Rising Storm Season 2 (Episodes 1-8) -Review and Book tour

Season 2 Episodes 1-8

It is always difficult to review serial story lines but I was given the opportunity to read all eight installments in a single setting. Serials written by one author rarely change in tone or structure from one installment to the next, and yet, this multi-authored serial felt as though it was written by one author alone. The blending between installments was smooth and even; effortless and efficient in presentation.
I recommend reading the serial in order beginning with Season One before venturing into Season Two-there are too many stories and questions revealed with each consecutive installment.
RISING STORM Season two continued to follow the soap-opera stylings of the late night serials that focused on fame, fortune, power and control. The people of Storm Texas were caught up in a bubble of hatred, secrets, lies and betrayal such that they couldn’t see past the pain and suffering of several of their own. The eight installments of Season Two, like Season One, flowed smoothly between the numerous authors’s writing styles; there were no obvious hiccups or problems with the story line plot, structure, or premise.
Check out my synopsis and thoughts on all eight installment

NOTE: For anyone who hasn’t read RISING STORM Season 1 Bundle Episodes 1-8-it is available for a limited time for ONLY 99¢ at : Amazon.com / Amazon.ca /
Secrets, Sex and Scandals …
Welcome to Storm, Texas…
A town nestled among rolling hills and painted with vibrant wildflowers, where everything seems like perfection.
But there are secrets beneath the facade.
Dark and powerful secrets. The kind that can destroy lives and tear families apart. That can cut through a town like a tempest, leaving jealousy and destruction in its wake, along with shattered hopes and broken dreams.
Rising Storm is a soap-opera style drama. A powerful series conceived by Julie Kenner and Dee Davis, full of scandal, deceit, romance, passion, and secrets.
…get caught in the storm!
RELEASE DATE: September 27, 2016
Rising Storm Season 2, Episode 1
by Rebecca Zanetti
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As Tate Johnson works to find a balance between his ambitions for political office and the fallout of his brother’s betrayal, Zeke is confronted with his brother Chase’s return home. And while Bryce and Tara Douglas try to hold onto their marriage, Kristin continues to entice Travis into breaking his vows…
REVIEW: AGAINST THE WIND is the first installment in Season Two of the multi-authored novella serial RISING STORM focusing on the people of Storm Texas-their loves, their lies, and their dark and dangerous secrets.
NOTE: Before reading RISING STORM Season two I highly recommend reading RISING STORM Season one where all of the major players and the original premise are revealed. With the large ensemble cast of characters there are many story lines that interconnect and cross over.
AGAINST THE WIND follows Tate and Tucker Johnson as their sibling rivalry and bitter fall out over Hannah comes to blows in the center of town. We are also witness to Ginnie’s ongoing struggles as she endeavors to keep her head up when most of the town of Storm Texas is trying to destroy what is left of her heart, while Joanne Alvarez must face reality and the backlash from her daughter Dakota’s affair with the incumbent Senator Rush, and the rumors that continue to surface about her missing husband.
AGAINST THE WIND and the Rising Storm series is a soap opera-esque novella serial similar in content to Peyton Place where betrayal and lies hide a multitude of sins behind locked doors and closed curtains. Rebecca Zanetti’s AGAINST THE WIND re-introduces the characters, the backstories, and the potential ramifications and fall out for the people of Storm Texas when secrets and lies are slowly revealed.
Rising Storm Season 2, Episode 2
by Larissa Ione
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As Joanne Alvarez settles into life without Hector, her children still struggle with the fallout. Marcus confronts the differences between him and Brittany, while Dakota tries to find a new equilibrium. Meanwhile, the Johnson’s grapple with war between two sets of brothers, and Ian Briggs rides into town…
REVIEW: STORM WARNING is the second installment in the multi-authored RISING STORM novella serial focusing on the town and people of Storm Texas- their loves, their lies, and their dark and dangerous secrets.
IN this installment we are introduced to Ian Briggs from Montana, the ranch owner and Marcus’s ‘father figure’ and friend. Ian takes a special interest in Marisol and the feeling may be mutual. Ian’s plans for Storm Texas may become more permanent with a surprise offer for Marcus.
The Johnson’s and Anna Mae are having a difficult time welcoming back wayward Uncle Chase-a man whose return to Storm comes with secrets and potential heartbreak. And the Johnson seat of power extends beyond the local land.
The Alvarez family is still struggling with Dakota’s affair, and Marcus’s relationship with the Senator’s daughter has made him the prime target of the Rush’s family vengeful attacks; Hector Alvarez has contact with someone close.
