One Year Anniversary Giveaway-February 13, 2013

First Year Anniversary Giveaway-February 13, 2013


Today’s FIRST ANNIVERSARY prize package is a 5-book (paperback) giveaway of AMANDA HOCKING novels including Switched, Torn and Ascend from her Trylle trilogy and, the first two books in her Watersong series-Wake and Lullaby.

ONE giveaway winner will receive all 5 paper books in the Prize Package.


TO ENTER: Giveaway open to ALL ages

NOTE: Register at The Reading Cafe using the log-in at the top of the page or by using one of the social log-ins. If you are using a social log-in such as Twitter or Facebook etc, please post your email address with your comment, as Twitter etc does not account for email contact.

1. Open to US and CANADA only

2. Please post a comment telling us to enter you in the giveaway.

3. Giveaway runs until February 28, 2013


Entangled Publishing Prize Package Giveaway

Entangled Publishing Prize Package Giveaway


ENTANGLED PUBLISHING has graciously offered a 4-pack ebook prize package for our ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY giveaway. The package includes FOUR ebooks from their different divisions: Edge/Scandalous/Teen/Flirt & EA

ONE winner will receive all 4 ebooks from Entangled Publishing.


TO ENTER: This giveaway is open to adults 18 years and over

NOTE: Register at The Reading Cafe using the log-in at the top of the page or by using one of the social log-ins. If you are using a social log-in such as Twitter or Facebook etc, please post your email address with your comment, as Twitter etc does not account for email contact.

1. Giveaway is open INTERNATIONALLY

2. Please post a comment telling us to enter you in the giveaway.

3. Giveaway runs until February 14, 2013
