Edge of Darkness (Arrow’s Edge MC #2) by Freya Barker-Review Tour

Edge of Darkness (Arrow’s Edge MC #2) by Freya Barker-Review Tour

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date April 9, 2020

Road rash and Jack meets handcuffs and street smarts.

I am a wandering disaster.
A hedonist, a lover, a son, and a rebel.

My name is Yuma.
I’m sober enough to see the need for redemption, but too blind to realize I already found it.

I am an independent seeker.
An overachiever, a friend, a misfit, and a cop.

My name is Lissie.
I’m determined enough to find acceptance, but too stubborn to see all I need is my own.

We shouldn’t get involved—all the odds are against us—but when bodies turn up on common ground and lines between duty and purpose get blurred, our future becomes clear.


REVIEW: EDGE OF DARKNESS is the second instalment in Freya Barker’s contemporary, adult ARROW’S EDGE MC erotic, MC, romance series focusing on the members of the Arrow’s Edge MC. This is forty-year old, MC member James ‘Yuma’ Wells, and thirty-seven year old, detective Elizabeth ‘Lissie’ Bucco’s story line. EDGE OF DARKNESS can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty but I recommend reading the series in order for back story and cohesion where Yuma’s story begins.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Yuma and Lissie) EDGE OF DARKNESS follows the building relationship between forty-year old, MC member James ‘Yuma’ Wells, and thirty-seven year old, detective Elizabeth ‘Lissie’ Bucco. Elizabeth Bucco is the newest member of the Durango.New Mexico Police Department but she is no newbie to the world of law enforcement but finds herself struggling with her place in the world when she was forced to resign from her last department. A new apartment with a landlord that draws her like a moth to a flame, Lissie jumps head first when several bodies are discovered buried at a local construction site. James Wells aka Yuma battles between head and heart knowing his new tenant is with the local police but our hero knows the Arrow’s Edge MC is more about looking after the most vulnerable than trampling on the wrong side of the law but Lissie’s latest assignment comes full circle affecting the Arrow’s Edge MC, and in this Yuma is about to discover he lost his heart to woman caught in the middle of the battle. What ensues is the building romance and relationship between Yuma and Lissie, and the potential fall-out as secrets, loss, and a mutual struggle threaten their tentative hold on love.

James Wells aka Yuma is a recovering alcoholic and his day to day struggle is a battle between right and wrong but meeting his new tenant at the local AA meeting gives them both something in common, a commonality of which James was hoping to forget. Lissie Bucco’s latest assignment brings her face to face with the reality of life and death, but death has always forced Lissie to look away until a discovery brings the reality to her front door.

The relationship between James and Lissie is one of immediate attraction; a palpable sexual attraction wherein James is hoping to become a better man but the loss of someone close sends James spiralling pushing our heroine away at a time when he needs her the most. James is broken and damaged forty year old man, who is about to fall in love with a woman he believes he does not deserve. The $ex scenes are intimate, erotic and intense without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text.

There is a large colorful and energetic cast of secondary and supporting characters including Trunk Rae & Jaimie (Edge of Reason #1), Ouray and Luna, and their son Ahiga, MC members Wapi, Kaga, Tse; Yuma’s father Nosh; Lisa, and her foster kids Ezrah and Kiara; as well as several detectives and law enforcement at the DPD.

EDGE OF DARKNESS is a story of family and friendships; of betrayal and vengeance; of life, loss, relationships and love. The premise is engaging, gritty and real; the romance is seductive and emotional; the characters are captivating, sensitive and edgy. EDGE OF DARKNESS is a passionate and intense story

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

USA Today bestselling author Freya Barker loves writing about ordinary people with extraordinary stories. 

Driven to make her books about ‘real’ people; she creates characters who are perhaps less than perfect, each struggling to find their own slice of happy, but just as deserving of romance, thrills and chills in their lives.

Recipient of the ReadFREE.ly 2019 Best Book We’ve Read All Year Award for “Covering Ollie, the 2015 RomCon “Reader’s Choice” Award for Best First Book, “Slim To None”, and Finalist for the 2017 Kindle Book Award with “From Dust”, Freya continues to add to her rapidly growing collection of published novels as she spins story after story with an endless supply of bruised and dented characters, vying for attention!