STORM WARNING is a revealing installment as the building animosity towards Ian Briggs begins to take shape. The return of Chase Johnson comes with an unpleasant surprise, and Hector Alvarez is gunning for his wife and anyone who stands in his way; Brittany and Marcus’s relationship is threatened by gossip and tabloid rumors; and Tate Johnson in currently in bed with the devil and may easily get burned. Plenty of action and drama, conflict and angst as the town of Texas prepares for another storm.
Rising Storm Season 2 Episode 3
by Lisa Mondello
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As Senator Rush’s poll numbers free fall, Marylee tries to drive a wedge between Brittany and Marcus. Across town, Anna Mae and Chase dance toward reconciliation. Ginny longs for Logan, while he fights against Sebastian’s maneuvering. And Hector, newly freed from prison, heads back to Storm…
REVIEW: BRAVE THE STORM by Lisa Mondello is the third installment in the multi-authored RISING STORM (Season two) novella serial focusing on the people and town of Storm Texas.
Focusing on Chase Johnson’s return to Storm Texas, Anna Mae Prager reminisces about what could have been and what never will be. Chase is a man whose future is uncertain but a future he hopes to spend with the woman he loves. Chase reveals the truth behind his return to Storm, and in doing so reconnects with the brother he hasn’t seen in several years.
Rush matriarch Marylee continues to work behind the scenes to ensure her son’s future in the Senate by destroying Marcus’s reputation and driving a wedge between he and Brittany. Hoping to gather more votes Senator Rush tries to convince Logan that his position is with the Rush campaign. And Hector Alvarez makes plans for his return to Storm.
BRAVE THE STORM reveals some of the history between Chase and Anna Mae, and the loss that was far greater than Chase’s absence. The gossip continues; the manipulation unfolds; the potential for disaster is around the corner.
Rising Storm Season 2 Episode 4
by Lexi Blake
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As Ian Briggs begins to fall for Marisol, Joanne and Dillon also grow closer. Joanne’s new confidence spreads to Dakota but Hector’s return upends everything. A public confrontation between Marcus and Hector endangers his relationship with Brittany, and Dakota reverts to form. Meanwhile, the Senator threatens Ginny and the baby…
REVIEW: LIGHTNING STRIKES by Lexi Blake is the fourth installment in the multi-authored RISING STORM novella serial focusing on the people and town of Storm, Texas.
Hector Alvarez has returned to Storm and with it the hidden threats towards his long-suffering wife, and the people of Storm Texas. Joanne Alvarez suffers from abused spouse syndrome, and makes every excuse to defend her husband’s actions and the potential life threatening actions she is about to endure. While Hector’s son Marcus, Ian Briggs, and the sheriff stand by watching Joanne cave into her husband’s demands, anxiety fills the town of Storm with the return of Hector Alvarez. Senator Rush quietly threatens to destroy Ginny and her unborn child.
LIGHTNING STRIKES is an angst filled installment as the reader is pulled into the frightening world of spousal abuse and the inability or refusal of people to get involved. The difficulty increases when Dakota Alvarez defends her father’s abuse making her mother more of a loser in everybody’s eyes.
Rising Storm Season 2 Episode 5
by R.K. Lilley
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As Celeste Salt continues to unravel in the wake of Jacob’s death, Travis grows closer with Kristin. Lacey realizes the error of her ways but is afraid it’s too late for reconciliation with her friends. Marcus and Brittany struggle with the continued fallout of Hector’s return, while Chase and Anna Mae face some hard truths about their past…
REVIEW: FIRE AND RAIN by R. K. Lilley is the fifth installment in the multi-authored RISING STORM novella serial focusing on the town and people of Storm, Texas.
FIRE AND RAIN follows several relationships including Travis Salt’s ongoing affair with Kristen leaving his depressed and distraught wife Celeste to suffer with the loss of her son Jacob Salt. Celeste’s grief is overwhelming and pushing away the people in her life. As Celeste spirals out of control, her family plans a failed intervention while Travis heads out of town to spend time with his mistress.
Hector Alvarez begins to reassert his authority and power over his wife Joanne while their daughter Dakota blames her mother for everything that has gone wrong in their lives. Chase Johnson reveals the truth about his diagnosis to the woman he loves and in return Anna Mae talks about the child they loss. Marcus and Brittany take their relationship to the next level knowing their time together is threatened by the Senator’s goals.
FIRE AND RAIN is once again filled with anxiety and conflict; spousal abuse; and infidelity in a town where everyone is focused on everyone else’s business. Hector’s return brings controversy and fear, with potential catastrophic results. The toxic family relationships are hostile and frightening.
