story, and keeping our interest throughout. I look forward to the next book in this series.

Reviewed by Barb

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