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: http://bit.ly/FreyaBookBub 

NOTE: The Reading Cafe is NOT responsible for the rafflecopter giveaway. If you have any questions, please contact the tour provider.


Edge of Darkness by Karen Rose – Review, Interview & Giveaway

Edge of Darkness by Karen Rose – Review, Interview & Giveaway


Amazon / B&N / Kobo / BAM / Book Depository


Homicide detective Adam Kimble is no stranger to battling demons. But Meredith Fallon is a different kind of weakness: one that could actually be good for him, if only he would let himself depend on her. Meredith has loved Adam for a year, and seeing how hard he’s worked to deal with his PTSD makes her feelings only stronger, but she respects his needs. Her work keeps her busy anyway: she counsels sexually abused women like Mallory Martin to help them reintegrate into the world.

But someone doesn’t want Meredith helping women like Mallory, and Meredith finds herself in the crosshairs of a very determined killer. Adam would risk anything for her, but they’ll soon find out she isn’t the only target…



Edge of Darkness by Karen Rose is the 4th book in her Cincinnati series.  I have read a few books by Rose, but not in this series.  The last book I had read I noted that it was one of the best thrillers of the year, and now in 2018 I can say the same. Wow, what awesome thriller that kept me on the edge of my seat throughout.  Karen Rose has now become a must read for me.  I have not read the previous books in the Cincinnati series, but there were so many marvelous characters that make me want to find time to read the previous 3 books.

We meet our heroine, Meredith Fallon, in the beginning as she is a child psychologist, who helps out at a special home for abused children.  Meredith has many friends that  either work at the children’s home or her police that she is very close to; as they are very protective of her, especially since she is still emotionally upset over not seeing or hearing from her ex-boyfriend, Adam. 

Adam Kimble is a top notch detective, who loves Meredith, but has intentionally stayed away from her for almost a year.  Meredith’s friends are also Adam’s, but most of them have been unhappy that he has ignored Meredith, as well as avoiding some them…but no one knows why.  Adam suffers from PTSD from watching a horrible murder, where he could not save the young girl.  Having a verbally abusive father caused Adam to secretly drink early in his younger days, and after the murder, he got worse to help him get through each day.  Unbeknownst to his friends and coworkers, is that he has been sober for almost a year, and though still emotionally damaged, he plans to try to win her back once he meets his one year goal.

Before that happens, Meredith brings one of the sexually abused young girls to a restaurant to help her become more confident in releasing her fears.  They are accosted by a young man, who threatens them, and when they fall to the floor, the young man blows up. This is just the beginning of an intense & complex murder mystery that will result in more murders, pulling in all the detectives, including Adam to find out why someone is targeting Meredith. Adam forces himself to maintain control of his emotions, as he is assigned to be main detective to investigate this case, which also brings him back into Meredith’s life. 

What follows is an amazing story that held me on the edge of my seat from start to finish.  There were so many twists and turns throughout the book, almost to the very end.  As Adam, and his team try to protect Meredith, and others who are slowly getting killed off, the intensity of the story never lessens, especially when we get closer to discovering some secrets and surprises that will escalate the investigation that puts both Adam, Meredith, a couple of the abused girls, and their detective friends, in constant danger.  Rose has created an evil villain, who is as ruthless as they come, killing anyone who gets in the way, regardless of who they are.  This is a major twist that we never saw coming until we got closer to the end. 

In between the many tense moments, we got to see Adam and Meredith learn more about each other, their past lives; their situations; their dangerous jobs; and their love for each other. What I absolutely loved about this book, was the amazing group of friends, who are mostly cops or therapists that are closely bonded to each other, with some of them having been through tough and violent cases, similar to this one.  They are all strong and smart individuals and loyal friends, who are a close knit family.  Rose has done this so well, and when you like the characters that you become invested in, it makes the story that much better.    As I said before, I now have to go back into the three earlier books to learn about them all.   

