FALL OF THE STARS (In Love and War 2) by Monica James-Review Tour

FALL OF THE STARS (In Love and War 2) by Monica James-REVIEW TOUR

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date April 11, 2022

England is bleeding.

And there isn’t a thing I can do about it.

I am once again a prisoner to Wessex, captured by King Egbert because holding me hostage will bring them to him—my two Vikings who will risk heaven and earth to save me.

But I don’t need saving.

I am Princess Emeline, and I was taught by the best, and his name…Skarth the Godless.

The man whom I love more than anything in this world.

But things begin to blur when Ulf the Bloody reminds me of the promise I made, and that promise is that I belong to him.

We must work together to overthrow King Egbert, but the war I fight within my heart is far more dangerous than anything I will ever face on the battlefield.

The choice is not simple because we all must make sacrifices. But I soon realize that all is not fair in love and war.

Lives will be lost.

Hearts will be broken.

And come dawn, life as we know it will be changed forevermore.


REVIEW:  FALL OF THE STARS is the second instalment in Monica James’ adult, IN LOVE AND WAR dark, historical, Viking romance series. This is the continuing story of Northman Skarth the Godless, and Princess Emeline. FALL OF THE STARS should not be read as a stand alone as it picks up immediately after the events of book one NORTH OF THE STARS.

WARNING: Due to the nature of the story line premise there WILL be triggers for more sensitive readers.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Skarth and Emeline) FALL OF THE STARS picks up immediately after events and cliff hanger of book one NORTH OF THE STARS in which Princess Emeline, once again, finds herself the prisoner of another man, a king who sees the benefit of aligning his land with those of our story line heroine but secrets are revealed, alliances and allegiances are made, betrayal is but a daily occurrence and Emeline is caught between mother and son, brother and sister, son and father, a man and his past. As Emeline struggles to barter for her freedom she is yet another pawn, a bargaining chip between kings, to be used and abused by at every turn and rescue. Once again, God and Christianity are a force between the Vikings and other men, a force used to separate Emeline from the man that she loves.

FALL OF THE STARS is another viscerally dark, gritty, raw, tragic, twisted and often difficult read. Monica James pulls the reader into an intense, impassioned, and dramatic tale of power and control, betrayal and vengeance, torture and abuse, acceptance and love. Like book one, there are no lighthearted moments, and the happily ever after, for now is questionable. Heed my warning, there will be triggers,

Click HERE for Sandy’s review of book one NORTH OF THE STARS

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

Monica James spent her youth devouring the works of Anne Rice, William Shakespeare, and Emily Dickinson.

When she is not writing, Monica is busy running her own business, but she always finds a balance between the two. She enjoys writing honest, heartfelt, and turbulent stories, hoping to leave an imprint on her readers. She draws her inspiration from life.

She is a bestselling author in the U.S., Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Israel, and the U.K.

Monica James resides in Melbourne, Australia, with her wonderful family, and menagerie of animals. She is slightly obsessed with cats, chucks, and lip gloss, and secretly wishes she was a ninja on the weekends.

