THE GIFT FROM AELIUS by Michael Colon-Review & Interview / / B&N / KOBO /
ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date October 29, 2024
In the not-too distant future, A191, a Codex with artificial intelligence, feels like a misfit in Paradise, a walled city in the middle of an endless desert where humans imprisoned his race long ago. He’s not like the others of his kind; he longs to meet humans and make peace with them so man and Codexes can be reunited in the world. These thoughts and feelings are not allowed in Paradise; he risks banishment to the desert by the Overseer A. I. who rules by fear and force. Complicating matters, A191 has a glitch in his programming that conjures up a human boy named Aelius who tells him to go to Old Haven where he will find freedom. However, he’s drafted into a rebellion against the Overseer, and as Paradise enforcers close in with orders to terminate him, he escapes the city to wander the desert in search of humans. The journey reveals the truth about his existence, the Overseer’s lies, and the consequences of mankind’s untethered technology.
REVIEW: THE GIFT FROM AELIUS by Michael Colon is an adult, sci-fi, post apocalyptic, futurist story line focusing on Codex A191, and the rise of AI.
Told from first person perspective (A191) A GIFT FROM AELIUS follows A191 as he/it slowly becomes something more. Humanity has reached the singularity: sentient robots with the ability to think. The Codex artificial intelligence, having destroyed most of mankind, have been forced behind a walled city called Paradise, where the Overseer controls their day to day activities but A191 is struggling with his/its’ direction, and a glitch in his/its’ program brings with it memories and instructions from a time long ago. As A191 journeys forward looking for answers, the reality of mankind’s destruction hits too close to home.
THE GIFT FROM AELIUS is awash in religious and Christian overtones: God and Heaven, spirituality and faith, heart and soul. Akin to Moses freeing the slaves with directions from God, A191 often wonders if there is something more, only to discover he/it is the something more for which everyone is searching.
Blending a little bit of THE MATRIX™ with I, ROBOT™, (Asimov) and plenty of ROBOPOCALYPSE™ (Wilson), THE GIFT FROM AELIUS focuses on the aftermath of the rise of artificial intelligence (apocalypse ) and the fall of mankind. With 90% of humanity wiped out by the AI uprising, those who remain must fight for survival. The thought provoking premise is dramatic, dark and complex. Ask yourself, is the end of humanity worth the ongoing use of artificial intelligence ?
Copy supplied for review
Reviewed by Sandy
TRC: Hi Michael and welcome to The Reading Café. Congratulations on the release of THE GIFT FROM AELIUS.
TRC: We would like to start with some background information. Would you please tell us something about yourself?
Michael Colon: My name is Michael Colon, and I was born and raised in New York City. I am a novelist, poet, and freelance writer. My author’s story is about hard work, perseverance, and believing in the power of imagination. My inspiration comes from various societal abnormalities, the beauty in cultural differences, and my own life experiences. Outside of writing, I enjoy working out, watching sports, and going on hiking trails with my wife.
TRC: Who or what influenced your career in writing?
Michael Colon: Art, music, and movies influenced my career in writing. The imagination and creative expression that goes into those artforms inspires me. As an author, I see how genuine we must be with our craft to impact the reader with the message we want to deliver and I see the same in those art forms.
TRC: What challenges or difficulties did you encounter writing and publishing this story?
Michael Colon:The challenging reality of working hard on a project, and leaving it up to someone you never met to give it the stamp of published approval can conjure mixed emotions. Also, trying to figure out where to start when sending pitches can be overwhelming, especially as a new author.
TRC: Would you please tell us something about the premise of THE GIFT FROM AELIUS?
Michael Colon:The premise of this story is to show how far artificial intelligence can advance as we advance consciously as a species. Another premise is the yearning of purpose in this world. Any intelligent lifeform that is consciously aware years to find meaning in this world.
TRC: What kind of research/plotting did you do, and how long did you spend researching /plotting before beginning THE GIFT FROM AELIUS?