I am in awe of Karen Rose, as her books are so well written with fantastic characters, evil villains, a great couple, and a totally intense mystery that keeps you in suspense to the very end.  If you love suspense, with a touch of romance and a thriller all the way, you should be reading anything by Karen Rose. I know I will.

Reviewed by Barb

Copy provided by Publisher


Hi Karen. Thank you for taking the time to answer some questions today.We are always looking forward to reading about the author behind the book.

TRC: Would you please tell us something about yourself? 

Karen:  I was born and raised in the Baltimore-Washington area.  I met my husband when we were seniors in high school, over 35 years ago.  We’ve been married more than 30 years and have two adult daughters.  I’m a chemical engineer by education.  I worked for 15 years for a large consumer products company in Cincinnati and I have two patents in bulk fiber laxatives.  (Don’t ask.  Okay, ask if you want to, but don’t be grossed out by what I answer.) I’m a knitter and a reader and a Buffy fan 🙂

TRC:  LOL   I love Buffy, too.

TRC:  When and how did you first become interested in writing? 

Karen:  I began writing when I was an engineer traveling internationally, unable to pack enough books to last the length of my trips.  There were no ebooks back in the day and I couldn’t understand anything on the TV, so I began writing my own stories to keep myself company in all those hotel rooms away from home.  It was a hobby for nearly ten years before I sold my first book, DON’T TELL.  That was in 2001.

TRC:  Within your Romantic Suspense series, you have the Cincinnati series.  Can you give us a brief description of this series? 

Karen:  The Cincinnati series is built around the FBI/Cincinnati PD joint task force, their friends, families, as well as the families they build.  First up is the sometimes bigger-than-life Special Agent Deacon Novak, who’s transferred from Baltimore at the beginning of book one, CLOSER THAN YOU THINK.  Deacon and his heroine, psychologist Faith Corcoran, are drawn into the deadly web of a killer who has been operating out of the house Faith has just inherited for many years. 

Books two and three deal with human trafficking, labor and sex trafficking.  ALONE IN THE DARK and EVERY DARK CORNER feature Deacon’s two task force partners, Detective Scarlett Bishop (book two) and Agent Kate Coppola (book three).

Introduced in book one, Deacon’s cousin Detective Adam Kimble is having a rough time, his personality changing drastically.  No one in his circle knows why, except psychologist Meredith Fallon, in whom Adam has confided—at least part of his story.

TRC:  With Edge of Darkness released yesterday, can you please give us a brief description of this book?

Karen:  EDGE OF DARKNESS is Adam Kimble’s return to his family and to Meredith.  In the months since their first interaction he’s pulled away, avoiding her.  He’s plagued by demons, but knows that he can’t solely rely on her for his sanity or his sobriety.  Adam is an alcoholic, trying to get his life together before he feels he is good enough to invite Meredith to be part of it.  Meredith has been confused and hurt by his avoidance, but he is the first person she calls when a young man is shot and killed right in front of her—after he’d held a gun on her.  The race to catch the killer leads Adam to the dark places he’d hoped he’d escaped forever.

TRC:  You write exciting Romance Suspense Thrillers, which can be intense.  Have you ever found yourself affected by a scene?

Karen:  Many times! Often I’ll put off writing a scene because I feel awful about a character being murdered.  Sometimes I’ll group all my “villain scenes” into one day so that I can get all the intensity out at once.  I can become edgy and irritable while writing the villain scenes, so I like to do these in ways that keep me from snapping at my family :).

TRC:  Can you please tell us what you are working on now, and what you have upcoming in 2018?

Karen:  I’ve just started a new series – set in Sacramento, California!  More on this later, but I will tease a little by revealing that readers will meet mostly new characters with a few very old favorites.  Later in 2018, we’ll release DEATH IS NOT ENOUGH, Baltimore #6.  This is Gwyn and Thorne’s story – they were introduced in YOU BELONG TO ME, Baltimore #1. 
TRC:  What is your writing process?  Do you like to outline your story before you start? Do you have a specific place you like to write?  Is there a special time of day that works best for you?