Rising Storm Season 2 Episode 6
by Julie Kenner
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As Mallory Alvarez and Luis Moreno grow closer, Lacey longs for forgiveness. Brittany and Marcus have a true meeting of hearts. Meanwhile, Jeffry grapples with his father’s failures and finds solace in unexpected arms. When things take a dangerous turn, Jeffry’s mother and sister, as well as his friends, unite behind him as the Senator threatens his son…
REVIEW: QUIET STORM by Julie Kenner is the sixth installment in the multi-authored RISING STORM novella serial focusing on the town and people of Storm, Texas.
NOTE: QUIET STORM contains some scenes of M/M sexual situations.
Lacey Salt struggles with the loss of her friends in the wake of her brother Jacob’s death, and the drama she has caused in anger and hurt. Trying to raise funds for a memorial bench Lacey faces down her fears and tries to make amends for sins of the past. Lacey’s cousin Jeffrey’s story line is starting to take shape with a reveal that is going to shock his family and the town of Storm Texas while Lacey looks to her former friends, Mallory and Luis, for help. But when the truth about Jeffry is revealed Sebastian Rush is blindsided by his wife’s declaration.
Patrick makes a decision about his non-relationship with Marisol, and in doing so looks towards the future with someone else, while Brittany expresses to Marcus her true feelings.
QUIET STORM looks at making amends, asking for forgiveness and starting anew. Jeffry’s first steps towards his new life are impressive knowing that he could lose everything when the truth is revealed. Hopefully Joanne gets help from her sister Payton as Payton takes her own steps towards a different future.
Rising Storm Season 2 Episode 7
by Elisabeth Naughton
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As Tate Johnson struggles to deal with his brother’s relationship with Hannah, hope asserts itself in an unexpected way. With the return of Delia Burke, Logan’s old flame, Brittany and Marcus see an opportunity to help their friend. But when the evening takes an unexpected turn, Brittany finds herself doing the last thing she expected—coming face to face with Ginny…
REVIEW: BLINDING RAIN by Elisabeth Naughton is the seventh installment in the multi-authored RISING STORM novella serial focusing on the top and people of Storm, Texas.
BLINDING RAIN finds Ginny Moreno facing Celeste and Sara Jane Salt, the memories of her their late son Jacob, and the possibility that the child she carries is their son’s. A former resident of Storm returns-Delia Bruce Phelps-and with it more unease for Ginny as Delia has history with Logan and is hoping to rekindle their high school romance. Meanwhile Brittany and Ginny discuss their prior friendships, their hopes for the future and memories of the past.
The Salt siblings call a family meeting trying to make Celeste and Travis understand that life goes on even in death, and that Celeste’s feud with Ginny is carrying on too long.
Mary Louise Prager saves Tate Johnson from another public display of anger towards his brother Tucker and Hannah Grossman-sibling rivalry to the nth degree. As the mayoral election begins to heat up Tucker’s anger needs to mellow before it affects his chances for office; and Mary Louise makes a suggestion that Tucker takes to heart.
BLINDING RAIN looks at love and loss; grief and letting go; forgiveness and moving forward. Memories run deep for the people of Storm Texas and not everyone is willing to give up without a fight.
Rising Storm Season 2 Episode 8
by Dee Davis
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As Celeste Salt struggles to pull herself and her family together, Dillon is called to the scene of a domestic dispute where Dakota is forced to face the truth about her father. While the Johnson’s celebrate a big announcement, Ginny is rushed to the hospital where her baby’s father is finally revealed…
REVIEW: BLUES SKIES by Dee Davis is the eighth and final installment in the multi-authored RISING STORM Season Two novella serial focusing on the town and people of Storm Texas.
BLUE SKIES focuses on recovery and acceptance for a town battered by political power, secrets and lies, betrayal and abuse.
Celeste Salt comes to terms with one aspect of her life but her grief over the death of her son is lightened with heartwarming news. While her sister Payton Rush has had enough of her husband and his controlling mother, and walks away leaving the senator on his own.
Joanne Alvarez must meet the devil one final time but not before her children see true evil with its’ familiar face. Dakota Alvarez comes to terms with her father’s abusive history when she encounters first hand the pain and suffering her mother has endured for years.
Ginny Moreno is threatened by Senator Rush but stands her ground. Going into early labor finds Ginny has more support from the people of Storm than she has had in the past few months. Logan comes to realize that he loves Ginny and she is the woman who calls to his heart.
Tate and Tucker Johnson called a tepid truce to the sibling rivalry, while Uncle Chase finally made good on a promise to the love of his life.
BLUE SKIES is the thrilling conclusion to the second season of Rising Storm. The reader is front and center to the dramatic action and suspense filled show down between goodness and light; hatred and love; power and manipulation.
Copies supplied for review
Reviewed by Sandy