Michael Colon:I researched certain elements as I wrote the story. I did not want to put any unnecessary holds on the flow of a story telling itself. The research is definitely necessary, but expressing my heart and filling in the gaps with research is more my style.
TRC: Is THE GIFT OF AELIUS a stand alone, or do you have plans for future Instalments?
Michael Colon:I have plans to write a sequel.
TRC: Believability is an important factor in writing story lines especially stories of AI and Sci-Fi. How do you keep the story line believable? Where do you think some author’s fail?
Michael Colon:I agree that believability is important. I keep the story lines real by adding real world scenarios with today’s outlook on A.I mixed with creative hypotheticals to what can happen if A.I continues to evolve based on hearing what professionals in the industry have to say. I think some authors fail at this when they don’t balance the objective viewpoints of information with there imagination.
TRC: What, if any, are your concerns about the future of mankind and AI? What do you believe are the benefits of AI?
Michael Colon:I don’t have any concerns. If higher artificial intelligence consciousness is meant to share life with us the best thing we can do is learn to grow with it and become better as people. Most people picture the end of the world with robots enslaving people. I tend to see things from a more open minded viewpoint.
TRC: Do you believe the cover image plays a deciding factor for many readers in the process of selecting a book or new series to read?
Michael Colon:Absolutely. There is a saying to never judge a book by its cover. But let’s face it. We all do to some extent. The cover is the first thing people see. It is important to make sure the cover art pops and boldly explains the core concept of a story.
TRC: When writing a storyline, do the characters direct the writing or do you direct the characters?
Michael Colon:I let the characters do the writing. When I am in the flow of writing a story. I let the fictional world the characters live in have power by guiding the narratives. This takes letting go of rigid writing habits and letting the characters have fun. You never know what exciting new ideas can propel the story by doing this.
TRC: The mark of a good writer is to pull the reader into the storyline so that they experience the emotions along with the characters. What do you believe a writer must do to make this happen? Where do you believe writer’s fail in this endeavor?
Michael Colon:A writer must experience living through the story when writing down the words so that in every piece of text are remnants of the author’s voice and heart. When each word connects and drives a particular mood of a chapter or scene it’s easier for the reader to connect emotionally. Writers fail in this endeavour by either going through the motions or overthinking.
TRC: Do you listen to music while writing? If so, does the style of music influence the storyline direction? Characters?
Michael Colon:I love listening to music while writing. I feel that music triggers certain emotional responses that allow our storytelling to become potent when we are stimulated.
TRC: What do you believe is the biggest misconception people have about Authors?
Michael Colon:A big misconception about authors is that they don’t do anything, and sit in their room all day and night. Authors have other interests and passions.
TRC: What is something that few, if anyone, know about you?
Michael Colon:I played semi-pro basketball for a couple years.
TRC: Who or what influenced your path towards writing a sci-fi / futuristic story line?
Michael Colon:I am always fascinated with the what if’s of the future and we are in a stage in history where A.I is at the forefront of innovation.
TRC: On what are you currently working?
Michael Colon:The sequel to The Gift From Aelius
TRC: Would you like to add anything else?
Michael Colon:For anyone who just started their writing journey or is pitching their work to publishers, never give up hope in yourself. Hard work and faith is the recipe for success. Not these five step guides that people on the internet will try to scam your pockets with.
Favorite Food Spaghetti and meatballs.
Favorite Dessert Chocolate Cake.
Favorite TV Show The Walking Dead
Last Movie You Saw Smile 2
Dark or Milk Chocolate Dark
Secret Celebrity Crush None
Last Vacation Destination Lancaster Pennsylvania
Do you have any pets? Nope
Last book you read The meaning of marriage by Timothy Keller
TRC: Thank you Michael for taking the time to answer our questions. Congratulations on the release of THE GIFT FROM AELIUS. We wish you all the best.