Karen:  I usually binge write.  Once I get into the groove, I’ll write 18 hours a day until it’s done.  I have a place on the beach where I go to write.  It’s quiet and gorgeous and I love it there.  I’m more productive between 11pm and 6am, which is difficult because I try to sleep during the day when nobody else is sleeping.  Phones ring, dogs bark, trash trucks rumble, waking me up every time.  I wish I were a 9-5 writer!  When you are not writing, what other interests or hobbies do you have?

I read a lot! Not usually suspense, though.  I read a lot of contemporary romance.  I also travel, knit for other people because we don’t get much call for woolens in Florida, and play with my dogs.  Would you like to add anything else? Just a huge thank you for inviting me!

Thank you, Karen for answering our questions. We wish you the best of luck with Edge of Darkness.




Karen Rose’s publisher is graciously offering a paper copy of EDGE OF DARKNESS to ONE (1) lucky commenter at The Reading Cafe

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9.. Giveaway runs from February 7 to 12,  2018





Edge of Darkness Anthology by Christine Feehan, Maggie Shayne & Lori Herter-a review

EDGE OF DARKNESS Anthology by Christine Feehan, Maggie Shayne & Lori Herter-a review

Edge of Darkness

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / B&N / KOBO / The Book Depository/ BAM

ABOUT THE BOOK : Release Date August 4, 2015

Dark Crime by Christine Feehan

Blaze knows who killed her father and she has merciless plans for payback. Until a phone call from a seductive stranger pleads with her to wait. Retribution is in his blood, too. Now, he and Blaze will be united in the blood of the guilty. Tonight, vengeance is theirs.

REVIEW: DARK CRIME is the latest installment (26.5) in Christine Feehan’s CARPATHIAN paranormal romance DARK series and reads like a full length storyline. This is Carpathian Maxim Volkov and bar owner Blaze McGuire’s storyline. DARK CRIME can be read as a stand alone (with some difficulty) but if you are not familiar with Ms. Feehan’s DARK series some background information may be necessary for cohesion and familiarity with the Carpathian history. The storyline takes place in Chicago, Illinois.

Christine Feehan introduces several new characters to her series with Maxim and Blaze’s storyline. Maxim is an ancient, who along with his fellow Carpathians Tariq Asenguard and the triplets- Mataias, Lojos and Tomas- find themselves on the hunt for a master vampire whose minions are wreaking havoc with business owners, the homeless and missing children. Blaze and her best friend Emeline are the vampire’s next intended victims.

DARK CRIME is an erotic paranormal romance with scenarios of graphic violence involving women and children, as well as the usual vampire blood shed, death and destruction. The $ex scenes are provocative and erotic-another ancient Carpathian has found his lifemate following hundreds of years of no emotions and no color; the romance is very quick to build and easily accepted by the storyline heroine; the revelation of the master vampire brings with it a former enemy who has made a pact with the devil.

Sadly, I do have an issue with Christine Feehan’s lack of originality when it comes to her storyline character’s names. This has been a major bone of contention for me throughout all of her series as well as using the same names between series e.g. Stefan has been used 3 times in the DARK series, as well as in 3 of her 4 other series. Duplication of names and their derivatives is a constant in the DARK series: Matias twice; Matt /Matthew 4 times; Henry and derivatives 4 times; John 4 times; Paul 4 times; Peter 4 times; Robert or Roberto 5 times; Tom/Thomas 5 times; and the list goes on). Maxim is a name that has been used twice in the DARK series for major characters-once for an ancient Carpathian-Maxim Malinov- who turned vampire and was killed, and now with Maxim Volkov in Dark Crime. The duplication can lead to confusion, especially with the similarity between surnames as well.


Dead by Twilight by Maggie Shayne

Bloodsuckers may be an accepted minority but one of them is getting away with murder. Until a female vamp teams with a mortal detective to end the killing spree. Now the night belongs to them—and so does every pleasure and danger lurking in the shadows.

REVIEW: DEAD BY TWILIGHT is Maggie Shayne’s latest novella in her Wings in the Night: Reborn paranormal, romance series. This is vampire/cop Chloe Madison, and Officer Shepherd Daniels storyline that focuses on the formation of the Vampire Crimes Unit and the hunt for a rogue vampire on a killing spree throughout the town.

Chloe is a reluctant vampire; turned on the night of her senior prom in 1955; and a woman who refuses to be a predator in a world where vampires are at the top of the proverbial food chain. When Chloe and Shep are tasked with investigating a series of killings by a rogue vampire, Chloe knows that to reveal her true nature would mean the end to her career and a potential target on her head.

Maggie Shayne invites the reader into her entertaining world of vampires with a little bit of humor and romance; mystery and suspense. The storyline covers about 24-48 hours in the life with a prologue that looks at Chloe’s initiation into the world of vampires and blood.


Cimarron Spirit by Lori Herter

While excavating an Anasazi ruin, archeologist Annie Carmichael uncovers the resting place of a centuries-old vampire who finds in Annie the liberating mate he has longed for. But how much is Annie expected—or willing—to surrender for the man she now desires?

REVIEW: CIMARRON SPIRIT is part 1 of Lori Herter’s paranormal Cimarron Series. This is five hundred year old vampire Rafael de la Vega, and archeologist Annie Carmichael’s story-a story of forbidden love with a slight love triangle premise.

Annie is an archeologist who has been excavating an ancient Anasazi site near Phoenix, Arizona but what Annie uncovers is nothing short of unbelievable. While living and digging on Brent Logan’s ranch, Annie finds herself torn between what is safe, and what it is she wants. Rafael de La Vega, Brent’s closest neighbor and the man with whom Brent has been in a legal tug of war, is a vampire who calls to Annie’s heart.

CIMARRON SPIRIT introduces the major characters of Lori’s Cimarron series, Rafael’s history, his years as a lone vampire, and his need for Annie Carmichael. Annie is a divorcee who was about to settle down with a man she did not love until Rafael showed her what it was like to be a part of his world.

CIMARRON SPIRIT is part one in Lori Herter’s paranormal Cimarron romance series and thusly ends rather abruptly without explanation. To read about what happens to our storyline couple Cimarron Secrets –part 2-will be released August 7, 2015.


EDGE OF DARKNESS looks at three distinctively different writing styles from three paranormal romance authors. Feehan and Shayne offer up works from existing series, while Herter introduces a new series about vampire Rafael de la Vega. Christine Feehan’s DARK CRIMES is infinitely more detailed, and sexually graphic with scenarios of violence against women and children; Shayne and Herter barely touch upon the sexual aspects of their storylines.

I will admit my interest in this anthology has everything to do with Christine Feehan’s DARK CRIMES-a series I have been reading for a number of years. Shayne and Herter’s novellas add some quick, light reads for those that enjoy a little bit of paranormal romance without the sexually erotic factor.

Copy supplied by the publisher

Reviewed by Sandy


Edge of Darkness (Night Prowler #4) by J.T.Geissinger-Review, Blog Tour and Giveaway

Edge of Darkness (Night Prowler #4) by J.T.Geissinger-Review, Blog Tour and Giveaway


Edge of Darkness
Night Prowler #4
by J.T.Geissinger
Genre: paranormal, contemporary, romance, erotic
Release Date: December 10, 2013

Edge of Darkness Dec 13

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / Amazon.uk/ Barnes and Noble / The Book Depository

EDGE OF DARKNESS (Night Prowlers #4) by J.T.Geissinger

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date December 10, 2013

Six years after a shocking tragedy left her emotionally and physically scarred, Ember Jones lives a life of quiet isolation in Barcelona. Determined to keep her troubled past a secret, she keeps her head down and her heart locked up tight. Until the day a beautiful, mysterious stranger walks into her life, and her carefully controlled world is shattered forever.

Christian McLoughlin is unlike anyone Ember has ever met. Wealthy, cultured, and utterly charismatic, he also has dark secrets of his own. They succumb to the undeniable pull between them and embark on a passionate affair, but things turn explosive when the truth about Christian and the reason he came to Barcelona is exposed. As their dark pasts collide, the two unlikely lovers find themselves caught in a web of danger and deceit that neither of them might survive.

The Edge of Darkness, where hunter becomes hunted, no one can be trusted, and love is the most dangerous game of them all


REVIEW: EDGE OF DARKNESS is the fourth instalment in J.T.Geissinger’s paranormal, romance Night Prowlers series focusing on the elusive shape-shifting panther species known as the Ikati. Edge of Darkness continues on the theme from book three-Rapture’s Edge-where a warring faction of Ikati ruled by a power hungry non-shifter of the species, known as Caesar, intends to reveal their existence to the world. This is Ember (September) Jones and Christian McLoughlin’s storyline and I think one of J.T.’s best.

Ember is a woman whose heavy guilt over the car accident that killed her mother and brother has left her emotionally and physically crippled. Believing herself responsible for their deaths, Ember has lived in a world surrounded by books and the knowledge that pain is her only companion. But when a beautiful and exotic looking man enters her bookstore looking for a one of a kind first edition, Ember knows that she is facing a true assassin-and someone definitely not human.

Christian is an Ikati shifter on a suicide mission to save his own kind and take down the man who has destroyed everything they worked hard to protect. But a chance run-in with the human woman known as September Jones has called to his inner panther. He knows that she is his mate but his first priority it to protect the Ikati from a dangerous man. With a handful of assassins on the hunt for the Ikati, Christian is willing to risk his life to protect those he loves including the woman with whom he is falling in love.

The relationship between Ember and Christian is slow to build as the couple dance around one another throughout most of the book. Ember is a woman so mired in guilt, depression and self-depracation that the character was initially difficult to like. She is a woman considered average-if not plain-in the looks and body and, in this it was a self-fulfilling prophecy. Her self esteem is so low that eating is tiresome; dressing up is a chore; and suicide is always a thought or bomb away.

J.T.Geissinger has written a storyline where one species struggles to remain hidden in a world full of humans –a world of hunters and assassins-who want nothing more than to destroy the beast within. As Christian hunts for the man responsible for the destruction of so many lives-Ember will ensure that Christian remains alive while she sacrifices her life for the man she loves.

EDGE OF DARKNESS is a storyline with depictions of graphic torture, violence and a look at the ramifications of PTSD and depression. It is also a story about forbidden love between two people from different worlds and a second chance at life for a woman who stopped living the day her family died.

J.T.Geissinger pulls the reader into a gritty, realistic and heartbreaking storyline that will forever be etched into your heart and your soul. Edge of Darkness is an amazing and fantastic addition to the Night Prowler series-and Christian McLoughlin is the alpha male that every woman needs in her life.

I also want to add that Edge of Darkness reveals some of the backstory and history of the Ikati species and how they came to be. This, for me, is always a powerful motivator to continue a series when the author takes the reader into consideration as he/she writes the story.

Copy supplied by the author.

Reviewed by Sandy

Series Spotlight Black and Yellow

Night Prowler Series by J.T. Geissinger

The Ikati is an ancient shape-shifting species of panther, with only a few remaining colonies in the world. Each full-blooded Ikati is blessed (or cursed) with a special ability. Some are telepathic, able to shift into mist and others can walk through walls. And anyone betraying their secrets is punished by death.

Night Prowler series 4


Night Prowler #1
Release Date: June 2013

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / Barnes and Noble / The Book Depository

Shadow's EdgeDeep within the primeval forests of southern England, a race of beautiful, savage shape-shifters lives hidden from the everyday world. Bound together by ancient bloodlines and a ruthless code of secrecy that punishes traitors with death, the Ikati send their leader Leander on a mission to capture one raised outside the tribe before she can expose their secret. When Leander tracks the unsuspecting outsider to Southern California, the hardened warrior is prepared for a fight—but not for the effect the sensual young beauty has on his heart.

Jenna spent her childhood in hiding, on the run from someone—or something—her parents refused to discuss. She trusts no one, not since her father’s mysterious disappearance, not since her mother’s sudden death, and definitely not since she began exhibiting strange, superhuman abilities. When handsome, enigmatic Leander appears, promising answers to the mysteries that shroud her past, she knows she shouldn’t trust him either. But their connection is undeniable, and as powerful as the enemy hell-bent on destroying every one of their kind


Night Prowler, #2
Release Date: October 2012

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / Barnes and Noble / The Book Depository

Edge of OblivionThere exists a world beyond our own. It is a world of ancient magic and well-guarded secrets, a world of strict laws and harsh punishments for those who betray them, a world inhabited by the Ikati, a race of gifted people who are so much more than they first appear. Brought together by fate in this world of danger and beauty, two people with dark pasts will meet.

Morgan is beautiful, smart, sexy…and about to die. Convicted of treason against her shape-shifting kin, she is given one last chance at redemption; discover the hidden lair of the enemy intent on destroying every one of her kind, or forfeit her life.

Xander is ruthless, heartless, cold-blooded…and assigned to kill her if she fails in her task. Expecting to feel nothing but contempt for the traitor under his watch, the assassin accompanies Morgan on her search, but as the two race through the heart of Italy while the clock winds down to zero hour, he finds himself drawn into a dangerous web of desire as powerful as it is forbidden. Their passion will test everything they believe in, and endanger the future of the tribe itself.


Night Prowler #3
Release Date: June 18, 2013

Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / Amazon.uk / Barnes and Noble / The Book Depository

Rapture's EdgeSECRETS…In the hidden world that exists beside our own, a mirror world of ancient magic and elegant deceptions, a world of people who are so much more than they first appear, a war is brewing. Most of these Gifted people—the Ikati, a savage, sensual race of lethal predators—are content to hide behind human smiles, disguising their splendor in order to survive. But others are discontent. And they will hide no longer.

BETRAYALS…Eliana lives for two things only: vengeance on the man who killed her father, and seeing his dream of living in the open with humans come to pass. But that dream is far too dangerous for The Hunt, a group of elite Ikati assassins with one objective: eliminate her before she can expose their secrets to the world.

SEDUCTION…Demetrius is haunted by the memory of the woman he once loved. He will risk everything to save her from the killers on her tail…and convince her, before the ancient walls between two worlds crumble, that only together can they defeat their real enemy, a brilliant, cunning traitor far more deadly than either of them can guess.

About The Author Black and yellow

J.T.GeissingerJ.T. Geissinger’s debut novel, Shadow’s Edge, was published in 2012 and was a #1 Amazon US and UK bestseller in fantasy romance and romance series. She has been nominated for the prestigious RITA® award from the Romance Writers of America for best paranormal romance for her second book in the Night Prowler series, Edge of Oblivion.

A life-long lover of reading and a self-professed “book addict,” she didn’t realize her dream of writing a novel until a milestone birthday forced her to take stock of her goals in life. Always believing the right time to commit to putting pen to paper would magically announce itself, it took waking up one cold January morning with a shiny new zero as the second number in her age to kick start her determination.

Starting on that very day, she wrote what would become Shadow’s Edge in a little over four months and submitted it to several literary agents. Nothing happened. Thinking that was the end of that but by no means willing to give up on her dreams of being published, she began work on a second manuscript.

Then, during a trip to Italy in honor of their 10th wedding anniversary and the honeymoon she and her husband never took, she received an email that would change her life. It was from an agent, Marlene Stringer of Stringer Literary, and it contained the three words every aspiring author longs to hear: “I loved it.”

Marlene sold the manuscript to Montlake Romance who published it six months later. Hitting the #1 Amazon bestseller lists within weeks of publication, Shadow’s Edge was book one of the Night Prowler novels. Book two, Edge of Oblivion, was published in October 2012 and will be followed by Rapture’s Edge in June 2013, and Edge of Darkness in fall 2013. There are six books total planned for the series.

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Rafflecopter Giveaway Black andYellow

J.T. is giving away the following prizes at the end of her tour:

Kindle Fire (US ONLY)

eBooks of the first 3 books in the series

NOTE: The Reading Cafe is NOT responsible for the rafflecopter giveaway. If you have any questions, please contact the tour promoter.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
